guests of Mrs. O. R. Bond Thurs­ Granville and Everett Nye, day. North South Granville Everett Nye, fath­ In the Circuit Court of the 17, 12:09 p. m. 32, 3:24 a. m. flag up from Albany Thursday to sec- Miss Beulah Miller has been er and son, Sweet Home moon State of Oregon for Linn Coun­ 16, 15. 12:45 p. m. 5:15 a. m. shiners, having serv e d s ix ty. Dept. 2. C O M IN G I on the sick list. him. 13, 3:16 a. m. flag 33, 3:12 p. ua. months’ jail sentence but with A. G. Waggener and E. A. 34. 4 $8 o. m. 31. 1:34 p. m. Mrs. W. L. Wells has been suf- J. E. True has been suffering 250 days more to serve in lieu Waggener his wife, No«. 14 and 16 stop to let off passenger« i fering from poison oak. from Hu. of $500 fines, decided to save 'Plaintiffs, from south of Eugene No. 31, direct connnctien for M arihfield the county the expense of feed­ Mr. and Mrs. A. J .l l i l l were vs. Roland Marks was home ovei points. ing them so long and last Wed­ Agnes Struthers, unmarried: Albany visitors Thursday. the week end. Passenger« for sjuth of Eugene should nesday when the sheriff per­ J. E. Waggener, unmarried; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross take train No. 17. mitted them to pile some wood M. E. Davidson and Theo. Dav­ Halsey-Brownsville stage leaves H a l­ A carload of horses went to went to Eugene Saturday. in the rear of the county jail idson, her husband; E. I. Wag­ sey at 7 a. ai and 12:15 and 3:11 p. m. Eugene Monday. Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. m. and All of the C. P. Moody family they departed for parts un­ gener and Lydia Waggener, 3.35 In a great spectacle of stage and 3:45 p. m. C. S. Wright and wife visited have been having their turn known. his wife; Veda Roush and life, with beauties, full and Albany Monday. with the flu. Later — Dennv coraplated his George Roush, her husband; Outgoing Mail thrills. Miss Mearle Straley spent the Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hollway sentence since the foregoing was George H. Waggener and A t the Halsey postoffice m ail* were guests at the 0. W. Frum written and was sent to the state Pauline Waggener, his wife; close Now Running r!, Portland week end in Corvallis. going north at 11:50 a. m. insane asylum. Oscar P. Waggener and Mar­ home Sunday evening. and 5:20 p. m. Miss Agnes Chandler was garet Waggener, his w ife; El­ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Frum of Going south, 11:10 a. m. and Next 8un,— M on.—Tuea. home over the week end. vira W. Hall and Geo. R. Hall, 5:20 Salem spent the week end with m. FO R I) T o u rin g . 1923 Eeb. 28— March 1— 2 her husband; Irwin G. W ag­ To p. Brownsville, P. Papman talks of adding Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Frum. 6:20 a. m. and FO RD T o u r in g , 1920 gener and Mabel Waggener, 12 in. Morning stage GLOBE Albany car wrecking to his business. to Browns­ Mrs. Lillie Nixon of Peoria 1920 J E W E T T T o u rin g . his wife; Virgil E. Waggener ville goes on to Crawfordsville, J. W. Drinkard attended a visited her mother, Mrs. Han­ Sport Model and Lois Waggener, his wife; Holley and Sweet Home. tate shoot at Portland Sunday. nah Cummings, Thursday. Halsey Happenings George E. Waggoner and FORD S e dan, 1924 (Continued from page 1) The Davises, east of town, Katherine Waggoner, his wife; Former Halsey Man S T A R T o n rin g , 1922 Mrs. J. 0. Cross has been Brownsville proposes to build , have traded a Star car for a giving her music class a vaca­ OVERLAND Sedan. 1922 Jessie Allen, unmarried; Min­ is Good at Figures ■ snug Ford Sedan. nie L. Lilly and Frank Lilly, a 11000 jail. tion on account of a spell of flu. her husband; Laura B. Gatch- Fred W. Hayes, a relative of D. Highway Garage Harry Leeper of Tangent was 'One horse in that carload that ell and L. W. Gatchell (here­ J. and other Halsey Hayeses, is a Mr. and »M rs*. John Morgan, at the funeral of his uncle went to Eugene the other day who have been visiting relatives First and Baker Albany, Ore. tofore impleaded by name of mail handler for the North Pacific Hugh. i was sold by Mrs. J. W. Hussey. and friends here for several A. A. Gatchell) her husband; Terminal company ol Portland. HOWARD SRIGLEY A colony of 200 Mennonites i Harry B. Waggoner and M ar­ Recently the Brotherhood Co-op­ Prof. Patton ha« been desert­ weeks, returned to their home seeking a location between Hol­ ed the past week by his wife in Long Beach, Monday. garet Waggoner, his wife; erative National bank offered $10. ley and Sweet Home. W alter R. Waggoner and Amy 17, $5 and on dowu for the best DELBERT STARR and daughter, who have been in Ray J. Nemchick and Edna Portland. Funeral Directar and Licensed Waggoner, his wife; Orville ten computations of the present, ES C A PED V. Waggoner, unmarried; day value of a svings account Siherill of Harrisburg are report Embalmer George Maxwell, Mrs. Flor­ Orval C. Waggoner and Mar­ started with $62 at a date duriug ed among the newlyweds. L A D Y A S S IS T A N T ence Leeper, E. B. Penland ana garet Waggoner, his wife; Queen Elizabeth’s reign at 4 per Brownsville, Oregon Fred S. Moody’s car was stol­ j H. C. Davis visited Albany Ailsa L. Thomson and Henry interest, compounded semi-annu­ en from in front of his place of Thursday. B. Thomson, her husband; ally. business in llarris|iurg and Mr. Hayes won the first prise, Daniel S. Waggoner, unmar­ Bert Minckley baa bought the C. found next day near Shedd. ried ; Margaret E. Waggoner, the judges pronouncing him cor­ W j L W RIG H T , R. Smith farm, west of Halsey- unmarried; George Roberts; rect within the one.thousandth J. J. Barrett is president of I Smith proposes to follow some part of a cent. His answer was FUNERAL DIRECTOR the unknown heirs if any of $85,686,870.55 the county fair association. occupation other than farming. and additional fig­ said George Roberts if he be I^eonard Gilkey secretary ana ures to the fifteenth decimal. Harrisburg, Ore. ¡deceased; Ilis Roberts; the Mrs. Graham assistant secre­ Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bond and 'Ihe winner of the second prise ¡unknown heirs if any of said was $7.09 cents below Mr. Hayes tary. -on and Mr. and Mrs. D. H Sturte- Ilis Roberts if he be deceased; and the one in third place said : Wednesday ruorning Frank son and Mr. and Mrs. H. Sturte­ Liberal R E W A R D given io Hattie Thompson; the un­ •*85,685,998.8«.” Walker caught dogs killing vant drove to McMinnville Sun­ informant wbo is responsible for known heirs if any of said sheep on his place near Browns­ day. ber capture. Hattie Thompson if she be de­ Smallpox was dropped from the ville and Rilled two, which were Laundrv sent Tuesdays ceased; Charley Roberts; the list Jof dn-eases reported by the At dinner Thursday at W. G. STANFORD SPARKS later identifjedi a» ¡Brownsville McNeil’s were Rev. W. N. Cof­ unknown heirs if any of said Age ncy Hub Cleaning Works state board of health last week dogs. fey of Portland and Rev. Mr. R. F. D.. Sbepd, Oregon. Charley Roberts if he be de­ and the number of cases of influ­ Telephone Brownsville 44F151 The Santiara .road is finished Gillespie and wife and son ol ABE S P LAC E ceased ; the unknown heirs if enza jumped to 272, with 34 of fiom Albany to Crabtree cor­ Peoria. any of Susan Roberts Trow­ pneumonia. There were 48 of nels, but as. it is still soft the bridge deceased; and general­ scarlet fever and 40 of whooping It is rumored that one of ou: limit per load in put at 10,500 esteemed lady citizens is think­ ly all persons unknown having cough. pounds, including- vehicle. cr claiming an interest or es­ ing of joining the Masons, tate in the property in this B. Gatchell, Harry B. Waggon­ The fi/h t rga.'nst the income though she is already a popular suit, Defendants. tax has? started this year, as Rebekah. er and W alter R. Waggoner To Agnes Struthers, Veda are each the owner of an un­ before, with an association to A all-day meeting was held at Roush, George Roush her hus­ divided ona-fiftysixth part in collect and apply the funds and the Christian church Friday. The band, George E. Waggoner, fee of said realty; that the nobody named as. parents of the ladies held their missionary Katherine Waggoner his wife, defendants Orval C. Waggon­ brat. meeting and also their class Orville V. Waggoner, Orval C. er, Ailsa L. Thomson, Daniel We have seen: no snow thb meeting that day. Waggoner, Margaret Waggon­ S. Waggoner and M argaret E. winter and only» very thin ice, The young peoples Bible class er his wife, Ailsa L. Thomson, Waggoner are each the owner outside of the market article. at the Christian church are Henry B. Thomson her hus­ of Crocus, tloweri ng currant and planning a party at the churoli an undivided one- band, Daniel S. Waggoner, two many other fl owers have been for next Saturday evening. hundred and twen­ of this list of leading Margaret E.Waggoner, George ty-fourth cheering. part in fe-i Roberts, the unknown heirs if of said realty; and that they Gladys Hadley, Ellen Vannicc- Brad Moss Joes not expect to and Grace Pehrsson, our Mon­ any of said George Roberts if hold said land as tenants in carry the f^weet Home mail mouth students, spent the week he be deceased; Ilis Roberts, subject to the right after June. Fie thinks he can do end at home. the unknown heirs if any of common of dower and of curtesy of lietter. It is i mderstood that Mr. said Ilis Roberts if he be de­ their respective There was a special song by spouses; Sec­ Bressler put in the lowest bid, ceased ; Hattie Thompson; the ond, that all disputes as to but we are /not aware that th< Mrs. Dwight Smith at the M. E. unknown heirs if any of said title of said realty be adjudi­ contract hr»» l>een awarded yet. chuich Sunday which was much Hattie Thompson if she be de­ cated in this cause, and that enjoyed by all. ceased; Charley Roberts; the none Miss Ri»th E. Erum, daughter of the other parties to Money was raised Sunday at unknown heirs if any of said this suit i»l Mr. a tM M rs. (). W. Frum, have any interest in Charley Roberts if he be de­ said and Wes /ey i lolloway, a young the Christian church to be ap­ realty. Third, for a de­ plied on a new furnace. The fur* former /of South Brownsville, ceased ; the unknown heirs if cree to the effect that said any of Susan Roberts Trow­ were njtrried Thursday evening , r.ace to l>e installed this week. Get Your realty is so situated par­ at the,"Brownsville parsonage by ) Mrs. Edith Robnett and chil- bridge deceased; and general­ tition cannot be made that MAGAZINES Past« »r Blown. They returned | dien, Louise and Trueman, an.' ly all persons unknown having great prejudice to the without owners to •¿he Fr mi h.c ne for dinner Mrs. E. A. P. LaFollette, all o f' or claiming an interest or es­ NOW appointing a disinterest­ and were later treated to a Corvallis, spent the week-end in, tate in the property in this and ed person as Referee for the charivari by about fifty young Halsey. AT COST! suit. Defendants above named. sale | thereof, that said realty people, who were quieted and IN THE NAME OF THE be sold and after payment Mesdames Nora Coleman and« pleased with -candy and cigars. STATE OF OREGON: You from the proceeds of sale of 11 nin Shotwell and Miss Ruhr are hereby required to appear Jim McWilliams is recovering Schnoll were guests of Miss Beu­ plaintiffs costs and disburse­ and answer the complaint of from flu. His brother, I). S. wa- lah Miller and Mrs. Kizor Tues­ ments including $150.00 as a the above named plaintiffs in day evening. the above entitled court, in the reasonable attorneys’ fee that above entitled cause now on the remainder be by said ref­ Guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Grant file with the Clerk of said eree distributed among the McNeil Friday were, Mr. and court within six weeks from owners according to their re­ Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. J. T the date of the first publica­ spective interests, and for such McNeil and Mrs. Warren Pei r j . tion of this Summons, and you further relief as shall be equit­ The Free Methodist s or are hereby notified that if you able. This Summons is pub­ Peoria are holding a protracted I. A M . W O O I ) tail to appear and answer said lished in The Rural Enter­ meeting. Rev. Mr. Coffey of complaint as hereby required, prise once a week for six con­ Never before and probably never again w ill you have such an extraor­ SrJent, prosiding elder, is theit SAVES FU EL plaintiffs will apply to the secutive weeks by order of the dinary money saving opportunity. Note carefully the large selection of evangelist. LA STS LO N G E R choice reading all at a price to fit your pocketbook. Renewals will be court for the relief demanded Hon. B. M Payne, County extended one year from date of expiration. N o need to wait. LOOKS B E T T E R Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller in said complaint, towit; First, Judge of Linn County, Ore­ have been convalescing from e-a P R IC E S R IG H T for a decree of this court ad ­ gon, made in Albany in Linn ............C L IP A N D LISE T H IS C O U P O N '■■■axaua attack of flu. but after being out judging that the plaintiff A. County, Oregon, on the 6th BARTCHER Gentlemen- I wish to taae advantage of your Magazine Bargain Offer in the rain Friday Mr Miller G. Waggener and the defend­ Day of January, 1926, and I am enclosing the above amount in payment for a one year subscription F U R N I T U R E C O M I’ A N Y took more cold and had to go ants Agnes Struthers, J. E. the date of the first publica­ to your paper and the F IV E Magazines I have marked with an X below hack to bed. , ALBANY W aggener, M. E. Davidson, E. tion hereof is the 13th Day of Guests of Mrs. Nora Coleman I. Waggener and Veda Roush January, 1926. A', TUSSING & TUSSING. Saturday evening were: Mr. are each the owner of an un­ Postoffice address Halsey, Or- and Mrs. Floyd Wade and son divided one-eighth part in fee remi— ....................... ................... Jack of Peoria and Mr. and Mrs. of the Southeast quarter of egon. Attorneys for Plaintiff« Arthur Menear of Foster. The I St. or R .F D, — _ __________ the Northeast quarter of Sec NOTICE ladies are sisters of Mrs. Cole­ 21. in Tp. 14 S. of R. 3 W. of ol Appointm ent of Adm inistrator man. 0 American Needlewoman the Willamette Meridian in N o » l« n hereby given that the under- □ America! Poultry Advocate 0 Home Friend Linn County, Oregon, contain­ »ign«d by an order of the Coenty Court Mrs. J. T. McNeil and daugh­ □ Blade 4k Ledger 0 Household Guest L '» » county, Oregon, h*» been ap ing 40 acres; that the defend­ ter, Mrs. Warren Perry, were 0 Capper's Farmer 0 Household Megasine S2rn V ,, , ? t* r of ,he »«Ute of ants George H. Waggener, Amanda Sehroll. 0 Farm 4k Fireside deceased AU pervona 0 Illustrated Mechanics Oscar P. Waggener, Elvira W. having claims agalnri »aid estate are The Farm Journal 0 Mother's Home U fa Hall, Irwin G. Waggener and required to present them w ithin era 0 Farm U fa L Pathfinder (w eekly) 28 issues V lrgil E. Waggener are each month» from the date of thia notice 0 Cenllawomar, M ajaziaa 0 Today’s Housewife proper vouchers, to the under! the owner of an undivided one- with the 0 Good Stories ' • I ’“ * re,1^enc* .'* t Halsey, Linn 0 Tractor 4k Gas Engine Review fortieth part in fee of said County, Oregon 7 0 Home Circle 0 Woman's W orld Floral and Deted *nd first published thia 27th realty; that the defendants Music Shop 1426 r m r ^ CHOOSE M or ark ,hi* cout '° " now and bring T / l n / I « / \'n ° rge WaWoner, Jessie day of January. Administrater Albany mad u to vu» E l . - o cs , Office I U U A Y Allen, Minnie L. Lally, Laura Tnasing 4 T u ttin g , Attya. for Aforesaid. Admr PAGE « M URAL EN TER FA J9E FBB 24 SALLY IR EN Eand MARY FEMALE SILVER BLACK FOX Modern Barber Shop A RURAL ENTERPRISE and A ny MAGAZINES $175 Why Pay More? I Take Your PICK to Select From I CUT FLOWERS - SHEET MUSIC HALLS