' ß d j 1 A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k II f NTERPRI A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land P a i r y P o u It r y W ool HALSEY, O R B G O n M A R C H 17, lV.'.fc 'm oney away for a n y th in g in Halsey Happenings line, Mrs. T. J. Skirvin went to and County Events bany Wednesday. hie Al­ Pine Grove Points Lake Creek Locals Kirk Kinks (By Special Correspondent) (Enterprise Correspondent) (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) Happenings in Public Schools Doings of Our Populace S J. Smith and family spent L. E. Eagy and son Lyle were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Nicewood J. H. Vannice was a caller at Test week has rolled around Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Linn | Corvallis callers Monday I and son were shopping in Albany' Albany Wednesday. Chronicled in Briet again. Norton. Mrs. Beit Haynes visited the Thursday, | Mrs. Joe Elliot was a Browns- Paragraphs Leila Gansle was absent front Mrs. Adda Ringo and Mrs: T. school Wednesday afternoon. Tuesday was clear-up day at ville caller Tuesday, school Monday to have an aching J. Skirvin were in Albany Wed­ M r. and Mrs. N . E. Chandl.-r the church. The lawn shows a' W. A. and A. L. Falk motored tooth pulled at Brownsville, ’ T it ibe 17th of Ireland. nesday. desided improvement. and Agnes were Albany visitors to Albany Monday. Here is the way a sixth- grade A p r il has come in M arch. Miss Vivian Frum was the Saturday. I Mrs. Henry Brock is ill with E. E. Carey and family visited pupil defines astigmatism: “It Ir v in Hood has sold the Reeser guest of her friend, Beverly Brock at Miss Agnes Pugh spent th e ‘ ^ ie ^ u' ^ le Luther__ L. R. Falk’s Sunday. is a disease which lasts a longer Isom, Sunday. place to Mrs. A llie W allis. week end with her sister, Mrs. atld A- L- Oweu fam ilies are «uf- or shorter time and sometim •$» Cecil Bilyeu was a Saturday Miss Beulah Miller spent Sun­ George Cnandler. j fering from the same disease. I M r. CriDpen thought the Reasrr a life time.” place too wet and has moved hi« day with her brother, Bob Mil­ Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cum- afternoon caller at Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giirson „„ j C. P. Moody was a visit­ 200 sheep to the Carey farm . ler, and family. R. E. Bierly and family were or Mrs. of Corvallis were visitors at T . ' and Lucile and Russel in Mrs. Cross’ room Wednes­ drove to Corvallis Sunday anc Suuduy v is ito r} at F. W . F a lk s. day. Paul Papraan opened his auto Miss Zelda Mulkey, school P. Gibson’s Saturday enjoyed a dinner given in honor ’ agency, advertised in this paper, teacher at Shedd, was a Halsey Mrs. B. M. Bond was a visitor Miss Undine Dannen returned of the Seventy-third birthday of Hiram Bierly spent last week by selling *kn Essex coach to T. J. visitor Wednesday. to her work as teacher of the Mrs. Jones. About thirty rela­ building fence on his new farm. in Mrs. Freeland’s room Thurs­ S kirvin. day. The senior young people's Pine Grove school Monday. tives were present. Mrs. Jones’ Louise Seefeld spent Sunday A B ritis h Columbia auto which class at the Christian church is D. H. Sturtevant visited tin- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighte.'s1 's Mrs. Cum m ings’ m other, lost two wheels and was otherwise planning to give a play. afternoon with her sister Ester. primary room and the fourth, and daughter Thelma spent1 ~~~ disfigured in a wreck is uuder The G. J. Hikes were Sunday fifth and sixth grades Tuesday. John Bressler and son Harry Saturday at the Knighten farm.I »' e n d in g tre a tm e n t at the Arrow garage, The Parent-Teachers’ associa­ evening callers at E. E. Carey’s W ith o u t w ailing for spring, and their families took a drive Edwin Bincd got his hand1 Miss Mary Irene McClelland ol tion had an interesting program which according to the calendar to Brownsville Sunday. hurt while working with a trac- San Francisco and James B? D. F. Burge and wife of Al­ Friday evening with a fairly begins uext week, the M ethodist Both of Ben Holt’s children tor at the J. Suytar farm Mor.- Lowden of Portland were ma’--' bany were at R. E. Bierly’s Mon­ good crowd present,as follow.’ church has ch an g'd to the summer are gaining health and strength day. Community sing, led by Mr:. I lied Sunday afternoon at the day. hour fo r Sunday evening meetings after dangerous illness. Rev. Mr. Plunket began re -T orne °f l he bride’ s uncle, E. h . Irene Parker, was an over­ Shotwell. Reading, “My Pa says,” by- 0 . G Quarre, from Seattle, lost Mrs Georgia Byerley of Al-jvival services at the PineGrove Gormley, in south Halsey. Rev n ig ht g nests at J. H . Vaunice’t Edgar Guest and, “The Bumble control of his auto in the south bany visited her mother, Mrs. I church Sunday morning. A large Robert Parker was the officiat- F rid a y. Bee,” (Riley) by Mrs. Shotwell. part of towh yesterday and ditched Hugh Leeper, last week. crowd was present at the even-■ ink minister. The bride is a John Sayer and G. J. Rike Paper, “Home and School,” A. it, bending an axle so th a t he got Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Merriam! ing services- daughter of Mr and Mrs. Walter have started plowing with their J. Hill. F ra n k Gansle to p u ll i t out and went to Salem Sunday to visit I The Women’s missionary so-I McClel an° an<* the groom la Fordsons. take i t to A lbany. Paper, “Thrift,” Kenneth Van their son Philip and wife. I ciety met Thursday with Mrs. ^®neral manager of the Rage; Nice. Edna Falk spent Monday and A headline over the announce M r omi M r a t h iu E .E . Hover. Present were Mes- sh<>e company of Portland. A Reading, Harry Harding. with her aunt, Mrs. R. m eD tof the death of a 31-year-old Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill drove dames H. R. Tate, Alice Dunr»,‘ h011»*-60»8 repast as served afte; Tuesday Discussion, “Need of a Cur­ horse in the A lb an y Dem ocrat to Portland Monday to see the J. S. LaMar, W. d ’ McLaren, j ’. bounteous repast «as served after E. Bierly. few,” led by Mrs. Nora Coleman. last week leads to the surmise that run of smelt in the Columbia Grace Kirk spent the week W. LaMar, Martin Cummings groom departed on the 4:15 Piano Solo, Louise Seefeld. the fellow who painted M r. A lex- river. end with her parents, Mr. and N. E. Chandler and Bert Haynes, train for Portland, where they Solo, Hope Hussey and Edna ander’s cat has returned. Never I will reside. Out-of-town guests Mrs. W. R. Kirk. Mrs. A. G. Williams, formerly Vannice. m ind, brethren, such occurrences Sunday morning E. E. Hover 'were: Mr. and Mrs Walter Mc- The C. B. Philpotts are enter­ The regular business meeting come in the best p rin tin g offices, well and favorably known at Brownsville as Mrs. Thomas and brother, Ray Hover, were Clelland, parents of the bride, taining a new girl. The little miss followed. Mrs. Loren Kizer wa even in th a t of the Enterprise. much surprised by the arrival Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gormley ol weighs ten pounds. Harrison, died last Thursday. elected secretary to fill the place- James J. Henderson, school­ of a number of relatives, bring- Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. vacated by Mrs. Ruth Clark. Herman Steinke, and family S. S. Gilbert, who sold his ing twc, (large birthday cakes Goorge Alford of Irving. teacher for fifteen years, wa* were Sunday afternoon visitor’ s found dead in bed at his home hardware business in Albany to and other eatables to help then»1 _______________ For State School at M. B. Harding’s in Greenville district, south oi A. J. Lindahl, Ex-commissioner celebrate th e ir birthdays. Those George Finley of Portland vls- Superintendent Roy Nemchick and wife ol Brownsville, last week. He was Thoms of Scio and W. C. Obei- present were Mr. and Mrs. ited his sister, Mrs. Eliza Brand- Harrisburg spent Thursday 36 years of age. He left a widow meyer of Tangent, are in the lists for the county commission- Arthur Springgate, Mr. and Mrs.1 on, Saturday. and two sons and a daughter. evening at H. J. Falk’s. ------------------- ership at the coming election. E. Hover of Harrisburg, Mr. j C. L. Falk sr. and wife and The business of the Magneto and Mrs. Frank McManus of Coi- Church Notices Mamie Falk were Saturday af­ J. W. Bressler has the Haisey- vallis and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Electric company at Albany, ternoon callers at Halsey. owned by J. P. Aylward, which Sweet Home mail contract tor H .v„e. and daughters. De,ta and was recently moved to 423 West four years beginning July 1. No­ nelen" Mrs. Alice Jones and Esther not later than Tuesday at 10 a. First street, is growing. H. L. body bid on the Halsey-Browns­ Seefeld were callers at Mrs. W. m., are gladly published in the Lehrback, an expert at battery ville route now’ carried by J. E. R. Kirk’s Tuesday afternoon. Enterprise without charge, but work, has been added to the Southworth and it is readver­ Cheap Labor Shut as a precaution against publish­ tised. force. J. P. Templeton called at L. ing an erroneous notice in case R. Falk’s Wednesday, inviting O ut Up North Students from the North Pa­ of change, they are inserted Buford Morris, for many years with the Woodworth Drug cific Evangelical institute ai only on the same week they art- L. R. over to get two loads ol Victoria, B. C.—Canada will strike received. Send a fresh company in Albany, has bought Portland held meetin g s a t notice hay, which he did on Thursday. the Ringo drugstore. Miss Julia Brownsville Saturday and Sun­ Its greatest blow at oriental penetra­ every week if you wish it print­ Hulse will remain in the store day. Miss Amanda Mitzner is tion within the next few weeks when ed. Commission Favors for the present. Mr. Morris is a member of the band. Rev. the British Columbia government will I bring its new minimum wage law Into already in charge. Robert Parker, Mrs. A. W. Foote effect. This measure, the only statute Pine Grove Church the Panama Cana M r. M orris announces th a t ho and Miss Beulah Miller attend­ of Its kind caiforced in America, will Sunday School, 10 a. m. intends to m aintain c ity prices, so ed from Halsey. force employers in all industries to pay Preaching March o i Sunday . j- , 21 Interstate Body 7 By 7 7-to-3 Vote there w ill be no reason to send cot less than a certain wage to all 11 a. m. Basket dinner at noon (Confirm ed on page 8) their workers, regardless of race. Preaching 2 p. m. and again Rules Against Proposed As a result, orientals will receive the in the evening by J. 0 M cLa ug hlin, c ity superin­ Rev. Mr. Freight Cuts. same wages a s» hite mn and their Plunket. tendent of schools at C orvallis, i t single advantage In the labor market 'he nearest resident to Halsey to Revial services every evening , will disappear. At present, Chinese at 8 . Washington, D. C.—Th« Interstate announce his aspiration .to (lie MEN’S CLOTHING to order® FURNISHINGS S FOOTWEAR FOR MEN A N D * WOMEN « : DRY GOODS : DRY GOODS • i ? r ? L o ? s OÜS : r rocfr ? fs 2 GROCERI ES 2 :D R YC00D S GROCERIES- Í rO O N T Z Q k GOOD A v GOODS*-7 and Japanese twre employed In large Interest in these meetings 1« in- numbers in many western Canadian creasing Industries because they will work for C h ild re n ’ s meetings are a special " lower wages than white men. When feature. enployera have to pay similar wages A ll-d a y service on Sunday. to all workers they are expected to re­ place their orientals with white men Immediately. Many of the larger in­ Church of Christ dustrial operators already are prepar­ ing to get rid o f their Asiatic em­ ployes. While the new minimum law will affect only the l imber industry at first, it will be br oadened to include all other industries during the next few months In thp lumber Industry It will reach the Inilk" of oriental In­ dustrial workers, v/ho work In large numbers in sawmills, shingle mills and logging ramps Sunday School, 10. Gerald C 'ip m a n M in t Die April 9 Preaching. 11. Waslilng-on, I). (’. —Gerald Chap­ C hristian Endeavor, 6;30. man. notorious band.t. must hang. Preaching, 7:30. The United Stales xtpreme court Mies H attie M itchell, a returned denied him a review of lower court { tk „ iil li/i r a le s /a l o f i i r t l l . i . without reducing l the rates • to Interme- | dlate points. The commission's decision settles for the time being the much debated question of long and short haul trans- I continental traffic. Carriers sought to obtain lower transportation rates from territories weat of Indiana state line to Pacific coast terminal» In order to meet water competition from the east to the Pa­ cific coast by way of the Panama canal. By a 7-to-3 vote. Commissioners Each, Meyer and Altrhiaon dissent­ ing. the commission held that while the carriers hoped to stimulate traffic through the proposed reductions and Increase net revenues, they had not applied the cuts to Intermediate des­ tinations. because this would have “more than offset the gain from In created traffic to the porta.” Lt. M acready Clim bs to High A ltitu de McCook Field. Dayton. Ohio.—Pilot­ ing his apeclally-bullt plane Into the heavens. Lieutenant John Macready soared more than seven and a half miles above the ground to a point be­ lieved the highest ever reached by man. next term as Oregon’s state super- in te n t of schools. He seeks the dem ocratic nom ination. lie came up through public schools, academies and college in bis nutive state of Pennsylvania and Oregon, Stanford and Colum­ bia universities, and lias been two years a ru ra l school teacher, one year high school teacher, four years high school p rin c ip a l and sixteen rears c itv school superin­ tendent in two cities, the last eight years in C orvallis He announces th a t he believes th a t— schools m ust emphasize m oral tra in in g and law observance, the ru ra l school deserves the argest consideration, school (ext books can be secured from the publishing companies at Hwer prices, both vocational arid acadamic education are essential, teachers should he adequately rained, and schools ats the safeguards for a dem ocratic system of goveri tnent. M r, M cl.a g hlin addressed a gathering in Halsey last year and some half-grow n boys th o u g h t tiiey would lu lk at the same tim e hut he induced them to give him the rig h t o f way. Miss Hattie Mitchell, who is House B-II Bans Slander Ovwr Radio Washington. D. C.—The house has passed an amendment to the White radio hill making It criminal and civil slander to defame a person over the radio. The] vote, was 42 to 27. a co.wo ker w ith Miss Golidn Wells in Africa, will Ire the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wei s next Sunday and speaks at the Christian church in the morn­ ing.