RURAL ENTERPRISE Builds up weak bodies Floral Elephant in Los Angeles Fete •‘Elthtee» months I sujiertdlrom stom­ ach trouble, d u l l ­ ness. nervousness and intense pain. Tanlac stopped all that. ! am 73. Ap­ petite is good, I sleep ttellandfeeUiheSO. I gladly recommend T a n la c.“ Filial Jolt» so», 595 Casa S t . Si.Tat.1, Mina. From Mother Nature's storehouse we have gathered th e roots, barks an d herbs which are compounded, under the fam ous T anlac form ula, to make Tanlac. If your body Is w eak and under­ nourished, if you can't sleep or eat, have stom ach trouble or burning rheum atism . Just you se e how qu ick ly T anlac can help you back to health and strength. Don't delay taking Tanlac an­ other day. Stop at your druggist’s now and get a bottle of this, the great­ est of all tonics. Take Tanlao Vege­ table Pills for constipation. P a i n t e d Hat» for Pari» Som e fash ion able Parlslenneg have decided to w ear painted hats this w in­ ter and to dispense w ith all such trim­ m ings a s buckles and feathers. This m ode Is not expected to be popular w ith th e m illiners, for, w ith a few d eft strokes, It Is said, an a rtist can transform a shabby velvet or felt hat Into som ething chic and seem ingly brand new. Som e women probably w ill w ant to p ossess hat m asterpieces, decorated and signed by fashionable p a in ters at usual fash ion able prices. Adam never did understand chil­ dren. l i e w as created full grown. F o r sp e ed y and e ffe c tiv e a ctio n , Dr. P e e r y ’a “ D ead S h o t” baa no eq u al _ A « In g le doae c le a n s ou t W orm s or T iu s w o r m . 171 P e a rl S t.. N . Y A dv. It tak es the plow share o f effort to open up the furrow s o f success. Colds W ill stop tom orrow Colds break in 14 hours for the millions who uae Hill'». Fever and headache» go. La Grippe yield» in ) day». Thu 1» the quick, the acicntihc way to end these danger» and diacomfort*. Don't trust Leaser help«, don't wait. Get back to normal at once. Be Sure _I’* \ Price 3Oe CASCARA UININE Get Bed Bax with portrait Away Goes Eczema Peterson’s Ointment “One day a druggist told m e,” sa y s P eterson, "that P eterson ’s O intm ent w a s th e best rem edy he sold for eczem a. B ut you ’ll never m ake any m oney on It,” he added, "because It h e a ls so quickly that only a little oin t­ m ent Is used .” All druggists, 00 cents. Don’t treat «ore Inflamed sm arting eye« with power- __l drug» "dropped" £ , ’ by band A *«>ttung w — w— ». effective, sa fe to remedí remedy j k ) ' 1« b est 26 cents - > druggist« I HALL A RUCK HL New York City Ne I ? L. Cannot Be H elp ed E xperience is a good teacher, hut som e pupils are too dumb to learn anyth in g from even th e finest teacher In the world, sa y s the Roanoke Tim es. A Lady of D istinction Is recognized by the delicate, fascin at­ in g Influence o f the perfum e she uses. A bath w ith Cutlcura Soap and hot w ater to thoroughly clean se tlie pores follow ed by a dusting w ith Cutlcura Talcum pow der usually m eans a clear, sw eet, healthy skin.— A d vertisem en t The La»t R e to rt “When he refu sed to marry her. did •h e take It much to heart?” “N o ; sh e took It to court.’’ n n r n i a « S k in 1 l l e a „ a q u ic k ly r e lie v e d a n d h e a le d b y C o le ’a <’ ir b o lla a lv e . le a v e s no s ca re N o m e d i­ c in e c h e a t c o m p le te w it h o u t It . 30c a n d «Oc a t d r u g s ,s ts , o r J. W . C o le Co.. 137 H. E u c lid A v e ., O a k P a r k . 111.— Adv. The O p tim itt W ifey—You know that's a lle l Hubby—Yes, dear, but I w as hop­ ing you wouldn't. One o f the striking featu res o f the Parade of R oses held recently In Ix>s A ngeles w as an elephant made entirely of flowers which w as the Ulendule entry. The legs, ears, tail and trunk all w ere movable. W ashington.— Am erican autom obile ow ners unknowingly helped to pay the award of nearly $2,000,000, which the M alay sta te o f K elantan recently gave on court order to an Englishm an. K elantan la waxing financially fat on rubber ao the treasury probably found no difficulty In com pensating the w inner o f the case, which, among other things, revealed how English com m erce penetrated K elantan back In the eigh ties and how the sta te w as Incorporated Into the B ritish empire In 1009. K elantan's present prospects and the Im provem ents effected In Its govern­ m ent are related in a bulletin o f the N ational Geographic society from Its headquarters in W ashington, D. O. H as Mountain* Florida Lacks. “Think o f the M alay peninsula as an elon gated Florida tacked on south­ e a st A sia. Singapore shall be Key W e s t; then the southern boundary of K elantan is approxim ately In the posi­ tion o f Orlando and the northern boundary Is 150 m iles above, that is, at Jack son ville, Fla. K elantan Is 00 m iles deep, which is a trifle more than h a lf the width o f Florida. Since K elantan lies five degrees from the equator. It would be quite w illing to trade m ountains fur a bit o f Florida's latitude. "Miami had a 14-lnch fall o f rain re­ cen tly which seem s to put It In the running w ith K elantan w here over 100 Inches fall annually In the plains dis­ tricts. When the figures are all In F lorida's average will be shown only one-third as great. K elantan’s steep­ ing clim ate sw ath es its hills In the d en sest o f tropical forests. The Jun­ g le Is m atted above ground and matted below. An Am erican surveyor boring for a bridge pier cut through 100 feet o f crushed and rotting leaves and branches to find the bottom obstructed I by a rotting trunk o f a forest monarch that m ay have fallen more than a cen­ tury before. “Green Is a tyrant In K elantan. A n a tiv e w ill cut out a garden plot in the Jungle. By dint of industry he can keep the Jungle back for tw o years' crops o f tapioca root. Two years' abandonm ent results In a growth 10 feet high, im penetrable without an ax. A cres o f Virginia farm s abandoned during the Civil w ar support 30-foot pine trees, but one can still Identify th e old com rows. Ten years after the K elantan garden patch Is sur­ rendered, only the practiced eye can distin guish the spot from natural Jungle. "But not all o f K elantan Is Jungle. T he plain In the northeast, one o f the largest level regions In the whole peninsula, affords view s w here there are no trees to be seen for m iles; only rice beds glisten in g like windows of an enorm ous hothouse and grass pas­ tures for cattle. Even the disordered Jungle Is givin g way to the ordered McClurg to Help Explore Yucatan BURBANK PRESENTS SEVEN NEW PLANTS TO THE WORLD 6 B ell - a n s Hot w ater Sure Relief □ELLA NS for indigestion and 75$ Pk$s.Sold Everywhere D». SvAFPvmo^e eTdf Olive_ U r - Quick - G ratify­ in g — Sad af r in g — a standby 4 * h* »«>nd»U»ed Him a new and Improved strain of the pop­ T he theory o f Nathan ular Shasta daisy, much larger and 250 pounds. M is fo rtu n e , Good F o rtu n e more colorful than the present Shas­ Kresge, museum caretaker and former A helpful w riter of today has sa id ! Alaskan, la that the relic w as there ta ; a new strain o f fluffy giant asters, "The best fortune that b efalls som e and the perfection o f eight newly when ton s o f earth with pay streak people In this world Is their so-called settled down, so that gold nuggets named gladioluses. m isfortune. W hatever com pels the The noted naturalist begins the new w ere forced Into the cracks o f the roots of righteousness and faith, which tusk, givin g the effect o f modern gold year In good health, and is looking alone can hold the soul stead fast, to tooth fillings. forward to one o f accom plishm ent. reach down deeper than any mere "I caff say that I am satisfied with I habit of m ortality or tunny-day trust my year'» work,” he told visitors at I Plana for deepening fam ed Lake In God's goodness and wisdom Is not his experim ental gardens, "for I must | Geneva to m ake the Rhone navigable m isfortune hut fortune, how ever hard be satisfied. The year Is done, and It i «» far a* the Hwiaa frontier have heeo It may seem at first to accept It aa ha* been one of m / buslesL I have , mad< aurh." Kelantan W axes Fat on Rubber Steeping C lim ate o f M a la y State Swathes H ills in Densest Forests. a court In another city. Since the chief ends of Justice. K elantan style, are to support the Judges, half the dam ages and costs, together with what terrorism, bribery and blackm ail could exact, would go to th ese dignitaries Once la Jail the citizen's chance of get- ting out would he sm all Indeed. Friends Must Feed Prisoners. “It would be necessary to abandon the cleun, well-kept Jail o f our hypo- thetlcal Mid-West town to approach the old Kelantan standard. In a vacant lot there would he erected a high, solid-planked palisade. Inside there would be a double row o f stout wooden cages about 30 Inches from the wall and 6 Inches off the ground. If the Jatl Is crowded tw o persons can be put In one cage. Slats o f the cell allow little light and air and there are no sanitary facilities. W hite meu who have entered such com- pounds In Malay sta te s tell that the sten ch Is overpowering. The Jail warden would be perm itted by law to feed his prisoners with a half bushel o f corn taken from every wagon entering town. None of the prisoners would ever get the corn. U nless relatives and friends fed them, a fee being charged for this by the warden, the prisoners would starve Indeed, In K elantan many did starve to death. Heavy T ax Burden. "Continuing the pnrallel, the Mid W est citizen's tax bill would have to be greatly augm ented. There would be the poll tux to raise a tribute to the capital. The mayor In addition would send a consignm ent of goods which the townsm en would have to buy w hether they wished the goods or not and at an exorbitant price. At command they would have to leave their cornfields to the w eeds to cut tim ber In the wood lots, float It down the river, sur­ render It to the authorities and receive no com pensation. In addition. If the farm er should try to resist tyranny by abandoning his farm he would be fined for that. “B ritish intervention In K elantan has wiped aw ay m ost evils o f this m edieval system , which w as far w orse In practice than anything Europe ever knew In the blackest centuries o f the Dark ages. Even the native ruler, who is still nominal head of the state, reigns in greater luxury, because he actually g ets the ta x es he levies al­ though the British adviser has slashed the amount he may levy. "Kelantan has railroad service with Bangkok and Singapore now. A branch line cam e In from the north as far as the capital, Kota Bharu. An­ other finger line stretched toward It from the south. The fingers have Joined and K elantan's prosperity Is a s­ sured for w here the railroad goes In Malay peninsula rubber goes.” Garfield Tea W as Y o u r G ra n d m o th e r’ » R em ed y For every stom ach and lnteattnal 11L Thia good old-fash­ ioned herb home rem edy for consti­ pation, stom ach 111» and other derange­ m ents of the sy s­ tem so prevalent these days la In even ■ greater favor as a fam ily m edicine than In your grandmother'» day. I | E n tirely Grati» A farm er's w ife shipped a craet of eggs to a w h olesale house In a city, hut before doing so she w rote on one o f them : “I got a penny for th is egg. W hat did you pay for It?” She added her nam e and address. | A year later she received an an­ swer. it w as w ritten on the highly em bellished stationery of an actor. "My dear madam,” he w rote, "while playing the part of H am let, recently, I reclved your egg for nothing."— London Tlt-Blta. O vercom ing Tuberculoti» T uberculosis In the Irish Free State Is gradually lessening, sta tistic s show. In 1919 one In about every seven ty of the population was affected by noma form o f the disease, w h ile In 1923 the proportion had dim inished to about one In every ninety. T he decrease in deaths from all form s o f tuherculosla In five years w as 1,371. In 1923 tha tuberculosis death rate w as 1.41 a l,« * ). j , ] ! D E M A N D “ B A Y E R ” A S P IR IN Aspirin Marked W ith “ Bayar Cro»*" Ha* Been Proved Safe by Million*. W arning! U n less you see the nama “Bayer" on packuge or on tubleta you I are not gettin g the genuine Bayer 1 Aspirin proved sa fe by m illions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. I Say “Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Im itations inny prove dangerous.—Adv. , I T he more business ability a mnn j p o ssesses the harder It la for him to w h istle a popular air correctly. ------------------ ;------------------------------- - a ' SKIN BLEMISHES pimples, blackheads, etc., cleared away easily and at little coat by Resinol Headache! M u a tero la A tre * the pam • » • / and b rm f* « • • I. •••th in g MUST er O IF carni art. Made r th maw- tard Rub •■ (•rabead. W(>» lla lr FaJHng t . 4 » d H a ir *>«• «a8i f i •( !>• " i | b h H IN D E R C O R N 8 ino«««, etr Heskorwe O»r»$, (Ml- •u .p a a ll pain , « nauree n»m fu fort U» the w a lk in g * • * / H e b / m a ll