fa «« Í U , 9, i m KV SAL BM W Hi » W orld’s Sweetheart Mary . Pickford “ LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY f t C O M IN G Next Sun.— M on .—Tue«. Feb. 7— 8— 9 GLOBE E n s c t iv « J a n , 1. Erratic, as Usual The Albany Haliey Happenings (Continued from page 1) W anl a car at a bargain 7 the ia it word« on page 6. Se« ""Hurry"" "H uson""anT”Hrs^TCngT were in Albany Monday. Smallpox is ra p id ly going out of fashion in L in n county. W illiam D obrinin is home from a trip through California and Mexico Mr«. J. C. Bramwell is helping care for waifa in tne Lou ire home in Portland. Mrs. Brock's auction Monday drew a good attendance and fa ir prices were realized. Harry Mason has gone to Albany where he is pastry cook in one of the leading First-street cafes. The Harrisburg Bulletin credits Paul's advice to Timothy about tak ing a little wine to “Timothy in th< Bible.” is a good Ha would not be John Standish piaco to if ba could be made to run ia t have your prearranged groove. The story of A new completed oil-burning car rep air-i tbe marriage of John Standish sod colony brooder for 500 chicks. ed. A ll my work is guaranteed. I f I don't do as good a job as ( A bargain at the price. Miss Collins, as given in tbe I promise you 1 w ili do it over w ith o u t extra charge to you. Free towage w ith in five miles of Halsey. I f you ueed me ju s t Enterprise last week, was true in Qaeen aud Buckeye brooders, remember 16x5. I ’ll be there. * one particular —they were married L ig h t A C E T Y L I N E W E L D I N G »nd fender brssing I The other details had a ll been 1000-cbick sise. arranged, hut after the event tie done here. Enterprise, knowing th a t change wss one law of Standish's nature, attempted to get proof before going to press. A proposed dispatch to SUMMONS Broadus, Mont,, was presented at the Halsey telegraph office : "W as A 1 1 1 " \ V 7 1 L I” t**e Circuit Court of the program carried out as announced? State of Oregon for Linn Coun- Wire answer co lle ct.” But on — |ty. Dcpt. 2. consulting the rate schedule it was Washington, D. C Senate investiga- A. G. Waggener and E. A found that the ten-word charge tion of the Aluminum company of Waggener his wife, would he 60 cents to Miles C ity and America, in which Secretary Mellon is 11.40 additional from there to Plaintiffs, | a large stockholder, is recommended Broadus. That would make the vs. In a report submitted to the judiciary question and answer cost $4 and Agnes Struthers, unmarried; committee by Senator Walsh, demo­ the attem pt was dropped and the J. E. Waggener, unmarried; crat, of Montana. report published '* as was.” Davidson Dav- The proposal Is made the senator M. E. «-’ » v iu o v u » and u u Theo. xncu. u uv- Wednesday, too late for that says, because of “doubts aroused as 'idson, her husband; E. I. Wag- issue, came from John him self an to the vigor «nd good faith of the de- ’gener and Lydia Waggener, announcement that the wedding jartm ent of justice.” In the conduct of I his wife; Veda Roush and occurred at 10:80 Friday night PROPER FOOD FOR SCHOOL .ts inquiry to establish whether the George Roush, her husband; Jan. 22, in Miss Collins* apart CHILDREN Aluminum company has violated a fed- George H. Waggener and m ints at the Powder River hotel, the knot being tied by C hi t of- Tbe age during which children are eral court consent decree entered Pauline Waggener, his wife; Police W. J. Schroeder, w ith 11 attending school may aptly be called against it in 1912. , Oscar P. Waggener and Mar- R fitra ito n , clerk of court, and “The Dangerous Age.” It ts the period Besides recommending what would garet Waggener, his wife ' El­ Dr. B. F Gray of Portland as of rapid growth and every care should be a third government investigation of ' v j r a \y. Hall and Geo. R. Hall be taken to Insure the child of a nor the Mellon company within four years, her husband ; Irwin G. Wag- witnesses. . . . . — 6 We surmise th a t this change to mat and healthy body. The Idea of Senator Walsh asks that the senate gener and . . Mabel Waggener, eating only fit and wholesome foods 2Cibours earlier than the tirst- should be early Impressed on the direct the federal trade commission his wife; Virgil E. Waggener nained tim e, change of location younger members of every family In to turn over to It all the evidence and Lois Waggener, his wife; «nd change of actors except the order to protect them against later furnished by the Aluminum concern George E. Waggoner and principals, was John's way 1)1 health and Its accompanying unhap and which the commission withheld Katherine Waggoner, his wife; from the justice department on the plness. I f the utmost care is not taken >f side-stepping the hilarious a ll- Jessie Allen, unmarried; Min­ grounds that it Is “confidential.” In the diet that Is used by children night celebration which " th e nie L. Lilly and Frank Lilly, he machine in such a way that ceased; Charley Roberts; the S. Waggoner and M argaret E. m ilk d ilu te d (c a ra m e liz e d ) W E BUY w it h t tbap. e u < a r office. She thinks that advertise­ he would have drowned if one g irl unknown heirs if any of said Waggoner are each the owner 1 cu p w a te r % tap. aalt ment paid, even tho ugh it nevei u d not held his head o u t of the 3 an undivided one- Charley Roberts if he be de­ of eK ffs H tap. v a n illa Clean rate r by the hair w hile ttie other was printed. hundred and twen­ th e d ilu te d m ilk . C ara m elis e ceased ; the unknown heirs if two an to a telephone and summoned th e S cald iu g a r and add to m ilk to dissolve ty-fourth part in fee Washed Rags any of Susan Roberts Trow­ of ie'p B ea t elects s lig h t ly , add s u g a r, a alt, and M. S. K . C lsrk was stricken w ill said realty- and that they fla v o rin g an d co m b in e w ith scalded bridge deceased; and general­ an attack of hiccough last we»k m ilk . P o u r In to c u s ta rd cups and set p^und H alsey Garage ly all persons unknown having hold said land as tenants in at the home of his sou, J. W , on MeCamant Puts In a pan o f h o t w a te r an d cook In m o d e ra te oven. W h e n done, a k n ife or claiming an interest or es­ common subject to the right second street. A ll medical ai> b la d e ru n In th e c e n te r w i ll come out tate in the property in this of dower and of curtesy of could do was to produce short sin' H is Foot in It clean. their respective spouses; Sec­ suit, Defendants. F is h C h o w d e r. FOR S A L E —E G G S from infrequent Intermissions and b< 1 p in t r a w fish c u t 1 cups b o ilin g To Agnes Struthers, Veda ond, that all disputes m to yesterday m orning he was very In l* ln c h dice w a te r Roush, George Roush her hus- title of said realty be adjudi­ weak- Then came a rest from th« I s m a ll po tato es, 1 cup e va p o rate d ■ Heed trouble and lie was aide to sit ui yand, George E. Waggoner, cated in this cause, and that m ilk d ilu te d (M cR A Y S T R A IN ) t on ion s chopped w ith for a while, Hjs daughter, Mrs Katherine Waggoner his wife, none of the other parties to fine 1 cup w a te r 75c to r fifteen P. J. Forster Orville V. Waggoner, Orval C. this suit have any interest in Meth H indm su of Redding, Cal U pound f a t s a lt < c ra c k e rs p o rk , sliced Washington. D. C — The senate Ju and her aister-io-law, Mrs. Velma Waggoner, Margaret Waggon­ said realty. Third, for a de­ F r y o u t th e s a lt p o rk . W h en brow n, H indm an, arrived last Saturday. dietary committee again Is considering er his wife, Ailsa L. Thomson, cree to the effect that said m o v e pieces o f p o rk and put flsh. po the president's nomination of Wallace re Two sous, J. M. and I I P. Clark ta to e s . and on lon a In k e ttle . C over Henry B. Thomson her hus- realty is so situated that par­ from Los Angeles and Long Beach, MrCamant as federal judge In Oregon w ith b o ilin g w a t e r S im m e r u n til po­ CUT FLOWERS >and, Daniel S. Waggoner tition cannot be made without ta to e s a re te n d e r Add th e m ilk and are expected tomorrow. M r. Clark and among other phases of ft MeCam cook ft m in u te s lo n g e r. Season w ith Margaret E.Waggoner, George great prejudice to the owners ant's assertion that Theodore Rouse s alt and pepp er. J u s t b e fo re s ervin g is s till im proving SHEET MUSIC Roberts, the unknown heirs if and appointing a disinterest­ add tb e c ra c k e rs . veil “was not a good American.” ed person as Referee for the any of said George Roberts if Judge MeCamant. now serving un­ Floral and he be deceased; Ilis Roberts, sale thereof, that said realty Music Shop The acreage of strawberries der a recess appointment, made the U. S. NOW READY TO JOIN H A L L ’S Albany the unknown heirs if any of be sold and after payment and evergreen blackberries in statement near the closs of his testi­ Entry Now Subject to Approval of said Ilis Roberts if he be de­ from the proceeds of sale of the region tributary to Albany mony before the committee in answer 49 Nations. ceased; Hattie Thompson; the plaintiffs' costs and disburse­ has been doubled within a to charges by Senator Johnson, repub­ Washington. D. C._President Cool­ lican, of California, who ts opposing i,n 'J?, heirs if anY o’ said ments including 3150.00 as a ydar. Red Cedar hts confirmation Roosevelt, he said idge will put the United States Into Hattie Thompson if she be de­ reasonable attorneys’ fee that wss not a good American because as the world court without delay. Sec­ Made from old-grow th cedar, 7 ft. ceased; Charley Roberts; the the remainder be by said ref­ long, good size, 15c each, deliv­ unknown heirs if any of said eree distributed the Bull Moose candidate for president retary of State Kellogg was instructed among the ered where truck can go. See Charley Roberts if he be de­ owners according to their re­ In 1912. he had advocated “recall of by him to approach the 49 member M r. I.aubner, Halsey, or w rite ceased; the unknown heirs if spective interests, and for such Judicial decisions' In violation of a nations at once with diplomatic feel- N. O. Isaacson, Goldson, Ore. fundamental principle of the govern ers to ascertain whether they win any of Susan Roberts Trow­ further relief as shall be equit­ permit the United States to Join with meat. bridge deceased; and general­ able. This Summons is pub­ Senator Johnson brought out the as the reservations of adherence by the ly all persons unknown having lished in The Rural Enter­ senate BARBER sertlon while questioning Judge Me- or claiming an interest or es- prise once a week for six con­ The refusal of a single state to ac­ L A N G W O O I) Camant concerning hts failure as a « n ? hei Pr°Perty in this secutive weeks by order of the SHOP cept those conditions would prevent delegate to the 1920 Chicago conven Hon. B. M. Payne, County G u a r a n te e d to c u t f u e l stut. Defendants above named the signature of the United States to lion to vote for the senator as winner First-class W ork IN THE NAME OF THE Judge of Linn County, Ore­ of the Oregon primaries for the presi­ the protocol and statute now deposited CJStS STATE OF OREGON: You gon, made in Albany in Linn In the headquarters of the league of dential nomination. J- W S T E P H E N S O N . nations at Geneva. are hereby required to appear County, Oregon, on th e 6th Leaders of the pro-court forces ex- TOSSING & TOSSING and answer the complaint of Day of January, 1926, and BARTCHER the above named plaintiffs in the date of the first publica­ F U R N I T U R E C O M P A N Y LU M B E R M E N TO A D V E R TIS E pressed confidence that the present LAW YERS members of the court would find ac­ the above entitled court, in the tion hereof is the 13th Day of ALBANY Fastfie Northwest Operators to Sp.nd ceptable the reservations and declara­ Halaey and Brownsville above entitled cause now on January, 1926. 9t.ft00.000 In Campaign, tions of policy in the resolution of ad- Oregon TUSSING & TUSSING, file with the Clerk of said Beattie. Wash.—Pour hundred turn herence. Postoffice address Halsey, Or« court within six weeks from her manufacturers, logging operators Adherence — ------- — of the vuu«u United scales States to to NOTICE cgon. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. the date of the first publica­ »nd timber ownars In conference here, | lhe worW cour‘ »Uh reservations was o f H ea ring of F in a l Account tion of this Summons, and you favored launching a 11.900,000 adver .Wprovad by the senate. 7« to 17. N otice i t hereby g ive n th a t the fin a l Using campaign for Pacific northwest I The vo,e brought to an end one of account o f A lw ih la W ilson as adinistrn- are hereby notified that if you NOTICE ol Appointment af Administrator wood» | ,h* bitterest fights the senate has had t r ix o f the estate of Bert M. W ilson, fail to appear and answer said deceased. has been file d in the County Fuads for the campaign are to he • ln,e th,‘ “»cmorable struggle over the C o u rt of L in n Com ty. State o f Oregon complaint as hereby required Notice ts herabv given that the under- to the' hr an order of the County Court raised by assessing ft cents for each of nations an.I th a t the 8th dav of 1-ebruary, l ’l.'ft plaintiffs will apply ol Linn Uounty, Oregon, hat been ap­ «1 the h o u r of lto 'c lo c k a. in , lias been court for the relief demanded 1000 feet of lumber a mill ships Log The Prince of Wales has bad luck d u ll appointed by said C< u rt fo r the in said complaint, towit; First pointed adminiatrator of the rotate of gtng operators ars to pay a similar Amaada Scbroll, deceased All persoas h e a rin g of objections to said fin a l sum for each 1000 feet of timber sold, with saddle horses, lie was repeat­ account and the se ttle m e n t thereof, at for a decree of this court ad- having c la im agatntt said estate are and mills that do thalr own logging edly thrown till the story of his falls w hich tune any person interested in judgtng that the plaintiff A required to present them within ai> will pay both sums All companies t-ccame commonplace. Then a horse, said estate may appear and file objec­ G. Waggener and the defend­ months from the date of this notice, with .he proper vouchers, to the under- entering the campaign are to sign a failing to throw him otherwise, drop­ tio n s th e re to in w r itin g and contest the ants Agnes Struthers, J. E signed, at h it residonce. at Halsey, f.lau same. three year contract ped dead under him. Now he has Dated and first published Tannery ft, W aggener, M. E. Davidson, R Conaty. Oregon The association re-elerled the follow btoken his collar hone in a fall from 1W*- and first published this J7th Atwilda Wilson. I- W aggener and Veda Roush D a te d _______ •ng officer« C t> King»!»,. ponland one. » M Bead. Ad mt n i A r a in x -o f the Estate h p <*»ch the owner of an un- dsy of Jaouarjr. 192ft R h o d e Is la n d Red H ens Posts president; C. D Johnson. Toledo Or v d c e -p re e lt^ J « Manley. Tacoma.’ H Allen, Seattle, A t. . -r - a - Tus«is5 A Tossing Attya lot Admra. , an idea one-eighth part in feo • ■ \Jw '"1‘ ’ rator Aforeaaid, Tusoing à TuseragTOttyartor Admr.