kU K «L 1 /(1 « L r CECIL B. DEMILLE feature« “Three Faces East ” with Yetta Goudal Robert Ames Henry E. Walthall Clive Crook A powerful drama of the secret service Next Sun.—Mon.—Tue«. Feb. 14— 15— 16 GLOBE Albany Halsey Happenings (Continued from page 1) This is Lincoln week. Mrs. George Starr is ill again. Mrs. Laubner went to Salem Wed­ nesday. A. A. Tussiiyr was in Portland several days last week. Mrs. Fred Taylor went to Medford Wednesday to visit friends. Walt Smith has been putting a ceiling in the front porch for Mrs. Fox. J. C. Bramwell made a trip to Sa­ lem Sunday to visit his son, Guy Bramwell. G. W. Laubner and wife had Fred Spreqger and wife of Shedd as guests Tuesday. sister, Mrs John Willbanks, came home with Guy fo r a change. -------= - - ---------- Bishop’s Boost for Booze is Bogus New York.—The newly announced policy of the church temperance so­ ciety of the Episcopal church, favoring modification of the Volstead act and legalizing of light wines and beer, has brought a violent storm of opposi­ tion and defense throughout the Uni­ ted States. Prohibition leaders. Episcopalian organizations and individual clergy­ men have challenged the statement of the Rev. Dr. James Empringham, na­ tional secretary of the society, who In announcing the new policy, as­ serted that the Volstead act had fail­ ed. The society, the challengers main­ tain, has no authority to speak for the Episcopal church, is relatively un­ important and Is In error In its rever­ sal of policy. Even members of the organization Itself are taken abaok by the announcement. A meeting of the board of directors will be called soon to consider the situation. Defenders of Dr. Empringham. in eluding several church dignitaries, as­ sert that his conclusions after a year's Investigation are correct. Dr. Em­ pringham stands by his guns and re­ iterates that a poll of 20,000 mem­ bers of the society showed a prepond­ erate In favor of modification of the T o Equalize School Fund Benefits Q ” F Bu. 10, m » B s rs x n u Halsey Railroad TJme J_Ja g — No Fresh Milk Cyrena Van Gordon, prima donna of the Chicago Opera company, believes in the flapper and her privileges. She believes In the practice of this moch-d 1 s c u s sed person in wearing n o corsets, In w e a r i n g short skirts, going In for athletics and out­ door life and In thoroughly upset­ ting the theories and practices of her mother and g ra n d m o th e r. Miss Van Gordon, who Is, in private Cyrsna Van life, Mrs. S. Bogart Gordon. Munns, the wife of Doctor S. B. Manns, says that all of these things are woman's right and are necessary if a woman Is anxious to keep her youth and beauty. But exercise Is not the only thing that Is necessary for the woman who Is de­ sirous of being attractive. She must watch her diet and be careful not to eat anything that will, In any way, be fattening. There are certain dishes to which Miss Van Gordon Is partial and to which she gives the credit for the re­ tention of her beauty. These dishes, she prefers to prepare herself and. when on tour with the Chicago Opera company, she carries n small electric stove In order that she will not be deprived of the food she deems neces­ sary. These dishes are easily prepared. Miss Van Gordon uses for Cslsry and Cheess Casserole. 1 cup cheeee 1 tbsp. butter 2 cups chopped 1 cup cooked sp a ­ celery g h e tti ■4 cup evaporated H cup buttered m ilk bread crum bs *4 cup w ater H tep. salt I tbep. flour Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hibbard of Olympia, Wash.—Resolutions favor­ Los Angeles are about to go home ing a county purchasing agent for all She makes white sauce of milk, wa­ from visiting Mrs. Hibbard’s broth­ school districts In the county and en­ ter, butter, flour, and salt, and mixes dorsing a plan for a special fund for It with all Ingredients except crumbs. er, Sidney Smith, and family. is a good placo to 1 have your I car repair- i e«l. All my work « guaranteed. If I don’t do as good a job a s , I promise you 1 w
  • -Ailsa L. Thomson, Waggoner are each the owner than a brief sketch of tke reel play. oaUk are distinctly unlike. The duck February 22. as national day of prayer an undivided one- Trainmen for pay Increases averaging “ e n r .V B . Thomson her hus- of After the play was a wariety show la a bright red and brown, feathers hundred and twen­ $1 a day. were unanimous In declaring b a n d , Daniel S. Waggoner, two for which many who saw it gave »0e penciled evenly with Mack, red bill, for independence. The British government, by official the demands would not be met. part in fee Margaret E.Waggoner, George ty-fourth each and many gave nothin*. .Alto­ and two transverse stripes of white expressions of appreciation and -----7 . r r " Roberts, the unknown heirs if of said realty ;, and that they and black on the wings. The drake gether, the crowd was w ell The hagfish, found in Mont- any of said George Roberts if hold said land as tenants in has a green bead and bill, a white neck awards of souvenirs and medals, paid L V. Chance and wifa w» nt to A1 Ksnd, brown breast, blue tinderbody, tribute to gallantry of American of t rey Bay, California, has three he be deceased; llis Roberts common subject to the right fcany Wednesday. Mrs Chance re­ grenn back, white tall, bars of white. fleers and seamen of the United hearts, according to David the unknown heirs i ' anv of of dower and of curtesy of mained with her invalid father, an I bla«Nt *ud brown on under tip of States liner President . Roosevelt, who Starr Jordan. Besides the said llis Roberts if he be de their respective spouses; Sec­ at risk of their own lives rescued the main heart, it has one in the ceased; Hattie Thompson - the ond, wtngk, with reddish yellow feet. that all disputes as to crew of the British freighter, Antinoe. tail and in addition to this an- unknown heirs if any o f ’said title of said realty be adjudi­ v-are ana r eed for Calf lying helpless and disabled in the other special heart for the por- Hattie Thompson if she be de cated in this cause, and that An I mv nt Ant thing Is to keep the grasp of the storm-lashed Atlantic. tai system of veins. ceased; Charley Roberts; the none of the other parties to buckets or ether utensils from which The Canadian government, aroused the calf Is fed scrnpuloualy clean at by charges made In the house of com E. B. Penland and wife and Mrs. unknown heirs if any of said this suit have any interest in all ftmea Tile calf bOi ket should he Parley Roberts if he be de­ said realty. Third, for a de­ mons of smuggling operations involv­ i red Robins have been »pending washed dally. I f It It allowed to arly a week at Newport to see if ce»sed ; the unknown heirs if cree to the effect that said ing millions of dollars across the Uni­ get sour, scours are almost sure to there is any heavier rainfall there any of Susan Roberts Trow­ realty is so situated that par­ follow. A/ter weaning, grain feeding ted States border, will at once name -han here. bridge deceased; and general­ tition cannot be made without should be continued. Three or four a committee to investigate aliened ly all persons unknown having great prejudice to the owners pounds of s good grain mixture will lawless operations. Smuggling of silk. or claiming an interest or es- and appointing a disinterest­ keep » In fine condition until It Is n Jewelry, cotton goods, liquors and FORD Touring. 11)23 year old and a little more grain other articles 1« carload lots and with tate in the property in this ed person as Referee for the FORD Touring. 1920 should be fed the second year. connivance of the CMAdiyn customs smt. Defendants above named. sale thereof, that said realty 1926 JEWETT T ouring officials it charged. IN THE NAME OF THE ■e sold and after payment Sport Model STATE o f OREGON: You from the proceeds of sale of FOR SALE—E G G S F0“1 FORI) Sedan, 1924 Seventy-five inmates of the W is­ are hereby required to appear plaintiffs costs and disburse­ STAR Touring. 1922 consin state prison are taking cor­ and answer the complaint of ments including $150.00 as a 01516216 respondence courses at the state OVERLAND Sedan, 1922 he above named plaintiffs in reasonable attorneys’ fee that Cuts fuel Cost« one-half (McRAY STRAINi the above entitled court, in the the remainder be by said ref­ university. Highway Garage above entitled cause now on eree distributed among the The L A N O A O O D (for wood o«1r> 75c lor fifteen P. J. Forster »• fu a ra n tre d to keep Are twice at lo n r P. , . n . file with the Clerk of said owners according to their re­ w ith one half the wood u*ed be any other Thursdays First and Baker Albany, Ore. court within six weeks from spective interests, and for such range Heat carried entirely around the date of the first publica­ further relief as shall be equit­ Fridays Urge 2* inch oven, assuring even heat HOWARD SR1GLEY CUT FLOWERS mg Your old range taken in exchange. tion of this Summons, and von able. This Summons is pub­ Saturdays NOTICE are hereby notified that if you lished in The Rural Enter­ • SHEET MUSIC retail, or 13 for a 60-pouod l ox ot Appointment ef Administrator BARTCHER ta il to appear and answer said prise once a week for six con­ F V R N I T V R 8 C O M P A N Y I I A l l »C Notice is hereby given that the under complaint as hereby required'’ secutive weeks by order of the Floret «n.i 1 la L L O Music Shop signed by an order of the Countv Court p la in tif f s Will aD D lv to ttin ' B' A Payne, County ALBANY of Linn County. Oregon ha, t*e n a n l c n n r t 10 Albany pointed adniinistrator of the estale of . ° r relief demanded Judge of Linn County, Ore­ Amanda Scbroll. deceased All person, , Said complaint, towit ; First gon, made in Albany in Linn having claims against said estate are f o r a decree of this court ad’ County, Oregon, on the 6th WE BUY W ANTED required to preeeat them w iihm six judging that tha 7 ze . " month, from the date of th i, notice C W * n