U fi 4 ENTERPRI A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re Li ve s t o < A \V eekly Chronicle ot Local Events anti Progress on Linn County Land H a ls e y H ap p e n in g s P a ir y P o u ltr y W ool A lfo rd A rro w s J and C o u n ty E vents O. W. Frum took a truckload I of hogs to Albany Monday Doings Oi Our Populace! The Frum family visited their Chronicled in Briet I daughter and sister, Mrs. Ruth Holloway, and husband at Pa ragraphs Brownsville Sunday. W. A. Carey and wife were Th ey’ll get that windigo yet. up from Salem Saturday visiting T. P. Patton has a new sedan. their daughter and son-in-law, • W . R Kirk and family visited Cecil Bilyeu and wife, on the farm. Albany Saturday. Mrs. C. N. Moody of Harris­ Mr». Elmer C. Munson is out of burg, who was striken with par- the Albany hospital. alyis some' time ago, is report­ A few pellets of sleet came with ed able to walk about the house one of the showers Monday. again and continues to improve. Milton M ille r spoke to the W. B. Chance died in Salem Brownsville pupils as well as to Friday evening from apoplexy, those here. Mr. Chance’s youth was spent at The city papas are discussing a Halsey and he married Miss building ordinuni e — oue not quite Belle Robnet, who survives him. as strict as Portland’s. S. B. Holt of Scio sold 10 Jer­ The ice cream season is open sey cows to go to Santa Monica, earlr. Seethe qu n'.ity coming in Cal., last week. He has some and going down ut C lark’s. high-bred stock. One of his re­ Yesterday 709,000 cutthroat cent sales was a heifer that went and 400,000 rainbow trout were to to Texas. he liberated in various parte of The Study club’s silver tea this county. Saturday took in $20.75. Mes The American Legion’s new hall dames Tussing, Thompson and $600,000,000 a Y ear Los« Caused by Auto Accidents (By an Enterprise Reporter) Delta Curtis is absent school with a hard cold. from Carl Isom spent Saturday night and Sunday with Keith Hayes. I f e a c h life is w o rth J. H. Rickard and family yisited at E. M. Jenk»’, at Tangent, Sun­ day. H a ls e y S tu d en ts at th e O . A . C . A Dozen are Preparing for Various Lines of Activity (Marvin Schepman, O. A. C. School of Journalism) Halsey is well represented in M r. and Mrs. Join Rolfe spent If n o n -fa ta l the 3512 students registered Monday afternoon at A. E. W hit- ,/j injuries each cost oeck’s. this year at the college. Linn i - M r. and M.s. Clifford Carey county has 113. The total regis­ -T h e n 6 7Ô,OCX) Injuries <=♦110,650.000 were dinner guests at E. D. Isom’s tration, including summer ses­ Sunday, sion and short-course students, Property damage for Ellsworth Curtis and famiiy is nearly 5000. The extension were at Brian Perry’s Bunday service, in addition, takes the **ch auto accident afternoon. college to tens of thousands of ' ’-Then 7Qo.oooaccidentst350.ooo.ooo M r- and Mrs Joe Strode jr. and Oregonians. Ercell Sneed, a student in -ton Dennis were Snuday afternoon OTAL COST OF ACCIDENTS *561.650000 chemical engineering, expects to callers at Joe Cornely’s. be graduated next June. He is STfWMT MZ-O— OauX M TVT1, , Frank Kropf and ftm ily »pant <2 LOSE to $600,000,000 n year is the nnnual economic loss due to automobile Sunday with Mrs Kropf’a parents, a member of the Miama club, a local organization of students. accidents, belli fatal and non fatal. This appalling sum Is only an estimate, Mr. and Mrs Hostettler. Sneed has been out for varsity as no complete figures on the number of automobile accidents in the United Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rickard football, and was a member or States are available, but It lias been conservatively estimated that 22,000 lose their lives each year by automobiles, and $5.000 a human life Is the lowest visited the former's parents, Mr. the senior class football team ind Mrs. Michael Rickard, Sun- value put on It by economists. last term. He was manager of Of non-fntnl accidents 078,000 occur annually, causing average cost of lay. the senior chemical exhibits at Lee Ingram and family visited $175. Then, each accident averages $50 property damage, Insurance records the educational exposition last show. T ills makes the staggering total of $581,050,000 a year. it E. W. Harpoole’s, near over the Howe store in Browns* Sterling of Brownsville and Porter No account Is taken here, points out the Stewnrt-Wamer Safety Council Junctiou City, Sunday. Mr. month. He is reported as doing ville is open and a dance is billed for tlie prevention of nntoniobile accidents, of the economic value of lime Ingram also called on F. W . Rob- well in his work. and Davis of Shedd were pa­ loss there for Friday night. Douglas Reed Miller, sopho­ by the injured due Io delays caused by accidents or to minor property tuson. trons from out of town. values, such as bent fenders, expense Incurred while motor vehicles, par more in forestry, is a member T ie next regular meeting of the M r and Mrs. Chester Curtis and of the Hesperion club of men llculurly the commercial ones, are out of service, due to accidents. Were Thirty-five years ago S. N. all Community Parent-Teachers’ as­ these taken into the reckoning, the total figure would surely be doubled, baby visited at Jack Curtis’ Suu- students. Miller is also a mem­ sociation will he held next Friday Griffith, now of Albany heard or around $1.113,750,000. lay. The other children visited ber of the forestry club. He took that his father was dead. The evening. Everybody come Some idea of the enormity of this economic loss, most of which Is avoid­ iheir grudparents, Mr. and Mrs. other day the old gentleman, 85 able, can be gained by such relationships ns these: It is twice the cnsli Charles Tandy, near Harrieburp. a prominent part in the educa­ J. O. MuLoughlin, Corvallis years old, walked in on him and tion exposition forestry display, Income of the 1928 wheat crop: It Is equal to about one-third of the much- J seph Comely and sou Freddy being guide and demonstrator on superintendent of schools and there was a joyful reunion. discussed French debt (o lids country: aud, fim illy, this loss would buy the went to Eugene Saturday and were the intensive silviculture prac- oaudidate for the state superin- entire city of Chlcngo at its present realty assessment valuation. accompanied home by their daugh­ tendency, was in town yesterday. H. C. Davis has some photo­ Drunken drivers are to L lim e fo- morn than half these aeci ters and sisters, Anna and Joseph ice exhibit. Virgil Corbin, junior in elec- de< D ) you want to double and reble the awful toll by niak iiic, who went back to Kugcoe Reported in Linn county in the graphs of Halsey in the long ago u u a, ‘ trical engineering, has been a last seven days were 5 cases of which old-timers would enjoy ing the Volstead act leas strict? Sunday evening. member of baseball, football and ohickerpox, 14 of influenza, 7 of looking at. The hotel kept here wrestling squads while in school. ■carlet fever and 10 of smallpox. by E. B. Penland’s father, when, ) son of Halsey, were dinnet the postoffice now stands, and Last term he played on the jun­ K irk K in k s P in e G ro v e P o in ts I "meats at Thomas Ardry’s Sun­ Fire broke out this morning in other buildings destroyed in the ior class football team. He was day. a closet in the hotel where some big fire, appear in the view^ 4s on the varsity wrestling squaa (By an Hnterpiise Reporter) mattresses were stored. Lodgisrs they did a generation ago. Miss Mary Evans, who has this year until a broken rib forc­ (By Special Correspondent) smelled it and Mr. Moody phoned , been ill ¡several weeks, is able to R. E. Bierly called at L. It. ed him to give up thia activity. H. W. Chance is getting Mre Reynolds at the restaurant Charles Shaw of Peoria be up but has not been out oi Falk’s Friday. Corbin is a member of Wastina She hurried over and sent in some around on crutches and likely preached at Pine Grove Sunday the house yet. club. W. R. Kirk was an Albany men who found the blase and soon to get off them. Soon after morning. | O. G. Coldiron and G. W. caller Saturday. Kenneth Cross, a student in quenched it. he stepped in that hole and gave V T kJ. pharmacy, will be a candidate and Earl' Hocketnsmith attended the Fred Heinrich jr., F. J. Keen finished his spring for - graduation Mrs. Martin Cummings was a his right ankle a twist rheauma- Albertson were home from O. A. wrestBng match at Shedd Wed­ this year. Cross plowing last week. delegate to the Methodist con- tisra went to work and concentrat­ C. for the week end. j is taking a three-year course. nesday evening. ___ t:sm went to work and concentrat- ed the pain (and there was no The G. J. Rikes were Sunday ' De Los Clark is attending the Mr. and Mis. Henry Brock visitors lackof it) in the knee, but med­ Emma Johnson injured her at E. W. Falk’s. college for his third year. He is ference at Coquille. ical aid at last seems to be over­ knee quite badly and was unable and Dorris spent Sunday at the Mrs. R. E. Bierly and sons registered in commerce, and be- home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Her­ to attend school last week. Mrs. George Drinkard o 1 coming the trouble. l°n£8 ^ e- O. A. C. Chamber man, near Coburg. The Hermans were ilrownsville callers Satui- of Brownsville and Mrs. C. R. Because Tom Smith and Ralph Pi Commerce, and to the Orion Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy were just recovering from a se­ ,l„v • j M.cdy of this city accompanied per, 9odavllle men, accused him of visited Miss Dannen at the Cor­ vere attack of the flu. Mrs. Her­ Mrs. Carl Seefeld and children Mrs. J. S. McMahon to Salem, telling falsehoods concerning a chick vallis hospital Wednesday. Fred Heinrich, a freshman in man was still confined to her spent Wednesday at Henry See where they visited the Rebekah en deal, Jake Bewley. also of Soda Mrs. L. E. Eagy has a new bed and her condition serious. industrial arts, is a member of fold’s. convention last Saturday after­ ville, attacked Smith w ith a long Achean club. He also belongs to noon and evening. They report bladed hunting knife and inflicted two piano purchased by Mr. Eagy Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carey ot the industrial art club and to the on his recent trip to Portland. a good time. cute Mrs. C. H. Koontz went to' Salem were in this vicinity Sat­ Society of American Military Mrs. Grant McNeil went to Salem Satumay to visit her! urday. Mrs. Geer announces a teach- Engineers. (Continned on page 8) Woodburn Thursday to attend daughter / ka Alberta and to Joe Elliot and family attended Other students attending are a district conference meeting. attend freshman glee Saturday community meeting at O. J. William Corcoran, sophomore in P. A. Pehersson and Frank evening at W. U. Albertson’s Friday evening. pharmacy; Wayne Gordon Rob­ Gibson were guests at the Cor­ Mrs. Joe Elliot and sons, ac­ ertson, junior in civil engineer­ vallis chamber of commerce Church Notices companied by Mrs. O. J. Albert­ ing; Delma Daisy Wahl, sopho­ luncheon Tuesday. Schedules of services in local son and daughter Vida, motored more in home economics, and Trueman W. Robnett, freshman Mrs. Inez Smith attended the and nearby churches, if received to Albany Saturday. in pharmacy. The two new stu­ community meeting Friday not later than Tuesday at 10 a. A. L. Falk and Albert West dents are Earl Albertson, fresh­ evening and spent the week end m., are gladly puiblishel in ths with Mrs. E. E. Hover. Enterprise without cha-ge, but are cutting wood again at Dean man in agricultural, and Ixruise Bilyeu’« at Pine Grove, after re­ Robnett, freshman, in vocational The community meeting Fri­ as a precaution against publish­ covering from the flu. education. Miss Robnett has en­ day evening was attended by a ing an erroneous notice in case tered the college from normal A. M. Templeton and wife ol of change, they are inserted large crowd. The program fur­ sc h o o l._____________ nished by the Corvallis Cham­ only on the same week they are' Brownsville spent Saturday at their son J. P. Templeton’s anil received. Send a fresh notice, ber of Commerce was much en­ Travel Rates Cut joyed and $41.25 was made every week it you wish it print-j a.’so called at W. R. Kirk’s. for Westerners ed. from the pie social. Clarence Gillette and E. E. That Pacific coast residents and Marion Carey helped Cecil Miss Undine Dannen, who w < Church of Ch~ , may have travel rate advantages Bilyeu repair his windmill towet taken to the Corvallis General which was wrecked by the re­ comparable to the rates given Hospital Monday for an opera­ to easterners who come west cent windstorm. tion for appendicitis, has re­ and westerners who go east, the covered rapidly and was able to and steamship lines The W. F. M S. held its railroads leave the hospital Sunday and announce reduction of from monthly meeting Friday after­ 20 to 33 1-3 a per go to her home near Shedd. Mrs. in summer noon with Mrs. Robert Parker. round-trip rates cent Mae Markham is teaching the to all resort 'I There were seventeen ladies points in the coast sates Pine Grove school during Miss present. Mrs. L. C. Merriam led Alaska, effective April 30 and fri Dannen’s absence. to the meeting and Mrs. S. J. Sept. 30. Tickets with a three- Smith the devotions and, as month return limit will have 20 L a k e C ree k L o ca ls • DRY GOODS usual, Mrs. N. T. Sneed h a^ reduction and those with chargt of the "mystery box’’ percent Sunday School, 10. (E n terp rise Correspondent) sixteen-day limit will be reduced questions. Mrs. C. P. Stafford 38 1-3 percent. Preaching, 11. Martin Cummings was a Eu­ Christian Endeavor, '¿¡30. favored the meeting with a «jf the western railroads gene visitor Friday. lovely solo, “In the Secret of and All steamship Preaching, 7d$0. lines have joined His Presence”. Cakes and cof­ Clifford L. Car pastor. Albert Davis of Junction City in the rate cut, that the ‘‘home- fee were served at the close of folk” of the west is employed at J. S. Nicewood’s desiring to the afternoon. now. M. E. Church see their own country be given rate advantages comparable to Mr. and Mis. Frank Logan ol Robert Parker , op good A Miss Willmina Corcoran drovt, those given on the long-haul Springfield spent Sunday with nunday echo' • to Salem Thursday with Mrs transcontinental routes and from Preaching, , , ’ U GOODS m Mr. and Mrs. Roy Owen. A. J. Hill add son Carl and en­ the east. The largest percentage Junior Le g Mr. and Mrs. Manlee Spores tered the state hospital for fui of national parka, monuments EpworPj <,#7. of Coburg viäited C. S. Wil­ J r* « L i n g , 7 J». ther treatment for throat and and scenic routes of the country liams Sunday. _____ /er-meeting, Thursday, 7;30 I bronchial troubles. She is re are in the territory benefit ed ported to be doing well. by the new rates. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bond and J Bi }jmdy Toeofiay, 2. MEN'S CLOTHING e e to order FURNISHINGS FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN • DRY GOODS ..... ; : DRY GOODS • DRY GOODS < • Rnr 2 p J Ä p c 5 VjKUCljKlrjd • :D R ÏG 00D S GROCERIES: K oontzq lâ o o à - T h e n 2 2 . e o o liv e s = w a m n CW *113,000,000