Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 24, 1926, Image 1

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    / cP rt,, c «
Halsey Happenings
and County Events
Doings of Our Populace
Chronicled in Brief
visitors at the M. E. church Sun­
W. C. Obermeyer, a Tangent
Mias C la rk, a student at M on­
m outh, was a week-end visito r of
Mies Ju lia Hulse.
The Red Cross handled rbout
8200 in this county in charity
work, which is about 82 per
member. Charity work does not
in this instance mean pauper­
izing work alone but a l s o
helping those who need help to
help themselves. Albany city
and Linn county entrust their
charity work to the Red Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson
and Mr. and Mrs.George Chand­
ler and baby were Pine Grove
Some of the citizens of Harrisburg
want the new trans-Willamette bridge
on the Pacific highway at that town
called "John B. Yeon," In honor of the
ex-member of the highway commis
Elimination of governmental em
ployes who hare ceased to be neces
sary since war and immediate postwar
conditions hare passed was asked in
a resolution passed by the Alban;
chamber of commerce, to be forwarded
to congress.
The recent freshets in the Santiam
river and Hamilton creek worked a
great benefit to the shingle Industry
of Lebanon. The Super Sbingle com
pany had a large number of shingle
bolts in Hamilton creek, which they
were unable to get down the stream
to the mill at Lebanon. The high
water became of the right stage to
easily float the bolts, and the company
got to the mill nearly 2000 cords ol
shingle bolts.
S e r m o n S u b je c ts:
M ornin g,
“Crown of Thorns”
J Pilgrim ’s
Progress ”
(Thitd sermon of series)
(Continued on page 8)
to order!
• dry GOODS
Senate and House
Shedd Bank Bandits
Make More History
Agree on Tax
Measure Provides Fcr
Reduction of $387.000.000
727 of 1390 Auto fatalities last year
were directly due to pedestrian's fault •
C adillac car fro tr Portland yester­
day. N o rth of Tangent, in the
Caiapooia bottom , a road hog
crowded him in to the d itch end
his car was wrecked and be was
plunged in to the water. H is new
ear now looks like an old one and
is in Papm an’ s hospital, the Halsey
garage A bundaed or tw o of
dollars w ill he spent in repairing
it, The hog hurried or. hie way.
Church Next
Jay Walker to Blame for
Half of the Deaths by Auto
farm er, ia a candidate for county
The Christian Endeavor held
their regular business meeting
at the church Saturday evening.
George F inley wag in town
A sociaJ time was enjoyed aftei
the business session and refresh
Mr. Parker is s till fin ding gotnt- ments were served.
tliin g interesting to say on the
Mrs. Irma Shotwell visited in
subject of ' ‘ P ilg rim ’ s Progress”
Salem over the week end, return
Sunday evenings.
ing Monday evening.
Miss Marie Sneed, who is em­ This fall we are to vote for a
ployed as lihrarian in Portland, United States senator and state
came home Saturday for a week school superintendent, two repre­
end visit.
sentatives in the legislature, one
Mrs. Warren Perry of Wood-iS tjte Sen?tor f^om this county
burn arrived last week Tuesday and one from Lmn and Lane,
t<- visit her mother, Mrs. J. T. a county commissioner and state-
school superintendent.
McNeil, and other relatives.
A granite monument 13 feet
Mrs. Belle H ind m a n, sisrer-in-
l«w o f J. W . C lark, who was here high is going up on the Blakely
w ith other relatives when bis place, south of Brownsville, in
father was believed to be at honor of James Blakely and
d eath’s door, spent a n ig ht w ith other pioneers. The old gentle­
the C larks this week as she wagon man lived to be over 100 and
her way home to M ontana from twelve of his children are living,
C alifo rn ia.
ranging from 86 years of age
F. W . Robinson brought a new down.
M re. Pugb of the reeauraot
9 Vo
Physical Disability
•w w a irr wAWNsa
aw toi
\ NY a motorist whose car has figured In a fatal accident will be able
to present a clear sheet to Saint Peter when his time comes, when one
,, ®rs ,l ,he contributing factors outside of the driver's own fault A total
or I,,..-O nuto fatalities on record with the Stewart-Warner Safety Council for the
prevention of automobile accidents, covering s period of seven months,
s o w s that In 727 cases the fault was dearly the pedestrian's and cannot
be put down to the driver, the weather or uaavotdsble circumstances.
ie careless pedestrian's footsteps lead him to the grave by six distinct
r° Uib|8 SI1‘' S l*le ®afety Council, and the most travel-worn of these Is Jay­
walking. Sixty-two per cent of the 727 auto fatalities Just referred to were due
to streuklng across busy streets without using the Intersections. Children's
P aylng in the streets was responsible for 81 per cent and coasting for another
per cent. Confusion on the part of the pedestrian, not hearing whistles and
turning back In his tracks, brought about 8 per cent of these 727 deaths, while
physical disability and Intoxication rate 8 and 2 per cent respectively.
U unken drivers are to blam e fo r more than h a lf these acci
D » you w ant to donate iknd reble the a w fu l to ll by mak
ing the Volatead act less s tric t?
Lake Creek Locals
(E nterprise Correspondent)
Happenings in
Public Schools
Below Present Law.
Washington. D. C.—House and aen-
Xta conferences agreed upon a modi-
'Icd tax bill to reconcile the dlffer-
nces between the measure* aa pass­
ed by the two houses of congress
The conferees accepted the house
provision for a 20 per cent maximum
estate tax in place of the present 40
per cent and the senate provisions for
i lower levy on estate taxes for the
period 1921-1924, which are not yet
paid. The senate voted to repeal the
’state tax altogether.
The total reduction of I3S7.OOO.OOO
is $69,000.000 below the amount pro­
posed by the senate and Is 966.000,000
above that voted by the House.
The senate's surtax recommenda­
tions were adopted.
The bill aa accepted will he present­
ed to the house and senate for con­
firmation. The automobile tax of 3
per cent as passed by the house was
accepted by the conferees. The senate
voted to abolish this.
The theatre admission tax of 10 per
cent applies to admissions of 76 cents
and over, compared with the present
50 cent figure, which the house vot­
ed to retain. The senate voted to
abolish this tax altogether.
The conferees agreed to the repeal
of the capital Block tax aa voted by the
innate, but reduced the corporation tax
from 1314 per cent as voted by the
senate to 13 per cent for 1926 and
13 Vj thereafter.
Hugh Leeper Passes
Their Run of Bad Luck
Continues. They’re
in Jail Again
There’s no such thing as per­
manent success in a lawless life.
When a fellow thinks he has
committed a "perfect crime,”
the very thought spurs him to
try again, and in time he gets
The fellows who robbed tho
Shedd t>ank have so far succeed­
ed in secreting the bonds they
stole, those pieces of paper
which, if found in their posses­
sion, would convict them. They
They a.e due for a session tn
court for trying to sell them,
and may have to serve time for
But that was not enough.
TTiey blew a safe at Cloverdale,
got a lot of loot and then fell in­
to the hands of the law, lo sing
all they had te-ken except sonic
bonds, which, like rthe others,
have disappeared.
Tillamook, Or.—Four men are in Jail
here charged with dynamiting the safe
of the Cloverdale Mercantile company
at Cloverdale, escaping with 9100 In
cash, checks for about 92000 and notea
aggregating about 92000.
They have been Identified as:
Charlee Griffin, Wallace Wretsel,
James Bloomer, Gaorge Welch,
Early Sunday morning the four
drove to the store and while one of
their number kept the engine of the
car going the other three gained en­
trance to the store and with a charge
of nitroglycerin blew the safe.
The blast was heard by H. P. Kran-
ev. who lives acroee the street from
the store. Kraner notified Sheriff
Aahfm here, and. he In turn called
Sheriff Manning at McMinnville, who
drove toward Tillamook and waited
for the men after deputizing William
Martin to assist him Manning forced
the fleeing men to abandon their auto­
mobile and take to the brush after
they had fired two shots at him. He
overtook and arrested the four with­
out a struggle.
Miss Ruth McNeil spent the ' The biology class, with Mrs
Hugh Leeper died at his home
week end as guest of Helen W ii- Ehctwell as instructor, di» in Halsey Friday night, aged 67,
sected a cat Thursday. Can’i
■'after suffering several months
It is wet; but the early spring say how much knowledge was
(lowers are to be found in the] g-ainfd but we believe they havt from heart and kidney trouble,
of which dropsy was one of tht
» dis proven the theory that a ca,
Mr. and Mi's. Thomas Aixlry has nine lives
and burial wen
S e' " n i i rcl1
P“ ria F ‘" i E™“ ‘
» « • “f «><
held Monday afternoon at Pine
k test flu patients.
J. S. Nicewood, who has bee’s
The contest is now on among Grove, Rev. Mr. Parker conduct­
very ill for some time, is able, the juniors and seniors for the ing the services.
Mr. Leeper was Voom on his
to be up now.
Lincoln medal which was on dis­
father’s farm in the Lake Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Manlee Spores of
Lula and Id-a McNeil havi section.
Springfield were guests of C. S.
About a dozen years ago ht Nation’s Capital
taken out of school as their
Williams and family.
the Halsey hotel,
mother has moved back to theii
Celebrates Dav
which he and Mrs. Leeper con­
Ralph Goldsmith, nephew off ranch.
J. S. Nicewood, hr s returned to | Mrs. Clarence Williams was a ducted until 1920, when Gram
Washington, D. C.—The rapltel Join­
Reynolds bought it, taking pos
his home in Los Angeles.
| school visitor Wednesday.
ed with the remainder of the rountry
Miss Mary Evans, who ha«'
hisses Eunice Sylye.ster
Since then the Leepers have Monday to honor the memory of
l>een sick for several weeks, is
Quimby and Esther See- resided in the latter’s residence George Washington.
« «
I O ld
tV O fo n n
fh o
c i/* lz
lia f
In o l
able to l>e up part of the tim e,, 10,(1 were on the sick ,ist 1381 property, Where Mr. I^eeper’s ill­ Number* of public ceremonies were
arranged by patriotic organlsatlona
but is still very weak.
Dr. Marks, as health officer, ness and death occured.
without regard for the recent contro­
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cum- orders any student complainin',
versy over the personal habits of the
mingjg attended the all-da; r of not feeling well to be sent whose maiden name was D a v it ; first president and the newer debate
meeting of the Linn and Bentoir. home from school immediately. his son Alvin; a daughter, Mrs ever
how he would stand on the pro­
counties Jersey association et
D. S. McWilliams, and Mes L. W. Byerley, and two brothers hibition laaue.
Shedd 'Thursday.
Robert Parker and Sidney and Frank. The tw o jat
In congrena, time was set apart from
were visitors ter reside at Lake Creek.
legislative duties for the reading In
Rev. H . S. Shangle, presiding ! Arthur Foote
Undertaker Wright was the both houses of Washington's Farewell
elder, will preach Sunday morn-, Wednesday.
ing at 11 o’clock. An all-day ' Mrs. FreelandN granddaughter funeral director.
Sharing the renter of the day's ac­
meeting has been planned with j is hack in Mr». Cross’ room after
'The children and relatives of tivities with the capital ware the
basket dinner at noon.
• being i l l several days.
Mrs. J. T. McNeil remembered Mouht Vernon home and tomb of
The home of A. L. Owen was. I A patriotic program in honor her
76th birthday Tuesday ^vith Wadhlngton and the George Washing­
burned Saturday morning. With of Washington’s birthday was a di nner
party. Each guest ar- ton Masonic National memorial, now
the help of the neighbors some put on at the school Monday rived before
noon with a well under construction near Alexandria,
of the contents were saved, b u r , morning, consisting of songs filled lunch basket^
Mrs. McNeii Va. Boy acoiga and war veterana of
the loss was heavy, as the house 'i and rea.dings by high school
of not one the city and points nearby made a
was remodeled recently.
! and grade students and a patrio- birthday cr-ke, but three.
Those pilgrimage to Mount Vernon, while
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock.., ^ c a n ta ta by the pupils of Mrs. present were: Mr. and Mrs Masnna held aervlces at the memorial
Mr. and M.s. Roy Owen r.nd polemr-na room, Vivian Frun. Frank Gray, O. R. Bond, E. E temple.
C. S. Williams and family at_ i! ««personating George Washing- Gormley, John Morgan, Grant
tended the basket social>at 1 ton and Leila Ganale Betsev McNeil and family and Miss Hel-
Lost—Glen E. Davis, 18 years
Busey schoolhouse Friday eve- ? Ross. The rest of the day was en Williams,
old. White. No marks or brands.
ning. They report a fine time. I a holiday.___________
When last heard from was
V, ilo IC-
ported negotiating for a shoe/
Among those from here when/ Schedules of services in local
\t' nl A
attendi'I tht Reid-Jones w rest-I ar ’d nearby churches, if received
h a l.* M onday n ig h t. pair outfit at Silverton ar
andl Mr.
fenj0>?ble P™»1™ White was speeding that w a y to
ling match in Albany Friday’ not* later than Tuesday at 10 a j
° f th ' try to engage him for White's
j evening were Walter Baum gart­ m., are gladly published in tha
P‘an° T
ner and wife, Karl William.', Ente rprise without charge, bu t!
,w ere « 7 e n b y Mail
from male and female
| Clarence Mays, Martin Cur i- as a precaution against publish-1
Ju a HuI“ . indu Ml?' mailers is piling up in Halsey
ming and Russel Herndon.
ing an
an erroneous
erroneous notice
notice in
in case
of change, they are inserted
Haye8.- Miss Beverly awaiting forwarding orders from
' a.d?
Ha ry fiason was up from only on the same week they an -
A fter tba foregoing was in type
Albany and got a ride back with
and eight girls, was word came, dated Sunday, (bat
Mrs. Ringo. He is pastryrnan in every we ek if you wish it print-: very entertaining. Some- very G
lenn was wae in the Modern shop
.Pete’s restaurant next the ed.
dainty baskets were sold, rdbert to S ilv e rto n , bat did n o t say
Globe theatre, and it is said h i
Isom acting as auctions r. Pro­ whether aa employe or purchaser,
puts a part of thc-t smile of his M . E. Chun h
ceeds were about 826
and the result of W hite's miseion
into every pie or cream puff ht
a not known here.
Robert Pat kar pastor.
Brad Moss has bought J. D.
Sunday sch- » 1 , 10-
There was no rural mail car­
Clark’s house n d block toward
Preaching, 1 1.
service Monday, so most o>
Mr. and Mrs. Claron Gormley Junior Izaagi
are leaving soon for Coouille, Epw orth less oe, 6:30.
street. It is understood that ho our community eorreepondeuce
where Claron bid in the position Preaching, 7:1 '0.
>vill put in a filling station and for this week reached us too lafs
of track walker for the South­ Praver-incetiOi V Thursday, 7:30. lunch room, as well as cabins to go to a linotype and get re­
ern Pacific.
Bible S tu ly Tn »»day, 2.
for campers.
turns before publication.