A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land Halsey Happenings and County Events P a ir y P o u ltry W ool d id not ceived. Youth of Nation Tops Death List in U. S. Auto Fatalities Glenn Davis bought that shoe Doings of Our Populace repair shop at Silverton. Chronicled in Briet The highway commission has named the new structure at Har­ Paragraphs risburg "the Yeon bridge.” Mrs. Belvary Logan came A. J. Saltsman the Albanj home from Corvallis last week. records show, has sold 36'.. P. J. Forster received a tele­ acres to Roy Witt and wife. " gram announcing the death of Rev. George T. K le in of Seattle his sister, Mrs. Shierholtz, in Iowa w ill preach at the local Methodist chaJch Tuesday, March 9, at 7:80. last week. Bert Minkley and wife expect Diseases in L in n county reported to go in about a month to live on by the state board of health this the Smith farm, which they re­ week are chickenpox 6, influenxa 18, mumps 1, pneum onia 4, scarlet cently purchased. fever 6, Sm allpox 2, whooping The Magnreto Electric com­ cough 4. pany, Albany, J. p. Aylward west Second street to 423 west First. F. M, B ro w n , founder o f the deputy state game warden, was in thia office yesterday. He had brought Mrs. Brown from Portland to Brow nsville, where th e ir daugh­ ter, Mrs. F ra n k Cochran, ia ill. The high water caused by the recent rains washed out some of! the Harrisburg revetment and the road commission had some March came in lik e a la m b , b ut sandbagging done to stop the d on ’ t be auperatitioua. He ¡a lik e ly to go out the eame way. Not damage. a flake o f show nor a kard frpeze J. A. Stevenson and wife en­ thia w inter. Much fine weather, joyed a visit of their son Glenn but more fog than u«ual. In the and wife, from Portland, a week past m onth the deficienoy in the or more ago. Glenn stayed only ra in fa ll baa been made up an 1 it over the week end, but the lady now stands about norm al. G io- j rioua sunshine now by day and remained longer. a,e Unite' m oonlight, but o f moonshine ‘ “A big John Deere tractor, deponent saith not. States kc€*ps mortality records. About 22 non • voo* » just placed in stock by Hill & Co been kuf’ed’m oneber ° f "U,0,noblle ^or S.fia/maUs k n X 'm 'h a v e was given a trial trip on the Vandals broke into two school been killed In one year there were only a third ae many women or 2 All if street Friday morning. Modem buildings at Albany and ransacked female “ ‘he P°PUlatlon «• < Per cent greater t l ' ^ h s machinery will play a large part every desk and locker In the two build in reducing the cost of agricul­ ings with a gain of >4.15 In cash. This chart does not take Into consideration the 080 000 Americans whn tural production and making the Dismantling of the old steel bridge are injured annually by automobiles. Such figures are not’ available exc.pMn farmer’s economic problems less which has been replaced by the new ertuin states, but that boys and girls again make up the bulk of such highway bridge over the Willamette casualties is indicated by the records of New York state kept for the first formidable. river at Albany Is under way. The nine months of 1026. Here 11.768, or practically one third of the 38 W Mr. Burbank has put a new steel Is to be cut Into short lengths Injured, were under fifteen years of age. roof, with more slant, over his and shipped to Japan. D runken drivers are to b litn e fo- mare than h a lf these aeci garage. Reconstruction of the power lines d < " D j you w ant to doitolu and reble the a w ful to ll b y m a k Jim Henderson pleaded guilty from Albany south to Springfield nnd ing the Volstead act less s tric t? Saturday to running a still and west to Corvallis Is nearly completed. was sent up for a year by Judge The w-rk has been In progress since last summer and a large crew has Kelley. Pine Grove Points Noted Lutheran Church Leader Diet For the first time w’e are able to give Rena Walker’s new name. She is Mrs. H. B. Carr and resides in Los Angles. Mrs. M. B. Taylor of Corvallis was visiting her sister, Mrs. M. B. Southern, and her niece, Mrs. J. W. Clark, Saturday. W. Robinson, who was crowded off the highway near langant by a road hog, as stated last week, sustained more dam­ age than the ducking and the smashing of his car. He has since found himself pretty sore from bruises, which at first he been kept at work during the winter This work was done by the Mountain States Power company, which main­ tains headquarters for Oregon in Al- H on v (By Special Correspondent) A. F. Albertson and family Work between Lebanon and Albany were Corvallis visitors Monday. whlgp was discontinued last December will be resumed soon on the Sant lam No school at Pine Grove Mon­ highway. The work beginning at the day on account of .Miss D annen’s Lebanon end of the road has been completed about half the dlstanco to illness. Albany. The Albany end of the road Miss Undine Danner is very Is to be completed by the first of next ill with appendicitis at L. E. September. Several other large road Eagy’s. construction works will be undertaken this year In Linn county, Including Miss Agnes Pugh spent the the new road on the Santlam highway week end with her sister, Mrs. from Shea hill to Cascadia. George Chandler. (Continned on page 8) M E N S C L O T H IN G 0 to order 0 F U R N IS H IN G S » 5’ *> F O O T W E A R F O R M EN • W OM EN AND DRY GOODS DRY GOODS There will be a pie social al the Pine Grove school house Fri­ day evening for the benefit of the orchestra. The program will be furnished by the Corvallis Chamber of Commerce. Ladies please bring pies. GROCERIES a GROCERIES# GROCERIES: K cnnnsM Becomes B rld r Church Notices z Too, V ines wife Given to Spouse for O vertim e Parking G R O C E R IE S Z oontzq good A T a lm a d g e San Mateo, Cal.—Before a small audience, Including chiefly members of the bride’s family, Constance Tai- mudge, winsome screen comedienne, and Alastair William Mackintosh, former British army captain, were married here. Schedules of services in local and nearby churches, if received not later than Tuesday at 10 a m., are gladly published in tha Enterprise without charge, but as a precaution against publish­ ing an erroneous notice in casp Mesdames N. E. Chandler, of change, they are inserted Bert Haynes and E. E. Hovei only on the same week they are spent sewing bet received. Send a fresh . , , Tuesday „ •. at the ------, ----- ----------afresh notice at Lake Creek, where almost 3u every week if you wish it print- ladies sewed for the Archie ed. Owens family, who recently lost __ their home by fire. Church of Christ W arning, groceries : DRY G0ODS DRY GOODS C on stance J. W. Drinkard has a new Overland coach. The Eugene gun L. E. Eagy returned home club shoot called him and Mrs Saturday evening after spending Drinkard to that city in it Sun­ the week in Portland on the fed­ day. ........................ ....... eral grand jury. judge : DRY GOODS Oettyaburg. P a —Dr. J. A. SIngma» ter, president of the Lutheran The ologlcal seminary and one of the most important ministers of the Unit ed Lutheran church, died here from the effects of an apoplectic stroke Dr Singmaster was 73 years old. B<-nd. Or.—Charged with violating the city’s traffic ordinance. Mrs. Louis Bennett appeared before her husband, police judge, In Bend and paid a $1 fine. The offense wag overtime park Ing. It is my duty to warn you," Judge Bennett informed hlg wife, "that If you ane ever brought into court for a second offense, the penalty w.U be heavier.” Forest Bill Approved by Com m ittee Waghlagton, D. C*—The house agri­ culture committee approved the Me Nary-Woodruff bill to authorize the government to acquire additional for eete, but the proposed »4.000,000 pro gram for nine years was reduced to $2.000,000 for each of th« fiscal years 192S and 1923. Sunday School, Preaching, 11. C h ristia n Endea Preaching, 7:30 C lifford L. Carey, pastor. M. E. Church i Robert Parker pastor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 3, E pw orth league, 6:30, Preaching, 7:80, Praver-m ceting, Thursday, 7:30. Bible Study Tuesday, 2. Alford Arrows j (By an Enterprise Reporter) J. W. Drinkard was in Albany Friday. Miss Lillie Richard came [ home for the week end. Air. and Mrs. Joseph Comely .vent to Eugene Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kropf went to Albany Thursday B. M. Bond and J. H. LaRue plan to visit Eugene Sunday. Carl Isom was absent from school all last week with a bad cold. Happenings in Public Schools Jess Walton has been absent from high school two weeks on account of illness. Prexhinen in th e ir etudy of exposition at Corvallis last week gave some very interesting re­ ports during assembly period Wednesday. New equipment was received Thursday for the high school laboratory’, which brings it now up to the state high school standard. Joe Cersovski and son Ernest Mae McCord, Carl Isom and sited relatives iu Kufeae S un­ Doris Dykstra have all been ab­ day. sent on account of illness. Velda and Alice Curtis called Three sets of new supplemen­ jn Bertha Cbrnely Sunday after­ tary readers were purchased noon. ast week by the school board J. H. Richard and family at­ for the fourth, fifth and sixth tended church at Lake Creek grades, taught by Mrs. Coleman, and two sets for the seventh Sunday. and eighth, taught by Mrs. Lavelle Palmer 3yas home Kizer. from her school at Coburg over Helen Williams has been con­ the week end. fined to her home with flu all Horace Armstrong and family the week. Freshman in their 3tudy of, ■vere Sunday afternoon callers ‘‘Lady of the Lake,” are making it A. E. Whitbeck’s. scrap-books in which they pic­ Mrs. LaFollette, now of Cor­ ture various phases of the story vallis, spent the week end with by way of impressing it on their her son Eldon and wife. minds. Chester Curtis and family visited at Jack Curtis’, near A Horae Thiefa Raid Peoria, Sunday afternoon. A tall man about 45 or 50 Mrs. Adda Ringof Mrs. M. M. years old drove into this neigh­ Ward and Mrs. Albert Miller borhood with a wagon and a visited Albany Saturday. pair of fine black horses. He Lee Ingram and family visited wanted to sell them and closed Mrs. Ingram’s sisters, Mrs. u deal with F. DePew for one of Hawk and Mrs. Clover, in the horses for $80, taking $75 and an animal 20 years old. He Springfield Sunday. said he wanted to raise money W ash ing ton’s birthday was to take him to his home in Red ( < brat cd in the Alford school i Bluff. m uu. To m uiiuiner another ne he san said his Monday morning with the rest home was at Oakland Cal of the day a " holiday. - • Passing on, he sold the De Michael Rickard came near Pew horse to Oren West for $5 He stopped over night at G. O3ing his Ford week before ast in Harrisburg when it W. Shaw’s and sold his outfit to caught fire. Dr. Garner assisted Shaw for $17.50. He tried to cash the check Shaw gave him him in putting out the fire. at Sturtevant’s store but failed. Afternoon callers at D. 80 he waited for the bank to ..W1, toiler» ai E. r,. u. Isom s Sunday were Mr. and Mrs' °pen, got his money and disap- C. E. Mercer and Mr. Homer l«’»red. Wood and Mrs. Roxie Mann of The team turned out to have Eugene and Horace Armstrong been stolen in Portland. De Pew. and family. when he learned the fact, tele­ Mrs. Joseph Cersovski and phoned the owner to come and son Leo and daughter Anna get his property. says he is out $75 and Theresa went to Portland Friday his De old Pew horse. to be at the bedside of Mrs. West has an old horse bought Cersovski’» mother, Mrs. Hietz- at a hargin, which he told De man, who is dangerously ill. Pew he would not fight for, though the law would give it to him as an innocent purchaser. Cut in Lumber Mr. Shaw is a mourner only Rates to Iowa to the extent of $17.50. And oblivion seems to have Washington. D. C.— Rates on lum­ swallowed the horse trader. ber and related products in carload lots, from Washington. Oregon. Idaho, A W o n d ro u s Montana and California to dnstlna L in n C o u n ty M in « tlons In Iowa, have been found un reasonable, and the Interstate com­ According to Thursday’s Al­ merce commission ordered new rates bany Democrat C. C. Whinery prescribed on or before May 17 next. of Lebanon has a remarkable Complaints against present rate» mine four miles from Waterloo from the Pacific northwest on these which he calls a clay mine and commodities had been filed on behalf has been working since 1911. of dealers in and manufacturers of Five different strata have been lumber In Iowa. penetrated, aggregating about The commission found that the 70 feet in combined depth. present rates on group "D" com modi One is of aluminum ore which ties, which include fir, spruce, hem a government geogologist pro­ lock, birch and pine lumber, from the nounces of the highest grade north Pacific coast and California coast groups to Iowa were "unduly found on the coast. One layer ot prejudicial" and ordered that new 12 feet is of manganese, mingled rates, not exceeding 43 cents a hun with some potash. Most remarkable of all is a dred pounds, be established The new rates ordered on cedar new ore which the Democrat lumber and cedar shingles, the com says “has some iron in it and mission said, must not exceed the when heated generates an in­ rates found reasonable for group "D" flammable gas that gives oft commodities by more than the dtf more heat than flame, and will ference existing under present rates. burn for days, giving out an in­ New rates from the Interior groups tense heat for hours, even on the commodities concerned in the though dipped in water several controversy shall not exceed the rates times.” <4 found reasonable for the coast groups Rev. Robert Parker lost a by more than the differentials be tween the Interior and coast groups pair of spectacles near the S. P. A. E. Foote of Cress well was in Halsey Sunday visiting home folks and looking after the wrecked Cadillac belonging to F. W. Robinson. * track Thursday, and, being un­ able to find them, he had to con­ duct prayer meeting without their aid, but after the meeting ie took a lantern and his daugh­ ter Irene and she found the missing article. .»