li BAL ENTERPR198 AG B 8 D. W. Griffith presents “ SA LL Y ofthe SA W DU ST ” with CARROLL DEMPSTER W. C FIELDS Broad way’ll greatest comedian in a big comedy success. N ext S u n .— Mou.—Tues. March 14— 15— 16 G L O B E Albany Halsey Happenings (Continued from page 1) A Jersey bull was a north Ixtund passenger on Bert Minck ley’s car Monday. C. S. Veatch came home Sat urday, after looking a fter pro perty at Cottage Grove. C. P. Stafford and wife had a visit Sunday from H. Y. Spence and Ed Hanson of Eugene and their wives. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran has bee:- staying with her aunt, Mrs. Jack C urtis, near Peoria, foi the past week. Mrs. Curfis is seriously ill. Kenneth Van Nice and sisters Roberta and Edna attended the freshman glee a t Salem. Tht- seniors of W. U. won the honor:- in the contest. Mrs. Wallace of Portland end- ed her visit with her parents, J W. Rector and wife, and went home Sunday, with her daugh ter and H arry Reeves. The ladies’ Bible study class of the Christian church met and organized last week with Mrs. A. 11. Quimby as president and Mrs. Clark Smith treasurer. J. W. Drinkard and wife and Herman Koontz attended a shoot at Salem Sunday and brought home Mrs. C. H. Koontz, who had been visiting Alberta at Willamette I'. Dad’s an M in’s has pa»«i,d. A h'? new sign »ays : ” liightvay I-m and C onfectionary.” The ( iita c tio u iry includes Mr«. West’, home-made candy, which has had quits a rua among the youngsters. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell, Mrs. Albert Miller, J. M. Por­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Chance and Mrs. H. W. Chance and Red­ mond Pearl attended the Waltei B. Chance funeral a t Albany Sunday. The Standard Bearers held their monthly business and so cial meeting at the league room of the M. E. church Monday The young men of the class al­ so joined them in their meeting Refreshm ents were served. The Ladies’ Glee club at W. U., which is composed of twen ty-flve members and of which Miss Alltel ta Koontz is a mem­ ber, expects to s ta rt on a toui of southern Oregon March 10. They will visit Bandon. Coquille Marshfield and other points. Karl Bramwell and son Don L ANGW OOU G liaran teet I to cut fuel J Cjsts 2 BARTCHER F U R N I T U R E COM I’ A NY ALBANY MARCH 1« Happenings in Public Schools —Milton a . rviiiler, form er b. S. Springtime bring» thoughts of new furniture, drapes and other finishing touches from our Gift Shop ald were Eugene visitors Satur­ day. William Wahl made a trip to Yakima last week. Mrs. Irm a Shotwell spent the week end a t her home in Salem. Mrs. A. J. Hill and son Carl were in Portland Tuesday of last week. Mrs. May Smith is able to be out again a fter a severe attack of flu. Miss E sther Starnes spent Sunday with her friend, DorLi Dykstra. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Miller spent Sunday with relatives at Lebanon. C o m p le t e H o u s e fu r n is h e r H , A l b a n y Mrs. Karl Bramwell and daughter Roberta drove to Al- bany Friday. P. S.—See our Spring Opening Windows Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock C May we suggest: Bedroom, Dining Room and Living Room Furniture Our prices are always low Fisher-Braden hall......... Tho mayor is in his office. of Secretary Hoover's proposal regard­ children visited a t the home ot ing the shipping board, recently ap­ Oh !......... There’s tho Blain Clothing Store Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Frum Sat­ proved a bill providing for co-ordina­ urday afternoon. with a great stock of Spring Suits......... let’s tion of all navigation functions now compare values with the r e s t ........ Misses Lena Bass and Lillian supervised by the department. Reynolds attended the senioi I f everybody would do thia we’d have more “We will never have a real or satis­ high school play, ‘‘All of a Sud­ bminesa than we would be able to take care of. factory merchant marine until It Is den Peggy,” a t H arrisburg. owned and maintained by private en­ terprise," the secretary said, but he Mrs. Wesley Holloway ot advocated government aid "to keep Brownsville was visiting a t the the flag flying on critical routes” until home of her parents, Mr. ant: this could be achieved. Mrs. 0 . W. Frum, Thursday. Mrs. W alter Hatch and PERSHING RECOVERS HEALTH daughter returned to th eir home at Cottage Grove Th ursday a f­ Gives Up Teeth In Fight on Toxle ter a visit with Mrs. L. C. Mer­ Poisoning. riam. and b and E ^ ^^CL0T1BNG~CO] Halsey Railroad Tjme j skims so closely th a t h o t even a ! trace o f cream ia left. M r. Dyk* 8lra *n v ‘tes any °* bis neighbors i to come in and eee the wonderful self-balancing bowl which cannot get out of balance. March 10. About h a lf a dozen left Halsey th is m orning for H arrisburg, where they had bean engaged to w ork in a hop field. N O T IC E of Appointment of Administrator Notice ia hereby given that the un­ dersigned by an order of the Co'mty court of Linn County, Oregon, has been appointed adminiatratiix of the estate of Arthur Wesley, deceased. A ll per­ sons having claims against said eatate are hereby required to present them within six months from the date ot this notice, witli the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at her residence iu Halsey, in County, Oregon Date-1 and first published thia lOtli day of March, 19J6. F.ffie R. Wesley, Adiuv. of Estate. Tussing & Tussing. Attys for Aduix. R EFEREES SALE OF R E A L T Y ’ Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale mad: and entered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn, Department No, 2, on tli« 1st day of March. 1425, in that certain suit therein wherein A. G. Waggener and E. A. Waggener hit wife were plaintiffs and Agnes Struth­ ers. J. E. Waggener, M E. Davidson, Theo. Davidson her husband, K. I. Wag­ gener, Lvdia Waggener his wife, Veda Roush, George Roush her husbanl, George H. Waggener, Pauline Waggen­ er his wife. Oscar P. Waggener, Marga­ ret Waggener Ilia wife, Elvira W. Hall, Oeorge R. Hall her hnaband, Irwin G. Waggener. Mabel Waggener h it wife, V irgil B. Waggener. l.oia Waggener hit wife, George K Waggoner, Katherine Waggoner his wife, Jessie Allen, Minnie L. Lilly, Frank Lilly her husband, L ia ­ rs B. Gatchell, L. W . Gatchsll (hereto­ fore impleaded by name of A. A. Gatch­ ell) her husband, Harry B. Waggoner, Margaret Waggoner hit wife, W alter R. A/aggotier, Amy Waggoner his wife. Orville V. Waggoner, Orvsl C. W " f goner, Margaret Waggoner his wife Alias l.. Thomson. Henry B. Thomson her husband, Daniel S. Wsggoi er, Mar­ garet E Waggoner, George Roberts, tlie unknown heirs if any ef said George Roberts if he be deceased, His Roberts, the uuknowu heirs if anv of said Ilis Rob­ erts if he be deceased, Hattie Tbonipsoa. the unknown heirs if any of said Hattie Thompson if she lie decsksed. Charley Roberts, the unknown heirs if any of said Charley Roberts if he be deceased, the unknown heirs if any of Susan Rob- etrs I rnwbridge, deceased,- and gener­ ally all persons unknown havnig or claiming an interest or estate in the property in said stilt were defendants, and appointing and directing the under­ signed as sole referee to sell the realty hereinafter described, I, the nadersigned referee, will, on Satnrday, the 3d day of April, 1926,at the hour of 1 o'clock p. ni. of said dav, at the front door of the ccut thouse at Albany, in Linn County Oregon, offer and sell at public snction to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation of said court, all of the S. H ' 4 of Hie N. E. of sec. 21, in tp. 14 S. of range 3 W. of the W ill* ™ * tw meridian, m l.inn county, Oregon, con­ taining 40 acres Dated and first pub­ lished March 3 lv26. Frank Richard, Referee. Tussing A Tussing, Attva. for Pills. N O T IC E of Appointment of Administrator da Bonn non with W ill .Annexed Notice ia hereby given that tho under­ signed by an order ot the County Court of Linu County, Oregon has been appointed administrator de bonis non with will annexed of tho estate of David I. Isom, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate not heretofore presented to tho executrix of said will are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, to tho under­ signed at h it residence, about fourmilta southwest of Halsey, in LiUn countv. Dated and first published this Jd dsy of March, 19»,. E. D. laom. Administrator Afon. id. Tussing & Tasting, Attya. for Admr.