bany J 2 ) ir e c tory T l i e Courtesy Shop Ready-to-wear and Millinery Mrs. C. L. Fox ____________ 117 Broadalbin a t , Albany B ZR N A R D A W E R K A M P T H E MARTIN LUDWIG SHOP This is good advice: "If you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town." But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an 1 fairness. Geo. L. Hurley, Proprietor and Alan- afC®r- \Afarm air furnaces, plumbing, and sheet rue tai work, tin and gravel roefihg, general jobbing in tin and gal­ vanized iron work, metal skylights and cornices, pumps of all ksnds. 136 Ferry street, Albany, Ore. Phone 127J. One hundred and two mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen's asso­ ciation for the week ending March 6 manufactured 99,191.704 feet of lum­ ber. sold 109,251.501 feet, and shipped | ber, sold 109,251,601 feet, and shipped 105.517,386 feet. Dress up Your Eyes They deserve the best money will buy. If you have to use your * Dinnerware old frame, DON’T buy a second- Tin shop in connection 330 W. First St. Albany, Oregon Quality glass- Have that exactlv perfeet. A lb an y Floral Co. Cut flowers A J- LINDAHL, hardware, John Moore. Emil Knorr and Nor­ man Moore, who on December 24 of last year robbed the Scotts Mills bank, were sentenced by Judge Percy Kelly of the Marion county circuit court to serve terms of 10 years each in the state penitentiary and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-f. Thirty-nine deer were seen along the Eugene Klamath Falls line of the Southern Pacific on one trip made by R. M. Ferry and W. R. Ingram, Eugene traveling salesmen, between tunnel No. 5 and Railhead, above Oakridge, according to Mr. Ingram. C E N T R A L TIR E SHOP Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ charging. 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. C ’astburn Bros.— Two big grocery stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right (trices. t ’lile Cafeteria aud confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous efficient serviee. We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . Bernard Awerkamp, over 57 yeara A bill was introduced in the senate ceehier of a Quincy, III., bank, prob­ ably holds the record for continuous to reconvey to the state of Oregon service with the same financial insti­ title of the United States to Sand island near the mouth of the Columbia tution. Meade & Albro J e w e le r s , Optometrists and Manufacturing Deschutes national f irest o u rirg 'ORD SALES a ND SERVICE Opticians the coming year, according to H. U F Tires and accessories Repairs K irk -P ollak .M otor Co. Reward of $750 for the arrest and conviction of any person who may have been implicated in the dynamite explosion at Bend In which the lives I of a number of persons were endan­ gered, was offered by the Deschutes county court. river, with a provision that the United States reserves the right to perpetual use of the land for military purposes Taxpayers of the Salem school dis­ trict, at a special election to be held on April 12, will be requested to auth­ orize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $120,000 for the purchase of Tuxedo park and the erection of tho first unit of a -new high school build­ ing. MARCH 17 RUR a L ENTERPRISE PARE 5 Cut T ravel C ost —yet go more often, travel farther, than ever before. Go by train. Save in many important ways by doing so. Low roundtrip fares secure surprising value *,or v° ur travcI funds. Figure your expense in driving your own car against the cost by train. The saving in train travel will amaze you. So save the car for pleasure purposes. Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re­ sponsibility ends when you hoard the train. Thus ride in entire comfort, with a chance to relax and rest and plan your activity at your destination. W hether you are p'anniug a tour of the Uuited Stales or a trfp to the orient or Europe our agent will gludly aid you with all details, iucluding steam ship reservations. Southern PacificUnes Clay P. Moody Agent Phoue 2RÖ Plumb, supervisor of the forest. □ut no formal action toward designa­ Contract for recruise of 31.500 acres tion of the route to California as a def­ of Klamath timber land was let by the inite highway project was taken. Gov­ M IS S READ "EVirtmiller Furniture Co., furni- county court to Edgar & Cullison oi ernors Moore of Idaho, Scrugham of * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Portland. Contract price is 16 cents Nevada and Pierce of Oregon attended Funeral direc'ori. 427-433 west First an acre for a double-run cruise. Itreet, Albany, Oregon. the meeting, which wàs called by the ! latter. Nevada and Idaho have dcslg- j Governor Pierce signed papers auth­ V U L L E R GROCERY, 285 Lyon orizing the extradition of William The Bend city council awarded the nated their parts of the road as state [ -*■ (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Gleaned by the W estern Stone and Clifford Baker, wanted at contract for the Installing of the muni­ highway. It was explained, but Gover- ; Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R Alameda, Cal., on charges of larceny. cipal water system pipeline to A. D. nor Pierce has not yet done so. making Newsapor Union for The men were arrested at Corvallis. Kern of Portland. The Kern bid was it Impossible to obtain federal aid for fJO L M A N & JACKSON Busy Peeple The state highway commission, at $150.991.25 for the 14-mlle pipeline the project. Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats ' a meeting to be held in Portland from the south fork of Tumalo creek The annual sweet pea show will bf March 25. will open bids for the grad­ which will supply the city by gravity Opposite Postoffice held in Rainier June 30 this year. ing of the Gellatly Folnt-Corvallls sec­ flow. MPER1AL CAFE, 209 W. First Mrs. Virginia S. Stone has been ap tion of the Corvallis-Newport highway. Harold G. Murphy Prop. Nearly 200 coyotes and bobcats were Phone 665 pointed postmistress at Yocum, ii The proposed measure for repeal of killed in Oregon during February by W e nev er close Lake county. the Oregon certificate of title law Is 37 government hunters, according to S ubcom m ittee N am ed to S tu d y IL jA O N E T O EL EC TR IC CO. The Oregon state fair board at e in the hands of the secretary of state the monthly report of Stanley Jewett A’ A Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ special meeting at Salem Increased its and attorney general, and approval of of the United States biological sur­ M e a su re s In tro d u ced ice station. Conservative prices. A1 the title and petition forms is ex vey. Twelve bobcats, three cougars race purses from 117,500 to $22,500. work guaranteed. 423 W. Pirst By W ets. pected soon. and 176 coyotes were included In the Wednesday, May 5, is the date set animals slain. M e n aud money are best when The public service commission has ■e" busy. Make your dollars work in for the annual Jersey jubilee to bt Washington, D. C.—Confidence that Sketches are en route to Portland our savings department. A lbany S tate held by the Clackamas Jersey Cattlt issued an order requiring the Waldport water works to install additional showing architects’ conception of the the whole prohibition question will be B ank , Under government supervision. club. pumps or tap other sources of supply new $1,350.000 veterans’ hospital to aired publicly by the senate judiciary The Salem district of the Oregon ¡VI arinello parlors "" to afford adequate service to the pu be erected in that city Passage of committee was expressed by authors A’ * (A beauty aid for every need) conference, of the Methodist Episcopal trons of the corporation. the first deficiency bill carrying an of modification bills after a subcom­ St. Francis Hotel church, held a three-day conference ai Miss Leslie Read of Fayettevll Petitions containing the names of appropriation of $4,000,000 for hospital mittee to consider those measures ArkH editor of the General Federate Prop. Winifred Rcse Newberg. more than 700 citizens were presented construction has made funds available had been appointed. Albert D. Jones, 45, salesman, was to T. A. Llvesley, prominent hop dealer for the Portland project. Coincident with these expressions, New», and chairman of publicity f p o s e o E AMES HARDW ARE killed instantly when his automobile of Salem, in an effort to Induce him Assistant Secretary Andrews of the the General Federation of Womar The public service commission Is­ Club*. went over a steep grade on the Coos to enter the contest for mayor of Sa sued an order dismissing the investlga The Winchester Store ' treasury issued a ukase against "spy Bay highway. systems” In federal prohibition en­ tlon of Intrastate freight rates on lem at the municipal election. Q eco n d hand Pianos from $185 up forcement. He called upon the state Portland was the leading city of the The Mount Hood Railroad company fresh, dried and canned fruits and If you want a bargain in a piano now authorities to do the policing while is your chance. They're in At condition. Pacific northwest in value of building has reduced its rates on pears, packed vegetables. Members of the commie Davenport Music House, 409 W. Firsi permits Issued In February. Permits In other than standard shipping cratet sion said the rate structure on these the government concentrated on the checking of Illegal source* of supply were valued at $2,502.090. from 26 to 20 cents on 100 pounds, ac commodities had been adjusted satis CTI.MSGN T H E SHOE DOC1O11 The judiciary subcommittee, with factorlly to all concerned. Washington, D. C.—Doubt and an Medford Is the only city In the state cording to announcement made at the Second Street, opposite Hamilton's Senator Means, republican, Colorado, Following receipt of press reports ety have bpgun to appear In the ran st»r j. outside of Portland with two rifle office of the public service comuii» “ Sudden Service.’’ that the senate judiciary committee as chairman, was instructed to con­ of the farm representatives who a fo units, a new company of 50 men hav sion. had returned an adverse report on sider the modification bills and make night ago confidently marched i The Portland Better Business bu V ^ a ld o Anderson At Sou. distrib- Ing been organized recently. recommendation* as to public hear­ Washington, demanding relief legtsi The public service commission fixed reau, with capital stock of $600 and Wallace McCamant of Portland, as a ings. ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ tlon. President Coolidge's nomination of headquarters in Portland, ha3 been In­ mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars. March 23 as the date of bearing the Prohibitionists took their views to Accessories, o pollea. 1st & Broadalbin application of citizens of Eugene fot corporated by Paul T. Shaw, C. C. Colt, judge of the ninth circuit court, a After long labor a relief bill Is ta the White House in the perennial con­ movement was launched at Salem to tng form in the house agriculture coi Frank Freeman, et al. Articles were extension of the present street-car sys troversy between wets and drys. The bite’s Shoe repair service. mtttee, but there Is a long haul and filed in the state corporation depart­ have President Coolidge withdraw the tem. ment. nomination of Mr. McCamant and visit to President Coolidge was ar­ rocky road from the committee roo Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive ol ranged by the executive committee of Opposite Hotel Albany Albany, Oregon Stock-watering places will be estab­ recommend to the senate the selec­ the Anti-Saloon league. The league, to the president’s desk at the Whl Portland, during February aggregated tion of John L. Rand, Justice of the House and administration leaders a $435.965.55, according to a report pre lished in the Modoc national forest Oregon state supreme court, for the which recently has been promptly and pnrently are counting on an adjour under a bill introduced by Senatoc pared by Will Moore, state fire mar forcefully meeting each attack upon ment of congress some time In May. position. McNary. The cost of digging wells or shal. prohibition, has been considerably Some committee members still pr Approval of the feasibility of the The first sessions of the state Oldei providing watering places by other Idaho-Oregon-Nevads cut-off was given agitated by the numerous straw votes diet that a bill will be laid before M We servó all makes means would not exceed $30,000, it wag taken by newspapers on the proposi­ and »ell i l l a r d s Girls’ conference were held at Eugene stated. at a meeting at Ontario of representa­ tion of substituting light wine and Coolidge for bis signature before co Approximately 260 delegates from all tives of Idaho. Oregon and Nevada. beer for total prohibition. It was to gress goes home, but others qualil Under new managemen parts of Oregon attended the confer their predictions. The farm leadei L. M Taylor, Prop. ence. outline its stand on this development themselves have by no means aba 121 W■ Second, Albany,_________ and to reaffirm It on prohibition gen Herbert W. Campbell was electro doned hope, although they manlfestl erally that the league's executive com cuted recently at the substation neat are worried over the difficulties an If you enjoy a good meal, mlttee made the engagement with delays. John Day when he came in contact • mil know a good meal when you get it, Coolidge. You’ll be back, tor yon ll not forget it. with a high power wire carrying 23,000 At the very beginning of their h volts. Oty aim is to please vou. vasinn of the capital the farm del RAILRO AD S P R O TE S T T A X E S gallons were Jolted by the unexpecte During 1925 the city of Cottage manner of their reception. They weT Grove spent more than $140,000 In Hill Line* Pave Way for Legal Action welcomed on every hand, hut wer ALBANY public Improvements, among which C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 In Franklin County told to get together around a table an GEO- M, G IL C H R IST was a million gallon reservoir that P asco—Both the Northern Pacific decide just what It was they wante« cost $26,000. Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Railway company and the Spokane, Then the trouble began The mor A second pine beetle cortrol camp Portland A Seattle Railway company they consulted with one another an of 18 men has been established In an have paid taxes In Franklin county un with member» of the house com ml I { at lowest rate of interest effort to check ravages of pine beetles der protest. lee the more the whole project becam in the Spencer creek area, west of Keal Estate Insurance obscured In a cloud of argument an The Northern Pacific flrat tendered ? Prompt service. Courteous treatment. Klamath Falls. is made for the beet of ui. Re. $4439 65 leas than the amount claimed a tangle of technicalities Arnett King, rancher In the W’aldc membpr, poor ice cream ii not here. The amount tendered, the com­ A m B ain , Boom 5, First Savings Bank Hills district, committed suicide by only not eo delicious as oura but pany claim*, la the correct tax. Then, bnilning, Albany hanging himself. Members of the fam it is positively nangernus and un- under protest, the entire sum of $22,- tly attributed hts act to despondency healthy. We absolutely guaran­ 740.11 was paid, including both real resulting from ill health. tee th at we do not violate the and personal taxes pure food laws either in word or in Why suffer from headache? The Edlefsen Coal company of Port The 8. P A 8. tendered $3250 88 as rid your iyw»m of Catarrh or Dealt, deed in compiling the ingredient* the correct amount of personal proper­ caused by Catarrh. land, now operating the Southport Have your eyes examined for the manufacture of the best ty tax due from the company, but mine, south of Marshfield, expects to SoU by 4',4411,1 fa , a y „ 40 y u r , ice cream made. [ develop the property this summer un later, under protest, paid $4456 S8, the P. J. CHENEY &. C O .. Toledo. Ol til 80 tons dally can be mined. difference. $1206.60. being alleged Il­ ô 5 ï.’ K ' ’V w iih legal. Payment under protest make* What Is declared to be the world's possible later litigation to determine tallest barber pole has been erected the legality of the dlepi ed portion* In Ashland by the owner of the barber of the tax. shop in the Ashland hotel. It stands Jewelers Optometrists 52 feet and 7 inches in height. Albany U ot W Gat* Paintings No outside baseball teams will be J. W ST E P H E N SO N , allowed to play against the Oregon Seal He. Wash — The University of S may communicate with Ensign Lee ot the Salvation Army at the state penitentiary nine during the 1926 Washington announced that Horace White Shield Home, 565 Mat fair avenue, Portland. Oregon. TOSSING & TOSSING C. Henry. Seattle pioneer and capital­ Idaho is selling more cheese season, according to announcement made by J. W Lillie, warden. ist, had given his $400 000 art coller >n California than Oregon is, al- LAWYERS tlon to the Institution and had offered i ough Califorina is the princi­ Road and traij improvements worth Halaey and Browntville to construct a $100,000 building to pal market for Tillamook cheese. approximately $15.000 will be made In fcouse«the pictures. Oregon ALBANY OREGON I News Notes From All Over Oreg on Congress to Hear Pleas of the Wets I Still W rangling Over F arm Bil Willard ^ . « .n HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon PARAGON CAFE FARM LOANS Our Ice Cream --'V Or. Seth T. French H a ll’s C a ta r r l M edicine i* Clark’s Confectionery TO • A ny Girl in Trouble 1 he wisest girls keep out of trouble BARBER SHOP First-class Wo»