RURAL E N T E R P R IS E •u'XOVU) UN1EURM INTERNATIONAL LINC0LNIÁNA.1926 SundaySchool Little yLfe*. ’ LessonT RKV p H r iT Z W A T K R , U .D . D ea a th e E v e n in g S c h o o l. M oo d y B ib le la* • t i t u t e o f C h :c a * o .) ts£>. 11#X<. VI e s te r n N e w s p a p e r U n io n .) • y or Lesson fo r F e b ru a ry 14 JESUS. TH E GOOD SHEPHERD L E 3S H N T E X T —J o h n l i l - 1 0 . G O L D E N T E X T — I an, th e g o o d s h e p h e r d , th e g o o d s h e p h e r d g t v e t h h is lif e fo r th e stie sp ." — J o h n 10:11. P R IM A R Y T O PIC — T h e G ood S h e p ­ h erd an d H is S h eep . J t N1OR T O PIC — J e s u s th e G ood S h ep h erd . IN T E R M E D IA T E A N D S E N IO R T O P - R" W h a t th e G ood S h e p h e r d D o e s tor H is S h eep . young p e o p l e and a d u l t t o p - IC— M any S h e e p , b u t O ne S h ep h e rd . BOTH W RONG A dispute arose betw een tw o old la­ dies as to the nam e of the music the band was playing. Said the firs t: "It'» the O verture from T h e M astersing ers.' ” ’■Rubbish!’’ declared the s«*onJ. “I should think I know the Prelude from L oheugriu' when I h ear It." As n eith er would give in. No. 1 con­ sulted a notice board. “W e're both wrong,” she announced on re tu rn in g " I t’s ’R efrain From S p ittin g .'" Tiie relationship of the Messiah to H is own is set forth in the Old T esta ment under the figure of the shepherd and his sheep. (Ps. 23, Ez. 34). S h a d e s o f W e b s te r ! I. The Good Shepherd (vv. 1-18). 1. H e Is tlie T rue Shepherd (yv. A w estern new spaper reports th at 1-«). one m other said to a n o th er; He came by the divinely appointed "My little g irl's tonsils w ere re ­ way. The power exercised by the moved last week by D octor Blank, the P harisees in casting out this man was fam ous tonsorlnl specialist." not obtained by lawful means. It was Probably Doctor Blank was <>qunlly stolen by them and exercised in the expert regarding singes, sham poos bold spirit of robbers. John the and shaves.—M anchester Union. Baptist, and others of the prophets, had perform ed the function of the Sauce! p o rter and opened the door to the M cCarthy -W hut's thltn little red Shepherd (v. 23). Despite the deceit, audacity, th eft and robbery of these berries? O 'B rien—T hlm ’s cranberries. Pharisees, those who w ere C hrist's M cCarthy—Are they good to eat? sheep were declared to be form ing a O 'B rien—Good to eat? Why. don’t new flock and following Him as the tru e Shepherd (v. 4). T he reason the you know th u t cranberries make bet> man suffered excommunication for te r upple sauce thun prunes ever did? Jesus' sake was th a t he recognized OF COU RSE Ulin as the tru e Shepherd and the Pharisees as strangers. 2. He Is the Door of the Sheep (vv. 7-10). The way to fellowship to God Is through Christ. He Is the only door (A cts 4:12). T here is absolutely no way to get into the fold of the re­ deemed but by Him. All who attem pt it are thieves and robbers (v. 8). Those who become m em bers of the flock through Him enjoy marvelous gifts (vv. 0, 10). (1) Salvation—"Shall be saved." Not only saved now but saved etern al­ ly (vv. 27, 28). (2) Liberty— "Shall go in und out" It Builds S tr e n g h Just th e rem edy to aid the system in th row in g off catarrhal w astes, help the functional organs, restore digestion and bring back th e perfect balance. P e-ru-na m eets the n eed w hich w e all feel at thia season o f the year. S o ld E v e r y w h e r e Tablets or Liquid PLRIFNÄ, 0 0 YOU SUFFER PROM SW THMA? Olive Tar haa relUsvv.1 hun- dretla. It« toothing nine «»— I don't blam e him. A farm an d Abe would talk about It, up one union th ere Is stren g th ." o n ; maybe the tim e would come when , the good shepherd caused a di­ of th a t size Is not to he sneered at. w ay and down the other, while they T he style of th e Bible, of "A esop's he would be free from work for a few I vision among the people. Some ac­ w ere In the cornfield pulling fodder F ables," th e h earts ami minds back weeks, or a few m onths, with books, cused Him of being mad, others that fo r the w inter. When Abe got hold of those books, w ere much In his and then he would read. God, then | He had a devil. To th eir request that A V O I D E D A W O R S E B R E A K o f a story book and read about a boat thoughts. His fav o rite pages in them he would read. Then he would go and 1 He would tell them plainly If He were th a t cam e n ear a m agnetic rock, and he rend over and over. Behind such get at the proud secrets of his books the C hrist, He referred them to the how the m agnets In the rock pulled all proverbs as “Muzzle not th e ox th a t H is fa th e r—would he be like Ids testim ony of Ills works, declaring that th e n ails out of the boat so It w ent to tread eth out th e corn." and "H e th a t fath e r when he grew up? He hoped the secret of th eir Inability to recog­ pieces and the people In the boat found ruleth his own sp irit Is g reater than not. Why should his fath e r knock j nize Hltn w as th eir unbelief. them selves floundering In w ater, Abe he th a t tak eth a city," there w as a him off a fence rail when he was ask ! 2. They Recognize Ills Voice (v. 4). th o u g h t It was funny and told It to music of simple wisdom and a m ystery Ing a neighbor, passing by, a qttes- i T here are many voices In the world. o th e r people. A fter Abe read poetry, of common, every-day life th a t touched tion? Even if It w as a sm art question. ) the voice of the hireling, the voice of «■specially Hobby B u rn s’ poems, Abe deep sp