FACE. 4 murai , e n t e r pr ise M (RCH lo The Great Outdoors the records of tbe rocks or to allow them to he examined io tbe public An tndapeadent—Not neutral n«w»- ■ .bools. He whose fa ith has grown pnpcr, published every Wedueaday, like a mustard seed is ready, uua* « , W - H. W H B ltL M fraid, to face a ll facts. R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E 21 a year in advance Arrearages. 125ic a niontl. W here Bread. Meat, Clothing, Health and Vigorous Humanity are Produced « *fiA 8 A J W » J r» i Mr. Haney q u it bis Washington Advertising, 20c an inch ; no diacoun job when he got good and ready— (or lim e or «pace ; no charge for coni >ot when he was asked to do so. position or changes. He is at home and refuses to tell an "Paid-(or Paragraph».'’ io a linn- Wa advertising Slaguliad ad nawa eporters whethor or not he would icuept a democratic senatorial T H E POOR GROW R IC H E R lom ination. We suspect that he s not te llin g them a ll he knows. The stereotyped cry of the soap Congress has taken the greater box o ra to r that “ .»he rich ar. becoming richer and the poor , the masses. iis amendment would sacrifice lw The tim e never w ill come wbei taxes to relieve the ta x shirker of the lazy and incompetent w ill far» m e, bpth at the expense of the ae well as those who make goofi ow n -r of visible property. use of good brawn and muscle. 0 1 -en’s o il well at Eugere IS The Philadelphia Public Ledgei lo# n 3000 feet and s till going sa ys: » Jlsen, a m inister, is a man of As government advanced the faith and in this instance has fa ith demagog appeared and tbe im ­ provident began to*hate tbe prov io his o il indicator, a fa ith which ome of his backers have lost deut. The very weaklings wb want to penalize wealth are bene­ t’hese have sued his company for fited by the overflow of prosperity i return of their investment, which Homo come into the world men­ hey say he promised on demand ta lly unfitted to succeed. I f dur |u»t now the oil fever has broker ing their prim e they are able V >ut violently at H arrisburg, pro better enjoy the measure of sel' noted by eastern oil men who say support of which they capable that hat this valley gives promise o they would a dependent condition 'ecoming second o nly to southern society permits them to go theii California as an oil producer. W way. When feeble old age over ■ resume they could be persuaded takes them they are not le ft 1» t » p a tt w ith a few shares of stock perish by the wayside. Home» are providvu fo r them, as well s» for needy little ones. One such refuge,'m aintained bi Vian in America Millions of Years the Oddfellows, was referred to ii these columns last week, Anothr w ill be helped by the proceed iu n i tbe affair of the Ladies Study club last Saturday. There is another class to whom the public is too kind . Tbeer ar> the small-bore crim inals who serv< y i portion of a lig h t sentence one in a while and are paroled pardoned to resume activities. — ' — I , } 4 , j 1 f 1 1 1 1 I 1 ( c 1 X 8 ll \ X t t M il t a u iIo Made Records Which Now Furnish Proof of the Fact Barnyard Manure Without Livestock A “ Synthetic " Product Equal to the Natural Fertilizer OATS PRICE PER BUSHEL CHICAGO MARKET ACTED WEE KL r TREND OF OATS PRICE» ÀN0 RECEIPTS 4a FEB MAR APR, MAV^UH i X ul T u G ’SEP OCT NO/OEC] IT I.BO 1925 TOTAL PRIMARY RECEIPTS IN IUSHELS 22,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Brewing Nostrums for the Farmer Revised Program on Surplus Problem Offered to House Agriculture Committee. In the great war England lost a Washington, D. C.—A revised pro­ a good many horses t r d killeed gram designed to solve the farm sur­ most of her domestic anim als to M« plus problem was submitted to the conserve toou when the submarine house agricultural committee by the blockade threaseued her popula­ 1 . 62 group of middle western agricultural tion w ith starvation. A ll available leaders who came to Washington to land was sown to wheat. In tbe SO advocate the principles of the Dickin­ fall there was much straw and no son bill. manure. <4* The farm leaders' suggestions were European farmers have no faith made at the request of the committee, iu fa rm in g w ithout manure. The and were Intended to meet strong ob­ English farmers appealed to the jections, which have been recommend­ Rothanistead experim ent station < 44 ed In executive and legislative quar­ aud its specialists worked for ters, to provisions in tbe Dickinson months and made many experi­ <42 bill assessing an equalisation fee ments, b ut they solved the manure against producers to provide a fund to problem. Farm yard manure i» t ‘0 offset losses on crop surpluses sold the product of certain microecopic abroad. organisms feeding on a m ix tu re of ll>M » C H U C » A G W lC O tr U « « ! . r o u N O « T lQ W f 0 0 0,0 0 0 <31 Chester H. Gray. Washington repre­ «nim al and vegetable matter. Kolbamstead found a chemical AKI.V in 1925, oat prices were so high, reports the Sears-Roebuck Agricul­ sentative of the American farm bu­ tural Foundation, that consumption was actually checked. Theh the mar reau federation, explained the pro­ food for these bacteria which takes place of anim al m atter. I t is on ket began to decline and with large stocks coming on through commercial gram, as follows: "It would provide for the collection the m arket in the form of a slate- ciHarrsk' reached a low level In April, went up again in June, fell to less than eray powder and anybody can use 40 reins In August and stayed at that low level. The 1925 crop was 1,601,- of the equalization fee for the financ­ t. M ix in g this substance w ith 900,000 bushels and the carry-over from 1024 was larger than usual. Total ing of surpluses from the whole indus­ almost any nonw oody vegetable supplies of oats in all sections were cnly 20.000,000 bushels less than In 1924 try Instead of from the producer alone. When the crop of 1,522,665,000 bushels was harvested. “It provides for the selection of a m atter, and ketping the m ixture 1‘rlces started to go down In February and Maifh, went up somewhat federal farm board from a list pf 86 wet, produces manure. during June but came down again In August and have maintained a general The p rincip al farm wastes, straw |ow level. Oat prices are likely to advance toward spring as commercial candidates, three from each federal and corn stover, are most often Stocks are reduced and the consuming sections of the country draw more ex­ reserve district to be pptglngted by used. For each dry ton 150 pounds tensively on tbe terminal markets. bona fide (arm organisations. Front of the chemical food are required. these candidates the president, subject For each ton a ten-foot square is to the consent of the senate, Is to ap­ measured out, aud on this the point 12 who will constitute the board. straw is spread in a layer a little A “farmers' national export cooper­ more than a foot thick and trodden ative" association would be created down t ill it is fa irly level. Then with an appropriation of 2260.000.000 O lfest farmers’ co-operative it is sprayed w ith water from a Washington, D. C.—The department under a bill introduced by Senator creamery in the state of Oregon. hose ( ill it is wet through, and over of interior has dratted a bill embody­ Brookhart, republican, Iowa. Pleased to handle your cream it about 25 pounds of the g ra j ing a compromise agreement between The organization would be author­ shipments. powder ie scattered. On top of the department and a group of west­ ized to purchase all exportable surplus We also buy creatn tyicl eggs on of this another layer o f straw i» ern senators for financial support for crops at a five-year average coat of spread, trodden level, wet through the cash basis. settlers on reclamation projects. production plus 5 per cent profit. Loss Corner of Second and Washington and sprinkled w ith the powder. The bill was prepared at the request from export sales would be apportion­ This proceedure is repealed u n til of the western senators, who declined ed among the farmers. six layers h«ve been b u ilt up into to accept the department’s recommen­ a stack, fia t topped, so as to bold BUITER TARiFF IS RASED dations for state aid for settlers until G rim m a lfa lfa fa beating a ll water rather than shed it. it was shown that the plan was feasi­ Other varieties. In a few days the bacteria set 50 Per Cent Increase Ordered by ble. Under the terms ofi.the measure Tbe Jersey ju b i'te cattle show is President Coolidge up intense a c tiv ity in the pile. It 2500,000 was appropriated out of thg grows quite hot and must be Washington. D. An increase In 1 federal reclamation fund for a jbreg.- scheduled to he at tbe Albany fa ir sprayed w ith water every two or the tariff on butter from eight to 12 year experiment in aiding settlers fi­ ground May 8. three days to contm l the beat. In cents a pound was ordered by Presi­ nancially. The p e n ite n tia ry has 1500 bush­ about three weeks the heat dies dent Coolidge. The bill, as drafted by the depart­ els of flax seed fo r d is trib u tio n down, and after that the pile The president cited the flexible pro- ment, provides that the settlers select­ and expects to have tbe Abet from needs only occasional sprinkling ! visions of the tariff law and the rec- ' ed for the experiment will be confined 2500 acres under contract th is > ear. when its top and sides dry out. -unmendation of the tariff commission, to not more than two existing recla­ I t rots like ordinary manure, which advise him the higher rate was mation projects. The secretary of the Cheap seeds ruin tbe best laid shrinkin g to h a lf its former size, needed to meet Danish competition, Interior would be authorized to ad­ garden plana. Tbe use of good end in about four months can be j The increase, amounting to 50 per vance 23000 for permanent improve­ seed is oue of tbe surest factors in cut w ith a sharp spade and is j cent, is the highest the president may ! ments for the purchase of livestock o bta ining good garden crops. — O. ready to spread. A fen of dry j order. The proclamation making the ' to an occupant of a farm of 160 acres, A. C. straw yields four tons of manure I increased rate effective said the pres- ; or 2800 to the occupant of a smaller F la x for seed as a cash crop is with about the same moisture I ent duty does not equalize the differ- tract. The government’s Investment recommended in L in n counsy by content as stable m anuie. Tbe 1 cnees in costs of production in the would be protected by a first lien on ] O. A . C. I t is nothing new. F la x product looks like stable manure, United States and Denmark. the farmer's property, and would Be seed has been raited in th is county ba* about the same fe rtiliz in g paid off in fixed installments at 4 per value and is odorless. for m any y?ars. cent interest. Never before in the era of re- corded history has there been displayed sn much zeal to solvi t ie rid dle ol man's early existencr on the earth, and nevrr before h iv e the efforts to do to been crowned w ith such b rillia n t euccen as in recent year». The discoverie.» of Sir Howard Carter in Egypt, SC A TTE R O U N SHOTS of Count its Prorok in northern A fric a , of Roy Chapman Andrew» I t is not on W a ll street th a t t >ii China and of American expe lilio u s to Central America have w ind is tempered to the eho i l l done much to inarease onr lam b. rapidly increasing knowledge of The Oregon Voter, republican what onr forbears were Eke a lys the Im perial hole), I j U l i h d Hundreds of thousands o f years YHB M A R K E T S ie the p o litic a l center of On gm». >go— what conditions o f life sur- of Portland T in t 's where M ilto n A. Mille», oiinded them, what kind > n t in a Is and natural elements Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, hard democrat, resides .hey had to contend w ith . white, 21-45; soft white, western - - N ot to be outdone in anything, A u nt Phoebe » a js: “ I.ikc Lo» our own west is c o n trib u tin g its white, 21.47; hard winter, northern spring. 21.43; western red, 21.42. Augeles, we bave two kinds ol fu ll share of prehistoric evidence Hay—Alfalfa, 220® 20.50 ton; valley weather—Perfect and unusual io prove its claim to being one of timothy. 219®195O; eastern Oregon ,hu oldest inhabited portions of timothy. 221 50®22. T his year we have had the perfect. the globe. Butterfat—47c shippers' track. U sually it is unusual.’ ’ Recent discoveries, notably those Eggs—Ranch. 21®24V4c. nade by the DoheHV expedition in Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; Opponents of an iuconte tax say Arizona, indicate that h u m a n ity’ s Triplets. 31c; loaf. 32c per lb. i t would be just but oppose levying first dw elling place in the ne Cattle—Steers, good, 28® 9.00. i t before other stale* do, lest wt world was in the region from tbe Hogs —Medium to choice, 213® 14.25 Rocky mountains to the Pacific cause capitel to flow th ithe r. Ii Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice ocean. A little rock carving, not other states they argue against quite a foot in b ig h t, found in 111.60012.76. assessing inoomes before Oregon Ar zona by tbe D olieny expedition, Seattle. does. “ ln red sandstone of Arizona’s Painted Bend bluestem. 11.48. tana Leads in Hogs in the N o rth ­ Hay—Alfalfa. 226; D. C, 228; tim Desert, have been discovered foot­ west.’ ’ Not in tbe rosd variety, p rin t* of dinosaurs like tbe one »thy. 220; mixed hay. 226 Butter—Creamery. 4«®47c. judging from observations ou the portrayed by the prehistoric artist Eggs Ranch. 32c in the rock carving. Other rock Pacific highway. Hogs—Prtme. 213 76®14 26 carvings of elephant*, wooly r h i­ Cattle—Prime steers. 28.60®900. Tbe National In d u s tria l Confer­ noceros, ibex and deer that have Cheese—Oregon triplets. 27c; Ore teen discovered in the ArLvoa ence board announces that it hat gon standards, 26c; Washington trip discovered th a t lh» farm er's costs country are used as illu stratio ns lets, 27c. (iu color) in a fascinating article, have risen 300 per cent and hie • fh e Pacific Slope—the Dawn Spokane. prices only 120, end advisee further M an’s N ursery,’ • w ritten by H H, Hogs- Prime mixed. 612.76® 12 96 investigation. A m ong the bur­ Dunn for March Sunset. Cattle -Oood, 27 75® 9 60. den* of which the farmer carrier more than his share i t the coat of IE I A C Q U A IN T E D i . 'r ' . d o l l . r Earn ere who are uol satisfied Fend $1 lor a special ¿-m onths’ m ultitu de of ench boards. They with fhe state’s oRct iu subscription to 8 U N 9 B T , the are perfectly w illin g to continue to contracts are advised by oil men west's great national magazine to grow flex for seed. A Minne- the clean, up-to-date m outhly sola firm offers to buy the seed and can ba made to continue. lor the whole fam ily. Spare return tbe meal to tbe growers to Dme ageats wauled. Adfire.«. feed to stock. T ha t w ill involve a freight b ill. W hy not h a v j Ibe oil extracted nearer home? A. E To Experiment in Albany Aiding Settlers Creamery Association Shipm ent of L a n d P la s te r lias arrived Those who have placed orders may obtain same at their own convenience. 1 hose wiio have not placed an order are urged to do so, a» the quality and the price are right. , o . w . r iti M A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. _H ay is worth just as much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. Th ? American Bagle Fire Insurance com pand will pay you of the cash value in easel of loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent J. M. Dammeier, who g a 'e $150 in prizes for tbe best Jersey cows at the state fa ir last year, offer« 1200 th is year and has named , three women as judges. 1 he P ortland linseed o il works offers to contract for flax seead at a m inim um price of $2.52 a bushel or the D u lu th price, {. o. b. j P ortland, if th a t is more. I In 1924, according to tb * farm 'census, there were 1700 aSres of alfalfa in the W illa m e tte ya lle y. The three counties w ith the largest aress in th a t crop were M u ltn o ­ mah, 485 acres ; M arion, 235 and L in n , 210- Three times in succession the w o rld ’s m ilk and butter fat record has been raised by Oregon heifers. The present queen is G raym ere A lice, owned by M . N. Tibbles of Independence. Sne produced as a s-njor yearling 11,415 pounds of m ilk , containing 581.87 pounds of b utte rfa t iu 805 days. F ield peas give good results when planted in M arch. V sristies recommended are w hite Canadian, blue Prussian and A rth u r. G row n w ith oat* or barley these make good hay or silage. Where planted for the first tim e i t is im p o rta n t th a t they be inoculated. M a te ria l for ino cula tion may be obtained from the a g ric u ltu ra l college — 0- A. C. FOR SALE etaluma Incubator P 4 1 0 . gg size, in good runnin orderg Mrs. C. E. Smilh.