RURAî F N T E R P P l**7 breath, drove nls light sled up t» Steele, the noses of his dogs white with rime. "Get de stuff on de sled, queek !" crlrd the excited OJIbwav. “Here ees de word from M ichel!" And he thrust Into Steele’s hands u roll of birch t)Hrk on which, in the syllabic writing of the woods Indian, was burned the message from Michel, in Ojibway, left a t the Jack pine by L ittle Jacques. “Come to I’ortaee lak', fas’," read David over Steele's shoulder. "Plen tee work for de d o g ! Michel." In his delight, Steele slapped the heavy caribou skin capote of his friend. "The Wlndlgo’s loose over In the val­ ley!” he cried. "When can we get GEO RG E M A R S H there, If the snow holds off?” M O T H E R : - F l e t c h e r ’s a u th o r , of "We camp at Portage lak’ een fr e e " T O IL E R S o r T H E T R A IL " Castoria is especially prepared sleep—mebbe two. De dogs ees tired. " T H E W H E L P S O r THE W O L F * I leave Wallin’ Itlvlere onlee one sleep to relieve Infants in arms and back," replied the Ojibway, making COPTPlOHT ¿a THE PENN PUBLISHING CO Children all ages of Constipa­ the bags fast with the sled lashings. tion, Flatulency, W ind Colic Through the day the team hurried Ogoke; under the pretense of seeking CHAPTER XII— Continued and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by information, had met Rose Lattumme past the silent spruce-clad hills of the — 19— regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of secretly, only to escape surprise and valley of the Little Medicine. Through “ What would he he doing at Wall detection by the alertness of his the day the men cast anxious looks at Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Ing R iv erì” Rut Steele already half NEW H A N D Y P A C K watch dog, Iiavtd. Thus the situation the black cloud banks hovering in the ( guessed. north, for no snow hud fallen In a shaped Itself In the mind of the sm art­ To avoid imitations, always look for the signature o f -ÎcÆÂaÀ* Fits hand — “He cum once een de summer—he ing S teele; and, us It is ever with the week nnd It was overdue To his de- Absolutely Harmless- No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend i t 1 com wld 'noder man to tuk' her to pocket an d purse unjustly suspected, he had, with a Ight, Steele had already learned that j Ogoke.” brave show of indifference, hardened Ihe dog could easily hold to a fresh Governm ent M ay Take “W hat? You mean to say th at I.a- M o re f o r y o u r m o n ey his sore heart to the suffering girl trail over the Ice or hard snow, packed , damme was crazy enough to trv to end th e b est P ep p erm int by the wind. But a fall of new snow O ver M am m oth Cave whose tu rd en was already sufficiently take tier by force? Non.-ense, Michel! Chewing Sweet for any money on a trail was another m atter, and W as Y o u r About 1825 Dr. Jo h n Croghan of I St. tinge would have had the police great. But her w elfare demanded his early the Wlndlgo might not stay In the G ra n d m o th e r’ s R em ed y M ulberry Hill, n ear Louisville, K y, Look (or Wrigley's P. K. H.ndy Pack , at Ogoke within a month.” departure from the post and the man country. F or every stom ach j prowled nbout In M ammoth cave for "Eet was crazee tin g to try—but ^m^youHDealerj^Counter gt That night thpy camped on the whose thoughts she tilled, left her that and Intestinal 111. a few miles, and w as so much lnj- I he try eet." morning without an utteuipt at de­ Wnlllng. anil In the morning pushed T his good old-fash­ I pressed with It th a t he bought It— “St. Onge never told me this.” said on up the Stooping river trail to P ort­ ioned herb home purchased a tra c t m easuring about six the provoked American. “It explains fense or explanation. "W e were going up the river at age lake, following the sled tracks of rem edy fo r consti­ miles by four, th readed by alm ost 200 ! her fear when she saw me that day.” Little Jacques. Still the snow held pation, stom ach Ills miles of cave. “She nevalre know Beeg Antoine once, mademoiselle. I want you to off. hut Portage lake and Michel were know—in case anything huppens—und nnd o th er derange­ In 1S40 C roghan willed the property try to get her. hut she have fear.” fifty miles away. trouble, th at 1 have done w hat I m ents of th e sys­ . to a fam ily of nine heirs, adding the “So you have alw ays taken care of In the early afternoon of the sec­ could." tem so prevalent these days Is In even ! proviso that, upon the d eath of the last her since the visit of Big Antoine? Tlie sober eyes of the girl grew ond day from the Wailing, when the greater favor as a fam ily m edicine Tell me about It.” I of the nine, the caverns should be sold narrowing ’of the riypr and the break “Eet whs las' June, a fter dat Indine, wistful. She started a s if to speak, n the hills at,ead Indicated their near­ •ban In your grandm other's day. at public auction, th e sale to he ad­ then turned her head, while he carry letter from Lal’anime. lie tell vertised in London, New York, Boston, watched the blood surge to her throat, ness to their goal, the snow they hip bailamm e was goln* to get W ashington, Louisville and New Or­ feared beg n to fall. Shortly Little ma'm'selle, s< metani. So de nex' tnm her face, then fade. Never had she lacques’ sled trail grew fainter and leans. E ight of the heirs are now seemed more lovely—noire exquisite she go to play at de rapide, Michel dead. The ninth i.ns reached the age fainter on the wind-packed snow, nnd ees derp. A fter long talli I hear A mud desire urged him to take her vanished of ninety. The last surviving heir Is I And by the time the team in his arm s—to make her see how ■ B soineting move eei» de hush. I wait the wife of Judge A lbert Covington ■wav and brinfs H u ll fl ] 8 j turned Into Portage lake nnd sought Ik c aa l, » aaathing •I, ••th in g B M I I R 1 11™ J an' see dis I!eeg Antoine—he watch deeply her self-inflicted hurt wronged i camping place In the thick scrub Janin of Silver Springs, Md., who Is carefart. Mada his love for h er; to tell her that II I her hut she don’ know ; she piny de the m anager of the old cave property. with ail af mua- was all so futile—so useless, this sus­ hack from the shore, men and dogs t a r d . R u b an feedle. I don' wan' to scare her so It Is more than likely th a t the fed­ larehaad. picion of hers, which walled them off were sheeted In white. lattar thaa a MutUrd Plaster I walk on de portage wld de beeg eral governm ent will be th e purchaser "Well, we’ve lost again!" said from euch other. Then she said: whistle so dey hear me an' get out. of the property. C ongress has al­ “You have been so good to us—are Steele, bitter with disappointment. j I follow deni tru ' de hush an ’ een That's all I' A k * * . * ^ ’ ready authorized a survey of It to­ "We know b ettalr w'en we see doing so much. We enn never repay . little turn on de riviere 'bovp de pos’, w ard th a t end. m i n u t e s - » ^ Ç«* \ Michel.” replied the philosophic In­ 1 see Beeg Antoine talk to 'noder fel­ you. I wish you all success, monsieur Ü onyouttaP t ^ ,0 * inflamed eyelid« or other dian. and a safe return." ler.” eye ir rita tio n s. You will T ry “ *0*’ totp The C uticura T oilet T rio. Soon, as thp early November night T h at was all. Sick at h eart he And a so o th in g and safo Michel stopped, relit Ills pipe, and H aving cleared your skin keep It clear shut down, like a blanket, on the rem ed y in M IT C H E LL turned away to the waiting dog teams, smiled tnntullzingly at the Interested EYE SALV E. by m aking C uticura your everyday which, followed by the blanketed white lake, the birch logs blazed high Steele. HALL A R U C K E L a t all toilet preparations. T he Soap to cleanse before the shed-tent and the tea pall N ew Y ork C ity d r u g g is t « . “For heaven's sake, go on! W hat bloodhound, Jingled out of the clearing and purify, th e O intm ent to soothe and and the kettle of moose stew were did you do? Why didn’t you drill both anil down to the river Ice on their heal, th e Talcum to pow der and per­ simmering over rpd coals. DR. STAFFO RD’S of them?" "If the old boy Is loose now, he’ll fume. No toilet tab le Is complete Michel blew a cloud of smoke be­ appear and sing again somewhere. w ithout them .—A d v ertisem en t fore he suld : There's some consolation in that," "You see dis Beeg Antoine at dropped Steele, ns he filled his pipe. Splendid for CROUP and eolda. M o re Sweets, Less Sentim ent Ogoke?” Relieves congestion, hoarse- A H in t "We strike hees trail yet, you nev- nesa, coaching Taken inter­ F a th e r (looking over b ills ,—Hello I "Yes.” nal Ir for Inflamed membranes “Whilst I was In town they a rre st­ alre—’’ David broke short off. to rise Five dollars for a box of candy that of throat and bronchial tubes. “Wal, he move hees head when I e d Jig Flddlln fur taking a shot at hla ■ALL A BÜCXIL, New York and peer suddenly Into the wall of boy of ours sent to his sw eetheart. llirotlier-ln-law," related Oap Johnson »hoot, Eet was hail shot." pjauv . murk hemming in the fire In the Good heavens, Jane, how things have “So It was you who gave him that iof Rutnpua Ridge In th e erosarouds scrub, then walked sw iftly Into the changed since we w ere young. In scar?” • ■tore. blackness beyond the circle of light those days all a young fellow had to “Ah-hah I" “Things have come to a durn pretty from the fire. do w as to hand her a lozenge with “I “W hat happened to the other man?" |paR» when they a rrest a feller for a love you" stam ped upon it.—Boston “ What Is It, David?” called the man “He did not move,” said the Iro­ (thing like th a t I” Indignantly rep lied ; T ranscript. at the Are, But there was no re­ told man Rockery. quois, grimly. sponse from the other who had faded “Well, I d'know. Yon see, he missed "You hit him?" Don’t U p Into the night. Ihls klu-by-marrlage anil shot a feller ’ “Beeg Antoine go bnck to Ogoke K e e p C o le's C a rb o lls a lv e in th e house. The excited dogs broke Into a It «top« p a in fro m b u r n o r c u t q u ick lv lln the leg over acrost the square. alone." an d h e a ls w ith o u t sc a rs . A t a ll g-ood '•horus of howls to the accompaniment (Homething's got to he did to make “And they never came again?” d r u g g is ts , 30c a n d 60c. o r J. W . Cole Co., of the bass of the hound. T here was »ome fellers look w hur they alrnot”— "No, but we had fpar." “Please let me tell you,” says P eter­ 127 S. E u c lid Ave., O ak P a r k . 111.— Adv. something out there In the snow-cur­ K an sas City Star. T here was a hard glint In the eyes son, "th a t for Instunt relief from the tained gloom. Steele rose to his fe e t misery of blind, bleeding or Itching Joys of W a lk in g of Steele as he turned to David. Then a voice called: "Bo’-Jo! Da- piles, th ere Is nothing so good as "David,” he said, “I owe yon an DEMAND "BAYER” ASPIRIN Blinks—H ere Is an article on the veed!” And he knew th at Michel had P eterson's Ointm ent, as thousands Joys of walking. —------- -- ' apology. When we had th at snake In found them. have testified." Best fo r old sores and Jin k s—T he only Joy of w alking I A spirin Marked With "B ayer Croee” o,lr hands we should have finished "Hello, Michel I” he cried, shaking Itching skin. All druggists, 60 cents. know anything nbout Is having a fel­ Hae Been Proved Safe by Milllone. i h<* J',h- 11 would have been held the hand of the Iroquois, who pre­ low In a m achine come along und pick ________ I self-defense hy any decent Jury." F u n e ra l T en t Devised ceded David to the camp-fire. "We me up when I am. W arning I Unless you see the nnme David lifted I l l s w ide shoulders. did our best to beat the snow here, Shelter from the elem ents for fu­ ••Boyer" on package or on tuhlets you “We feenlsh d u t Job sometam, boss." R om an E y e B a la a m la an a n t is e p t ic o in t­ hut It was no use. Now tell us about neral services a t the grave a re a f­ sire not getting the genuine Bayer • • • • • • • m en t, H ence th e m ed ic a tio n h e a l, by p en e­ it! ” forded in St. M ary's cem etery. New tr a tin g th e Inflam ed e y e s u r fa c e s . A dv. As Steele had foreseen, the ru n ­ A spirin proved safe by millions and Seated with his friends by the Bedford, by a dark green canvas fu­ (ircscrlhed by physicians for 25 years. ning down of a beast patrolling a flaming birch logs, the headman told neral tent especially designed by Rev. Those R ealistic Stories Say "B ayer" when you buy Aspirin. country of the size of the Wailing his story. Tim othy J. Cnluen. It is 25 feet long, L. VV. re m a rk s ; "Som e of those Im itations muy prove dangerous.—Adv River valley was clearly a m atter of "If ths Old Boy Is Looss Now, He’ll When he and Jacques reached the 12 feet wide, 25 feet high a t the peak ! bed-room farce w riters evidently think Appear and Sing Again Somewhere.” chance. Little C urrent, he had found all hut a and will accom modate about 35 p er­ It Is depravity th a t’s the soul of w it” It was decided th a t Steele and Russia Im p o r tin g S heep strange quest. And, until the bend few of thp most timid hunters on sons beside the grave over which It —Boston T ranscript. A g reat herd of 1,200 high grade David, with the bloodhound, which shut them from sight, a knot of post Celluloid windows In j their trap-lines. T here had been ru­ Is erected. they were anxious to test on the ■beep has been sent to Russia. The Indians in awed wonder watched the mors afloat In the valley of the howl­ arched gothic style adm it light ami a A midget fountain pen th a t will snow at once, should work over to the Iftovlet governm ent made this purchase canopy extends outw ard from the hold but a drop of Ink and w rite 200 (for the purpose of filling up the de­ Medicine hills and Vhnutoiii lakes sleds speeding south. For that men ing of the beast at Big Feather, hut ' doorway. w ords has been designed. pleted flocks of th at country. These d istrict with the purpose of quieting should thus calmly set out In search the Portage lake hunters had refused I Sheep were raised In (»Ido an I Utah the Indians, If possible, und holding of a horrible deuth was a m atter be­ to listen to an Indian who claimed that he had heard the Windigo, I d them In the country, as well us of yond their ken. « n d unloaded at Noorvlsk. O ne morning, a week later, Steele September, on the ridge across from f ----------------------------------------------= wulting the possible reappearance of the night waller Michel, with Little was frying moose steak iu I l l s camp Walling River post. "Dat Pierre, he try do good job." Jacques, a Frencb-Cree, sent from Al­ in the spruce, on the L ittle Medicine "It w as Pierre, w in It?" bany Io work at the post after the river. Three days before, David had "Yes. he try hard to scare dem ne loss of the fur canoe, ami the sole In­ started with the dogs for the rendez­ dian to volunteer for such dread duty, vous at the mouth of the Stoopln • le L ittle Curren'. too.” But to the surprise of Michel, hf were to patrol the Portage Lake coun­ river where (from Portage lake) word " S i* maths t n try as fa r as the trapllnes on I lie Lit­ would he left on a piece of birch hark returned to Portage lake to find a lift was attirata- tle C urrent and the Drowning. Both hy the partner of Michel. In the Med­ •ntnp of hunters he hail left but two ' hit, I mu« a r m a i parties were to report hack nt Wall­ icine hills the friends hail found most lavs before, wild with fear and pre- a n j raajtw a. A'e ing River in two weeks. In the m ean­ of the Indians hack on their trap-line«, ta rin g to leave the country. For. In l i t t fi, a t affittiti. time. a Jack pine at the Junction of hut uneasy and iVarful of the early his absence the Windigo had filled ' Staci takiafi la a - the Stooping with the tnnln stream return of the Wlndign, nnd the condì the night with horror from a neigh- lac I ta ftt strait, ring ridge. Michel had lost no time fiastrirs. rtc.,sltrfi was chosen as the message center to thrns Hlong the Phantom chain of In finding the trail and following It i l i h a log, fa titJ which a man from each party was to lakes were similar. 10 U t . “ flits As Steele sat hy his Are eating his lown to a creek where he lost It on return In a week for news of the oth H t l n l r r r i . I . 'O t he Ice, nnd although he followed the i er. and w hither St. tinge would send breakfast of moose, bannock and tea. A . Arvogesiv. la- any Information from the post down i the nose of Wlndign. the hound, lying dream for miles, failed again to pick tbassafiviu. lad. river. In this m anner they could at his side, lifted to sniff the air It up. Then he aent Little Jacques j llh the message which David found 1 T anlac Is N ature's greatest tonic cover a great area of the lower Wall- I Then a low rumble swelled his black it the rendezvous. and builder. Made from roots, ; hrnat. Ing. harks and herbs after the T anlac "W ell, he's In Ihls country nnd wp’ll The plan of campaign settled with I "W hat's the mutter, old formula, It revitalizes the blood, keep a fter him," said Steele, when the the hearty approval of St Onge. the | something?" And Steele tones up the digestive organs and an had finished his story. trap s were divided between the Ceils ■ ■log's wrinkled forehead. puls the whole system In fighting ng to do hut patrol loaded with supplies for two weeks ' trim . wing the trappers' If the beast. Imitating that terro r o f iHm’t go shout your work sickly ■•> th at some night the northern trapper, the wolverine, I atid discouraged. T ake th e ex­ 1 them, and they ample of millions who have been continued robbing the trap-lines, some , helped hy Tanlac. Stop at your their wurni robes night relentless Jaws would yawn tin ! druggist's today ami get this won­ der the snow for his unwary feet_ Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for derful tonic. You'll he surprised how Jaws, which. If oni-e shut, woul I ho d quickly you Improve. For consti­ th eir victim In grip of steel until the | pation take T anlac Vegetable I’llls. Rheumatism Colds Neuritis Neuralgia freezing death brought swift relief Children C rv^ j // v o ices W3UGLEY5 Garfield Tea JJ H eadache! lONT NEGU & UVETAR Piles Disappear Peterson’s Ointment N ature’s own body builder I I I ! Toothache Lumbago 1 DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 4 _____ ___ "Bayer” package which contains proven directions. . U ..IA - m tfc« tr a ia Handy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablet* A’*«o bottle« o f 24 «nd 100— Druggiit«. a u t af Barer ftlaaafactara at MoaoacaUcacutoataf « »aHcjJcaali