FAGL 4 RUMAI. ENTERPRISE R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E lnd»p«B<)«iit—Not neutral— m w paper, published eveiy Wedueaday, «F W ». H. WUKKLBM An 11 a i year io advance Arrearages. 1 2 X C > m onth Advertising, 20c an inch; no diacoun lor lime or apace : no charge for corn Boaitioa orctauges. t a " P a lo - f o i P a ra g ra p h s ," t e a lia s . Ma a d v e r t is in g d is g u is e d a s naw a. FEB. 34 The Great Outdoors 3 5 ,0 0 0 Children Still Dependent] W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and Vigorous Humanity aro Produced Other Peoples Join With A94-W4.* «¿u « 4 » 4 » .K 4 .» 4 * « A I America in Helping A n A pple Teaser ¡Will Little R hody to Save Them WHAT THE CORN MARKET 010 IN 19 25 for the Palate P o rtla n d , O re., F eb., 1926 To the E d ito r : PRICE - WEEKLY TREMO OF CASH COBH PRICES AMO RECEIPTS R ule the Roost ? TOTAL PRIMARY A New Way to Conserve IN BUSHELS I have visited many communi- Either Good Fruit ies in the northwest and encoun­ SC ATTERG UN SHOTS tered the same general inquiries or Culls. Ex-Governor Wert gays God about the near east relief. They Corvallis, Or.—Manufacture of a new w ill provide a democratic candidal* ire about ag follows : breakfast food, designated "apple fo r federal senator from Oregon. flakes,’’ Ig being developed by Dr. Why not? I f he provided devil» How Long it This Floyd E. Rowland, professor of ln- joing to Last? why not senators? dustrial chemistry f t the Oregon Agri- We w ill be ready to r e lin q u h b cultural college. A revivalist is reported a> our task as soon us ways cau be I Apples are passed through a strain- la yin g , at A lb a n y : “ J he only found to g u a ra n tee hom es and sup- I er a ^,er having been ground and skins , . .... and seeds removed. The paste is run way God can reach men ig through port , for tb e orphan ch ild ren now J . , _ I over steam rollers, dried and cut into hie ch urch.” Wonder where In -n our hands. Our n a tio n a l I flake form. The flakes, baked ia a learned th a t G od ’a power wag it hoard h a s set a goal o f ab ou t th ree I vacuum at 45 degrees, come out crisp lim ite d • ears. T h is w ill m ean the o u t-la n d have a highly concentrated apple Red Rooster’s Offspring Fast Faring Forward Among Breeds About a score of years ago a Rhode Island pou ltryroa n noted in a shipm ent of fowls from tbe Green M ou nta in state a male w ith tbe eise, form aud vigor th a t conformed w ith hie ideal. The bird was the color of tbe fa m ilia r red rooster,” w ith perhaps less black m arkings than usual. S k ill­ ful m ating for a few generations resulted iu breed o f hens w ith large bodies, la y in g large, w hite ™,. . . , -lacing, bringing to gelf-gupport i flavor. The supreme court haa anawerec or , poIlgori„ g for their periods of eggs and m any o f them and fin a lly Culled apples may be used in mak- the question we asked last week lependsucy of about 12,000 chil- | ing of "apple Oakes.” yie ld in g a heavy, yellow-legged about the man who carries boozr Iren * year. carcase such as commands the best price in the p o u ltry m arket. in hie tumm y, saying th a t is not D„ The|e p#Q ,e When prepoteney bad been w ell enough to convict him o, illegal L # He(p Themwlves J established th rough continuous poaeeeaion. breeding these were plated on the D uring the last ten years 5.500,- m arket as the Rhode Ielan reds I f you th in k th a t i t would •00 people hav.j been forcibly WENTY per cent more corn was produced in 1925 than in 1924, accord­ ana they are fast grow ing in the Washington, D. C. — The executive ing to the corn survey of the Sears-Roebuck Agricultural Foundation. An im p eril your soul to suspect that li placed throughout the areas in committee of the national grange end­ Increased production of 587,836,000 bushels brings the 1925 figure to 2,900,581.- esteem of breeders for u tility . the day of the creation o f the |iteetion. They left everyth ng ed its two-day session here without in­ " — ..... . , < I a tio n a l b* I a r 11 | CJlfier v commit Other Hf-tlnn action ,nl.An taken by « the read this courage to challenge this policy ? I t contains, among other th in g -, tee Included declarations favorinTin E. E llio tt, th a t averaged 216 as larg», on the average, as those from Leghorns, and they are I f there is such an one let him ‘ wo c«°legrams, one from Sweden creased applications tor the eradi« pounds in weight. E v id e n tly they brown, which is a disadvantage iu rise and be respected. forw arding 8500 francs and I tlon of bovine tuberculosis t o s « m m I roz’ j ™. • m other from Denm ark sending I ooo in 1927- oDDosim» i, i» . i t’' ' e9 Wednesday. Thursday he got tbe rig h t feed in the rig h t way. most m arkets, though w ith o u t 13.000 francs, conlributions in rates on wL . height | fa ad 24 sheep w ith o u t a purchase. The State F a ir association w ill reason, fo r a brown egg is equal to A man from Butte put a wad ol , g ,n g |e day. The gifts from tb J s ta n fiX Z « 7 “ nm ; ° PPOSlng the i ’’hrf'e M t" ,,f »" d four this year g ive 9375, instead of the a w hite one for any use to which paper money in to a machine that a " save the c h ild re n ’’ and " lord amendment 7 7 ’ and ‘'alllng for T»»'1’ (|f twin.« ware born Wednes- 9160 given last year, in prizes fo r eggs are put. Some effort hag been .......................... 1 ............................... - .„ d “ u ,“ ° f theW i»tson-Parker b i l l . d . y n lgb t a n d aH w ere re?orted ion litte rs of pigs. The U nited made at O, A . C. to breed the stranger told h im would m u ltip ly '« a yor's” funds in England, ' setting up new agencies for settlement Stockyards w ill give 950 in s im ila r color out of the eggs of a strain o f It. Then he took a d rin k the <' # n ,d * and ‘ he colonies run into of railroad labor disputes to protect etrong and p ro m isin g prizes, $35 to the litte r co ntaining barred rocks. The exchange from which we stranger teudered. The next be /',* Greece has spent further interests of the public A b u lle tin received last Sunday learn about K u m pf's sheep says the largest number and 915 to the , u v . \ » f,,r re lie f d u rin g the past three knew he awoke to find no stranger years more than for a ll other gov th a t all those lambs were born to second. The Chester W h ite asso­ from tbe U nited States departm ent THE M A R K ETS present and no money, except » k n m u n t purposes, in addition to six ewes. The mother of two sets ciation offers a dd itio n a l prises if ef a gricu ltu re save : " For many years the efforts of of twins or triplets born last the winners are Chester w hites. Portland 1100 b ill. The mysteries in th» 9-5,000,000 from private citizens, p o u ltry breeders to im prove th e ir Wednesday n ig h t must be a -rg e ly for people Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, $1.48; who have no oase are how a man of bis caliber flocks were confined largely to hard white. $1 4754; soft white, $1.52; orackerjack. claim of citizenship upon them, ever got any money and why th» breeding fo r the type and color America's contributions have western white, $1 51H; hard winier, Hearing of transportation rates on 9100 was left. demanded by the ’ ’ Standard of Iteen large. 8o has ker a b ility $1.48; northern spring, $1.46; western livestock In Oregon has been set for I he Oregon-Washington linen Perfection ’• and little a tte utio n been »real. I t can be shown red. $1 45. company, w ith a cloth m ill at March 10 in Portland, the public serv­ th a t our gifts have been a good Hay—Alfalfa, $20020.60 ton; valley Vancouver, has been sued fo r ice commission has announced. The was paid to developing high egg Tbe editor and publisher of tb» Florence Times gives the people of financial investm ent. The recenl timothy, $190 19.50; eastern Ouegon wages and a p etitio n filed th a t it application for the hearing was tiled production. The last few years older for 10,000 tractors from the timothy. $22022.60. by the Cattle and Horse Raisers' asso­ more interest has been developed be declared bankrupt. of th a t place a better paper then Ford works by the a gricu ltu ra l Butterfat—47c shippers’ track. ciation of Oregon. Portland Livestock in the production o f high egg. th e ir advertising patronage de­ ank of soviet Russia is but one Eggs—Ranch. 2$025c. exchange and Northwestern Shippers’ layin g strains, serves. The Times says, in effect, instance o f the commercial ad­ To show th a t high egg pro­ Cheese- Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; Traffic league, and involves virtually duction and good standard q u a lity that some of our statements on I he vantage accruing from our relief Triplets, 31c; loaf. 32c per lb. all railroads operating In this state. Cattle—Steers, good $8 0 8.75. can be combined to a high degree liq u o r question are as false ns th>»r operations, which have had their w .ig h t in adding 800 per cent to Hogs—Medium to choice, $13014. in chickens, and to encourage Of the Anti.aalnnn league. We the annual purchases of the near Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice breeding along these Jinee, was can t retort th a t the Times gets as east countries since the war. If $13014. tbe purpose of the e x h ib it by the far from the tru th an tfie S-'Iix-n America baa helped largely she U nited States departm ent of a gri­ ♦ Shipm ent of Seattle. culture at the Madison .Square league. We d o n 't liAlieTe the has profited largely. Wheat—Soft white. $1.52; western Garden p o u ltry show in New Y o rk situation ¡a as had • • th a t. What Remains to Be Done ? white, $1.60; hard winter. Hf.g Bend a few weeks ago. “ The highest producing hens The task to be finished is the bluestem, $1 47; western red. northern When M r. Coolidge wanted are coming from flocks which have responsibility, d efinitely assumed ■iprlng. $1.46. Bert Haney's resignation lie of caring for an arm y of little H ay-A lfalfa. $26; D. C..-$2S; tim­ been pedigree bred for egg produc­ has arrived c o u ld n 't get it. Now it come» • li Idren, about 35,000 of whom othy. 320; mixed hay, $26. tion durin g a period o f years. A Butter—Creamery, 43@-lg5c, large per cent of tbe hens entered Those who have placed orders may obtain w ithout being ca'led fe r.jd s t w li-n now rem ain. Not all w ill have Eggs -Ranch, 31c. in these contests are w flite Leg­ same at their own convenience. the presideut does not want it. found homes hy tbs ehd of three H ogs-P rim e. $13 5O0d4g)o horns, but just as Urge egg y< ara, but a ll should be so Under Those who have not placed an order are M r. Haney w ill be free, a week Cattle—Prime steers. 38.5O0Y9OO. w ritten as to guaranlss their car. records have been made by other urged to do so, as the quality and the price from now. perhaps, to seek in thia and tra in in g u n til self support C heese—Oregon trlgilrt», l$c$ Ore­ breeds, such as P lym outh Roek. are right. slate a democratic nom ination for -sacbed, I w ill say nothing ot gon standards. 25c; W adilngton trip Rhode Island ied and W y a n d o tte ." lets, 27c. Should he| ,he of little one» P. J. Forster has hsd fine flock the federal senate h get it the o th e r p a rty w ill need have iR'en saved from an returns from Rhode Islands, but in ... J » ‘ oth e r w in te r o f tbe bitterest want Spokane. I o did not tra p nest, so got no hl . / ‘ u " ,U ” t " ‘.‘ " of the m u lti Hogs—Prime mFx(»d. $3160 0 13.70 records of in d iv id u a l birds In I he leader, one who has the confi- t rules of women and children who Cattle—37.750/; 25. this colurao he advertises eggs for dence o f voters, even in the cow ,n'Rbt have been alive today bad sale. counties. * * been w illin g to do what littli Apple Grw^era May Advertise. --------- -----------------