FAUX 4 RURAL ENTERPRISE An ln d «paad «n t■- N o t I Burbank’s G od and n eu tra l—■>•«•- p a p e r, p u b lis h e d e v e iy W e d u e s d a y , Some O ther G ods H t Wa. M. ts HKHl.KU $1 u y e a r in a d v a n c e A rr e a ra g e s EBB. IO, ìw e RURAL ESTER PR I SB 1 2 X C • m onlM A d v e r t is in g , 20c an i n c h ; no diacoun to r li m e o r apace : n o c h a rg e fo r con p o s itio n or c ja u g e a . ¡A Parse© .Makes Pointed R em arks A bout O ur Religion The Great Outdoors W h ere Bread, Meat, Clothing, H ealth and Vigorous H um anity a re P ro d u ced Astoria, Feb. 6 .— Ed. Enter­ N ew Fruit Keeper prise—On a former occaaiou you * • a d v ertisin g dlagulaed aa n aw a published inv letter without mak­ T h a t Beats ’em A ll ing my identity known, so I am emboldened to write again. Aa I 8C A TTER O U N SHOTS (old you before, I lost one job in “ Purified, Yet so as By S tate P re p a rin g to C ater The air grow* purer. Ia 1026 tbe east because I stated my F ire,” in W ords o f to th e New O regon there were 1517 death« attributed boneet belief and my employer the ¡Scripture (bought it was bis duty to give L in en Mills to poisonous liquor and alcoholism, employment to Christians. Here and not one of the victim« was « I am able to feed my family and In 1008 Edward Melsni, a San State Market Agent Spence is o f law-obeying citizen. give my children tbe advantage of Francisco wholesaler, lost a carload the opinion that flax industries ihe splendid Oregon schools, and of fresh fruit which spoiled while will continue to locate in the valley , OTHER PROOUCTS " SUCH Al WOOL, F L A X . S E IO S The wets complain bitterly cl gladly pay my ehare of taxee, but lying in a closed railroad car over and eventually they w ill be big SOCAR CROPS. FO O CST Industrie* for tbe state, both in C |O P S , HONEY, ITC . the loss to the government ot dare not openly voice my belief, Sunday. Theu he started experi­ / tòb ’ a c c lest • xealona Christian employer ments, seeking a method for pre­ 1 9 29 OOO OOO the way of factories and for V S T iiienee revenue due to prohibition, turn them out to starve Permis­ serving fruits, and he persevered agriculture. but they maintain an eloquent sion to say a few words in print for 17 years. As a result he now vece- M r, Spence saye; Farmers of j AN I MALS TABLES for a year has been shipping fresh silence regarding the fine« they pay iffords me relief. Rs-ISED t 4 e valley who have been growing ussooao to various points. Luther Burbank ranks with tb« same got ernment lor violation* flax will be glad to know that the W ithout ice or freezing, pears Edison among the world's greatest of that law. flax plant at th* state penitentiary |$45°50«MW> ôcO Toâ^SEtnï F R U I T S 1 h a yí ,F(J« age present-day benefactor but has picked in California' early in will be greatly enlarged this spring U 1.6*2,000 0 0 0 . announced his infidelity towards August were served fresh as if just piAMQoaoooj 1 $731.0011000 in the way of building uew, large Don't try to run your motor cai popular alleged Christian dogmas. picked from the tree at South concrete retting tanks that w ill without a 1926 1 cense or the Christ would join him in thia were Bend, In d , at a Christmas dinner. practically double tbe present Peaches and nectarines picked in temporary iicenae the a her iff will he here. • capacity. This is to meet tbe July were fresh in September M r. give you if you apply for the The common conception of God requirements of the two new regular Iicenae through him. Il here liken« him to an oriental Melani has tested bis perfected TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODU liaen m ill* at Salem and for other BY YEARS preserving process in more than 100 leepot whoae greatest desire ia In may be coetly to run without thr industries that will no doubt 1916 ' l 5.167,000,000 1921 13360000,000 shipments to distant points iu the induce people to about : " G lo ry ! follow. little oruament. Glory 1 Glory to the king 1 ” He past year without a failure. 1917 20816000,000 1922 15.042000.000 W ith the completion of ta* new H> made 887 experiments before will reward them, if they do thia, 1918 22396,000.000 1923 16634,000.000 tanks the plant w ill be able to ret the 888th proved a succes. The It is estimated that the people of oy permitting them to do it and 200 ton* at one time, from 600 to 1919 24fiM.000.000 1924 17355000.000 Calfornia had to pay $674.62 for nothing else through all eternity. fruit is packed in metal containeis 700 tons a month —a large increase every one of the 470 law« that the 1920 19,110,000,000 192 5 17.454000.000 • The dogmatic ignorance shown and covered with a sheet of over the present capacity. laat legislature passed.—January by some of the bishops and chuich perforated cardboard and on this Tbe prison has been experiment­ Sunset. pastors who have replied to Bur­ ia placed a stick of combustible drying material the composition of which < pH E farmer produced Just about as much stuff I d 1925 as In 1924, and It ing with an artificial It coate rrore to make laws than bank is amusing. A »as worth a hundred million dollars more, according to the annual year- process for retted flax and Gover- Is Mr. Melani’s secret. Tbe stick One reverend gentleman simply to break them, and uiauy people says : ” Nonsense.” That is much is lighted and the container sealed end survey of the Sears-Roebuck Agglcultural Foundation. The average of nor Pierce lias sent Superintendent follow the line of leant resistance. easier for a dull brain than argn- air tight. When all the oxygen all farm prices Is now 154 per cent of the pre-war average, as compared with Quinland to Stillw ater prison in in the confined air is consumed 149 per cent last year at this time. The real significance of this Ie Indicated Minnesota to get first-hand infet- nent. the tire diss out without burning more clearly by the relation of returns from the sale of farm products to mation regarding winter retting Another says Burbank is wrong The 2OOth (or le it the 2000th?) wholesale prices of commodities which the farmer buys and consumes. This and artificial drying methods the cardboard. in calling Christ an infidel. An war on a monopoly has been means, states the Foundation, that the purchasing power of the farmer's By removal of the oxygen ths dollar has risen from 86, the lowest point following the war, to 90 for 1925 there, and also to learn of tbe infidel is one who disagrees with started by the federal govei nment industries that have mad* th a t the popular belief. A Christian in b.tuillus of decay is prevented and indicates that agriculture Is recovering. T h a time it is the bread trust Turkey is an infidel. A Moham­ from doing damage. An occasional the The low peak, prior to the war. of values of farm products came In 1914 With prison famous throughout T L * e wars are helpful in yielding medan here is an infidel. Christ spoiled fru it remains in its spoiled a raluutlon of $11...17,000,090.00. The high peak values for farm products came world. Mr, Quinland will vtelt aa .riua and fees to various person- tinting the priests and pharisees condition hut does not contaminate during the war with a gross total of $24,864,000,000 for 1919. Then came the Canadian prisons and the F o rd the fresh fruit; no matter how four critical years In which farm prices fell below coat of production and factory at Detroit, where a large who need them and are harmless laud sadducees) was an infidel closjly packed. values became correspondingly low. flax industry is established. His religious persecutors tried to to othera except taxpayer*. In 1924 the total value of all the farm products raised In the United There are about 200 men em­ The processed fru it in the dodge the issue and nerBuade dilate that he was guilty of treason containers is kept at 40 to 60 States was estimated at $17,355,000,000. This year the production Is estimated ployed at the flax plant in the Chicago doctors have found t (gainst Gaesar, but Pilate, as the degrees temperture. I t is packed at $17,454,000.000. The cash Income to the farmer for his 1925 work will be penitentiary ; about 600 pound* roan without an appendix. Nu­ representative of Caesar, examined and processed before it is quit* right around $19,000,000,000. of long-fiber flax are produced daily, as well as about 100 bushel* merous people have found they had him and found no fault iu him. ripe. That sent to Souih Bend purchase of 5000 birds will bring Kan Organization of poultry men of Dea- of flax seed, a quantity of spinning appendixes after having paid I'hs priests insisted, however, and was opened in San Francisco and sas 25,000 young quail next summer. hutas county will come up for con- tow and orber by-products. carried in au open basket and had dootora for removing them, which le was crucified for infidelity— slderatlon at a farm marketing con attained prime condition when it The prisou will supply farmers oeresy— blasphemy. Itnea l.uper. state engineer, announc­ 'oeonoo ♦ /> )(O hnlrl tr. Dc»(4 t v . - perhaps help« even up the record with first class seed (or planting People tell that the God whom reached its destination. ed the completion of the adjudication .x r.-p-.-sel amendment to m e agri­ and will pull their flax for them How much are these two facte they describe ( " no man hath seen Unlike our barreled fruit, de­ of water rights on Burnt river and its culture appropriation bill to allow $30,- with the sjveral flax-palling worth to the cause of evolution? God ” ) created heaven perfect hui scribed In last week’s Enterprise, tributaries in Baker county, Involving 000 for drilling wells for stock In the machine« the state own*. The (here arose the devil and his angels which inav he too sweet for some 245 water users and covering 27,425 Modoc national forest was introduced cost of machine pulling ie about Mr*. Gerlinger says the girl of (ho had to be cast out ; that hi palates, M r Meiani's fruit may acres. by Senator McNary. half that of hand labor and tbe a generation ago was not aa attrac uade man, with such poor results he eaten without sugar or may be (-. ii. nieuhaupt, secretary of the Corvallis was chosen as the 1927 world supply and demand committee meeting place of the Willamette val­ work is done much quicker. tive as the girl of today. Well, that he " repented him that he had sweetened to taste. Experiments are now being of the coming eastern Oregon wheat ley district farm loan associations at men don't marry any greater per made man upon the earth ’• ; ilu t Oregon shipped 14,920 tous »f made with fish, poultry and meat, ■inference, and newly appointed spec­ ie ''hardened I’herioh’e hea t ” the conclusion of the convention at prunes iu 1925. centage of them now thau then, ialist in marketing and economics for lime after time, that the King Albany. E. T. Reed of Corvallis waa TMt MAKKEfS though maybe they marry aomi the Oregon Agricultural college exten­ named president for the ensuing year I. matilla county's 1925 cropi are might siu again so that the Lord of them oftener. More girls havi night "g e t honor” by punishing sion service, has Just completed a and H. O. Rumbaugh of Benton coun­ reckoned at $11,755,000. Portland three weeks' study in Washington, D. ty was re-elected secretary. independent oeuupations now and uini and th» Egyptians, innocent Wheat — Big Bend bluestem, hard In 1925 Portland «hipped 40,- C.. where he gathered marketing and »lid guilty together, some more. are not anxious to marry. white, $1.61; soft white, western Speaking before the Marion-Polk 984 tons i t oaoned good*. That teems to me less probable white, $1 61 tk; hard winter, northern agricultural data to be used at the con­ Realtors' association at Salem. Frank ference at Moro, February 12 to 14 Contracts are being made lo r Laat weak we had a report of the than is the theory of the sun spring, $1.56; western red, $1 55. Durbin, Marion county dairyman and 1926 hops at 18 to 21 cents. The Moro conference will Include 16 god. Christ said "G o d ia Hay—Alfalfa. $20020.50 ton; valley1 hop buyer, urged a reduction in taxes Pacific northwest industry o, pre counties of the state and is the first spirit.’’ So says Burbank. No. Beans as an alternative crop serving fruit for use with it* fresh body can definitely describe him. timothy. $19019 50; eastern Oregon of its kind in Oregon and perhaps in for the support of higher learning and timothy, $22 0 22 50. with sugar beet* benefit the land. advocated additional state aid In the the United States. favor the year around. Thia week I have no fear that a good God Butterfat—42c shippers' track. education of farmers. Douglas county ehips 1200 car­ * • tell of a San Franciscan'« will puoish me because the mental Eggs—Ranch, 28 0 29c. loads of brocooli from 4000 aeree. "■were that have been given me, Cheese Price* f. o. b. Tillamook; I di«cvery which, without expensive Washington owners have set out machinery or sugar, works the hoasstly used, lead me to reject a Triplets, $lc; loaf. 32c per lb. religious theory that Billy Bunday 280 acres of pears near Grant* n caseof fim T h . • Insurance company « » o » the cash value in*,,,.«’ BARBER SHOP (. P. STAFFORD, Agent Oregon Posts