F B e. 17, u z * h V M I L EN 1EK» K1 FACE I j Halsey Railroad TJme ■ on Washington’s birthday, open and kept the games and fun go­ ing till a late hour. Refresh­ to all. is a good North South Mrs. Dr. Marks and Mrs. ments were served. placo to I 12, 3:24 s. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. ui. George I^aubner were in Albany- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote of 16, 5:15 t. oi. 15, 12;45 p. in. have your I Wednesday. 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m flag Creswiell spent Sunday with car re p a ir-{ 34, 4:08 p. m. 31, i :34 p fl,* Mrs. S. E. Bass was consider­ Mr. and Mrs. David Foote anrt X cd. A ll uiy work is guaranteed. I f I don’t do as good a job as ( I No». 14 and 16 »top to let off patteager» 1 promise you I w ili do i t over w itho ut extra charge to you. ed dangerously ill last week but A. W. Foote and family. io from south of Eugene. ® Free towage w ith in five mile» of Halsey. I f you need me ju s t is improving. No. 31, direct connnctien for Marshfield Mrs. J. J. Corcoran sprained ® remember 16x5. I ’ll be there. points. her knee while walking down T. J. Jackson has a radio. • L ig h t A C E T Y L 1 N E W E L D I N G and fender brazing Passengers for sjuth of Eugene should Young Clarence Williams is town last week and was obliged take tram No. 17. recovering from flu. to take a short vacation from • done here. Halsey-Brownsville stage leavea Hal­ sey at 7 a. m and 12:15 and 8,1» p in Bert Minckley and C. E. Smith walking, but she is able to be Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. in and out again. 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. went to Portland Thursday with A sta rtlin g drama of life in the a truckload of lambs. C. L. Shotwell, who is a sen­ inner circles o f Hollywood BRIEF GENERAL NEWS I SUM MONS Outgoing Mail i John LaRue and Adrian ior in the U. of O. medical t school in Portland, has lx?en n < > - „ ., . . . . . . ,n the Circuit Court of the Smith, went to Eugene with W. A t the Halsey postoffiee m ails Next Sun.— M on.—Tues. of Q r fo r C oun. i lifted of his election as an in­ President Coolidge sent to the sen- close going north at 11:50 a. tn. P. Wahl and wife Monday. Feb. 21— 22— 2« ate nomination of John C. McBride to — - terne in the M. E. Hospital at be collector of customs, district Ofi*/* j rs « a Lid 5:20 p. m. The Rebekahs will have i. Los Angeles for one year, be Alaska A lban y A. G. Waggener and E. A. Going south, 11:10 a. m . and G LO BE was ill with high fever and I ginning August 1, 1926. His Alaska. 5:20 p. tn. Waggener his wife, Settlement in the anthracite coal spasms the last of the week. wife, Mrs. Irma Shotwell, wh>> Halsey Happenings Plaintiffs, To Brownsville, 6:20 a. ®. and strike, which for 165 days kept 158,- C. H. Davidson and wife have ' has taught in Halsey high fo» 000 workers from the mines was reach­ 12 m. M ornin g stage to B row ns­ vs. (Continued from page 1) as a guest the former’s sister, : two terms, will accompany him ed Saturday. goes on to C raw fordsville Agnes Struthers, unmarried; v H ille B. M. Miller is one of the flu Miss Belle Davidson of Salem. olley and Sweet Home. Minister Hugh Gibson of Geneva has . v J. • *-*• »» iAfiJÇvIivAp unmarried; LI 1 1 ITlo I T 1v (1 I E. Waggener, suffers. Mrs. L. E. Walton, young LIQUOR PROBE IS ORDERED been ordered home to confer on ques- M. E. Davidson and Theo. Dav- Frank Gansle was in Albany James Rector and Mrs. C. P. Export* from British Columbia Sub­ tions pertaining to the preliminary idson, her husband; E. I. Wag­ Paid-for Paragraphs League of Nations disarmament con­ gener and Lydia Waggener, Tuesday. Stafford visited Salem Saturday. ject to Inquiry. ference. (5c a Hue) A. A. Tussing visited Toledo Roy Owen and wife have been Vancouver, B, C.—Shipments of 11- The shipping board rejected the »3,- his wife; Veda Roush and Old paper« fo r eale at 5c a bundle George Roush, her husband; Saturday. having a severe siege of flu, with j quor and drugs from British Colum- 000,000 bid of Stanley Dollar for pur- at the E n te rp rise office. George H. Waggener and j bla to Washington and California are Mrs. Goodlin of Harrisburg as Mrs. Belle Overton of Eugene is , I,ase of the five liner, operated to t h e ana , to be aired in the forthcoming public orient by the Admiral-Oriental line o u t' £ aU lln% Waggener, hl. Wife J nurse. in town today. ( Investigation ordered by the govern­ Of Puget sound. ,Oscar £ • Waggener and Mar­ O I have lived where males bray Mrs. Lottie Pugh was in Al­ W. F. Ca»ler is overhauling ment at Ottawa, it became known here. Prayer for Philippine Independence garet Waggener, his wife; El­ a ll n ig h t, bany Monday. the buildings on his farm with Liquor Interests here were much per­ will be voiced by all Filipinos Feb­ vira W. Hall and Geo. R. Hall, And where rooster« crow from dark t i l l d a y lig h t, Mrs. Karl Bramwell was ill a view of taking his family turbed when It was found that the ruary 22, Washington's birthday. Text her husband; Irwin G. Wag­ there. committee wanted to know all about of special invocation officially adopted gener and Mabel Waggener, But the darnedest th ing th a t e'er the last of the week. from bonded ware for the occasion has been mailed to his wife; Virgil E. Waggener d id m y ears greet Miss Willmina Corcoran, who liquor released Miss J u lia Hulse visited Port- for the past year or two, how all island organizations taking part and Lois Waggener, his wife; Is the w in d m ill ju » t across the is been in poor health for some It houses aud Saturday and Sunday. left the country and what guaran­ street. the liberty movement. George E. Waggoner and The county road scraper has time, is showing decided im­ tee the customs had that the liquor in Partial reconstruction of the league Katherine Waggoner, his wife; I t ’s the worst th in g to keep one provement after a month ot been at work in the Lake Creek complete rest at home. actually reached Its destination as of nations Is viewed as a possibility awake a ll n ig h t. Jessie Allen, unmarried; Min­ section. given on the export papers. as the result of Germany's application nie L. Lilly and Frank Lilly, Go te ll h im to o il i t and o il it rig h t. G. K. D. for membership and the desire of her husband; Laura B. Gatch- County Superintendent Gee» Spain. Poland and Brazil for perman­ ell and L. W. Gatchell (here­ visited the Grasshopper school Blue laws for state and nation ent seats in the league council. Coun­ tofore impleaded by name of a few days ago. cil has decided that at a special as­ A. A. Gatchell) her husband; and au anti-evolution constitu­ More piles are thought needed sembly session called for March 8 Harry B. Waggoner and Mar tional amendment are among the below the Harrisburg bridge and the assembly will not only vote on garet Waggoner, his wife; latest proposals of the bedlamites. Sometime» one can almost sxousss will probably be driven next the question of admitting Germany, Walter R. Waggoner and Amy the bolshevik» for smashing the summer. but on proposals for additional coun­ at Waggoner, his wife; Orville whole b oiling — FlorsnceTimss. cil membership. V. Waggoner, unmarried; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith had Orval C. Waggoner and Mar­ as dinner guests Sunday D. S. Famous Flier Dies In Crash. H A LS E Y O PER A HOUSE Fred Taylor took a vacation McWilliams and wife and EHioti Cleveland. O. -— Art Smith, one of garet Waggoner, his wife; from Albany. America's best known aviators and Ailsa L. Thomson and Henry trip to New Orleans. He and widely known as a stunt flyer, lost B. Thomson, her husband; Mrs. Taylor are at home in Port­ H O . B. Btalnaksr njd wifs of his life when his mail plane struck Daniel S. Waggoner, unmar­ land now, after that and Mrs. Corvallis were at T. P. Patton’s a tree and crashed to the ground near ried; Margaret E. Waggoner, Taylor’s visits here and at Med­ over the week end. Montpelier, O., six miles northwest of unmarried; George Roberts; ford. Bryan. the unknown heirs if any of Ralph Goldsmith, late of Seat (W ashington’s birthday) said George Roberts if he be of the Southeast quarter of tie but residing with his uncle, Merger Creates Billion Dollar Bank. deceased; Ilis Roberts; the the Northeast quarter of Sec. J. S. Nicewood, is attending © 21, in Tp. 14 S. of R. 3 W. of New York.—New York is to have unknown ---— a n y u aw heirs u if any of i s said school in Halsey. Everybody invited in another "billion dollar bank.” The His Roberts if he be deceased • the Willamette Meridian Mrs. Perley True died at Har­ Chase National bank and the Meehan- : Hattie Thompson; the un’ Linn County, Oregon, contain­ Ladies bring baskets risburg Sunday evening. Funer­ « Ics and Metals National bank have known heirs if any of Said ing 40 acres; that the defend­ voted to consolidate into an institu- Hattie Thompson if she be de­ ants George H. Waggener, al this afternoon at the Church of tion to do business under the Chase ceased; Charley Roberts; the Oscar P. Waggener, Elvira W. Chrlat, Interm ent at A lfo rd . Gentlemen bring cash name with assets of »1,215,000.000. unknown heirs if any of said v 3 ’ JiT *?,,G’ WaSfrener and Milo E. Taylor, editor and Charley Roberts if he be de- Virgil E. Waggener are each publisher of the Brownsville Educatore Approve Military Training, ceased; the unknown heirs if the owner of an undivided one- Times, made a pleasant call at Washington 1) C.—Continuation or any of Susan Roberts Trow- fortieth part in fee of said Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill spent Janie» M c W illia m s has a hard compulsory the Enterprise office Friday, military training tn land bridge deceased; and general- realty; that the defendants a tta ck o f flu . M r. P a rke r’g seriuon on" " P H - Sunday in Eugene. gran, universities and colleges was aP ly all persons unknown having AD°rge» ?’ Waggoner, Jessie g rim '» P ro g re s s " in the M etliodiet O. W. From is on deck again Mr». Pugh think« o f leaving ti.c proved by „residents and dean. o. cr claiming an interest or eg L' Lilly’ Laura re sta u ra n t and going to California those institution» 1a a conference with tate in the property in this R r nV church S unday evening waa the after his conflict with the flu. President Coolidge. D e fe n d a ^ P ln thlS B. Gatchell, Harry B. Waggon­ firs t of a aerie» on the aubject. Miss Ruby Schroll sang a solo The Busey Thimble club met er and Walter R. Waggoner N e x t num ber n e x t S unday eve­ with Mrs. Thomas Ardry Thurs­ at the Met »odist church Sunday. To Agnes Struthers, Veda are each the owner of an un­ n in g . See advertisem ent, page 1. day. Business and social con­ F O R I) T o u rin g . 1923 Roush, George Roush her hus­ divided on^fiftysixth part in Rev. Robert Parker and Har­ Mrs. Leighton Henderson and vey Wright attended the I an »- verse filled the time. Refresh­ band, George E. Waggoner, fee of Said realty; that the F O R D T o u rin g , 1920 ments were enjoyed. Hatchets 1926 JEWETT Touring. baby visited in Browrtsville sev­ gue Katherine Waggoner his wife’ n wue, defendants Orval C. Waggon­ convention at Albany. predominated in the decora eral days last week. Leighton la Sport Model 2 rV1 ,,e V- Waggoner, Orval C. er , Ailsa L. Thomson, Daniel working for the Southern Paci­ Miss Enid Veatch was the tions. Guests were Mrs. Manlee j 1924 19^4 Waggoner, Margaret Waggon- W aggoner and Margaret E. F O R D S edan, guest of Miss Mearle Straley Spores of Mohawk, Mrs. Estes fic company. S T A R T o u n n « . f « B . j H ^ ' a ’n X n Waggoner arc each the owner S T A R T o u rin g . 19i_ several days last week. Bass and little daughter. Mem­ J unJdivided one- Mm. Lulu Block and daugh­ bers present: Mesdames Clar­ O V E R L A N D S edan, 1922 band, Daniel S. Waggoner, v?o„HhUndred Kenneth Van Nice reports all and ^ e n - ters Mona and Mildred are liv­ ence Williams, Henry Brock, Margaret E.Waggoner, George ty-fourth the children in the Adolph and part in fe9 in g in Oregon l i l v . M r*. B rock's Highway Garage Thomas Jackson, Lloyd Simon, Roberts, the unknown heirs if hilda',d Henry Falk and Philpott faml- and that theY da u g h te r, Mr«. Leo Lowrt-v, and Randall Brock, J. W. Evans, w ill also reside there. Mis« Ida Mitzner of Albany Emmett Cook and Dicie Brock F irs t and Baker Albany, Ore. any of said George Roberts if hold said land as tenant« in he be deceased; Ilis Roberts, common subject to the right r.; ent the week end with hei The infant son o f It. E. Bierly parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitz­ ;.nd the hostess. the unknown heirs if any of of dower and of curtesy of HOWARD SRIGLEY said His Roberts if he be de­ liaskrt social at the opera house ner. r.euP5ctive ’Ponses; Sec- Non-Partisan» to Remain Republican ceased; Hattie Thompson; the tith»’ n fh a t/ 1 d,Sputes as to D E L B E R T S T A R R Mrs. Nora Coleman ana Ritunark, N. D.—Condemnation of Hn; ; r ^ u heir8 if any ° ' said a ed in8?»? rCalty be adJudi* daughter Ernestine spent the the world court and decision to con­ Funeral Directar and Licensed Hattie Thompson if she be de­ eated in this cause, and that tinue In the republican party marked Embalmer week end with relatives in Sa­ ceased ; Charley Roberts; the E esu° i !ihe other parties to the non-partisan leaguers state con- lem. L A D Y A S S IS T A N T unknown heirs if any of said inis suit have anv intprpqf in I ventlon. Voting 87 to 18, the leaguers B row nsville, Oregon Charley Roberts if he be de­ »»¡d realty. T M rV fo ' a d " Miss Addie Davidson of Leb­ rejected the proposal that they enter ceased ; the unknown heirs if " « lo th e effect that , aid anon has been visiting hei j the farmer-labor party. Since they hiX of ,Susan Roberts Trow­ HHnny 18 80 8iutuated that par- hiothvr, Claud Davidson, and became a political power, they travel- wife. bridge deceased; and general­ , ed under the republican banner. By be made without W R IG H T & C O . ly all persons unknown having f id a cann°t unanimous vote the convention nomin­ nreJU»1Ce t0 ^ e owners lies absent Friday fitwn sohooi F u n e ra l D ire c to rs or claiming an interest or es­ a? d 'appo‘nt«ng a disinterest­ on account of illness. Halsey ated OeraJd P. Nye as a candidate for tate in the property in this ed person as Referee for the W . L. W rig h t, H arrisburg isn’t the only place where folks the United States senate. SUI \ THFdVAMpb0Ve named' »ale thereof, that said realty Mr». J. C. Bram w ell, Halsey are sick. 1HE NAME OF THF FOR SALE theand afAer paym®"t The Standard Bearer girls en­ bTAJ E OF OREGON; You from pifhStifc Pro?eeds °f sale of tertained the young men of their are hereby required to appear , costs and disburse­ Sunday school class at a party and answer the complaint of ments including $150.00 as a good in the League room Wednesday the above named plaintiffs in ru n n in g The West'« Best Range reasonable attorneys’ fee that night. Atiout forty-two young the above entitled court, in the the remainder be by sa?d ref­ order OUARANTKtll) t® cut fuel r®«tt people were present. Misses l-anndrv »ent Tuesdays n i°Ve yeknt,tlued caU!* now on eree distributed among H,a half. Purnittitd in whit», blue er gray Mr». C. E. Sm ith. \t Halsey, I.inn rnts Agnes Struthers. J R «on hereof j, the ïâ ih D a , o’f' County, Oregon retail, or 11! for a 50-pound box Dated and first published this 27th "« F ie n e r. M. E. Davidson. R January, 1926. ay 01 Floral snd day of January. 1926 B M Bond. I- " aggener and Veda Rft ,. k LA N G W OOD Music »hop TUSSING 4 TUSSINr Administrator Aforesaid, Albany «»«office addrea. H .U ey ó r - l usting it Tussing, Attys. for Adtar dm ded one.e,ghth ra rt in f"c Now playiag sacond big week in Portland : Halsey Garage Peggy Hopk ns Joyce J “The Sky Rocket” P. PAPMAN. Rebekah MONDAY evening , social F .L 99 « reo. ZZ » p etaluma Incubator A Modern Barber Shop Red Clover Seed Red Hens CUT FLOWERS ™ SHEET MUSIC HALL'S FRESH SMELT HALSEY MEAT MARKET »»on. Attorney» for Plaintiffs. 4