4 » il. . lo, iMv ^/^íbany_£7)irectory L and ready-to-wear navelties "Exclusive b'.t not expensive 117 Broadalbin. UUWiMAN ELDER 1 o ban r rancisco Los A ngeles BISHOP MURRAY YVTaldo Anderson & Son. diatrib- This is good advice; “ If you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town." But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness. ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupinobile cars. Accessories, a pokes. 1st & Broadalbin. —and other California Winter Playgrounds ^ ^ b ite e Shoe repair service. Albany, Oregon Speedy, convenient «ervice via popular Shtuta route. Four Trains Daily Opposite Hotel Albany Automobile and Truck Insurance Shasta • » Oregonian Southern California Express San Francisco Express Kower rates Attractive contracts | Special attention to truckmen operating x Dinnerware nnder public service commission Tin shop in connection J. L. STUAR f , the insurance Ulan 33b W. First St. Albany, Oregon Cusick building (upstairs)’room 146 Albauy, Oregon A ib and * ny Floral Co. Cut tiowers and n plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. T F Y O U wish to See b e tte r Flower phone 458-J. A J. LINDAHL, hardware, Comfortable Pullman accommodation«; delicious meals in Southern Pacific dining can. Winter excursion rickets at reduced cost on sale daily. For reservations, schedules and complete travel information, communicate with -A us jn our Dew location, 313 West First Tire Vulcaniziug- Battery re­ charging. 221 W. Second. Rt. Rev. John Gardiner Murray, If you wish the correct time call Bowman Elder of Indianapolis, who Ed Falk, Prop, is chairman of the American Legion bishop of Maryland, who was recently phone No. 188 J kr. Hess’ Poultry Panacea keep« travel committee for the France con­ elected presiding bishop of the Pro­ pK N TK AL TIKE SHOP Dr "poultry healthy and makes hens lay vention of 1927. Burkhart & Lee, druggists Oddfellows' Temple, Albany, Oregon testant Episcopal church. Charles Hall, state senator for Coo* The appointment of M. E. Weather­ and Curry counties, issued a state­ ford of Arlington as county judge for ment In which he anounced that he stores, 212 \V. First and 225 South Gilliam county was announced by Gov­ will not enter the republican prlmar Cl»y P. Moody, Again Fhone 22tJ Main. Good merchandise at the right ernor Pierce following receipt of the ies to seek the nomination for gover­ prices. resignation of L. E. Fowler from that nor. Inability to adjust his business Lplite Cafeteria and confectionery position. affairs so that he could devote hts Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Knowiton at the Knowlton farm. The Sisters, located at the east approach time to public service is given by Mr. ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. shooting was the result of a drinking Hall as his reason. to the scenic McKenzie pass country, We make our own candiec party which developed Into a fight, ac­ W. S. D uncan . prepared for the coming tourist sea­ Oregon allotments for pending river cording to both oral and written state- son by organizing the Sisters chamber and harbor projects are expected to be moots made by Perry. P O R D SALES AND SERVICE of commerce. Dr. H. L. Vincent is increased considerably over the figures Tires and accessories Bills Introduced to Create New president of the new organization. Repairs Included in the pending war depart _____ J e w e le r s , K irk -P oliak M otor C o . William O. Crosby, known in cen­ uient appropriation bill as a result of Bureau and More Effect­ I Optometriiti and Manufacturing tra] Oregon through his work in in­ President Coolidge's recent action ap­ Tpurtmiller Furniture Co., furni- Opticians ually Enforce Law. vestigating the water holding possibili­ proving an addition of $10,000,000 tc ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges OREGON ties of the Benham Falls storage reser­ the $40,000,000 river and harbor item Funeral directors. 427-433 west First ALBANY street, Albany, Oregon. voir site, died recently In Boston, carried In the bill. Anti-Italian Campaign Advoca Washington, D. C.—A complete over friends in Bend have been notified. Improvements in several state game P U L L E R GROCERY, 235 Lyon hauling of the federal prohibition ma­ ted in Bavaria Not to The city council of McMinnville vot­ commission fish hatcheries In the na (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) chinery, reaching even to amendment Groceries Fruits Produce ed to hold an election on the question ture of concrete pond-partitions, new of the Volstead act. Is favored by the Be Tolerated. Phone 2b3R of Including the college campus in the and larger facilities and stronger dams administration. corporate limits of the city and of vot­ are now under way and wil be read) D O L M A S Jc JACKSON The finit step In the administration’s to hold more fish next summer, ac ing on the $50,000 bonds for the $500,- Rome.—Premier Mussolini's speech program was taken with the Introduc­ Grocery—Bakery G le a n e d b y th e W e s t e r n 000 bujidintz campaign of *h* Everything in the line of eats cording to the January report of Mai In the chamber of deputies, In which tion of bills In the house and senate Opposite Postoffice j Thomas K. Campbell, public serv­ Ryckman, superintendent of hatcher he warned Germany against the anti- to create a new and Independent pro­ N e w s a p o r U n io n fo r Italian campaign carried on in the hibition bureau In the treasury. ice commissioner, has been notified of ies for the game commission. X J o te l Barber Shop B u s y P e e p le his appointment to membership on Steps for carrying the fight againsl retch, was characterized frequently In Hotel Albany A second »dmlnlstratloo measure, Albany, Oregon the committee on express and other the Portland zoning ordinance to th< political circles as almost equivalent putting all except the highest enforce­ A. Nagel Roy Stenberg contract carriers and the special com­ United States supreme court weri to a declaration of war against Ger ment officials under civil service regu­ To obtain funds for Pacific college MPERIAL CAFE. 209 'V. First at Newberg a campaign will be launch­ mittee on uniform regulatory laws In taken at Salem when Chief Justice many. lations. was reported concurrently by The fateful words uttered by Mus a house commtftee the National Association of Railway McBride of the Oregon supreme cour Harold G. Murphy Prop. ed Thursday to raise $100,000. Phone 665 and Utiltty commissioners. granted a writ of error to Ernest Kron sollnl In the thronged Italian chamber In addition, it was disclosed that W k never CLOSE Thirteen men students now are quar­ Eecause the county must pay the er and Frank Michaels In their sub were an unmistakable warning to Ger Secretary Mellon soon would rec­ antined in the University of Oregon fine money from arrests made on state against the city of Portland, permit many, and had particular reference to ommend changes In the Volstead act [A O N b lO ELECTRIC CO. Infirmary at Eugene as a result of an highways by its traffic department ting appeal to the higher tribunal. a recent speech of Dr. Held, the mili­ to differentiate more clearly between Official Strömberg carburetor serv epidemic of mumps. Into the state treasury, in accordance The Lane county court will be aske< tant Bavarian premier, who called up­ major and minor violations. ice station. , Conservative prices. A1 The safe in the Southern Pacific with the recently enacted law to that to obtain additional right of way 01 on all good Germans to help their work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second The developments plunged the station at West Fir. near Oakrfdge, effect, the Wasco county court decld-! the McKenzie highway from Spring fellow countrymen In southern Tyrol, house Into one of the blttgrest prohi­ IMTen aud money are best when was blown open and $200 in cash ed to economize and get along with ' field to Thurston, a distance of flvt now under Italian sovereignty by vir­ bition debates Jn history and gave a A’A busy. Make your dollars work in taken. but one speed cop In the future. foretaste of what may come when the miles, to widen it from 40 feet to St tue of the treaty of St Germain. our savings department. A lbany S tate The climax of Mussolini's tiralde whole subject la opened up for dis­ Twenty-two persons met violent B ank . Under government supervision. The public service commission auth­ feet. Engineers from the state high death in Portland In January, accord­ orized the Mount Hood Loop Railway way commission have been at worl against Germany came at the end, cussion The debate, for a time, threat­ Ttf AttlNELLO PARLORS ing to an official summary prepared company to reduce Its rates on crude on the survey, which will eliminate when he exclaimed: “Fascist Italy ened to develop a flat fight. (A beauty aid for every need) by Coroner Smith. It was mads clear that the changea oil hauled from Rood River to Park- four sharp turns that now exist In the can If necessary, carry her flag be­ St. Francis Hotel yond the Brennero frontier, but never proposed do not contemplate modifica­ Prop. Winifred Rose Reservation of public lands In Coos dale from 21 cents to 14 cents per 100 highway. backwards from where it files now." tion of the basic provlaleas of the en­ The committee recently appointed county as public parks and camp sites pounds. The reduction. It was said, "To the German nation, we say, forcement act in the sense of liberal)! OSCOE AMES HARDWARE was proposed in a bill introduced In will mean a saving of approximately by Governor Pierce under authority of as we say to all peoples, the fascist the house by Representative Hawley $55 per tank to the state highway de­ an act of the last legislature for the people want to be your sincere friend, atlon to permit production and sale of The Winchester Store ¡ alcoholic liquors. Mr Mellon'a ero- partment. purpose of studying the problem of Governor Pierce issued a requisition a friend by looking in your eye, a gram. It was emphasized, deala ea- Closing of the Big and Little Nes- forestry taxation met in Salem Satur­ C e e o n d hand Pianos from $185 up for the return of T. W. Lyle, who is friend with your hands up, a good tlrely with the machinery by which If you want a bargain in a piano now wanted In Harney county on a forgery tucca rivers and the Nestucca bay. all day to organize. Members of the com friend, but outside of 'kullure.' the dry law la enforced. In Tillamook county, were favored by is your chance. They're in A1 condition. charge. Lyle was under arrest in inittee are George T. Gerllnger. Dallas; “I wish I could be understood by Davenport Music House, 409 W. First Idaho. resolutions adopted at a meeting of George W. Peavy, Corvallis, and C. E. Bovlst Game Are In Demand. the lam hill County Sportsmen's asso­ Spence, Portland, all members of the all who should understand my words, C tap le and Fancy Groceries so that the Italian government need William Cole and George Cabel, Co­ ciation at McMinnville. The sports Moscow -Oewi experts of seven na­ state board of forestry. jr“' Crockery and Glassware lumbia county prisoners, escaped from not pass to a more concrete reply. men also went on record for the clos­ tionalities are ooatending for posaes- Mrs, M G. Stetter The latest tragedy of the Blue moun­ »'bone 139JJ 206 W. Second St. the Jail at St. Helens after confeder­ ing of the 1926 season ofl all upland tains has been cleared up by the con­ This would be given tomorrow If the ilon of part pf the famous Romanoff ates on the outside bad sawed away birds in Yamhill county and approved German government assumed respon­ ^ T I M S O N T H E SH O E DOCTOR two bars. fession at Pendleton of Joe Perry a sibility for that which has happened crown Jewels, which the soviet gov­ by resolution the action of the state ernment has placed na the-market. » J Second street, opposite Hamilton's halfbreed Indian of Cayuse, that he Hcrnert Armstrong, of the Menasha fish commission In closing for ten had shot and killed Orville TownsenL and which may happen Io Germany.” Americana ere the most active bid­ fttore. fracdeswsrc company, r.-orti, Ee.-.L. “ Sudden Service.” years all trout fishing in Haskins. Bak­ better known aa Shorty Saunders, his der« closely followed by French and was chosen president of the Coos Burbank Says He Is Healer. er and Deer creeks In this countv British experts. father-in-law by marriage, and Fred County Fire Patrol association at a Santa Rosa. Cel.—Power to cure the meeting In Marshfield. 111 by the "laying on of handa," la Oregon sta ts Bank Assets Increase. claimed by Luther Burbank, plant Under the direction of I. M. C. An­ Portland, Or. — Bute hanks and wizard whoae recent announceme.nt re­ trust companies of Oregon Increased derson, county club agent, a series of VYc servo a,I makes m t e t s s ■ garding hla views on religion censed their assets $14.000.000, their deposits and sell W i l l a r d » meetings of the Boys' and Girls' clubs a sensation Burbank said he had hy a Ilka amount and there wets of Clackamas county are being held Under new oianagemen demonstrated hla power to heel in two only two failures of state hanking In­ in various parts of the county. L. M Taylor, Prop. or three hundred ceaes and could ra stitutions In 1915, according to the re­ The cement block Ferndale schorl 121 W. Second, Albany, lata results "that would almost make port ot the state superintendent of two miles north of Freewater, was your hair eland up." banks. gutted by fire. The building was erect C A P IT A L A N D SU R PLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 ed in 1909 and It Is estimated could If you enjoy a good meal, Women Barred from Illinois Jury. Yelm Town Marshal Shat by Burglar« nd know a good meal when you get it. not be replaced for less than $20,000 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Springfield, III.—Women were defin­ Olympia, Wash—C. R. Take, aged You'll be back, tor yoa'll not forget it Mother of six children, although only itely barred from Jury service In Ill­ 71 yeara. town marahal of Yelm. In Our aim is to please vou. 29 years of age. Mrs. Sylvia L. Fisher, inois when the atete supreme court eastern Thurston county, was shot five wife of J. W. Fisher, died in a bM> denied a rehearing In the suit brought times and probably faulty Injured pital at Bend after she took poison I against the Jury commissioners of T H E R E ARE TW O ALBANY while attempting to arrest two men at her ranch house four miles east of I f ook county to have a womans name K IN D S O F S W E E T S reinstated on the Jury list, from which whom he caught trying to break Into GEO. M. GILCHRIST that city. the rear of a store. An ultimatum to all poolrooms In __ the kiud you can be aura contains It hid been sr-ratchsH Klamath Falls conducting punchboards the fine t quality of ingredients and slot machines; to all gambling and the doubtful kind. Cant doubt at lowest rate of interest. dives; to all bootlegging resorts, and aside and deal at Clark'«. If any Real Estate Insurance to all disorderly houses to desist from one ever triad to use anything but prompt service. Courteous treatment. unlawful activities was delivered by E. pure, fresh fruits and flavors in L. Elliott, district attorney. R ain . Room 5, First Savings Bank ot r spolies» candy kitchen ther’ed builning. Albany As the first step in a program which i* such a commotion you'd heer and »*•i . contemplates the ultimate purchase it all over town. i ¿N Tt by the city of Salem of the present water system, the council appropriated You get $3500 to cover the expense of an ap pralsal of the property of the Salem • B » Water, Light ft Power company W e h a v e s o m e a t t r a c t iv e p a tte r n s in L in o le u m Senator Stanfield Invited Governor We have a n d fe lt-b a s e y a r d g o o d s £ Pierce to send a representative of Ore »on to Washington. D. C.. where a Mint hearing before the senate and way communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the 2 house public lands committees will C FRENCH & SON » White Shield Home, 565 Mavfalr avenue. Foitland. Oregon. be held Thursday to consider bills to Y Jewelers, Opticians, Albany confirm and quiet public land grants H A LSEY » •••••••4 ••••* ••• to the state«. E Southern PactficLines astburo Bros.--Two big groceri Would Strengthen Law Enforcement M eade & Albro Mussolini Snarls at Germany I News Notes From A ll Over Oreg on I ST R Willard Servi^tati()n HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon PARAGON CAFE '< FARM LOANS PABCOLIN GOLD SEAL Clark’s Confectionery The G IR L : T h e D IA M O N D ' Conjjoleum Printed Rug’s cash • Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ I ft cash • 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a Any Girl in Trouble j HILL & Co. • •••••••••••••*«••••'___________________ I he wisest girls keep out of trouble • ♦ » 4 λ rr • J