Kb'RAL ENTERPRISE AGE « Back again and greater than ever F o r m a ld e h y d e COLLEEN MOORE n fo r g ra in d is in fe c tio n 50c a pint IRENE in | Harold Stevenson and wife oi Brownsville were visiting th t old folks here Sunday. George Cross was here iron Corvallis over the week end. Mr. Morrel of Hillsboro, fa- th er of Mrs. Eldon Cross, spent th e week end with her. J. J. Corcoran and daughter Dorothy visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curtis, near Peoria, Sun­ day. E. E. Gormley was ill a few days last week and Willis South­ ern took his place a t the cream station. Mrs. Charles Howe and Mrs. H arry Thompson of Brownsville were Halsey visitors Saturda> afternoon. The section crew of the 8. H A R O L D L U N D Q U IS T W ill surely appreciate your patronage Very Fexy Indeed 478,100 of stock and a t th e end P. Proprietor Halsey Oregon Mrs. M. C. Bond and son Ball by 362,000 stockholders. At the vere in Eugene Friday. beginning of 1925 it had $888,- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansle visited in Eugene Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote ol CresBwell wer» visiting Halsey re- atives Wednesday’ * Mrs. E. O. Rike of Corvillis spent the week end at the home was cut down last week Messrs. Tayler, West and Smith ley. were let out. Mrs. Hannah Cummings Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lil­ William Robertson and wife drove to Lebanon Sunday and lie Nixon, a t Peoria for a few days. parents, Mr ings against George W . English, feder­ al judge of the eastern Illinois d is tric t AUCTION Sale $3,000 Stock of Furniture, Stoves,5 Hardware, etc. Saturday, March 20, at I o’clock sharp Harrisburg f aJrgeam The Senior Endeavor is plan­ and Mrs. Tom Bennett. ning to have a business meeting Mr and Mrs. B. M. Bond an'1 and p arty St. Patrick’s evening AT HARRISBURG, ORE. MUST SELL Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sturtevant Mar. 17. attended the style show a t Al­ R e a d o n . We have another stock of Mrs. Irma Shotwell returned bany Saturday evening. goods we must finti room for, so are forced - rom Salem Sunday evening, af­ Miss Grace Kirk, who teaches ter spending the week end with to aei what we have in this store m a in The H ulburt school district. home folks. hurry and have decided to move it at sDent the week end with het auction. The stock consists of J. J. Corcoran was a passenger parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk. to Salem Monday to visit his Mrs. E. A. P. 1-a Follette came daughter Willmina, who is in over from Corvallis Wednesday hospital there. to a ttend the meeting of the Re- Rev. Robert Parker and Mes­ iMtkahs. She remained d u rin g the dames Parker, Hussey, Wesley in fact, everything veil may need to furnish rest of the week. and Brandon attended the all- your home. Goods on display Saturday holiness meeting at Monroo William Abbott of Scio, aged day morning. Como early. Friday. 75, dieuth of Eugene should Bechtel farm may often be seen cd States government in agreement w ith take train No. 17. other protocpl powers has decided to the Powell h ill» , not a m ile from Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves H a l­ sey at 7 a. tu and 12:15 and 8:1* p m. intervene forcibly in the Chinese sit­ where it escaped. “ The fox lives in a glen on the Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and uation unless China Im m ediately re­ 3.35 and 8:45 p m. moves mines from T ak u channel and side of the bill», and from this vantage »pot can watch actions of other obstructions to foreign shipping. Outgoing Mail Unless China meets these demands, its would-be captors. 1. J. Skirvin was in P o rtlan d . Optometry has bounded into which is considered probable, joint ” When hounds or men on foot A t the Halsey postoffice m ails over the week end. j prominence in recent years. naval action by the U nited States and or horseback approach the w ily close going north at 11:50 a. m. Mesdames C. P. Stafford and £ hree thousand delegates and foreign A siatic fleets to open Taku, anim al strikes off. Traps fa il to aud 5:20 p. m. snare the sharp-w itted a n im a l.” Going south, 11:10 a. m. and J. W. D rin ka rd visited Salem their families are expected to Tientsin harbor, is inevitable. attend th e 29th national conven­ 5:20 p. m. Friday. tion of Optometrists in San ¡Judge English Faces Impeachment To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and There was a small gathering Washington, D. C.— The house judi­ of interested farm ers a t a fiax 12 m. Miss Ida Mitzner was home Francisco June 28 to July 4. M orning stage to Browns­ over the week end. ciary committee, by a vote of 14 to 6, m eeting a t the city hall Thurs v ille goes on to C raw fordsville, The Bell telephone is o w n e d recommended impeachment proceed­ day evening. The situation was HoPey and Sweet Home. STO C K March 21— 22— 23 the la tie r’s ^ D e a le r Good trade» allowed Special sal» on tire* and tube» up to the 31st of M arch We eed tire« fo r lee» than you can buy them for from auy m all order hou»e Wrecking Shop K o r in e k s Next Sun.— M ou.—Tue». visited HALSEY GARAGE P. P A P M A N Prop. w ith the w o rld ’» greatest fashion show G LO BE Mrs. Joe Elliott was a Browns­ ville visitor Tuesday. MARCH 17 2 Ford Coupes Studebaker L ig h t Six 1 1921 Motorcycle Highway Garage First and Baker Albany, Ore. H O W A R D SR1GLEY CUT FLOWERS - SHEET MUSIC HALL'S Floral and Music Shop Albany ciary com m ittee adopted a report rec­ ommending that the senate reject the nom ination of W allace M cCam ant of | Oregon as Judge of the circuit court of appeals. State ownership of G reat Britain's coal mines, but continuance ot th e ir development by private enterprise un- discussed by an expert from 0. A. C. and by a representative ot Paid-for Paragraphs the Portland oil mill. Probably more flax will be sown for seed (oc a lin e ) hereabouts th an heretofore, but Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle the failure to finance the propos- ^>t the E nterprise office. i ed rettin g and scutcaing p la nt a t Albany makes the m arket for G E T A C Q U A IN T E D for a dollar. I flax fiben. dubious. Successful Co-operation That co-operation may cure the farm ers' economic ills in »ome case» is shown by t b i experience ol the T illa m o o k cheesemakers, the coast co-operative p o u ltry men. our wool and m ohair men ard a number of other organizations that bnve avoided the rocks on which so many like ventures have been wrecked. The oldest creamery association in the state is in th is county, is s till growing and is advertising in the Enterprise. Southern Oregon chee^emakers united, nade good cheese and branded it “ Mello-west ” and this year they got the same price as the T illa m o ok makers, which was the top. D ELBER T STARR Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer LADY A S S IS T A N T B row nsville, Oregon W . L. W R I G H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR H arriaburg, Ore. Modern Barber Shop Laundrv sent Tuesdajs Xgr ncy H ub Cleaning Works ABES PLAC E N O T IC E the s,a,*! mo*°r laws through ihe der governm ent supervision is recom- ’ federal court. mended tn the report of the royal coal of Appointment of Adm inistrator Judge Bean, in one decree, upheld commission. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned by an order of the Co"nty the rig h t of the state to lim it w e i g h t --------------------------- Lourt Linn County. Oregon, has been of trucks and loads passing over the O F F IC E R S GO TO PANADA I S I t S U n appointed adnunistratnx o f the estate Colum bia riv e r highway between the - ' -■ ' 111 of A rth u r Wesley, deceased A ll per- east end of M ultnom ah county and the 40 A rm y Men to V is it W ith Canadian sons having claims against said estate Troops at Vancouver, B. C. ’ re h-reby required to present them city of Hood River. o ... n. . j w ithin six months from the date ot this In the other. Judge W olverton de Seattle. H a s h - F o r t y regular and notice, w ith the proper vouchers, to the elded that the license collected from reserve officers of the arm y and navy undersigned at her residence in Halsey, automobile users is not in the nature went to Vancouver. B. C„ to spend St. in Linn County, Oregon . D a,* d ' " t Publ,»,led » * • l0lh of a toll. The license tee Is not un­ P atrick's day w ith officer» of the fu ll constitutional. he stated. lere and the Duke of Connaught ■ Effie R Wesley, Admv. of Estate guards, on the third of a series of | Tussing & Tussmg. Attys for Adm s. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS change visits between British Colum N O T IC E bta and the U n ited States. Prem ier Mussolini has declared war The visits were begun two years of Appointment of Administrator de , on the Cam orra, which, since the be ago when a group of Seattle w ar vet Bonis non w ith W ill Annexed , ginning ot the 19tb century, has terro r Notice is hereby given that the under­ erans w ent to Vancouver and present­ signed by an order ot the County Court ised Italia n s alt over the world. ed a p ortrait of President H arding to Linu County, Oregon het been Governor Plnchot has announced the Vancouver H isto rical society The ( appointed administrator" de bon'is non h it candidacy for the republican nom party Included A d m iral J. V Chase. ( w *h w ill annexed el the eitate el Inatlon for the United States senate commander of the Puget sound navy J', v ' d L Isom, deceased. All persons in the Pennsylvania prim ary this - . - a at .«H /-„ I IV hlV 1 ng t i l l IUS SgXlOSt Said e S tttS UOt yard at rem rton. and Colonel W . heretofore presented to th« executrix ol spring W Inglis O fficers declared that the said w ill are require«! to present them, T he N orth Dakota W h eat Grower»' purpose of the visits is to promote w l'h the proper vouchers, to the under- association w ill buy. lease, or build good feeling between the two conn , *8n*d bis residence, about lour miles southwest of lia lte v . in Lum countv. from 300 to 250 elevators tu North Dated and first published this Jd day Dakota. It was announced at the asso­ >1 March. F p Iio m ciation's headquarters. I W . A. Alten Went to Eugene Administrator Aforesaid. Secret negotiations for settima g undav W,Q, g M Bond. Tussing A Tussing A ttva for Admr. Send $1 for a special 5-m outba’ subscription to SU N SET, the west’s great national magazine — the mean, up-to-date m o n th ly for the whole fa m ily. Spare­ time agents wanted. Address 460 F ourth street, San F ra n cisoo, Cal. Mr. A. W . D ykstra, route 1, is s till te llin g his friends a ll about his bis im ported Belgian M elotte cream separator w ith the self, balancing bowl and porcelain-lined cream chambers. I t skim s so closely that not even a trace of cream can be found. He invites any one to come around about m ilk in g lim e and be w ill g la d ly show how i t works. P IA N O m ust be sold— W ill sacri­ fice high-grade piano in storage near here for imm ediate sale. W ill give easy terms to an estab­ lished home. F or fu ll particu­ lars and where it may be seen address Portland Music Co., 227 S ixth street, P ortland, Ore, E. E. Gourley and family had a visit Sunday from the gentle­ m an’s parents, from Albany. R E F E R E E S SALE O F R E A L T Y ' Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale made and entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Linn, Department No 2, on the 1st day of March, 1426, in that certain suit therein wherein A. G. Waggener and E. A. Waggensr his wife were plaintiffs and Agnes Struth­ ers. J. E Waggener, M E Davidson, Theo. Davidson her husband, a . I. Wag- gener, Lvdia Waggener hia wife, Veda Roush, George Roush her husband, George H. Waggener, ra u lin e W argen- er his wife, Oscar P. Waggener. Marga­ ret Waggener his wife, E lvira W. H all, ueorge R. H all her lmshand, Irw in G, Waggener. Mabel Waggener h it wife, V irg il E. Waggener. Loie Waggener h it wife. George E. Waggoner. Katherine W aggonef b it wife, Jessie Allen. M inn ie L. L lllv . F rank L illy her hntbnnd. Lau­ ra B. Gatchell, L. W . Oatchell (hereto­ fore impleaded bv name etrs irowbridge, deceased, and geuer- a.ly all persona unknown havnig or claiming an interest or eatate in the property in said suit were defendants, sad appointing aad directing the nnder- signed as sole referee to sell the realty hereinafter described. I the undersigned referee w ill, oo Satnrday, the 3