’T'be Courtesy Shop >>/^íbanyj2)irectory MARCH 3 Ready-to-wear and M illin e ry Mrs. C. L. Fox 117 Broadalbin st , Albany W. N. DOAK T h is is good a d v ic e ; “ i f you live Rower rates Attractive contracts in Albany, trade i l l Albany ; if you live in some other town trade in that town.*' Special attention to truckmen operating under public service commission But in these automobile days many re '¿ •id in g elsewhere find it advisable to do J. L. STUART, the insurance tnan I at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany Cusick ouildipg (upstairs) room 146 ______________ Albauy, Oregon i to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill th eir require* a went» w ith courtesy an t fairness. ■ ■ «I ■■ ■ I Assistant Secretary i Believes Time Has Come For Thor­ ough Investigation. Dress up Your Eyes Washington. D. C.—Creation of a commission to study the general pro­ hibition question in all its aspects was proposed by Assistant Secretary Andrews of the treasury, in charge of dry law enforcement. i With both senate and house pre­ paring to take steps to inquire into I conditions under prohibition and with * wet and dry organizations engaged in j bitter controversy over it, Andrews j declared he believed the time had come for a thorough study of the question in its economic, social and other phases. Unwilling to make an estimate of the various effects of the law himself, the secretary declared that if enforce­ ment was to proceed with success, some action must he taken to quiet the public mind. In the six years since the eigh­ teenth amendment to the constitution was adopted no move of a similar nature has been made by an author­ ized administration official, although congress has been asked on numerous occasions by various groups to order such a procedure. Enforcement of the law so far. he said, has not been a fair teat of the working of prohibition and a fair test cannot be made until a Judiciary and a police force sufficient to carry out the law is available. They deserve the best money will buy. If you have to U9e your A 1 Dinnerware old frame, DON’T buy a second- Tin shop in connection \V. First St. Albany, Oregon quality glass* Have that exactly perfeet. lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers J. LINDAHL, hardware, r A and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-J. p E M K A L TIR E SHOP charging. T ire Vulcantziug- Battery re­ 221 W . Second. E d Falk, Prop. E astburn Bros. — Two big grocery stores, 212 W . First and 225 South B a m . Good merchandise at the rig ht ■rices. W. N. Doak, vice president and leg­ islative representative of the Brother­ hood of Railroad Trainmen, who looks cut for their Interests in any legisla­ tion before congress. Cafeteria and confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ E lite Meade & Albro ings. Courteous, efficient service. FA AB 5 Andrews Wants to Know, You Know Automobile and Truck Insurance I RURAL MNTERPKISE CHARLOTTE WHITTON “Rome De Luxe” Sleep Sold Here W h a t a glorious feelin g ' it is to esca p e fro m t h e d e a d e n in g effects o f a s a g g in g b e d s p r in g - W hen y o u sleep w ith y o u r sp in e s tr a ig h t—- w hen y o u e lim in a te t h e p re s s u re o n d e lic a te nerves— w hen th e w h o le sy stem c le a rs itse lf o f f a tig u e p o is o n s a n d ev ery m uscle a n d n e r v e fee ls r e f r e s h e d — t h e n y o u ’ll a p p r e c ia t e t h e benefits w hich w e offer, you in R o m e Q u a lity D e L u x e , T h e B ed- spring L uxurious. T h e r e iso n ly o n e g e n u in e R o m e D e L u x e — le t u s show it to y o u . A ll sizes c a r­ ried in sto c k . F o r w ood o r m e ta l beds. Charlotte Whitton of Canada, who has been made chairman of the child Harry Woodburn Chase, president of welfare committee of the League of Optometrists and Manufacturing the University of North Carolina. Nations. 'ORD SALES AND SERVICE Opticians Crooked creek unit, a valuable tract Tires and accessories ALBANY OREGON of pine timber on the Klamath Indian Repairs K i r k -P o l l a k M otor C o . reservation, will be sold at Klamath Dr. Weed, said to be one of the fore­ agency May 11, it is announced by most mining experts in America, is yrtmiller Furniture Co., furni­ reservation authorities. There are 30,- the operating head, is now the owner ture, rugs, linoleum , stoves ranges of the pronertv 000,000 feet of timber in the unit. nneral directors. 427-433 west First Improving Justice court procedure Ireet, Albany, Oregon. That negotiations have been under and possibly working out a plan to way for some time and are about to substitute district courts for the pres­ DULLER GROCERY, 285 Lyon be closed for the sale of a controlling ent Justice courts, is the purpose of (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) G le a n e d b y th e W e s t e r n Interest in the Mother Lode mine to an organization of justices of the Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 263R N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r a multi-million-dollar copper company peace from many of the larger cltieB in New York city is reported at Baker. and towns outside of Portland, per­ B u s y P e e p le olman & jackson T H E B E D S P R IN O L U X U R I O U S The presence of 8000 aliens in the fected at a meeting held at Salem. E. Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats A JnfP • >• ooh genuine Fred Westerfeld. Klamath Falls den Portland immlgiation district who had J. Noble of Oregon City was elected «lût _ • Rora«_Quali«y p« L mm aiûf Opposite Postoffice It U made only by Tha Rom« C t tlet, collapsed and died following a 10 no legal right to come into this coun­ president of the organization. Brazier t»nT. We «.Il (he ■•nula» a. try was reported to the sub-committee Small, Justice of the peace for the otel Barber Shop day fast. I ----------' U ft» ' r UeeltWul deep. on appropriations for the labor depart­ Salem district, wag elected secretary Hotel Albany- Construction of the two Coos bay ment by federal Immigration officials. and treasurer. Albany, Oregon jetties has advanced to the stage when A. Nagel Roy Stenberg Members of the Bend city council discussion of surfacing the sand rock Berlin.—A deadlock in the coming BRIEF GENERAL NEWS have announced their willingness to M PERIAL CAFE, 209 W. First is under way. League of Nations council session H A LSEY ,’JK Harold G. Murphy Prop. submit to a vote of the people the Grants Pass will ask the highway Phone 665 The Belgian senate ratified the debt would follow any insistence by Brazil, question of a managerial form of gov­ commission to complete the section ol W e nev er close funding agreement with the United Spain and Poland upon their claims road between Deer creek and Hay's ernment for Bend. A commercial club States negotiated at Washington. to permanent seating in the council, n --------■ i , ■ .......... .. aunkr T e l e it r ic co . special committee is now making a Official Strömberg carbur etor aerv hill on the Redwood highway during study of various forms of city manage­ President Coolidge signed a bill according to a Germany government 1926. ice station. Couservative prices. A1 authorizing construction of a bridge spokesman. ment. work guaranteed. 423 W. First A census just taken at the milling It was revealed that Sweden, Hol­ The Lane county grand jury return­ over the Columbia river near Brew­ land, Switzerland and Lithuania are en and money are best when town of Garibaldi in Tillamook county ed indictments against four men of ster, Wash. - A showdown upon the new admin­ prepared to support the German posi­ I busy. M ake your dollars work in shows a population of 1005. Three our savings department. A l b a n y S t a t years e ago there were only 320 inhabi­ Oakridge including James A. Haynie, istration railroad consolidation bill tion that only Germany at present deputy sheriff and constable, and Dr. I «fZXK. Under government supervision. tants. should gain a permanent seat. Ger­ Foreign Debt Settlements and Leslie W. Peute, justice of the peace, will be demanded in the senate before many would abandon her opposition James A. McGregor of South Dakota April 1, it was announced by Senator arinello parlors Annual Appropriation Bill on charges that they had knowledge In event of a postponement until fall (A beauty aid for every need' has been appointed head of the Che of the violation of the prohibition law Albert B. Cummins, republican, of of Insistence on the Brazilian, Span Principal Items Left. St. Francia Hotel Iowa, Its author. mawa Indian school to succeed Har­ Prop. Winifred Rcs> wood Hall, who has resigned because and did not reveal these facts to the Ish and Polish claims, It was suggest­ The Walsh report criticizing Attor­ district attorney. The others indicted of 111 health. | were Harry Brown, pool hall pro­ ney General Sargent's Justice depart­ ed by Informed quarters, but she Washington, D. C.—Although mov­ tjD S C O K A.MES HARDWARE ment for failure to prosecute the would force the Issue against the trio ing along In more or less leisurely More than 700 feet of highway was prietor, and Jack Wright, barber. Aluminum Company of America, in if they stand pat now. it was said. covered and 150 feet carried away by The Winchester Store fashion congress Is gradually cleaning Five sororities on the University of which Secretary or the Treasury Mel­ an immense slide which blocked the up Its slate and should be able to get ¡Second band Pianos from $ lS o U| Roosevelt highway between Coquille Oregon campus, Alpha Chi Omega, lon has an Interest, was rejected by WILL BUY BONDS DIRECT away within two months at the latest. Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omlcron Pi, a vote of 33 to 36. -7 If you want a bargain in a piano now and Marshfield. The foreign debt settlements and is your chance. They're in A1 condition Restoration of lower Klamath lake Delta Gamma and Chi Omega, have Charles G. Burton, of Portland, Or., Secretary Mallon Announces Govern­ the annual appropriation bill are the Davenport Music House, 409 W. Firs. on the border of California and Ore­ purchased sites on which to build new former commander-ln-chlet of the O. ment to Eliminate Broker principal Items left on the calendar flM SO N T H E SHOK DOCTOR gon to use as a bird reserve is up to houses in the near future, according to A. R„ former congressman from Mis­ outside of farm relief and railroad Washington, D. C.—An offer to Second street, opposite Hamilton’s the people of those states, officials of university officials. souri, and former collector of customs purchase $100,000,000 of third liberty legislation. The senate has three re the biological survey say. Joseph I. Cavender, under 10 years' in Kansas City, Mo., died at Kansas loan bonds direct from holders was election contests to settle, but once "Sudden Service.” Gerald H. Clark, 21, of Eugene, was penitentiary sentence for assault with City, where he had gone for treat­ announced by Secretary Mellon In these reach the floor they are not ex­ w v a ld o Anderson & Sou. distrih killed Instantly in a logging camp of intent to kill in connection with the I ment by specialists following Illness connection with the program for the pected to consume a great deal of ™ utors and dealers for M axw ell, Chai the Fenn Lumber company at Mc- shooting of R. L. Haines in Harney . from a throat Infection. regular quarterly financing operations time. mers Essex, Hudson & Hupm obile cars Olynn, west of Eugene, when a snag, county July 5. 1923, must serve the I America consumed 825,000 tong of of the government. The house Is expected to pass the Aoces-.!'Ties, o pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin struck by a falling tree, fell upon him. term imposed upon him, according to candy last year, the National Con This Is the second time the govern­ Watson-Parker railroad labor bill and Consideration of the nomination of an opinion handed down by the state fectloners’ association announced, and ment will deal directly with holders It will be taken up In the senate In ■ E tn te ’a Shoe repair service. items which went Into last year's of Its securities, the treasury an­ the near future. Wallace McCamant for the federal supreme court. Opposite Hotel Albany bench by the Judiciary committee has Muscle Shoals probably will oc­ The Iron Dyke mine at Homestead, candy crop included 425,000 tons of nouncing thst the first attempt ta Albi- ay, Oregon been postponed Indefinitely as a re­ believed to be worth about $5,000,000 sugar. 60,000 tone of chocolate coat­ the last quarter had proved success­ cupy much of the time of the senate sult of the continued Illness of Sena­ is reported to have been sold. The ing, 7500 tons of chocolate liquors, ful. Brokers will be eliminated In as leaders are determined to have ac­ tor Johnson of California, McCamant’s Idaho Copper corporation, of which 7000 tong of nuts and 225,000 tona of the proposed transaction, the bond tion on the house resolution creating corn syrup. owners dealing with the government a congressional commission to release Se" icse,alien chief opponent, who wishes to address the committee before It passes on Mr- through authorized banks or dealers the great wartime nltrata and power W* W i l l a r d s Camant's name. Johnson is ill at his plant on the Tennessee river. home with Influenza. Chairman Smoot of the finance com­ Marshal Allenby Feted In Honolulu Under new managemen As a demonstration of resentment mittee plans to ask early action on Honolulu, T. H - Honolulu paid peace­ L. M. Taylor, Prop. over the mounting state levies against time honors to Lord Edmund Allenby, the Italian debt settlement, the only 121 W. Second, Albany, motor vehicles, a caravan of protest British field marshal. In an all day one of the six pending debt settle­ left Eugene Saturday on a state-wide ments on which there Is a serious program of entertainment which tour In the first round of a fight contest. All of those settlements al­ started with the arrival of the steam If you enjoy a good meal, C A P IT A L A N D SU R PLU S rtifd knpw a good meal when you get it, against further proposed tax burdens ship Orangl from Australia and con­ ready have haen approved by the house. You 11 be back, tor yon'll not forget it on the automobile owner and especial­ tinued until Its departure for Van ly against the recent plan to add an­ Hearings on farm relief legislation Our aim is to please vou. Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited couver. The program Included a will be resumed by the house agri­ other cent a gallon to the present round of official calls, a semi-public culture committee. gasoline tax In this state. luncheon and Hawaiian entertain­ ALBANY The most prominent measure to be Adoption of the Washington system, ment. taken up Is the Dickinson bill, de­ N o O ne W ill Refuse which rests In the state tax commis­ I G E O . M. G I L C H R S T signed to take care of (he export sur­ sion complete control over both state a plate of C lark’s ice cream. Its Presbyterian Pension Fund Planned plus of the principal farm products. and local property assessments and New York—Will H. Hays, chair The house already has passed the delicious flavor, so pleasing to the the raising of all funds for state pur­ palate, appeals to everyone's taste, man of the laymen’s committee of administration co-operative market­ poses In Oregon through Indirect tax f ' at lowest rate of interesL the Presbyterian church In the United stlon, were the outstanding recom­ young or old. If you doubt this States, announced the opening of a ing measure but the senate agricul­ J k t l Estate Insurance mendations of county assessors at a ture committee Is to hold hearings on trv some yourself. One trial will nation-wide campaign to raise $15,- this and several score other measures 'Prau .t service. Courteous treatment. meeting with members of the state convince you and you surelv will 600,000 for establishment of a service designed to aid the agriculture Indus­ W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank tax Investigating committee at Salem acquire a lilting for it. Sold by pension fund to care for aged Presby­ try. builning, Albany The annual western white pine the pint, q u art or gailon, and io terian educators Andrew Mellon, sec­ blister rust conference, attended by bricks to take home retary of the treasury, is treasurer Estate Pays Big Inheritance Tan foresters and tlmbermen from five Butte, Mont/—While a complete ap­ of the committee to direct the cam­ western states and by forest service praisal of the estate left by the lata paign _ W hy suffer from headache? officials from Washington. D. C, was Senator W A. Clark, mining magnate, held In Portland Saturday. Have your eyes examined had not been reached, C. A. Raamua- Dirigible Building Urged In Cengreae For leading the 15 divisions of the sen. collector of Internal revenue, Washington, D. C,—The house nav­ was handed a $$,600,000 check here Pacific system of the Southern Pa al committee Is convinced that the as s preliminary payment on the In­ elflr railway In business-getting dur with Shenandoah disaster should not halt heritance tax tng the final business quarter of 1825. the progress of airship development, employes of the Portland division were may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the "To stop this development In the presented with a bronze plaque TUBS I NG & TOSSING i face of misfortune would be un Amer­ * White Shield Home, 565 Mavfalr avenue, Portland, Oregon. j J-welere Optometriets Request for an extension of time in ican,” the committee reported to the LAWYERS Albany which to make his decision relative house In submitting formally Its five- ••••• to the offer of the presidency of the Halsey and Brownsville year program to spend $85.000,090 to Univeretty ef Oregon w*> ma4e by Dr J e w e le r s , We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . Í News Notes From A ll Over Oreg on H Would K ^ p O ut Small Nations H Hill & C o.» I M I Congress Makes Haste Slowly M ( M s J s Willard HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 PARAGON CAFE FARM LOANS Clark’s Confectionery Dr. Seth T. French Any Girl in Trouble F. M. Frencn & Son ! I he wisest girls keep out of trouble •* : ! « build up naval aviation. OrefOB