RURAL ENTERPRISE pointed to the door. “We’ve bad enough of thia: you're drunk I Mon- Bobs H er H a ir, Hubby aieur Steele will excuse you. Good night I” in Rage Finishes Job Boston.—Because she bobbed The Insult drove the blood from he« flaming face: sobered her She walked J her hair. Everett H. Humphreys to the door, where she turned and said .}•! of Arlington flew Into a rage, seized his wife, Marion M, by quietly to Steele: "Bon solr, mon­ sieur, I leave you with thees gentle­ > what remained of her tresses. g drugged her Into a bedroom and man and—cutthroat.” completed the Job—shearing off Although pressed by I-aflamme, what hair the barber had left. Steele did not stay. He had failed This was the testimony of utterly In hla plan- had learned noth­ M -. a*« anti ing If only the trader had remained • In the trade-house five minutes longer, J year-old blond, given In Middle- the girl would have told him what he > sex Probate court, where she wished lo know. And now they were J was awarded a decree nisi of dh- r-e on grounds of cruel!' leaving In the morning a /VALLEY' 7 VOICES » A ---- » * J ♦ > »! •«; * >: T . • ♦ * <©, 1»JS, W sstsrn Newspaper U alon.) T h o u g h t Is d e e p e r th a n a ll s p e e c h . F e e lin g d e e p e r th a n a ll t h o u g h t: B ou ts to s o u ls ca n n e v e r te a c h W hat u n to th e m s e lv e s w ag ta u g h t. — C h r is to p h e r P. C ra n ch . REDUCING DESSERTS ♦ For those of us who are overweight 1 It Is wise to choose a light dessert I which satisfies the crav- | * ~ • «raa also given the right fi a u th o r , of ing for sweets wlthont | K to resume her luuiden D M me. ♦ CHAPTER X " T O IL E R S OF T H E T R A I L ” adding much to the food ! I • " T H E W H E L P S OF THE W O L F * value of the menu. The > * From the outside the cabin where w following h a v e b e e n ! COPYRIGHT by THE PENN PUBLISHING CO. he and Itavld were to sleep was dark, chosen as good reliable hut he entered to find Itavld. aided desserts for su ch : | by the light of two candles, busy with was busy with what the Frenchman's CHAPTER IX— Continued SPENDS F O R T U N E , Chilled Prunes With return from the trade-house had i their hags. J — 15— Lemon.—Soak p r u n e s I D IES PENNILESS checked the girl from disclosing. If “What's the trouble?" Steele asked, “Hut, mademoiselle, you must he and b o l l t h e m w i t h NEW HANDY PACK surfeited with pretty words from i'lerre were Laflamme's man, as he noticing the blankets with which Ita­ slices of lemon. After they have seemed to he, Steele was curious to vld had masked the windows. “You Monsieur,” he said maliciously, sure cooked fifteen minutes put them on M a n W h o B ro k e M in te C a rlo learn what tale the Indian had brought don't think he'd dare tire In on you?" of the effect. the back of the stove to simmer. Al­ "Maybe," and the OJlbway pointed B a n k P a s te * A w a y . "Pretty words from heem?” She from Walling Elver concerning the low the simmering process to continue I lost fur canoe and the Wlndlgo terror. to the contents of a large water­ laughed bitterly, "that ees a Joke! until the sirup thickens. Remove M o re fo r y o u r m oney No pretty words from heem since the lie finally decided to drive straight at proofed bag on the floor at his feet. I London.—Arthur De Courcev Bower, from the heat and chill. The long I the point with the hope that the girl “Dey have come to see eef you are and th e b est P e p p e rm in t who ran through several fortunes. In slow cooking brings out the sweetness lady, who will marry Laacellea at Al­ w’at you say." Chewing Sweet for any money eluding one made from Chilean ni­ Htid flavor of the prunes ami they will j bany, drive heem crazee, eh, Louis?” j would drop tomethlng. “Hid I tell you this afternoon that "They've been througn our Indian | trate concessions and another through Laflamme scowled Into her mocking need no sugar to sweeten them. Look for Wrigley’s P. K. Handy Pack “breaking the bank at Monte Carlo," eyes, but was silent, lie rose and led I heard a Wlndlgo at Walling Kiver?” stuff?" Gelatin desserts of various kinds "Yes, dey look at deae bag and not was found dead a few days ago In a his guest to the living room. Then he began. ^^jouoour^ealerj^ounter^G ?^ are especially good for those who are “What? You a scientist, mean to pack dem good." the sound of voices outside attracted furnished room In London. anxious about overweight One thing tell tne that you heard a Wlndlgo—a A low knock checked the conversa­ Bower spent his money as freely as his attention, and shortly, the OJIb- way girl appeared and spoke to him creature of Indian myth and supersti­ tion. David reached for a caudle. he made it. He was twice married, must be remembered In serving them tion— a bugaboo of the medicine "No I" said Steele, “stand by with his second wife being a widow, a Mrs. however, that they should not be In a whisper. “You will excuse me for a little man?” that I" pointing to David's rifle, then Smith, to whom Prince Batthyanl, served with whipped cream or rich Steele grinned with delight Into the opened the door. while? I am called to the trade- Hungarian sportsman, left nearly i sauce, or the very thing which you wish to avoid will result. house?" At the (hair he added with j trader's puzzled eyes. “I certainly do. It was Hose Laflamme. $3,000,000. Saccharine may take the place of a brutal laugh, "Help yourself to the I was waked by his howling on the Disapproval was stamped on Da­ Bower, who was sixty-nine years cigarettes and whisky. And—a H o s e ridge across the river from the post.” vid's face as he slowly shook bit old. died almost penniless. Born of sugar In sweetening the dishes, as It Laflamme smiled, suggestively tap­ head. »III keep you entertained, no doubt.” a good family and educated at Eton, will, In very small quantities, add su f Steele wondered If Itavld had run ping the hottie nt his elbow, as he "Monsieur Steele, I wish to talk j he spent some years as partner In a ficient sweetening. into trouble. If the trader were free leased: "Scotch Is a wonderful stim­ with you In private—" she hesitated, London financial firm. Wanderlust j Snow Pudding.—Tn one-fourth of a ■ with liquor with his men, which ulant to the Imagination, monsieur." with a nod of her head toward the seize«I him and he went to South box of gelatin add one cupful of cold “You know that the Indians at­ OJlbway. seemed Improbable, Itavld might have America. water. Let stand until thoroughly tribute the loss of St. (Inge's fur canoe been set on, hut the OJlbway was too "David, wait outside a minute," ' He made a fortune In nitrate work- ’ soaked and add two cupfuls of boiling this summer to the same devil?” con­ wise to Imperil bis chief or their said Steele concealing from the girl a Ing with Colonel North, the "Nitrate water, five snecharine tablets, the tinued Steele, watching Hose's face. plans. King " Then he returned to England ’ Juice of one lemon and cinnamon to lowered eyelid. “The loss of their fur canoe!” cried Following the slain of the outer and begau spending his money lavish- J taste. When slightly set, add the Car-ying his rifle, David reluctant door the girl rose placed her lingers Laflamme. "You mean to say that St. ly left the room. ly, often giving barmaids $500 tips. stiffly beaten white of an egg and warnlngly on her Hits and tiptoed out Onge didn't get his fur to Albany this His most remarkable exploits were j heat until the mixture is light and ] ‘‘You needn't worry, I.aflamme's year?" of the room, leaving Steele curious, asleep," she began, then approaching In the gumhling casino at Monte Car- | "Not a skin.” said Steele. This was Steele, placed her hands on his shoul- | lo. He hud perfected a system of j foamy. Serve very cold. uneasy. He heard talking In low Gelatin Whip.—Soak one-half of n tones from the direction of the kitch­ news that I’lerre assuredly would d e n as she begged: “Will you get play while In South America and this package of gelatin In one cupful of en, then she returned, and walking to have brought from down river. Then me out of here, now—tonight?” he resolved to try at the famous ca­ cold water. Add three grains of sac­ his chair, looked quizzically down. The girl’s knowledge might be of sino in Monaco. charine. one-half cupful of canned "Are you as much of a man as you vital Importance to the future of Wall- I He took $135,000 with him for the plum Julca. When the mixture begins look?” she demanded. purpose and the first afternoon won i F iatiacu in d ayrup! W h it a sun­ Ing Kiver—of the woman there he to set, whip until light with an egg “How long before Laflamme sur- j loved, and the American did not hesi­ $50,000. Then he hired five assistants, beater. Chill thoroughly. shiny start for the day! A n d there's prises us, mademoiselle?" he coun­ giving each $20,000, with instructions , one thing sure about Flapiacka— tate to dissemble. F r u it Coupe.—Bury a can of any tered, forcing a yawn, having no In­ they're alwdyi tender, never soggy; "But, Hose, I haven't bacon and as to the play. He broke the hank kind of fruit liked, such as pineapple, tention of playing Into Laflamine'a always light and easy-to-eat I A t flour. You'd starve If we left tonight, three times, winning $1,215,000. your grocer's— in the handy round peaches or pears. In Ice and salt until banda. unless we struck game. You don’t carton w ith the replaceable lid I frozen. Dice any fresh fruit—ba­ “You theenk I’m working for that want to live on fish." Aged Romeo, D eaf but nanas, oranges, strawberries— and fill beast? Are you blind? Can't you "I can leeve on anything with you, . aee lie’s done with me?" She began, ! Wiser, Is Rid of W ife sherbet glasses with the Juicy fruit, you heeg American I” she said. “On- W e H a v e O a k la n d an d E a s t B a y dramatically, then, "Why did you j Los Angeles, Cal.—John Varner, top with frozen fruit and serve at j lee get me away—away from that once. look at heem that way before dinner? thief. Once I loved heem—but now, j deaf and elghty-four years of age, | I naw you I You stabbed heem with Apricot Flower Salad.—Cut halves i shuffled out of Judge F. C. Valentine's I hate, hate, hale I" To EXCHANGE for your eyen. You needn't deny It! You , Steele temporized: "But why can’t court poorer, wiser and through with , of canned aprlcats In two. Arrange j R a n ch en , buninena o r r e s id e n c e p r o p e r ­ hate heem I Why?” ty. S e n d u s c o m p le te d e n c r lp tlo n an d on head lettuce like the petals of a you wait until tomorrow night? We'll love and romance. k in d o f p r o p e r ty y o u w a n t. A d d r e s s to "You are mistaken, mademoiselle. I have flour then.” Mrs. Emma Varner, not quite so flower with a ball of cream cheese for S u n L m n d r n R e a l t y ( 'o m p n n y , never met l.altamme before today.” 1S&N K. 14th Mt.. Man L e a n d r o , C a lif. “I'm afraid. He cursed me tonight old, but equally deaf, left the court, j center. Sprinkle the cheese with “You llel llut you are suspicious; rlced, hard-cooked egg to simulate too, with a profit of approximately for telling you something. Oh, you you theenk thees Is a gama—theenk don't know that man—the cleverness $2,800 to show for her year of mar­ pollen and serve with mayonnaise he ees listening. Iton't you see hat of heein? He knows thees won't last riage with Varner, according to the j dressing. Chopped nuts may be used ees why I went out—to learn If he testimony he had given. Judge Val­ Instead of the egg If desired. —two, three years, thees hell herel” had left the house? Oh, you ran trust | "Of course he wants to get rid of entine had Just granted Varner a de­ Honey Daintiee. m e! This ees the nuked truth. I of good farm or ranch for sale. cree of annulment. the post down river?” Steele ventured would kill heem tonight If I could get I Honey Is not only valuable as a fond It was Just a little more than a “Oh, St. Onge la done for—and he'll A. S. ACKERMAN away. Hut you—why (Jo you hate I year ago that the two, after a brief | but has medicinal properties as well. ! 6 1 7 C h a rle s B ld g ., D e n v e r, C olo . get the girl," she muttered. lieeni, too?" As It Is slightly j "But what was that Indian Pierre acquaintance, eloped to Santa Ana j “Does Lnflattiine suspect me?" he acid, when used In doing at Walling Kiver?" he abruptly and were married. Varner had a asked, Ignoring tier question. batter mixtures a L ob A ngeles’NeweBt - • demanded. note, a trust deed and $3,250 In cash "No, he kaawa you are what you fourth of a tea­ "Pierre?” She turned on Steele In at that time, he said. Within a few | claim to ba." spoonful of soda surprise “You saw Pierre? He was weeks he had conveyed to his bride j “What do y»u want me to do?" added to each cup- an Interest In the trust dee«l and the told to keep under cover.” Th« Fac« of th« G irl W a n t G ray W ith "Mon I ties' (let tne out of dees ful of honey used note and had placed his cash in a F e a r. “ M o n D i t u l If It's L a fla m m e !" “Yes, he was spreading wild tales place—take » e w ith you I lie s keep will counteract the ! Joint account. about the Wlndlgo. Laflamme sent Ing me hers because I know too much I he caught a furtive algnal from the } bet. 6th & 7th acidity. "I put the money In a Joint account. him to do that?" Jle's afraid ! weel talk.” Graham, Honey girl She ruutlously lowered an eye­ She pressed m.v hand and said neither 7 0 0 ROOMS Her large eyes lighted In amuse­ "Talk About what — the whisky lid, as she watched Laflamme. Pudding.— Mix and sift together two ment. "Oh. yea, of course! but what of us would write a check without ! trade T' teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one 300 t f * ,5 °. So the Frenchman was deceiving notifying the other. Then I found She lonsted her voice to a whisper. him. I’lerre had been on the trader’s he went down river after was— out she hn«1 drawn out all but $440," fourth of a teaspoonful of soda, and There's some­ "The whisky ees not all you would business at Walling Kiver. But why i Quick I the candles! $2« one teaspoonful of sa lt Add three- j 200 he related bitterly. not heller« me If I told—” A door did Laflamme wish to conceal It? He one coming!” The face of the girl fourths of a cupful of raisins and mix 2 0 0 : ¿ h£ h $ 2 * ’ went gray with fear. "Mon D leu ! If closed uu’alde, and l-aflnnime entered could not suspect that Steele would with the dry Ingredients. Add one It's Laflamme!" W anderer Is Freed of the rootr. half cupful of sour milk, one-fourth . G O O D G A R A G E return to the Walling Steele pinched ont the candles and "Ah, this Is most iinromantlc, nmn- "And you believe with the Indiana. 20-Year M urder Charge rupful of melted fat, one-half cupful eleur," Le protested, hand rnlaed In 1 suppose, that the Wlndlgo got the she clung to him helplessly, her body of honey and one well beaten egg. ’ P e ace a n d W a r Springfield. Mo,—Jim Suhlett is a ints'k gesture "I return suddenly, to canoe, also?" Jeered Laflamme. “That'a trembling against his, as they listened Beat well and turn Into a buttered “Do you think we have many heroes free man today after 20 weary years There was a sound of a scuttle out­ And yen atlll In your chair—alone." mold. Cover and steam for two and ( nowadays?" "Sure! Look at the mar­ a bit too raw. monsieur! It Is not the Pteoh» was on his feet. "My man first boat to be smashed In that white- side, the fall of a body, the dull Im- j of wandering about the country with one-half hours. Serve with : riage statistics." pact of blows Pushing aside the u murder charge hanging over bis ftsvld In any trouble*" he snapped, water.” Honey Sauce.—Melt one tablespoon head. frightened girl, Steele seized hla rifle, Ignoring the sarcasm. h e a lth d e p e n d s upon g o o d d ig e stio n . “Hut It was not lost In the rapids. Suhlett killed Joe Dillard, an old ful of butter In a saucepan, add one ! S a Oooaald and he would lente the ' on Steele's answer. The handshake Is a correct snd In­ art and Prosecuting Attorney Hicks, well and bake In n shallow pan. When ’ Ito n 't rely on leaner help«, do n't delay. post In the morning He knew hla "I left the post early In September fallible guide to true love. This Is tha meeting with relatives and other off! cool cover with a caramel frosting. half breeds. It would I.e dangerous on a side trip. Intending to return be­ contention of Dr. David V. Bush, s Be Sure Its Price 3Qc Honey Cooklte.—Mix three cupfuls | to stay and as yet nothing had been fore starling for home, but never went teacher of applied psychology. “Shake '•era. agreed to waive the charges and Suhlett was released. once more a free learned from the girl. hack." Then, seizing the opportunity hands." he says, "before you start s man. He returned to hla home at of bran, one-fourth cupful of sugar, [ one-half teaspoonful of soda, and two j “1 sent them all to bed. Baptiste lo deceive Laflamme Into waiting until courtship—not because you are to I’lney, Ark. teaspoonfuls of baking powder, add ’ won't follow It up Antoine Is with the last minute before breaking his start something resembling s pugilistic With portnM one-fourth cupful of sour milk, one- i Get Red Box him I'm hose here," leughed the vengeance on St. Onge, Steele boldly bout, but because If the hands don't Trains Take M an’s Legs, half cupful of melted fat, one-fourth I trailer. gambled: “Ha said something about flt perfectly, don't start It." Doctor teaapoonful each of salt and cinnamon, j Bush says "the altar Isn't even s Then Steele wee en ere of the at­ my taking a letter to you.” Then Snuff Out His Life three fourths of a cupful of honey, and AVOTD d r e p p l n g tention of a pair of shining eyes. "Ah, "He did?" The dark faea of the milestone In the course of love; It s ** «trnng d r e g « In South Rend. Ind. -A train n few one well beaten egg. Bake twelve to ! er«e tore fnws A’.kail It was magnlttcemt, monsieur the way trailer flushed with pleasure. apt to be a millstone A marriage cer or o t h • r Irritation. years ago severed the legs of Andrew fifteen minutes In a moderate oven i tlflcnte Is no guarantee of love Mar you looked," said the girl "Your eyes Th» old iltaple r e a lt y "Yes now lie’ll send Michel." Emery of South Bend. The other day brings «safortlng relltf rlage, looked at as the goal of Inv.. These are to be dropped by spoonfuls w ere like your nam e- of steel ” A glass was shattered on the table Mt. l i e , aU drvggwte a train snuffed out his life. onto buttered sheets. “You are embarrassing, tuadeuiol In a fury of passion Rone La flam me, Is apt to be a grave If the game en Is II a U rkN « •* TerkOty Mr. Emery used wooden legs, but Belle.” leaping to her feet, glared at the when the knot Is tied " The exponent Honey Parfalt.—Roll one cupful of «as nble to drive an automobile. Ha honey with one fourth cupful of water "You must excuse Rose this eve­ Frenchman "Oh, yon think you've of applied psychology thinks tra il • ning," said I-slUmme with a grimace got her at last, do you?" the seres med can ba scolded by proper character drove the car on the railroad track i until It threads. Pour the mixture ! “ She has not seen a white man In a 'When do I go. then? You'll aeod analysis before the courtship adeant ee in front of a train. ID was Instantly over the stiffly beaten whites of two I killed. year I Not hut what she's sincere, me now. when she comes? You'll let too far. eggs. Bent until cool, then fold In a ----------------------- - pint of cream beaten stiff. Turn Into | hut whisky makes her think out loud, me go, now?" C h a rle s to n in School doeen t It, KosleT" A P ity What Steele had waited for had a mold and pack tn Ice and salt for , If the glitter of Meek eyen could happened. Alcohol and her hatred of Nevv York The Charleston Is he- four hour». Some people take no mnch ptensurc have killed. Lsflamme would have Laflamme had loosened all restraint In telling what they know thio It'» •ng taught fifth grade pupils at C o 1 umhla's demonstration school for I met sudden death Inateail, he re j on the tongue of the maddened girl s pity they know so little. 1L sloe glled the glasees, while Steele's tulnd ■ Infuriated, the trader roaa and Transcript ienchera. GEORGE MARSH -g ♦ Fits hand — pocket and purse Income Property WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER fiotL Colds Go Stop them today CASCAW ^ Q U IN IN E M itchell Eye u,. Salve “a For S O R E EVES M. N. U , Ran Francisco, No. 7-192$.