Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, March 10, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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'T h e
Courieey Shop
Ready-to-wear and Millinery
Mrs. C. L. Fox
' 117 Broadalbin st , Albany
M A R C H 1#
Automobil« and Truck Insurance
Tins is good advice: "If you live
flower rates Attractive contracts
in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live
in some other town, trade in that town." Special attention to truckmen operating
under public service commission
But in these automobile days many re­
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do
J. L STUART, the insuracce man
at least part of their buying in the
larger town. Those who go to Albany Cusick building (upstairs) room 146
Albauy, Oregon
to transact business will find the firms
named below ready to fill their require,
mcuts with courtesy and fairness.
Dress up Your Eyes
They deserve the best money
w ill buy. I f you bare to use your
Dinnerware old frame, D O N ’T buy a second
Tin shop in connection
330 W. First St.
Albany, Oregon q u a lity glass. Have that exactly
A lb a n y F loral Co. C ut flowers
■a*, and p
and all occasions.
Flower phone 458-J.
A J. L IN D A H L , hardware.
Learn About These
Travel Extras
A r no tddilional fare, get extra advantage! wbrn
you travel.
Profit by stopover privileges on 15-day roundtrip
tickets between many Oregon points. Visit at several
points instead of only one.
Weekend roundtrip tickets to and from Portland—
without stopover— are greatly reduced in cost. Buy
them lo t over-Sunday trips. Return lim it is following
T ursdav.
Tire Vulcanizing- Battery re
charging. 221 W. Feiond.
Ed Falk, Prop.
astburn Bros.— Two big grocery
stores, 212 W. First and 225 South
E Mam,
Good merchandise at the right
lite Cafeteria aud confectionery
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­
Courteous efficient serviee.
J e w e le r s ,
We make our own candies.
W. S. D uncan .
O ptom etrists and M anufacturing
O pticiaus
Tires and accessories
K irk -P ollak M otor C o .
Meade & Albro
Ip o r ltn ille r F u rn itu re Co., fu rn i-
ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges
Funeral direc op. 427-433 west Firs
street, Albany, Q egon.
News Notes From
All Over Oregon
U L L E R G R O C ER Y . 2B5 Lyon
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
F Qroceries
phene 2t>3k___________________________
olman & jackcon
Everything in the line of eats
Opposite Postoffice
G le a n e d b y th e W e s te n ;
N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r
B u s y P e e p lo
Frank E. Samuel of Topeka, Kan.,
wha is director of the adm inistration
of the national headquarters of the
Am erican Legion at Indianapolis.
laying heavier steel in certain sections
and enlarging sidings between Kla
math Falls and Grass lake cut-off.
The Kings Products company plant
at Salem, which has been idle for (he
last three years, will operate during
the 1926 season. This was announced
by the Robert C. Paulus company,
fruit buyers and packers, which has
leased the plant under contract ex­
tending over a period of years.
Mrs. W. L. Moore, who lives near
Turner, filed with the state board of
control at Salem a claim for »595
which she alleged was the value ot
articles taken from her home by Ida
Ward, Pearl Evans and Marie Hant
burg, who escaped recently from the
state industrial school for girls.
Charges that the rates of the Co­
lumbia & Nehalem River Railroud
company are excessive and unreasou
able were filled in the offices of th(
public service commission by the
Green Mountain Logging company
Noyes-Holland Logging company anc
the Christenson Logging company.
The state land hoard has leased tc
A. F. Barnett, Orin Shepard and C
D. Sutherland the north end of a sand
island between the St. Helens channel
and the main channel of the Columblt
river north of St. Helens. The Island
was formed by dredges pumping sand
from the beds of the two channels
The lessees will use it for seining
Hundreds of new settlers fite com
Ing to Oregon this year, according tc
officials of the land settlement depart
ment of the Portland Chamber ol
Commerce and Oregon state chamber
of commerce. Approximately 60 In
quiries a day are being received from
persons in other states interested in
locating in Oregon.
A timely jump saved Sam Head of
Klamath Falls from serious Injury or
death when two horses towing his
automobile became frightened and
pulled the car over a 75 foot embank
nient. Head jumped Just as the horses
and car were plunging off the road.
The automobile was badly smashed,
but the horses escaped Injury.
Owners of 24 automobiles who have
been operating on the state highways
under the authority of a "red license"
W . F. Bostrom, form erly Swedish
m inister to M adrid, who succeeded
Capt. Axel F. W allenberg as m inister
to Washington.
nandant at Fort Stevens, will have to
iuy state licenses If they wish to
leave the reservation in their ma
hlnes, according to a decision by
Judge J. L. Tuomala at Astoria.
The state supreme court has set
March 16 for hearing a suit In manda­
mus filed by W. S. U’Ren of Portland
o test the validity of the law making
it incumbent upon circuit judges to
retire from cases In which affidavits
of prejudice have been filed against
:hem. Judge George R. Bagley of
Washington county is the defendant.
The old Bar HC ranch, historic early
day "cattle outfit" near Goose lake,
one of the first points explored by
General Fremont, is to be a dude
ranch Plans to convert the pictur-
osque location into a tourist resort have
been completed by a group of promiu-
inent Sacramento business men who
have taken an option on the property.
Application covering the proposed
levelopment cf 71.363 theoretical
horsepower at an estimated cost of
’4,281,780, was filed in the offices of
the state engineer at Salem by J. W.
•McArthur, engineer for the city of
Eugene. The scheme contemplates a
•omprehenslve development of the
McKenzie river over a stretch of ap­
proximately 16 miles.
The Baker county court has adopted
t market road program v. hch will call
for road contracts aggregating about
1135,000 before the end of this year.
The new timber canyon road over Sag
hill will be constructed at a coat of
ipproxtmately »100,000. and a four-
mile stretch north of Raker, in tho
Missouri flat district, will be graveled
at a cost of about »35,000.
Damage caused to the city of Tilla­
mook's pavement by heavily loaded
logging trucks in the last few weeks
caused the city council to pass an or­
dnance, effective immediately, mak-
ng the maximum load for all trucks
end trailers in Tillamook city 376
pounds an Inch of bearing tire surface,
and the speed of trucks, loaded and
unloaded, five miles per hour.
In all 179 persons were arrested for
violation of the prohibition laws In
28 of the 36 counties In the state In
January, according to a report issued
by William S. Levens. state prohlbl-
Max Rogers was appointed water
master of Lake county to succeed S
Hotel Albany A. Mushem, who has resigned.
Albany, Oregon
Rockaway, the ocean resort on the
A. Nagel
Roy Stenberg
coast between Nehalem and Tillamook
M P K R IA L C A F E , 209 'V . b irei bays, is to have a natatorium, to cost
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
Phone 665
W e never close
The Anderson & Mlddelton Lumber
company camp, at Rujada, was opened
Official Stromberg carbur etor seri for operations after a two months’
ice station. Conservative prices. A1 shutdown.
work guaranteed.
423 W. First
Purchase of a park site from Thom
en and money are best when as B. Kay, state treasurer, at a cost
busy. Make your dollars work in of »0000. was authorised by the Salem
our savings department. A lbany S tats
B ank . Under government supervision city council.
pr. p. M. Lehrbach of Roseburg hhs
arinello parlors
(tepu appointed a member of the Rose
(A beauty aid fof every need)
burg pension examining hoard by the
St. Francis Hotel
Prop. Winifred Res. commissioner of pensions.
L. B. Moore, who for 28 years was
OSCOE AM ES H A R D W A R E Southern Pacific station agent at
Roseburg, died at the company's hog
The Winchester Store
pital in San Francisco, after a month's
econd band Pianos from $185 ti) Illness.
If you want a bargain in a piano now
The first apricot blossoms of spring
it your chance. They’re in A1 condition
Davenport Music House. 409 W. First were reported at The Dalles by or
chardlsts. The blooms are nearly two
Q 1 I.M 8 O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR weeks earlier than usual, due to the
Ö Second street, opposite Hamilton's mild weather.
The annual cannery run on broccoli
"Sudden Service.’’
has started at Roseburg and will last
aldo Anderson & Son. d is trib ­ throughout the season. In comparison
utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai with the huge crop of broccoli this
mers, Essex, Hudson <V Hupmobile cars.
Accessories, e pnlres. 1st A Broadalbin year, canning stock is light.
Four persons were killed In Portland
bite's Shoe repair service.
during February as a result of automo­
bile accidents, according to figures
Opposite Hotel Albany
at police headquarters. There
Albany, Oregon
were 1644 accidents during the month
One hundred mills reporting to West
Lumbermen’s association for tae is'tied bv Lieutenant E H o ff Com
Station Coast
the week ending February 27 manu­
We serve a ll makes
W i l l a r d s factured 96.369,818 feet of lumber, solo
and sell
99,728,021 feet and shipped 97,845,616
U nder new managemen
L . M. T aylor, Prop.
Members of the state board of con­
121 W . Second, A lb an y,
trol voted to permit the several state
Institutions to come under the provl
slons of the workmen's compensation
If yon enjoy a goad meat,
»mil know a good meal when you get it, act. The order will become effective
You’ll be back, tor you’ll not forget it. April 1.
Officials of the state highway de­
Our aim is to please vou.
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
partment are frowning on further de
velopment of fox farms along the Co­
lumbia River highway in the gorge
between Hood River and Multnomah
No One Will Refuse
Falls. It Is said.
« p ’ate o f C la rk ’ s ice cream. Its
There were 807 cases of Influenza
flavor, *o pleasing to the
In the state last week, according to
pa,ale, appeals to everyone’s taste,
, , at lowest rate of interest
to u n g or old. I f you doubt th is
of the state board of health. Clatsop
Real Estate
Insurance county led the list with 40 cases and
t r y some yourself. One tr ia l w ill
Prompt service. Courteous treatment. there were 22 In Multnomah.
convince you and you surelv w ill
W m ' B ain . Room 5, First Savings Bank
si quire a lik in g fo r it. Sold by
During the past year the Pendleton
bnilning, Albany
I he p in t, q u a rt or gallon, and in
Packing A Provision company of Pen
bricks to take home
dleton paid farmers and livestock men
»860,000 for livestock, according to a
report made by O. W 81nger, vice-
W hy suffer from headache?
president and. manager of the concern
Tne Boardman school recently pre­
Have yo nr ryes examined
sented 20 locust trees to the school
grounds. Boardman school now has
approximately 16.000 trees growing In
w ith
Its nursery, and has a standing offer
to furnish trees to any school In the
may communicate with Ensign Lee ol the Salvation Army at the
White Shield Home, 56.5 Mai Dlr avenue, Portland, Oregon.
With the completion of the Klamath
O p to m e tris t',
Falls-Eugene cut-off drawing nearer,
A lb a n y
the maintenance department of the
Southern Pacific Is busily engaged in
otel Barber Shop
Halsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Clark’s Confectionery
Dr. Seth T. French
F. M. Frencn & Son
Any Girl in Trouble
I he wisest girls keep out of trouble
Tell your agent your trave l plans. H e’ l l
gladly advise you regarding a most ad­
vantageous itin e ra ry and arrange for a ll
reservations, including steamship accom­
modations i f necessary.
Southern Pacificlines
Clay P. Moody, Agent
tion director. Of those arrested 133
were convicted. Fines assessed to­
taled »29,209.99, of which amount »12.-
928.54 was paid by the defendants A
total of 676 gallons of liquor was de­
stroyed and 88 stills were seized by
Special camping permits will be is­
sued on tbs Tillamook highway by the
national forest service, according to
word received by Ralph S. Shelley, su­
pervisor of the Stuslaw forest. Here­
tofore camping privileges along the
highway Inside the forest have been
free, but they have been abused so
much that It was decided to require
special permits and establish commer­
cial camping grounds under proper re­
Receipts from the slate motor ve­
hicle fuel tax up to February 28 of
(his year aggregated (11,045.421 26
since 1921, according to a report Is­
sued by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of
state. Taxes remitted during the
month of January totaled »191,366 17.
This tax was paid on the sale of 6,
327,001.7 gallons of gasoline and «2,-
240 6 gallons of distillate. As com
pared with January, 1926, the gasoline
sales Increased 19 per cent.
At a hotly contested special city
election held at Corvallis the proposal
to permit movie houses to operate on
Sunday was voted down by a majority
of 266. There were 2600 votes cast,
the largest vote recorded In the Ills
tory of the city. Other measures car­
ried changed the system of electing
the city water commission and created
an enabling act which authorlied a
new lighting system.
Bonds were
voted for the purchase of a power
street flusher
Federal Judge Wolverton at Port
land signed two orders canceling the
right of way given Nellie, Philip end
Rolland SfcKInney and William R
Gardner In 1919 for construction of
reservoirs in Malheur county near
Vale. The government brought suits
to cancel the rights on the grounds
that the parties bad failed to comply
with the terms of the contracte. The
Gardner grant wits to construct the
Sheep Head canyon reservoir and the
McKinney grant waa for the Willow
Creek reservoir.
Fhone 226
“Rome De Luxe”
Sleep Sold Here
W hat a glorious feeling
it is to escape from th o
deadening effects of a
s a g g in g b e d s p r i n g .
W hen you sleep with
your spine straight—
when you eliminate th e
p re ssu re on d e lic a te
nerves—when the whole
system clears itself o f
f a tig u e p o iso n s a n d
every muscle and nerve
feels re fre sh ed —th e n
y o u ’ll a p p re c ia te th e
benefits which we offer,
you in Rome Quality
De L uxe, T he Bed­
spring Luxurious. There
is only one genuine Rome
De L u x e—let us show
it to you. All sizes car­
ried in stock. For wood
or m etal beds.
• T h a n Is o a lv o o a » « • » • » •
» v o t e . R o m . Q u ality D a L .u a m 2
It Is m a d s o a lv b v T i l . R oosa C oao.
Hill & Co.
There are 600,000 more sheep in
the (s en western stales th en a
re a r ago, b ut tb ii is o nly 5 per
A convention between the United
cant increase.
States and Cubs for prevention of li­
L, R. Emerson o l i ’ b o e n ii, O r.,
quor smuggling was signed at Havana
Postal receipts from 60 selected has a Jersey better whose m ilk is
cities showed a substantial Increase . repotted to test 11 per cent butter
for February over the same month In : fat. N ext!
1925. The figures are »28,088,427 and
Ed Warmoth has taken a
»25,643,947 respectively.
1 wife in Portland.
Nine robbers firing shotguns and re­
volvers to scare 60 employes, 12 of
them girls, held up the Chicago offices
of the International Harvester com­
pany and escaped with an (80,000 pay­
tid your system of Catarrh or DeafnaM
roll. No one was hurt.
The Miller bill, authorizing the coin caused by Catarrh.
h id
d ru g , n it f r r m t i t roan
age of 6,000,000 half-dollars to com­
F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo. Ohio
memorate the pioneers who traversed
the Old Oregon Trail, was reported
favorably by the house committee on
coinage, weights and measures.
Rear-Admiral Richard Wainwright,
retired, who died at the age of 76 In
the Washington naval hospital, was
burled Tuesday In Arlington national
cemetery with military honors. Ad
tulrsl Wainwright was executive offl
cer of the battleship Maine when It
was destroyed In Havana harbor to
Halsey and Brownsville
H a ll’s C a t a r r h
M edicine
First-class Work