Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 17, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Courtesy Shop — Miilinery 1
Cut Travel Cost
and ready-to-wear novelties
"Exclusive but not expensive.“ i
117 Broadalbin.
V Valdo Anderson & Son, distrib-
—yet go more often, travel farther, than ever
Go by train. Save in many important wnyi
by doing so.
Low roundtrip fares secure surprising value
for your travel funds. Figure your expense in
driving your own car against the cost by train.
The saving in train travel will amaze you. So
save the car for pleasure purposes.
Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re­
sponsibility ends when you board the train.
Thus ride in entire comfort, with a chance to
relax and rest and plan your activity at your
N o matter where you plan to go. Southern
Pacific and its connections can take you, com­
fortably and economically. Any Southern Pa­
cific agent will gladly aid in planning your trip.
Rely upon them for complete,
accurate travel inform ation.
This is good advice: “ I I you live " utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­
in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars.
Accessories, a police. 1st & Broadalbin.
in some other trade in that town.
But in these automobile days many re­
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do W Jb lte ’s Shoe repair service.
at least part of their buying in the
larger town
Those who goto Albany
to transact business will find the firms Albany, Oregon Opposite Hotel Albany
named below ready to fill their require­
ments with courtesy an I fairness.
Automobile and Truck Insurance
Mower rates Attractive contracts
Special attention to truckmen operating
under public service commissfon
. .
Tin shop in connection
J. L. STUAR I’, the insurance Ulan
“ 35) W. First St.
Albany, Oregon
J. LINDAHL, hardware,
lbany Floral Co.
Cut flowers
and plants. Floral art for every
and all occasions.
Flower phone 458-J.
Cusick tuilding (upstairs) room 146
Albauy, Oregon
D ress u p
Y o u r E y es
They deserve the best money
If yon have to use your
charging. 221 W. Second.
old frame, DON’T buy a second
Ed Falk, Prop.
quality g in i. Have that exactly
r. Hess’ Poultry Panacea keeps perfeet.
Tire Vulcanising-
Battery re­ will tny.
poultry healthy and makes hens lay
Burkhart & Lee, druggists
Oddfellows' Temple, Albany, Oregon
E. A. Cudahy, J r, who went to work
In 1904 as a billing clerk in the Cudahy
Packing company, hat risen through
the entire industry and hat now suc­
ceeded his father a t president of the
astburn Bros.—Two big grocery
stores, 212 W. First and 225 South
Main. Good merchandise at the right
Ogden H. Hammond of New York,
who has been appointed American am­
bassador to Spain to succeed Alex­
$72,500,000 concern.
ander P. Moore, resigned.
E lite Cafeteria aud confectionery
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­
Courteous, efficient service.
W e make our own candicc
W . S. D u n c a n .
o rd
F ,
Meade & Albro
Tires and accessories
K ir k -P o l l a k M otor C o .
_____ J e w e l e r s ,
'EXirtmiller Furniture Co., furni
■a ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges
Funeral directors. 427-433 west First
street, Albany, Oregon.
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
& jackson
Everything in the line of eats
Opposite I’ostoffice
otel Barber Shop
Hotel Albany
Albany, Oregon
A. Nagel
Phone 2b3R
Optometrists and Manufacturing
Roy Stenberg
CAFE, 209 »V. First
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
N ew s N o tes F ro m
A ll O v e r O reg o n
Gleaned by the W e ste rn
N ew sapor U n io n fo r
B usy Peeple
The Old Oregon Trail association
ield Its annual meeting in Baker Tues-
Phone 665
Teachers of Hood River county at­
tended the second institute of the year
auneio electric co .
Official Strömberg carburetor serv it Hood River.
ice station.
Couservative prices. A1
Total taxes In Marlon county for the
work guaranteed.
119-121 W. Second
year 1926 are $1,896,966.17 as against
en and money are best when 11,817,706.14 for the year 1924.
busy. Make your dollars work in
With the Boardman school closed
our savings department. A lb a n y S ta te
of a smallpox scare, there is
B a n k . Under government supervision.
now an epidemic of mumps with 10
uses already reported.
(A beauty aid for every need)
Thomas Meckleson of Portland has
St. Francis Hotel
Prop. Winifred Rcse tccepted a position as auditor for the
Oregon public service commission. He
J^O SCO E AMES HARDWARE will succeed B. B. Fenwick, who re­
The Winchester Store ¡
Delegates from nearly every Episco­
econd hand Pianos from $185 U) pal parish in eastern Oregon attended
If you want a bargain in a piano now the convocation held at St. Peter’s
is your chance. They’re in A1 condition ffiurch In La Grande Saturday and
Davenport Music House. 409 W. First Sunday.
Early spring gardens within the city
taple and Fancy Groceries
Crockery and Glassware limits of Ashland were badly damaged
Mrs. M G. Stetter
by a band of deer which wandered
Phone 139J
206 W. Second st. down from the mountains seeking food
Second street, opposite Hamilton's
The annual conference of the Young
* store.
Women's Christian associations of the
“ Sudden Service.*'
smaller colleges of Oregon was held
at Pacific University In Forest Grove
Saturday and Sunday.
S e rv ic e
Station George F Baker, 61, dry-shed fore­
man for the Silver Falls Timber com
We servo all makes
at Silverton, was hurt fatally at
and sell
the company's mill when he was run
Under new managemen
down by a lumber carrier.
h. M. Taylor, Prop.
Harold Gunderson, 20, was struck
121 W- Second, Albany.
cm the head by a falling tree branch
near the Jensrud & Gunderson mill at
Sandy, and fatally injured. His skull
If you enjoy a good meal,
and know a good meal when you get it, was fractured by the blow.
You'll be back, tor you'll not forget it.
Fire of undetermined origin, break­
Our aim is to please vou.
ing out in the Interior of the plant of
the American Bedding company in
Portland, gutted the building and did
damage estimated at $36,000.
G E O . M- G I L C H R I S T
The body of Andrew Bystrom of
North Bend was found floating In Cat­
ching Inlet, several miles from the
city. Bystrom disappeared January
at lowest rate of interest
after a nrotracted drinking spree.
Real Estate
Insurance Lute Savage, veteran guard, who
Prompt service. Courteous treatment. was shot below the heart during a
W m ’ B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank break at the Oregon state penitentiary
August 12. was dismissed from a hos­
builning, Albany
pital at Salem, where he has been
Physicians said he probably
ould recover.
You get
Mayor Wright and W 3. Link, mem
hers of the McMinnville water and
T h e G IR L
light commission, are In Los Angeles
to Inspect several plants to gain in­
We have
formation before the Installation of a
T h e D IA M O N D ^ 600-horeepower engine In the munici­
pal plant at McMinnville.
Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, nation­
ally known eduentor and president of
Jewelers, Opticians, Albany
the University of North Carolina, was
selected unsnlmoualy by the board of
agents to be the snceeetor of Prince
Lucien Campbell, late president of the Tillamook passenger stage left the
road and rolled down the mountain
University of Oregon at Eugene.
A petition signed by 74 property about seven miles south of Neskowin.
Physicians attending ex-Senator
owners was presented to the La
Grande city commission requesting George E. Chamberlain In Washington,
that a charter amendment be voted D. C., reported their patient vastly Im­
upon at the coming special municipal proved and no alarm is now felt over
election to increase the number of his condition. His recovery will be
city commissioners from three to five. slightly hampered by his advanced age
Organization of the Southern Ore­ and It Is expected that a rest of some
gon Peace Officers’ association was duration will be prescribed when he
perfected at a gathering of sheriffs, leaves hts sick bed.
The Owen-Oregon Lumber company
police chiefs, prohibition officers and
traffic officers of southern Oregon at announced that it would start work
Ashland. Approximately 60 officers within the next 10 days upon construe
from various counties were in attend­ tion of a $500,000 sawmill In Medford.
The new mill will be 90x288 feet In
Sixty patients from the Oregon hos dimension,
pital for insane at Salem were trans­ throughout and modernly equipped,
ferred to the Pendleton hospital to with a capacity of cutting 327.000 feet
relieve the congestion in the main of lumber In a 16-hour shift.
The number of predatory animals
institution. The population of the
Salem institution now numbers 1904, In Oregon waa lessened by more than
of which number 1221 are men and 200 by the work of government poison
ere and trappers last month, accord­
683 women.
ing to the monthly report of predatory
Carl H. Bjorquist of Marshfield, ¡animal killings released by the United
lenior in electrical engineering, and j States bureau of biological survey
. II. . Truax
. of Klamath Falls, ' i Nearly 50 „„„
men worked all or part time
sophomore In electrical engineering.
he raonth Coyoteg f0 th#
have been selected by a representative’ ^ ,. of , 01
d„ . roy#d durlnR tha
of v\ estinghouae Electric company to , month by
,1V , the
ho hlln,
. r. as well as , II ,
take a student course with the com­ bobcats, 1 raccoon, 2 skunks, 6 bob-
pany at Pittsburg, Pa.
gers and 86 porcupines.
Jack Mereen of San Francisco, rep­
Oregon pensions have been granted
resenting financial Interests of that as follows: Frederick W. Ludwig, $12
city, has 41 -n a lease with option to a month; Charles Bockman, $12; Aegl
buy on tdi» Eagle and Independent dlus E. Abel, $12; Walter L. Wood-
black aiNlff Tnines at Bullards, three yard, $15; William A. Shoemaker,
miles north of Bandon, and has $10,- $12; Charles Harris, $18; Martin T.
000 with wbt<ti to make a thorough Pratt, $12, all of Portland; Randall
prospect of the property.
{ O. Ring. Grants Pass, $12; Ka-Shl-At.
Convicts in the Oregon state peni­ Warm Springs, $12; George E Thlrl-
tentiary who fail to yield to discipline, well, Eugene, $15; Thomas E. De
either through incarceration In the Nike, Grants Pass, $12; Addle 8.
‘bull pen' or - Ima i nation of prison Graves, Oregon Ctty, $30; John T. Len
privileges, wlM be compelled to wear hart, Springfield, $12; Elmer Erlck-
uniforms of striped materials, accord­ lon. Deschutes. $16; Earl White, A urns
ing to an ultimatum issued by J. W. ville, $12; James W. Bowers, Marsh­
Lillie, warden of the Institution.
field, $16; John I. Webster, Multno­
The two months’ old baby of Mr. mah. $12; Frank Frankford, Klamath
and Mrs. John Goetjen of Portland Falls. $24; Howard King, Willamette,
was Injured fatally, two women suf­ $15; Norman E. Tufford. Mill City.
fered serious injuries and the driver $12; Elbert II. Smttb, Cottage Orove,
was badly bruised when a Portland- $12.
H alsey , O regon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savinas accounts Solicited
She’ll Accept Y our G ift
If it is a box of our delicious
candy. It is as wholesome a» it
is delicious, and after tasting it
you’ll want more. Everyone dotes
upon our choice confections, they
are always so pure, fresh ano
C la rk ’s C onfectionery
« iiiin n n
A n y G irl in T ro u b le
may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the
White Shield Home, 565 Mayfilr avenue, Poitland, Oregon,
•••••••••« ••••« « ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e
I he w isest girls keep out of trouble
Southern Pacific Lines
Clay P. Moody Agent
Phoue 226
A n o th e r F ed eral
H ouses S q u ab b le
A n ti-m o n o p G estu re
O v e r T a x Bill
National Products Corporation Bill Approved By Upper House
Is Assailed By Depart­
Makes Cut of $456,251,000
ment of Justice.
In Tax Burden.
New York.—The United States gov­
Washington, D C —Carrying a re-
ernment has moved to prevent what
i ductlon of nearly half a billion dollars
It regards as an attempt to convert the
In the annual federal tax burden, the
chain-store system into linked fetters
senate passed the revenue measure.
for the restraint of trade and com i
The vote was 68 to 9, six republican
progressives, two democrats and Sen­
United States District Attorney
ator Shlpttead, farmer laborlte of Min­
Buckner filed an equity suit In federal
nesota, voting against It. The others
court to enjoin the National Food Pro­
were; Senators Frailer of North Da­
ducts corporation from obtaining
kota, La Follette of Wisconsin, Mc­
further atock In competing food cor­
Master of South Dakota, Norbeck of
porations and to require the corpora­
South Dakota, Norris of Nebraska and
tion to dispose of its present holdings
Nye of North Dakota, alt republicans;
In such concerns.
Reed of Missouri and Wheeler of
The suit was the snag upon which
Montana, democrats.
the third great proposed combine In i
The $126.000.000 cut made by the
America’s $22,000,000,000 food Industry '
senate over the house bill mutt run
was caught. It followed within a few
the fire of conference between the
days a similar anti-trust action against two houses
the proposed $2,000.000,000 Ward Food (
Resides accepting all of the reduc­
Products corporation and the collapse '
tions proposed by the house, the sen­
of negotiations for a $260,000,000 com­
ate made these major changes In the
bination of the Postum Cereal com­ bill:
pany and the California Parking com- |
Repealed the Inheritance tax.
peny, generally attributed to (ears of I
J Struck out the tax on admission«
meeting government disapproval.
’ and dues.
The district attorney charged that
I Eliminated the tax on passenger
the National Food Products corpora­ automobiles.
tion, a holding corporation recently
| Repealed the capital atock tax hut
formed through acquisition of capital
Increased the 1254 per cent corpora­
stock in other corporations which oper­ tion tax 1 per cent.
ate more than 16.000 chain stores j Cut $23,000.000 from the surtaxes on
throughout northeastern states, would
Incomes between $24,000 and $100,-
lessen competition, restrain trade and 000.
create a monopoly of one or more lines
; Reduced further the taxes on
of commerce. The total capital of cigars.
such companies Is In excess of $160,
| The additional ta i reduction voted
by the senate was assailed an "eco­
nomic folly," by Chairman Green of
the house ways and means committee.
T o C h a n g e the
The senate, In going $126,000.000
Inauguration D a v . b*yond ,h* 104,1 ’c,proTert b* ”>*
J house In Its $320,000,000 bill, not only
Washington, D. C.—The Norrie con­ threatened a treasury deficit, but Jeo­
stitutional amendment, changing In­ pardised the enactment of many pend­
auguration day from March 4 to ths ing bills calling for Increased govern­
third Monday in January, and the date ment expenditures, Including the pub
(or meeting of congress from Decem- lie buildings bill, said Mr. Green
ber to the first Monday In January, j Chairman Green Is supported In hie
was adopted by the senate by a vote P°«ltlon by other house leaders.
of 73 to 2.
Owen 0. Young te Aid Trade Parley.
The amendment came up In the
Geneva.—Owen D. Young, aesoclatw
unanimous calendar, and passed with
of Vice President Dawes In creation
little discussion, It waa pissed by the
of the Dawes plan, has been tendered,
senate last year but failed In the
and will accept, an Invitation to parti­
cipate In the preparatory rommlealnn
RIesse, South Carolina, and Kang.
of the league of nations’ economic con­
Utah, democrats, cast ths only dis­
ference. Hie forthcoming acceptance
senting votes on the resolution, which
la Interpreted here as Indicating that
now goes to the house
the United States will bring befera the
. . .
conference a demand for an tnvestlga-
Tlie Epworth League and the tl0B t0
up world monopolies in
Christian Endeavor Society a t ' certain raw materials
Shedd have consolidated.
( ongoleutn
rn n ted
A rm stro n g L inoleum R u g s, $ 18 cash
Wo have some a ttra c tiv e p a tte rn s in L in o le u m
anti felt-,baH9 y a rd goods
HILL & Co.