RURAL s EN TER PR ISE « proved uniform international T w o L e tte rs SundaySchool ° f ’ Lesson ' ( B v REV I H B P I T Z W A T K R , D, D . D r a t o f Ih » E. v e n ln g S c h o o l. M oody B ib le i s - •N t Ule Of C h ic a g o 1 L esson for February 28 JESUS T E A C H E S R E S PE C T LAW . O V E R D ID IT FOR L E SSO N T E X T — M a tt t ! 1 5 !» 14-40 G O L D E N T E X T — Y . th in k th a t I am c o m e to d e s tr o y th e la w or th e p r o p h ets. I c a m e n ot to d e s tr o y but to f u l f i l l — M att. 5 17. P R IM A R Y T O PIC — A L e sso n on O be- d le n c e J t N IO R T O PIC — O b e y in g th e L aw IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D S E N IO R T O P ­ IC— O b e y in g th e L aw YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P ­ IC H o w to S e c u r e R e s p e c t to r L aw . i i Hum°6 Parson Johnsing—Look heah. Mose, w hat am yo' doin' bellin’ dem bars? Mose—Pahson. hit all cum erbout In dis w a y ; A l l didn't hab no trulible wtd de constable ner anybody. Hit would bub bin all rig h t e f hit hundn't bin to' de women's lub ob dress. My wltnmen folks, dey wuzzent satisfied Jes’ to eat mos’ ail dem chickens; but dey had to put de feath ers in delr hats, an' parade ’em as circum stantial e v e r deuce.--A rkansas Thom as Cat. The B ru te T heatrical M anager—Your last act was magnificent, Mias I»e F leu r! Your suffering was alm ost real. Leading Lady—It was. I've got a large nail In my shoe. T heatrical M anager — Well, for heaven s sake leuve It In until the end of the r u n ! T h e Question Country B ookseller (to custnmei witn the Roman govern­ ment so they came to Him with a who Is searching through a diction­ subtle question—“Is It lawful to give a ry )—Oh, you m ust look through the tribute to CaesHr or not?" At this S’s for “scissors," not the Z's. Custom er—Well, how s Ol to know? tim e the Jew s were galling under the yoke o f tiie Roman government. Some W ot's the good of u dictionary w ith­ even denied the right to pay tribute to out a hinder? the government. To Imve answered this question yes or no would have The A n tiq u e Shop Send 4 cents p o stage t o th e P E - R U - N A . C O M P A N Y , C olu m b us, Involved difficulty. To have answ ered "I can read your mind like a hook," O h io , f o r b o o k on c a ta rrh . yes would have conveyed the Impres­ the professor was droning. "I can sion of endorsem ent of ail that the tell ju s t w hat each one of you Is P e -r u - n a in e ith e r ta b le t o r liq u id Roman governm ent did. To have an thinking " fo r m sold ev ery w h e re . swered no would have at once brought “ Well, why don’t you g o there, Him Into conflict wdth the govern­ then?" draw led a cynic In the reur KEEP EYES W ELL! ment. C hrist's renlv to this o n e s t ln n seat. BATHE TIRED EYES K W ** c o n ii ic t Children^ Beloved P o e t Will Sleep in Church's Shadow 9 By DE W ITT J. MASON IIEX Eugene Field moved, th irty y ears ngo last sum ­ mer, to his Sabine Farm , in the o u tsk irts of Chi­ cago, he said, “Now th at W H A T D O Y O U T H IN K ? I am here in my own house, I shall do b etter work th an ever before.” The beloved ch ild ren ’s poet assem bled his thou­ san d s of books ; arranged his treasu red collection of antique bottles, old songs, bells, w alking sticks and to p s; hung on th e wall the ax G ladstone had given ld m ; laid out D an a’s scissors-—and w as suprem ely happy. Hut he died , meeting w ith th e girl of fifteen who > rule. In term s of ‘L ittle Boy B lue’ or th a t fall and w as buried In G raceland I wns la te r to become his wife. ’The W anderer,' He saved th a t side cem etery, In Chicago. “His sh are of his fa th e r's estate w as , of his n a tu re mostly for pen and Now, the Sabine F arm home is to , $8. (MM). At th e end o f th e y ear in i pancr. Yet it spilled out. “ ‘I alw ays feel like shedding tears,' give w ay to an ap artm en t house; also, Columbia, M o ., he shook the d u st of ’ F ield's rem ains ure to be removed ' higher education forever from Ills feet he said to George M illard one C hrlst- from G raceland cem etery to a special­ and set off w ith his friend, E dgar ■ mas, ‘when I see all those people going ly built mem orial tomb In the cloisters , Comstock, b ro th er of the young ludy home w ith th eir little g ifts for the o f the little Ivy-clad Episcopal Church w ith whom he w as In love, for a babies. I can 't help crying. It over- o f the Holy C om forter at K enilw orth, hilarious to u r of Europe. From tim e 1 whelms me.’ Witte—o h , how sweet it was of you to tim e he cabled home for money. “He did not have to unbend to chil­ to rem em ber my birthday with those When six m onths had passed and the dren. He understood them because he “ It may be th a t th ere have been beautiful roses. But there were only poets—not necessarily b e tte r poets, two ad v en tu rers had reached Italy the looked a t the world through th eir eyes. twenty-five of them when there should $8,000 w as all gone. o r m ore religious ones," w rites Robert “F o r him, us for them , It had mys­ have been thirty. “ ‘I cam e home broke,' he nfterw nrd tery. ‘I believe,’ he suld, ‘in ghosts. I.. Duffus in the New York Times, Iluhby—My, my, did I make a mis­ “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God “ who would feel more at home In the said, ‘so I got m arried.’ Mrs. Field In w itches and In fairies.’ He had the take? T here's a m irror Just opposite shadow of a cloister than w ould E u­ w as then sixteen. T heir life together a ir of a changeling; an a ir of knowing ' with all thy heart, with all thy soul you—can you blam e me, deur? and with all thy mind." This means gene Field. Yet the tw o Incidents to­ wns a happy one. She bore him eight more th an he m eant to tell. g eth er have th eir significance. The children and understood his whimsical “Thnt 'm um m er's face,’ as a friend ! th at suprem e and undivided love to M a r y ’s L ittle C u rl Sabine F arm dissolves Into the thin v ariety of humor. She also managed culled It, hid more th an it revealed. God Is th e first and grpat command­ M ary had a l i t t l e c u r l su b stan ce of d ream s; hut th e memory th e fam ily finances— h task of which He lam ented, ns new spaper men have ment. Mail’s suprem e obligation Is to T h at h u n g b e s id e h e r ear. o f E ugene Field has not been corroded he was co nstitutionally Incapable, done ever since the A cta D lurna of God. It Is wrong to evaluate man's B u t w h e n s h e w e n t to bed It ch aracter on the basis of his morality T heir only clashes cam e when he was by th e years. U p on th e c h iffo n ie r . Rome, th a t his Job left him insufficient j as expressed In bis relation to his “It may be, how ever, th a t those who cau g h t try in g to sm uggle home books tim e and stren g th . A gaunt, aw kw ard. ’ fellowman. Real righteousness Is do- when money w as needed to pay the homely Pagllacct, counted on to make p ass through th e K enilw orth cloisters H e a d u io r k J Ing the right thing with God. The grocer. people laugh and cry. Not even his will rem em ber the au th o r of T h e Mrs. H ill—I alw ays encourage my g reatest im m orality of which a man “Field knew th a t he wns not In wife knew, perhaps, w h at he w as like Sugar-Pluin T ree.' and 'W ynken, Blyn- can be guilty is bis failure to respond husband to loll In an easy chair, and ken and Nod,’ and forget th e madcap every respect a model husband. Hnd when th e make-up w as off. ! to the dem ands of God. The one who park his feet on top of the radiator. liked to tell about n conversation he “Dana announced a stan d in g offer does not supremely and with undi­ ed ito r and colyum ist of th e old Den­ Mrs. N ash—Why so thoughtful? ver and Chicago d ay s; the wild hum or­ once had In a dream w ith th e p a tri­ of double the Chicago salary If Field vided affection love God is the g reat­ Mrs. Hill— When he goes to bed, arch Job. ist who gave u tteran ce to ‘T he T ribune would come to New York. He pre- est sinner. there Is usually about $4 In small ’’ ‘It Is tru e,' Job w as represented as j ferred to sit In th e R ecord office and ( 2. The Second Commandment (vv. change in the chair. P rim er’ ; th e g reat je s te r who lived fo r the purpose of m aking pose and saying, ’th a t for a long tim e I enjoyed let fam e find him there, If It so desired. . 39-40). “ ‘A L ittle Book of W estern Verse,’ p reten se ridiculous; the relentless quite a reputation for being very p a­ P ru d e n t Scotty The second comm andment Is like tient, but now I have to tak e a back containing much of his best work, a p ­ sa tirist. “Aha Sandy! Did I no see ye In, unto the first In that It centers In seat. You see. th ere’s a woman In peared in 1889, and In a popular eill- ) love. It Is not said th at It wus equal night wl' ho' arm s aboot a lassie?" "E ugene Field cam e o f a d istin ­ guished family, hut not of one given Chicago named Mrs. Eugene Field Hon In 1890; so did ‘A L ittle Book of unto the first; that would not be true. "Na. Jam ie, It couldna been me. to eccentric genius. Ills fath er, us who has proved h erself a lot p atien ter Profitable T ales.’ When he w ent to ) A man may love himself, hut not su­ alw ays keep ane hand I' ma pocket than I.’ England In 1889 he found his nam e a ] counsel for the runaw ay negro Dred premely. One s love for his neighbor —P rairie F unner. “Field had alw ays w anted to be an passport Into w hatever literary circles may be eith er too much or too little Scott, made a protest again st slavery actor. He even bought complete sets he cared to enter. He w as conscious , The m easure set Is love for self. We which for a mom ent gave him n a­ Q U IT E T R U E tional prom inence. H is m other, a o f costum es for Hamlet, I.ear and of grow ing powers, of larg er plans. should love God better than ourselves. “But his health hud never been ro- I He is w orthy of all our affections, women of beauty and charm , died In Othello, and In 1872 actually went out 1856. when Eugene w as only six years with a company of oth er reckless bust, and because he hated exercise, and dem ands all. Love Is not mere w as fond o f tobacco and pastry, and emotion, hut a suprem e desire for the «•Id, and he and his bro th er w ere i youths on a b arnstorm ing tour. brought up by nn aunt. Mary Field ' “In June, 1873, he w ent to th e St. would not tak e enough sleep, It grew w elfare of another and a willingness Ixiuls Evening Jo u rn al as a cub re ­ worse. F or y ears he fought, with hu­ to do everything possible to secure French, In A m herst, Mass, “At fifteen he w ent to a school at ! porter, and before th e year closed w as m orous gallantry, th e Inroads of dys­ th at end. The command to love our j 1 In 1893 he n early died of ty ­ neighbor Is involved In the command Monson, Mass., kept by a clergym an city editor. Subsequently, he w as city pepsia. 1 fever. His h eart gave way, and ; to love God. To pretend to love God and his wife, and at eighteen he en ­ editor of the G azette of St. Joseph, a phoid I died In his sleep durin g the night j Is folly If we do not love our neigh­ tered W illiam s college. The influences I pnragrapher for th e Jo u rn al and the he of November 4. 1895. He may have bor. To attem pt to establish a broth­ that surrounded him werp thus sober­ Tim es-Journal In St. Louis, m anaging 1 < editor of th e K ansas City Times, and felt I death coming, for he had said, a erhood among men w ithout the recog­ ing If not absolutely P uritanical. I days befo re: ’Thia Is th e dying nition of the fatherhood of God Is f "H e left W illiams p artly because of then, in 1881, m anaging editor of th e few u tter nonsense. Men become children I tim e of year.' the death of his fu th er and p artly be- D enver Tribune. of God by faith In Jesus Christ. It ' “He had grown gen tler and more { “It was In D enver th a t he began to < disc of the faculty's lack of enthusl- Is tru e thnt In the sense of being | asin over the prospect of having him acquire more than local fame—not I like th e children's Eugene Field. God’s creatures, all men are God’s i any longer. He Irnd not com m itted merely as m anaging editor of a lively children, but In the New T estam ent ( any unpardonable offenses, but lie too i paper, but as p nragrapher, dram atic i sense, men are only God's children hs j plainly lacked thnt respect for office I critic, and. It Is essential to add, prac- I they are In Christ. The only way to 1 The P atrolm an— I caught Skinny ttcal Joker. I and autho rity which w as deemed es- j bring In the brotherhood of man is to Burns, the pickpocket, with the goods sential. Next y e a r he entered Knox I “111 1883 he was called to Chicago, I preach Jesu s C hrist to the race snd on hut he got aw ay from tne. ' liege, a t G alesburg, III., an event j at a considerable Increase o f salary, 1 I The Desk Sergeant— Oh, well, secure acceptance of Him We thus chiefly Im portant because during th at to w rite w hatever he pleased for th e j I become brothers In the real sense of there's many a slip tw in the cop and I year he began new spaper work by i Chicago News, the term when we have God as onr the dtp. • attributing to the G alesburg Register. ' "H e look over a nondescript column I « Father. All obligation resting upon j called 'C urrent Gossip,' which bios- , n 11“ was restless, and in 1879 moved ! P la y in g C o if man Is em braced In these two com ! n*B Hyewater. BATHE YOUR EYES I'* « hr. Thompson's Hyowater. SAVE YOUR EYES! EYEWATER HELPFUL EYE WASH UW H irer, T ru y. W T D r. I» b m ¡ ( 3 s Muokl«t. T h o m p s o n 's E y e w a te r I DISTEMPER. COMPOUND A Boschee’s Syrup / 80\kST) *| J r HAS BEEN Relieving Coughs , 2'liZi f ° r Years Carry a bottle In your car and always keep It In the house. 30c and 90c at all d ru g g ists. For Pimply Skin Peterson’s Ointment “All pim ples a re Inflammation of th e skin," says Peterson, "und the best and quickest way to get rid of them Is to use P eterson's olhtm ent." Used by millions fo r eczema, skin and scalp Itch, ulcers, sore feet and plies. AH druggists, 99 cents. DO YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMA 9 Try 01*9« Tar In h a le i t to soothe th ro at sndnaaaipaM M ^fa.H uhon w r i t and cheat to relieve contention. T a k e in te rn ally to etop roughing and rem ove inflam m ation fro m iiM ut-aof th ro a t and lungs. L 4 --- Tor* BALL • BUCIM, ClearYourSkin Of Disfitfurind Blemishes Use Cuticura m a l e S oap. O intm ent, TaJetjra fr e e itteaf» Leber aterí—, l>e| A When a young man steals a kiss ha doubtless has good Intentions about retu rn in g It. A n o i n t 1 h . . y . l l d . w i t h R o m a n B y . Flal • a m a t n ig h t a it il a .« h o w r a fia a n a d i n , ■ t r a n a t h a n a d y o v r a y . , a r e In the m o r n in g S a n d n o w to S7Z F a a r l S t , N T. Adv N ecessity Is ». violent s, hoolmlstress, Montaigne. Sarcastic "Do you rem em ber Miss Sm ith?“ “No, I esn 't say 1 do.” “O, yon must rem em ber h e r ! She was th e plainest girl In the village. B ut I forgot th at w as a fte r you l e f t ” —P earson's Weekly. Closing H o u r "John," naked the nagging wife, as the bedtime hour approached. “Is everything shut up for the night?" “T h at dejiends on you," growled Mr llcn p eck ; “everything «is« la " By millions ended H ill'» «top millions o f colds every winter— sod in hours. T h ey end headache and fever, open the bowels, tone the whole sys­ tem. iJ w nothing less reliable, (adds anil Grippe call for prompt, e lk lent lielp. Be sure you get iL *4 Be Sure It'» w ill 7 ’