^/^íbanyj^/yirectory T h e Courtesy Shop — Millinery and ready-to-wear novelties Exclusive but not expensive. 117 Broadalbin. ^ T h i t e ’s Shoe repair service. T hu is good advice: •• if you live in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town. " But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will hod . the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness. A ... Albany, Oregon Opposite Hotel Albany Automobile and Truck Insurance Rower rates Attractive contracts bpeciM attention to truckmen operating under public service commission J. La STUART, the insuracce man Cusick building (upstairs) room 146 A1 bauy, Oregon J. LIN D A H L, hardw are, * Dinnerware . Tin shop in connection 330 \ \ . First St. Albany, Oregon A lb a n y Floral Co. C u t flowers Dress up Your Eyes Learn About These Travel Extras They deserve the best money £ *■ aDd plants. Floral art for every will buy. If you have to use your and all occasions. old fram e, D ON’T buy a second _____ Flower phone.458-J. quality glass- H ava th a t exactly perfect. (J E N T E A L T IR E SHOP charging. Tire Vulcamziug- 221 W. Second. At no additional lata, get extra advantages when yoa travel. Profit by ttopover privileges on IS-day roundtrip tickets between many Oregon points. Visit at aevetal points instead of only one. Weekend roundtrip tickets to and from Portland__ without stopover— ate greatly reduced in cost. Buy T u M d V j ° ’ I Gleaned b y th e W e ste rn her from any longer having personal boundary and Heppner to Spray. county, near Arlington and Blalock A charge of the historic Brunner building Opposite Postoffice Immediate relief for 18 Oregon coun­ man has been employed by the game Cleveland. O.—More than two week New sapor Union for in Jacksonville, Mrs. Alice Applegate ties and one in Washington which have commission to drive constantly up and of federal grand Jury Inveatlgatloi T-Iotel B arber Shop Sargent deeded that structure and her lost tax payments through the return down the wheat fields In an autorno here into an alleged nation-wide con Busy Peeple Hotel Albany- collection of relics contained therein of the Oregon & California railroad bile to frighten the geese away, due ■Piracy to violate the elghteontl Albany, Oregon to the Native Daughters’ organization grant lands to the federal government to complaints received several weuka amendment, have served to show hov A. Nagel Roy Stenberg of Jacksonville. under the act of 1916. Is provided in ago from farmers that thslr wheat extensive were the operations of thi An epidemic of Influenza Is affect I M P E R I A L C A FE , 209 W. f irst a bill Introduced by Senator Stanfield fields were being despoiled, but the supposed “ring.” The condition of Representative Harold G. Murphy Prop. ing almost every home in Westport. Willis C. Hawley of Salem is reported in the senate, under which the coun­ geese have become so tame that thli Phone 665 The chain of evidence nov Fire destroyed the plant and stock considerably improved and It Is expect­ ties affected would receive approxi­ has so far had little effect, the geose W b never close reaches from San Diego to Providence of the Cottage Grove Packing company ed that he will be back at his desk mately 14,911,000. going no further away from the fields and links up "ring" operations In Nev at Cottage Grove. M aunkio electric co . in the house soon. Representative Continuing until Monday, March 15, than la necessary to keep from being York, Boston, Atlantic City. Baltimore Official Stromberg carburetor serv Walter Dloamdohl, 36, a logger at Hawley is one of the victims of the which is the last day for filing federal actually run down In the neighbor Newark, Philadelphia. Chicago. Cleve ice station. Conservative prices. A1 Maxville, was struck by a falling tree influenza epidemic which swept con­ Income (ax returns for the calendar hood of 50,000 to 75,000 geese are esti land, St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth ant work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second and died from his Injuries. gress last week. other large cities. year 1926, field deputies from the of­ mated to be encamped in the region. The congregation of the Presbyter | Stories emanating from the dlstrlc en and money are best when The Tillamook Game Protective as­ fice of Clyde G. Huntley, collector oi busy. Make your dollars work in lan church at Phoenix has decided tc sociation at a meeting in Tillamook internal revenue at Portland, will visit attorney’s office from time to time In our savings department. A lbany S tati build at once a new church edifice. dlcate the following operations of th< opposed any movement to close either the principal cities and towns of Ore­ B ank . Under government supervision. "rum ring": More than 100 editors, publishers the Big or Little Nestucca rivers to" gon to assist taxpayers to prepare The conspiracy was headed by fout and printers throughout the state at commercial fishing. The action of the their returns and compute the amount ly iA lilN E L L O PA RLO RS (A beauty aid for every need: tended the eighth Oregon newspaper club was in opposition to efforts o f . of tax due the government. Seattle.—Roy Olmsted, former po­ Philadelphia millionaires. St. Francis Hotel V a T ìlio rv v «-n 11 _ — — _ sportsmen — — _ . to * have , The damage to dining-room equip­ lice lieutenant, and twenty other de­ Associated with the millionaire« conference at Eugene. Willamette valley Prop. Winifred Rost < ment resulting from the riot involving fendants were convicted on two counts were 30 others who controlled 75 pet ■ Corvallis was nuo Ot-tCVtCU UIB A Â76J the streams closed. selected 1U for I the 192 cent of the glcohol business in ths OSCOE A MES H A àD W A R fc convention of the Oregon Retail Mer The Eugene chamber of commerce approximately 200 convicts In the Ore charging conspiracy to violate the na­ I chants' association, which held Its 22d sent a telegram to Dr. Harry Wood­ gon state penitentiary at Salem will tional prohibition act in a verdict in United States, regulating the pries from coast to coast. The Winchester Store annual meeting at Eugene burn Chase, president of the Univer­ be paid out of the prisoners' amuse­ United States district court here. Fifteen distilleries were operated Olmsted and the others convicted ment fund, according to announcement James, the 6-months-old son of Mr sity of North Carolina, In which It was Q eco n d band Pianos from $185 U| are liable to a maximum fine of *20,- by the "ring," 'producing *1,000.000 made by J. W. Lillie, warden of the in­ stated that the business men of Eu­ If you want a bargain inapianonov and Mrs. James Gwilllm of Riverton worth of alcohol each week at dis­ stitution. Warden Lillie said that it 000 each and four years In prison. is your chance. They’re in A1 condition near Marshfield, was burned to death gene were eager for a favorable reply Among those convicted along with tillery prices. to the Invitation to become president probably would require *100 to replace Davenport Music House. 409 W. First when the family home caught fire The output was sold to wholesal­ the broken dishes and repair the Olmsted were Attorney Jerry L. Finch, George E. Griffith of Oregon City of the University of Oregon. Q ta p le and Fancy G roceries former deputy prosecuting attorney; ers for *140,000.000 a year, and re­ tables, chairs and other furnishings. Vayle Taylor was shot and killed in Ten thousand pine trees, beetie-in K H. McInnis, Emery A. Kern, Charles tailing at *10 to *20 a gallon, brought Crockery and Glassware was reappointed a member of the state Mrs, M. G. Stetter board of barber's examiners. His com the Wild Bear Creek section of Crook tested. In the Spencer creek water S. Green, William P. Smith, Ed Eng- the country's alcohol bill for liquor Phone 139;j 206 W. Second at mission covers a period of four years county by C. C. McBride, state dry shed, west of Klamath Falls, will be dahl. Z. J. Hedrick and Ed Erickson, from this one source to more than Binger Herman, ex-representative agent, who declared that his pistol was sacrificed this year by three lumber charged by the government with being *500,000,000 a year. C T IM 8 0 N T H E SH O E DOCTOR k J Second c street, opposite Hamilton's from Oregon and ex-commissioner ol discharged accidentally while the concerns in a deeperate effort to stamp operators and crews of rum running store. H u n te r Confesses Slaying W arden. the United States general land office agent an«l his partner were raiding a out the parasite infestation. The three boats. Sudden Service.” Newport. Wash —Roland van Blar observed his 83d birthday anniversary dugout in which it was alleged that concerns are the Weyerhaeuser Tim Among those freed were Patrolman Taylor was operating a still. ber company, the Long-Bell Lumber George F. Reynolds. Mrs. Ella« Olm­ com. one of two brothers held her V V a ld o Anderson — TH _. _ _ _ . former patrolman, and a Japanese lag to frighten him. Confronted Will •— - — — V •• t ’ r J ----- - . the oonfeeelon of hla elder brother caretaker at the Olmsted home here. Trinity Episcopal church, located at Everett van Blarlcom. dented an; The convictions brought to a close the head of Wall street. New York, is We servo all makes • w v ’- js l „ and sell W i ll a r d » to finance the construction of a church one of the most spectacular and earn­ knowledge of the killing. The con ft a est efforts on the part of government alon followed an exhibition of the rlfls at the head of Wall street In Bend, tc U nder new m anagem en authorities at prohibition enforcement found near the scene of the killing. be known as Trinity church It Is an L. M. Taylor, Prop. nonneed In the northwest. 121 W- Second, A lbany. Damages Awarded fo r Two Death! At an election held for creation ol Valuable Lincoln Relics Are Found. McMinnville, Or.- Damages of *11. a super-road district, with the object Lincoln. 111.—A veritable historical 500 were awarded Edith and Matlldi eventually of building a highway from If you enjoy a good meal, C A P IT A L A N D SU RPLUS gold mine of original Abraham I.ln Hamilton, administratrices of the ea and know a good meal when you get it Medford to the Oregon caves, the pro­ coin documents, made out in his hand tales of George O and Frank E. Ham You’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it ject was decisively beaten by a vote ol Commercial and Savings account! Solicited writing, and heretofore believed to Jin against James 8. Trent by the jury Our aim is to please vou. «88 to 1000. have been burned In s courthouse fire George and Frank Hamlin, l^rtlant Yeggmen blew the safe of the Brook In 1867, was uncovered by P M. Angle, men, died from buckshot wounds re field Quarry & Towage company at Investigator for the Lincoln Centennial reived on the night of September 16 ALBANY Astoria and escaped with the strong association, from the musty files of 1925, from the gun of Trent who be G E O , M. G IL C H R IS T She’ll Accept Your Gift box containing 17685.12 in cash, checki the Logan county circuit court of 1857 lleved they had been In bis water and negotiable securities, besides a >0 I860 Gladly melon patch. number of papers. >* if It is a box of our delicious A petition was filed with Governot at lowest rate of interest. e m d y . It is as wholesome aa it Pierce urging that Henry R. Crawford Heal Estate Insurance of Marion county be appointed a mem ia delicious, and after tastin g It Prompt service. Courteous treatment ber of the Oregon state fair board tc y o u ’ll w ant more. Everyone dotes B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank succeed Wayne Stuart of Albany, whe upon our choice confections, tie y has left the state bttilning, Albany arc alw ays go pure, fresh a n ) H. H. Corey, chairman of the public delicious. service commission, has returned tc Salem from Washington. D. C . where You get he attended a hearing (n connection with the proposed railroad develop ment in central Oregon J ' >»•> >»•»»> We have some attractive patterns in Linoleum ’ If the state dairy and food comm s W e have • • and felt-base yard goods , -stoner desires to publish a quarterly bulletta under an act of 1923. he musi obtain from the emergency board an • may communicate with F.natgn Lee of the Salvation Army at the a appropriation covering its coat, it It F R E N C H & SO N tcnounced In an opinion banded down White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland. Oregon. E pastburn B ros.— Iwo big grocery Stores, 212 W. First and 225 South j Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. Southern Pacific Lines Meade & Albro Some Untaxed Illicit Income E ^ ¡News Notes From ;63R______________A ll Over Oregon M I h Rum Runners Held in Federal Net R Willard Servif tati0„ HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 PARAGON CAFE FARM LOANS PABCOLIN and GOLD SEAL Clark s Confectionery The G IR L • T he D IA M O N D 1 Jewelers, Opticians, Albany Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 1 8 cash i H IL L & Co. ; A ny Girl in Trouble y the attorney-general A cancer survey of Oregon la to b« made in the near future to determine Congoleum $ j ( y Printed Rugs cash ! HALSEY ! f he wisest girls keep out of trouble i