R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E AGE 8 "H ra. C. H. Koontz over the week CO M ING CHARLIE CHAPLIN in “ THE GOLD RUSH” Thia or any other year’s greatest comedy. Next Sun.— Mon.—Tue». March 7—8— 9 GLOBE Albany Halsey Happenings (Continued from page 1) J. E. True is quite ill with asthma. Walt Smith has been doing carpenter work for Ernest Gour- ley. Ernest Scholl, m erchant at Sweet Home, was in town F ri­ day! Mrs. H. L. Straley, who has been quite ill, is able to be ou: again. Mrs. Bradford Moss is able to be out again a fte r a severe speh of flu. The M. E. Sunday school plans to organize an orchestra this week. Miss Beulah Miller spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Pec’ Templeton. George Maxwell was doing carpenter work a t the Burbank garage Saturday. Miss Reed, secretary of Mis­ sions, will speak a t the Chris­ tian church March 9. Miss Dorothy Corcoran took dinner with her friend, Ernes­ tine Coleman Sunday. William McAllister and his housekeeper, Mrs. Haverland. were in Brownsville Saturday. Mrs. A rthur Wesley was ? Brownsville visitor Saturday. She had several teeth extracted Gilbert Carey, who is attend­ ing the Bible University a t Eu­ gene, was home for the week end. Mrs. J. J. Corcoran visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curtis, a t Peoria Sunday. Mrs. C urtis is ill. The Junior Endeavor held a business and social meeting at Christian church Thursday evening with Mrs. Nora Cole­ man as leader. Prof. Lyman Patton spent the week end in Portland visiting relatives. His wife and daugh­ ters, who have been visiting there for some time, returned with him. Mesdames Nora Coleman and Irma Shotwell hiked to Tulsa station and back Sunday a fte r­ noon. They brought a loud of Oregon grape, pussy willows and daffodils ba?k with them. Miss All>erta Koontz of W. V. visited her parents, Mr. and end. Mrs. C. P. Stafford was a pas­ senger to Salem Friday. W’illiam Corcoran of 0. A. C. visited home folks this week end. Frank Porter came from Port­ land last week to look a fter his ranch. At Cecil Bilyeu’s they are caring for baby chicks intended for early fryers. Yum yum! Mr. and Mrs. Karl Seefeld and children were guests of Mrs Hannah Cummings Friday. A chimney sweep in a ‘‘stove pijie h a t” was busily engaged in cleaning various chimneys about town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gormley were Halsey shoppers and guests of Mrs. Hannah Cum­ mings Saturday. Miss Cleona Sm ith, school teacher a t Sweet Home, spent the week end here with her father, Walt Smith. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Applegate at Eugene, Tuesday. Mrs. Applegate is a sister to Mrs. Will Robertson. Me*«™ md Mesdames Eldon and S IL V E R T E A G R A Y The all-day quarterly meeting and basket dinner at the Lake Creek Methodist church drew a full attendance. Ted S tiff of Salem paid $25 fine a t Albany Monday for hav­ Mrs. Fred Applegate, and hus­ ing liquor a t a dance and C. C. band. Waldspel the same amount for H arry Mason caught a ride being drunk. and visited Halsey over the S. J. Holloway and J. W. week end. Evans of Lake Creek and Paul J. W. Clark and family have Jensen of H arrisburg went to moved to their Brownsville Corvallis Sunday and studied farm. poultry problems. A bull attacked Em m ett Cook The Study club proposes to the other day, throw ing him to raise some money for the Doern- the ground and bruising him backer children’s hospital by a considerably before Cook got silver tea Saturday afternoon in bold of the ring in the animal’» the premises formerly occupied nose and m astered him. Mr. by Dr. Marks. Cook had a narrow escape and Miss Willmina Corcoran ex­ is still sore physically, howevei serene he may be mentally over pects to stop home treatm eni and go to th e hospital a t Salem the affair. to finish her cure. She has gain­ B. M. Bond was a t a conven- ed considerably in weight. She expects to go sometime before Saturday. Halsey Study Club feeling better after a siege of flu. J. C. Bramwell visited Albany Friday. Mrs. Laubner went to Salem Friday. Mrs. D. J. Hayes was in A l­ bany Friday. C. C. Jackson was in H arris­ burg Saturday. The Staffords had a call Sun­ day from Mr. and Mrs. Hans Seitz of Salem, who were on their way to Eugene for a visit. Dr. and Mrs. Marks returned Monday from Yoncolla, where RURAL ENTERPRISE and Any Mrs. A. E. Foote of Creswell motored to Albany Friday to have some dental work done. She returned to Halsey and spent the night with Mrs. Rosa Powell and drove to her homa the next day. Mrs. C. H. Koontz burned her hand quite severely last week and it became infected to some extent. While she is re covering from th at, the mascu line members of the family are gaining experience in house keeping. Junior Wade broke out with scarlet fever in the school at Peoria last week. The family had been quarantined for a nuni- ber of weeks and had all had the disease but Junior, and had been out from under the quaran­ tine for a week or more. Now the ban is put on them again. A farewell party and hand­ kerchief shower in honor of Mr.». Ruth Clark was given a t the of this list of leading- MAGAZINES $-|75 Why Pay More! Get Your MAGAZINES NOW AT COST! Take Your PICK Never before and probably never again will you have such an extraor­ dinary money-saving opportunity. Note carefully the large »election of choice reading — all at a price to fit your pocketbook. Renewals w ill be extended one year from date of expiration. N o need to wait. C U P ANO U SE T H IS CO U PO N old range taken; n exchange, t V ii t a u c S B) It ft ri tl n C O M PA N Y Studebaker Light Six 1 1921 Motorcycle Highway Garage First aud Baker Albany, Ore. H O W A R D SR1GLEY CUT FLOWERS - SHEET MUSIC Floral and HALL'S Music Shop Albany were in Lynn Sawyer and wife or Brownsville have a ujw daugh­ ter. Mrs. Edythe Drinkard a t­ tended th e Friday cooking school a t Shedd. Everybody invited. Swell th e fund for the D o ern b ech er H ospital for C hildren T h e B o o te ry Baby Grand Chevrolet 2 Ford Coupes All th e Wesleys Brownsville Saturday. B U IL D IN G , F IR S T S T . Jess Cron were gu»st« at diuoer at Cross were guests at dinner at they yiailed Mr» Marks’ «¡»ter, E. E. Gormley’s Thursday even­ ing. An enjoyable evening w.u spent when about thirty-five friends from Oak Plain gathered at Joe Elliott’s a week ago F ri­ Q t l O O G f°r the wh°le famely day. k J - la V r ^ O p in est new sp rin g slip p ers Mrs. Florence Green of Sa:< Pedro, Cal., arrived Wednesday W e have also a big close-out on sam ples to visit her parents, Mr. and especially for th is week Mrs. M. E. Gardner. Do not miss values at T h e B o O tU T V F. W. Robinson took his wrecked new Cadillac back to 140 West First st.. Albany Portland to be made like new after Mr. Papman fixed it up so it could make the run. Mr. Earl, who a t one time was foreman for the Southern Paci­ fic here, and now resides a t A l­ bany, was visiting with the Odd Fellows Saturday evening. Mrs. C. J. Straley was ‘‘busy” with the flu last week. Miss Enid Veatch, Hope Hussey and id C. J. took turns with the work until she was able to be up. members of the W. F. M. S. Seventeen ladies were present and n very delightful afternoon spent. Sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffee were served. Mrs. ( lark will make her home here Linn county home« w ill appreciate the supreme quality of the I. a NO after at Brownsville and will be W O O D an.I ita marvelous fuel saving. much missed by the society. Guaranteed to cut fuel costs one h all, in gray, blue or white enamel. Your The E. V. Bass family are F U R N IT U R E County School Superintendent Geer has the flu. SATURDAY, MARCH 6th horn« of tbe Foote« Friday by the BARTCHER •tion of bankers in Portland last week. MARCH 3 The shortest skirts and low est waisttops of fahionable fe­ males are not the extrem e of brevity. Willis Willey, whose home is near Spokane, takes the cake in th a t line. And he rides around in his own automobile. He is “w ritten up” on page 0 this week. Nam»-. A t the Halsey postoffice mails close going north at 11:50 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and 5:20 p. m. To Brownsville, 6:20 a. no. and 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ ville goes on to Crawfordsville, Holley aud Sweet Home. ESCAPED FEMALE SILVER BLACK FOX Liberal R E W A R D givee to informant who is responsible for her capture. STANFORD SPARKS R. F. D., Shedd, Oregon. Telephone Brownsville 44F151 It may be taken for granted that if Governor Weat take« the stump in the campaign in Oregon during 1926, added to tbem agnifi. cent impetus Governor Pierce baa already given his income tax program, every republican candi­ date will have to get in line aud adopt the same platform, or e\ery democratic candidate will be elected, regardless of the usual republican m ajority.— Canby H a r­ _______________ ald. Quekemeyer, who was aide to G ener­ R E F E R E E 'S SA LE O F R E A L T Y al Pershing in the world war, died Notice is hereby given that pursuant In the M ilita ry Academy here. He to an order of «ale made aud entered la was 41 years old. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the C ounty of Linn, Departm ent No. 2, on the 1st day of March, 1426, in that certain suit therein wherein A. G. W aggener and E. A. Waggener his wife were plaintiffs and Agnes Struth­ Heat und vitanilne A, two factors ers. J. E Waggener, M E. Daridson, required In chick nutrition, are present Theo. Davidson her husband. M. I. Wag- In yellow corn to a greater degree than gener, Lvdia Waggener bis wife, Vada In any of the grains commonly used. Roush, George Roush her husband, Hence yellow com can be used exten­ George H. Waggener, Pauline WaggeB- sively In chick feeding with every as­ er his wife, Oscar P. Waggener, M arga­ surance of success. Oats, barley, ret W aggener hts wife, E lv ira W. H all, wheat, white com do not contain vita- George R. H a ll her hashand, Irw in G. Waggener, Mabel Waggener h i t wife, mine A in appreciable quantities, so V ir g il 8 . Waggener, Loia Waggener his are not now considered in the same wife, George 8 Waggoner, Katherine class us yellow corn when used as Waggoner his wife, Jessie Allen. M in n ie chick feeds. A lation made tip of 80 L. L illy, F rank L illy her husband. I.an- pounds o f yellow com meal, 20 pounds ra B. Gatchell, L. W . Gatchell (hereto­ wheat middlings, 5 pounds raw hone fore impleaded by name of A. A. Gatch­ meal. 5 pounds pearl grit, and 1 pound ell I her hnsband, Harry B. Waggoner. salt, mixed as a mash and fed dry Margaret Waggoner his wife, W a lte r R. W aggoner, Amy W aggoner h it wife. from hopper or pan. w ill give excellent O rv ille V. W aggoner, Orval C. W a g ­ results providing liberal quantities of goner, Margaret W aggoner hia wife skim m ilk and clean fresh w ater are Alisa L. Thomson. Henry B. Thomson also supplied. Direct sunlight will her husband, Dame! S. W ag go rer. M a r­ garet E W aggoner, George Roberts, complete It. the unknown heirs if any ef said George Roberts if he be deceased, Ilia Roberts, the unknown heirs if an v of raid I l i t Rob­ The farm er cannot control the e t ket price of his products, but he can erts if hebe deceased, Hattie Thompson, In a very large degree control the post the unknown heirs if any n f raid H attie Thompson if the be deceased. Charley o f production and one o f the best Roberts, the unknown heirs if any of means for doing this Is to maintain •aid Charley Roberts if he he deceased, his land In a high state o f cultivation. the unknown heirs if any o f S n u n Rob- etrs i rowbridge, deceased, and gener­ ally all persons unknown havnig or T H E M A R T IN L U D W IG SHOP claim ing an interest or eatate in the 1 Geo. L. Hurley, Proprietor and Uan- property in said suit ware defendants, “ Rer- W a rm air farnaces, plumbing and appointing and dirnettng the under­ and sheet inetal work, tin and gravei signed as sole referee to sell the realty roofdig, general jobbing in tin and gal- hereinafter described, I, the undersigned vanned iron work, raetal skylights aud referee, w ill, on Satnrday, the 3d day of A pril, 1426,at the hour of 1 o'clock p. cornices, namps of at, kinds. ni of raid day, at the front door of the 136 Ferry street, Albany, Ore. coutthouse at Albany, in Linn C ounty Phone 127J, Oregon, offer and sell at public taction to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation of raid court, all of the S. E. ’ 4 of the N. E. % of rac. 21, in tp. Funeral Direct« and Licensed 14 S. of range 3 W. of the W iH a m e tto meridian, in L in a county, Oregon, con­ Embalmer taining 40 acres. Dated and first pub­ L A D Y A S S IS T A N T lished March 3 lv26. F ran k Richard, Referee, Brownsville, Oregon nssing A T u ttin g , Attva. for Plfft Yellow Corn for Chicks Can Be Used Extensively — .Stale— W . |_ W R IG H T C American Needlewoman □ America, Poultry Advocate □ Home Friend CJ Blade A Ledger 0 Household Guest 0 Capper'» Farmer 0 Household Magazine 0 Farm & Fireside 0 Illustrated Mechanics 0 The Farm Journal 0 Mother’s Home Life 0 Farm Life 0 Pathfinder ( w eekly) 26 Issues 0 Gentlewoman Magaxine □ Today's Housewife 0 Good Stories □ Tractor A Ga» Engine Review 0 Home Circle □ Woman's World ro w and bring to our Buaineaa Office Outgoing Mail Rev. M . T . Nolan, well known here and formerly Methodist paator at Shedd, died Saturday in a Pershing's W a r Aide la Dead. W est Point, N. Y.— M ajo r John O. Eugene hospital. St o r K .F .D .............................................................. .. CHOOSE or Mark mail it North South 17, 12:04 p. m. 32, 3:24 a. ro. flag 15. 12;45 p. in. .16. 5.15 a. m. 33, 8:12 p. m. 18. 8:16 a. m. flag 34, 4:08 p. in. 31, 1:34 p m. No«. 14 and 16 stqp to let off passengers from south of Eugene. No. 31, direct connnction for Marshfield points. Passengers for s ju th of Eugene should take train No. 17. Halsey-Brow ntville stage leaves H a l­ sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8 : l t p m. Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and 3.35 and 8:45 p. in. DELBERT STARR Gentlemen: I wish to taxe advantage of your Magazine Bargain Offer I am enclosing the above amount in payment for a one year subscriotion to your paper and the F IV E M a l a x e s I have marked with m X W o w 7otin. I Currin Miller and M artin Koontz lost a suitcase from a car near Corvallis. R eturning t<» look for it, they saw a man pick it up and s ta rt away. They fol­ lowed, but his car was the more speedy and they lost th eir pro­ perty. Haliey Railroad Tjme T T / l f l 71 V • “ W e i V FUNERAL DIRECTOR H »rriaburg, Ore. — A Modern Barber Shop Laundry »ent Tuesdays \gen cy Hub Cleaning Work« ABE S PLACE N O T IC E Appointment of Adm inistrator di Bonis non w ith W ill Annexed Notice is hereby given that the under signed by an order of the Ceunty Conr of L in u County, Oregon has beei appointed adm inistrator de bonis noi w ith w ill annexed ef the estate e David I . Isom, deceased. A ll person having claim s agaiaet said estate ro heretofore presented to the executrix e said w ill a rt reqm rrd to present them w ith the proper vouchers, to th e under signed at h it residence, about fonrm ilei southwest of Halsey in Linn county Dated and first pabliahed this 3d day of March, 1436. E. D. l i e n Adm inistrator AforaraiA Tnssing 4 Tetetng. Attye. for Admr. of