{ L -¿J) i Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs \ are drawn on the county grand jury. Don’t forget the basket social next Monday. Mr». C arrie Overton and fa m ily were in Halsey today from B row nsville. Another State Prison Outbreak --------- , and Frank and Martin Koontz Principal and Mrs Patton f® I? C°ryallis Friday eveninr Entertain ... P. P T. T A. \ to atte.nd annual educational Nine Rioters Receive Lead Pills and All Become Entertain exposition for high school stu­ dents at 0. A. C., lasting from Has Birthday Quite Week Sam Garland may be the joint Charles Bafford was indicted state senator from Li in and A b o u t 5:80 last evening a fte r|v e ry peaceful and obedient to by the grr.-nd jury for assault ; Lane counties this year. the convicts in the state prison orders. One o f the wouoded was and battery and Jim Howard foi The L in n Benton C attle club entered the d in in g room (o ra meal Frank Davis, a th ie f sent from moonshining. plane an all-day meeting and they attempted a rio t. Guards county two months ago. A meeting of stock buyers basket din ne r a t Shedd tomorrow. were summoned and, when an this One or two of the wounded w ill interested in stabilizing prices Francis E. W illia m s o f Halsey order to desist was ignored, fired probably become permanently was held in Corvallis Saturday. and L illia n G. Vanderw ark of on the leaders and wounded nine. food and missing as a result of the Beit Minckley attended !from Eugene are announced as new ly­ I hereupon the couvicts became lead treatm ent. here. weds. The demand for sheep and foi Douglas T aylo r of Halsey, C. P. pasture land for them exceeds K ire r and A- L. McAfee of H a rris ­ the supply. Confidence in the burg and C. H . Brown of Shedd T H E Y W IL L P E R IS H wool and mutton industry is are on the new board of directors high. of the county fa ir. One hundred thousand exiles for r, happy, useful life by our If you don’t want your dog in Inez Merritt is ill and out ot from Turkey were homeless in' aid for only a year or so. the soup, or the sausage, or school. Mrs. L. A. Pray has beet, wherever it is that delinquent caring for her while Mrs. Free­ Syria three months ago. The! We have helped rescue more French and Druse war created than 100,000 children and have purps go, get a license this land is away. about 40,000 more refugees, trained them for useful lives. month. At the last meeting of the among whom are multitudes of Thirty-five thousand of these Two carloads of cured prunes, Rebekahs Miss Gladys Will- children. are still in our care, besides at 30 tons to the car, went from thanks was elected as' a candi­ In Bulgaria are a half million least 15,(XX) in refugee camps Lebanon for New York one day date for initiation. destitute refugees among whom asking only a meal a day. last week and a carload foi The Jefferson editor is in a bad are scores of thousands of or­ Will you give as liberally for Louisiana. fix. He says : “ We have mumps phans whose condition is heart­ these as you would 'have others Surely a most rending. Without aid they are give if yours were among the James M u rra y , indioted w ith in our m id s t.” inconvenient plaoeto have mumps. doomed to misery, ignorance homeless ? others for having possession in — H arrisb urg B u lle tin . and suffering for life. Thousands J. J. Handsaker, Portland of bonds stolen from upon thousands of children 613 Stock Exchange, Portland. the Shedd bank, has been re­ Work of tearing down the old Al­ could be guaranteed a chance Near East Relief Director. bany bridge will be started immediate­ leased on bond. UNLESS WE HELP ly. This work had been held up pend­ A day of good luck was last ing disposition by the the state su Friday, though it lacked 24 preme court of the Injunction lnvolv- KaJsJ«* hours of being the 13th. It was I««. tk. Lincoln’s birthday and the day Mrs. Arnold, the nurse em­ of the new moon and the sun ployed at ] . W . C la rk ’s, be­ Happenings in I Co,eman’s room Thursday on ** >— » ■ «. o . • ' account of sickness. ru b lic □chools' Patton, Thomas Palmer Kirk Kinks Pine Grove Points (E n te rp ris e C o rrespondence) (By Special Correspondent) Friday to Monday noon. (School Reporter) Halsey highschool has elected VaHOUS Results the three delegates to the O. A. J C. educational exposition. They of a Little Booze are Frank Koontz, Currin M iller' and Martin Koontz. ir v „ n _ ev - Saturday evening those who D o l l a r s r H ie P a i d ill participated in basketball were' Albany...Nothing ill entertained at a dinner given by! H a lsa « Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Patton.! _____ ? Present were Mrs. Shotwell,’ a Scotch inrv it ¡+ - ^ r’ FranV lla ^ S’M ^ maSk Palt 1" miU1 guilty but lacks sufficient R ^ « ^ - • verdict: ry Hussey, Lillian and Elsie a w e s t e r n I n r v ’« varrii/.» « . . . . Reynolds, James Rector, Eliar- “Not Robins, Clara Blood, Mary Hein- do it S mjiltv ” but he’d lx«ttpr nnt P>iUnnn«eiJiJ lph ¥ cNei1, ?Ir?’ Preeent-day courts sometimes Patton served a dinner which g&y in effect • “Cniltv «nJ t'm was much enjoyed. Afterwards giad of jt Fifteen dolianTrin? everyone , listened in on the K ¿ ¿ ¡tie d " * basketball game at O. A. C. | The o oil the basketball ii games ' ^he *wo steamed-up women Mnce all p „ KT: . * irep racU cin .“base'wi th' b°5’ i Wat5hm,n arrested a Many" o ^ t h T a t l n t , X have been aba«,, from «J™ , paid ££ the “<>W a t, were turned loose. ft I They bad walked into Halsey gram was held in the‘ High c< Jn i birth^ 10 ^ t nOrJ?f A*n‘ wr’:t on atreet whi1« he tde- T he F re lh ^ m e / £ °r day’ P*101**1 for the sheriff. Grant fu in is h ^ D d Sophomore!,( Reynolds thought the hotel was English Teadher T w ill nnt a f>etter Plaoe for them and they tolerate this U r R id" Fred Harding was a visitor Dean Bilyeu was a Portland ■hone a ll day, and in the evening at school Friday. came ill Monday and had to re­ visitor Thursday and Friday. Bright Stndent Mn. I R .y n d d ,' was the diversion of a trial in turn home. Mrs. Clark has im­ E. S. Marsters was at Henry n£L _ School Will be out in a few arrest in a charge of resisting an the recorder’s court. Mr. and Mrs. Will Eagy visit­ weeks. proved enough to be up and Seefeld’s Thursday. * • • was — officer. The trial Friday ed at L. E. Eagy’s Saturday. around the house. Warren Isom called at W. IL A. B. Miller of Brownsville, evening before Recorder Cross ( Enterprise Correspondence) Mrs. Charles Gibson r,nd son W. J. Carty, Jate of Halsey, and houseful of spectators. Roy Reynolds celebrated his Kirk’s Wednesday. The P. T. A. celebrated its and a "°us . _____ George McCart of Harrisburg fifteenth birthday with a party W. A. Falk was a caller a t' S®36, of Corvallis visited a t 29th birthday anniversary at ’ . Reynolds was convicted, but, •ownsville Saturday. I Frank Gibson s Friday. Monday evening. About twenty the meeting Friday evening. Instead of being hanged , drawn youngsters were present with There was a birthday program and Quartered, he was fined $10 The G. J. Rikes were Albany- Mrs.' - E™ma. Knighten and birthday remembrances. Re­ callers Monday afternoon. son, A. L. Knighten, of Albany and a two-tier birthday cake, and CO8ts and the penalty was freshments were served. baked and donated by Mesdames rem*tted. spent Friday in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice B. M. Bond and D. II. Sturlc- The owner of the car came John M organ rud wife of Long Mrs. Edna Geer, County Beach, C al., have been v is itin g " ere at Brownsville Wednesday.1 school Superintendent, visited vant. The program was carried 'J'om Eugene, said his name was j Carey and took it away. Sunday relatives here. Mesdcmes F M. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Abraham the school Tuesday morning. out as follows: Song, “America.” | Reports are that on« woman G ray, O. R. Bond and J. T. were callers rt Joe Elliot’s Fri­ S e r m o n S u b je c ts: Bert Haynes and family Reading, Miss Enid Veatch. I throw a bottle over tha lane« and M cN eil are M r. Morgan's sisters day. M orning, and J . W. Morgan a brother. visited Bert’s parents, Mr. and Song, “Columbia the Gem ol lhe °th a r sank ona in the mud Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirk call­ « D n n ’t n l i u l n i r t ( traffic r n H i n i io an your rush >» Don't obstruct Mrs. Cyrus Haynes near Co­ the Ocean.” There will be a meeting of all ed at O. W. Frum’s Tuesday burg, Sunday. to find those bottla». “Athletics and Games foi the ordained ministers of Linn afternoon. Evening, Children,” Prof. Patton. county in the Methodist church Mrs. L. E. Eagy and Mrs. E. R. E. Bierly and family mo­ “History and Significance of Alford Arrows Albany at 10:30 a. m., Wednes­ tored to Harrisburg Sunday af­ E. Hover attended the Mission­ Child Welfare Day,” Mrs. Irma day, March 3 to discuss matters ternoon. ary meeting at Mrs. J. W. La­ Shot well. of interest and to take charge (By an Eaterprisa Reporter) “Sketch of the Life of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson Mar’s Thursday afternoon. of the program of the Albany Theodore Birney,” Mrs. Cole­ Joseph Comely went to Eu­ Report from Institute chamber of commerce at its visited at W. R. Kirk’s Sunday W. G. McNeil and family and man. afternoon. gene Saturday. A. P. Albertson and family at- delegates in the Epworth noon luncheon. Song, “Oregon, My Oregon.” C. B. Philpott and daughters tenu«d the all-day meeting at Leage. (C on’ inned on page 8) me program pi l e t III was Wttd ’ Keith Hayes spent the week A avzcviaaE; feature of the Leone, Zelma and Bernice are on tbe Free Methodist church at the •• lighting of the candles o f ,end with Carl Isom, the sick list. j Peoria Sunday. the birthday cake and an alpha- p n Uon, ana Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bilyei, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McNeil betical reading was given by * Beveriy wenTX AlbanJ spent Thursdry afternoon at took their guests, Mr. and Mrs. each one present as each candle d„.. 1 At »any batui Cecil Bilyeu’s. John Morgan, to Lebanon Wed­ was lighted. After the program Mr. -’*>• and ana Mrs mrs. Cecil Bilyeu nesday « ^ “ “ uzu for T ik a “ visit with Mr. and the cakes were cut and sold a t , E. D. Isom and family visited five cents a slice. The proceeds, at F. M. Bond’s, near Rowland, spent Wednesday evening at J. 1*‘rs- " Morgan $1.50, went to the association. Sunday. P. Templeton’s. ------------------- A vote of thanks was given Mrs Albert Waggener spent F o r e i g n e r s B o rfO W Mrs. Geer, county superinten­ to Mesdrmea Bond and Sturte­ Thursday with her sister, Mrs. A I r v il- dent, visited the school Monday for donating the cakes. J. p . Templeton. A n o th er Billion vant I»is Pugh was aiKserii absent ir from,™ rnin8- om i F •-* U Joe Elliot and family spent school on account of illness and Mr. and Mrs. A. E Whitbeck » .. R N IS H IN G S Sunday wit i Mrs. Elliot’s sister. W ashington, D. C. — Public flota at last accounts the whole fami fumi. ’ r» lle d at at I^ee 1^... Ingram’s Sunday called a < tlona ot foreign loana In the United ly were ill. Mrs. O. J. Albertson. afternoon. _ .. I Statea last year amounted to tl.0i7.- Miss Agnes Hayes has re­ F O O T W E A R FO R M EN A N D r -ii and Mrs. Clar- «27,000. the Federal Reserve board turned to school after a month’s Charles Jenks and wife of ence (illlette and children mo- i announced, or nearly »200,000,000 leas Tangent visited at J. H. Rick­ absence on account of illness. tored to Salem and Sheridan than in 1924. W OM EN Messrs. Conner and Goldsmith ard’s Sunday. TbutsJay, returning Friday. ' n addition to the public flotations, are newly enrolled high school Edward Perry has been ab­ r»t 1 . probably a quarter of a million dol- students. i- ‘ 1 ,H 1 '• «as cut- lara wan Invested abroad by American sent from school for over two Prof, and Mrs. Patton were weeks with a hard cold. Lng «<»°d near Tangent, w a s capitalist.. called home S aturday on account Of the new issues from abroad |<4.- host and hostess to the boys’ E. Brock and family moved f. . neRS in the R. E. Bierly 43J,000 were corporate and »53,260.000 and girls’ basket ball teams Sat­ to R. their farm near Brownsville, tamtly. governmental. Individual Issues of urday evening. A three-courss GROCERIES in the Ash Swale district, R. F. Bierly and family were more ,han lio.ooo.ooo were made by dinner was served at 6 o’clock. Thursday. GROCERIES I nique place cards representing at L. IL Falk’s Tuesday e v e n in g O<>Tnian ,Dd I t ,ll,n corporations, by ------ ----- balls marked . . . . . . vxv v . the VIST. place 1144 K llllliy Frank Kropf 0 and family to celebrate the sixteenth birth the Sw*dl,h American Investment basket of each guest. Prof. Patton act- visited at John Yoder’s Sunday. day of Ava Falk and toe twelfth eompaDy and br the Province of On- ed as toast master and re­ A birthday dinner in honor of DRY GOODS birthday of Charlie Bierly u 2,° sponses were given by Mrs: the third birthday of Leslie Yo­ J Flotations of »182,52»,000 In Novem- DRY GOODS Aii Mrs. C. L. Falk sr., ber were the largest in any month Shotwell, Helen Williams, Elsie der w m served at noon. I v IL. r St-v n d *L A, Since October. 192« This was aetonnt- Reynolds, Frank Koontz and There were several burials In L. balk families entertained the ed for chiefly by the »100,000,000 loan Thomas Palmer. The evening the cemeteries at Alford this flu last week. R. C.( H. W. A to ,lal7 was -pleasantly spent in games week. A Miss Benson of Harris­ and listening to radio news. and Webster Falk assisted the ---------------------- burg was buried Saturday, Mr. Misses Nora Coldiron and Schludel on Sunday, Mr. Hall, sick families with ^heir work. M g «»tug Jl G to rg in * C la rk assisted the h o .t from Harrisburg, and a Mrs. ?u'‘rnjOi S- " ,d How‘ rd Robert Parker pastor, ess in serving. James McWil­ Butler of California Monday auid good settled their claim s against the Sunday school, 10. liams was also a guest. Mrs. Pertey True of Harrisburg Nancy Palmer estate at $20 a Preaching, 11. Helen Carter, Louise Seefeld, today. G O O D 8^ 'isit, instead of the $30 they Junior League, 3, Nellie Falk and Jess Walton eliMmed, and the residue goes E p w orth league, 6:30. were among the absent last Mrs. M If. Ward came horn« to an aged brother and sister of Preaching, 7:80. week. from Albany Thursday, her the decendent and perhaps Praver-mceting, Thursday, 7:30. Ione Miller and Alice Sturte­ drugivter, Mrs. David Froman, o th rr relatives........... Bible StuJy Tuesday, 2. vant «ere absent from Mrs. bringing her. Methodist Church Next Opportunity “ Pilgrim’s Progress », ------ V U M II »1114 1 I 1 1 I J O f »MEN'S C LO TH IN G o • • to order: DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS GROCERIES- GROCERIES* GROCERIES: oontzq A K < «