Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 03, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    » B » . >, iMo
^^/^Ibany j2 )irecto ry
^Poe Coariaey Shop — Miilinary
* and ready-to-wear novelties
“ Exclusive but not expensive."
117 Broadalbin.
YJLTaldo Anderson A Sou, distrib-
This is good advice; •• It yon live
in Albany, trade in Albany ; if yen live
in some other trade in that town."
But in these automobile days many re­
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do
at least part of their buying in the
larger town. I'bose who go to Albany
to transact business will find the firms
named below ready to fill their require­
ments with courtesy and fairness.
" utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­
mers, Essex, Hudson At llupinobile cars.
Accessories, a pollea. 1st & Broadalbin.
R ugs
Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash
Opposite llotei Albany
W o h a v e s o m e a t tr a c t iv e p a tte r n s in L in o le u m
a n d fe lt-b a s e y a r d g o o d s
Automobile and Truck Insurance
Rower rates Attractive contracts
bpecisl attention to truckmen operating
nnder public service commission
Tin shop in connection
L. STUART, the- - insurance plan
530 W. First St.
Albany, Oregon
Cusick npilding ^upstairs) room 146
Albany, Oregon
A Ibany Floral Co. Cut flowers
* * and plants. Floral art for every
and all occasions.
Flower phone 458-J,
A J. LINDAHL,'hardware.
entral tire shop
C Tire Vulcaniztug-
charging. 221 W. Second.
We extend greetings to our pat­
rons and thank them for their
Ed Falk, Prop.
We shall be pleased to welcome
Ykr. H ess’ Poultry Panacea keeps
poultry healthy and makes hens lay them in our new Store and Optical
Burkhart & Lee, druggists Parlors at 811 West First ttreti
Oddfellows' Teinole, Albany, Oregon
(next door to Western U nion) on
astburn Bros.— Two big grocery Feb. 1, 1926.
Ip lite Cafeteria and confectionery
Home cooking. Pleasant surround­
Courteous, efficient serviee.
We make our own candies.
W. S. D uncan .
Tires and accessories
E irk -P ollak M otor C o .
Furniture Co., furni­
Meade & Albro
ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges
F ortrniller
Funeral direclors. 427-433 west First
street, Albany, Oregon.
grocery . 235 Ly«>
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
F uller
Phone 2t>3R
Everything in the line of cats
Opposite Postoffice
Hotel Albany
H otel Barber
Albany, Oregon
and Manufacturing
News Notes From
All Over Oregon
G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n
N o w s a p o r U n io n f o r
A. Naget
Roy 9;enberg
B u s y P e o p le
MPERIAL CAFE, 209 'V. First
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
Phone 665
W r never close
aid as primary and secondary educa­
tion, main highways or agricultural ex
périment stations. Secretary of Inter
lor Work declared in a letter to Sena
tor McNary of Oregon. In which the
cabinet member defended the section 1925 Revenue From Income
of the pending Interior department
supply bill requiring a pledge of slate
Levy Exceeds 1924: Other
assistance from Oregon before con
Sources Lower.
structlon on the Vale, Baker or Owy­
hee projects la authorised.
Washington, D. C.—Despite general­
Directors of the Portland chamber
of commerce have authorized the for­ ly lower levels of tax rate In effect
eign trade committeo of the chamber during 1925 the federal government re­
to make a survey to determine what ceived a greater volume of taxes than
specifications and clearances for a pro It did In 1924. Official figures for the
posed bridge spanning the Columbia two years, made public by the bureau
river at Longview and Rainier would of internal revenue, showed total re­
give assurance that If the bridge Is ceipts of $2.694,257.246 for 1925, com­
built It will not obstruct navigation pared with $2.688,045 6<0 for 1924. or
of the river. The chamber Is opposed an Increase last year of $6.211,625.
The revenues from sources other
to present specifications calling for
165-foot vertical clearance at low than the Income tax failed to go for
ward under the stimulus of reduced
The Income taxes, however,
The mill and timber holdings of the
Coos Range Lumber company al yielded $1.825,704.135 last year, a gain
Mabel, 20 miles northeast of Eugene, of $24.599.724 over 1924. Miscellan­
will be sold at auction by the sheriff eous receipts dropped from $886.941,-
February 26 and 27, lo satisfy a Judg 208 In 1924 to $868,558,100 in 1925.
Total receipts from Oregon tax­
ment for more Ihan $263,000 held liv
the Continental & Commercial Trust I payers dropped from $9.559.027 In 1924
ft Savings hank of Chicago and a j to $7,790.999 in 1925, but the decline
second mortgage of approximately ! was more notable in the thstance of
$313,50« held by the Dollar Portland I Income taxes alone, which dropped $7,-
Lumber company. The sale will In I 915,120 In 1924 to $6.448.030 In 1925. or
elude about 7000 acres of timber land almost $1,500,000.
Receipts of miscellaneous taxes
and 884 miles of logging railroad, and
Oregon fell off some $300,000
practically all of the town of Mabel
from $1,643.907 in 1924 to $1,342,969 in
Trucks operating under private con 1925.
tract with no fixed terminals causf
Receipts from the state of Washing-
the same degree of damage to ‘ th< on, including Alaska, by (hi 1925 pre-
highways as do trucks operating undei Imlnary figures were $14.492.678, as
the classification of common carrier» ■ompared with $18,658,892 the year
and should be compelled to pay theli ■efore Income tax receipt« dropped
Just proportion of money required fei rain $15,336.347 to $12.168,725, and
the maintenance of the traffic arteries acelpta from miscellaneous taxes firont
according to a brief filed In the state 13,222,634 to $2,322,K3.
supreme court by the public servies
commission The brief was prepared
by W. P. Ellis, attorney for the public
service commission In the suit brought
by the Purple Garage company and
other truck operators to restra'ln ths
commission from enforcing the State
Moscow - Kovlet Russia la ready Io
automotive transportation act against turn her crown jewels Into American
these carriers.
tractor« and machinery. Negotiations
ire In progress for the salo of the vast
collection of gems to American and
other foreign Jewelers, but’ lt is real-
lied that private buyers can gake only
* negligible portion nf these iaeasures
oeoause of their enormous volume. The
$50,000 Voted to Pay Cost of government, therefore. Is prepared to
exchange the remainder for lAuierlcaii
Delegation to Meet at
agricultural machinery, locomotives
and other products Russia urgently
Federal Income Tax
Collections Gain
Mist Mary O'Reilly, assistant direc­
tor of the United States mint, who
knows more about Uncle Sam’» coin
factories than any other man or wo­
man In the country. She was appoint
Philip S. Teller of San Franclaco, ed during the McKinley administra­
who was nominated as a member of tion.
the United States shipping board In
place of Meyer Llssner of Los Ang­
Because of the growing Importance
eles, resigned.
of the potato crop In Klamath county,
n potato show will be staged al
In length and approximately nine Klamath Falls next October, accord
Inches in diameter at Its thickest Ing to announcement by the chamber
of commerce. The potato crop last
The rainfall in Pendleton during year yielded $250,000 and estimates
1925 was slightly more than the nor­ are made that this will be doubled this
mal of 14 inches, according to figures fall
compiled by Major Lee Moorhouse, of­
The public service commission has
ficial weather recorder. The precipi­ authorized reductions In rates on saw
tation during the year was 14.15 logs shipped from Hulbert and Coch
ran to the log railways at Menefee and
The state land board sold to Frank Oswego, on the lines of the Southern
Boutin of Portland approximately 80,- Pacific company.
The reductions
000,000 feet of yellow pine timber In amount to 27 cents and 3234 cents on
Klamath county for a consideration 1000 feet from Hulbert and Cochran
of J162.752. Money derived from the respectively.
sale of the timber will go Into the irre-
Salem and Canby probably will be
' *..-J
Definite plans for enlarging the come within a short time the most
plant of the Oregon Pulp & Paper prominent bulb-growing sections In
company at Salem were made at a the United States, according to Jan
meeting of the board of directors. Con-1 dc Oraaf of Holland, who Is spending
trolling Interest in the mill is now a few days there Investigating condi­
owned by Fred W. Leadbetter of Port­ tions. Mr. De Graaf is part owner of
one of the largest and oldest bulb pro
ah military training camps ior Ore­ duclng corporations in Holland.
gon citizen soldiers will be held with­
A deficiency appropriation for rivers
in the borders of Oregon this year for and harbors which will make immedi­
the first time since the war, accord­ ately available the sum of $286,00« for
ing to Brigadier-General George A. deepening the channel at Tillamook
White, commander of the Oregon na­ harbor will probably be added to the
tional guard, who has returned from first deficiency bill when it reaches
Washington, D. C„ where he conferred the senate shortly, Chairman Francis
with war department officials.
E. Warren of the senate appropriations
Location of Fort Williams, establish­ committee has notified Senator Mc­
ed on Sauvies island about May 1, Nary.
The suit brought In the federal court
1835, by Nathaniel Wyeth as the first
American foothold in this state, will In Portland to test the constitutional
be shown on future maps of this dis­ lty of the state gasoline tax law will
trict issued by the United States geo­ be appealed to the United States su
logical survey, according to word re­ preme court for final determination,
according to announcement made at
The large Booth-Kelly Lumber mill the attorney-general's office In Salem
at Wendling and the camps above Judge Wolverton of the federal court
closed Saturday for two weeks. The held that the gasoline tax law is con
mill then will resume operations and stltutional.
the Springfield mill will clone ’for two
The state lime board, at a meeting
weeks. It is expected that they will In Salem, considered the opening up
alternate In this way until the market and development of four new lime de­
is better..
posits. The lime would be used in the
The Lincoln county gland Jury In manufacture of fertilizer One of the
session at Toledo, took no action In deposits is located eight miles north of
tha alleged deportation of Japanese Silverton in Marion county, another
laborers from the Pacific Spruce saw­ near Dallas and the third on Marble
mill at Toledo, last July. The matter mountain In southern Oregon. Another
W bs M Dgton, D. C.—Plans for Amer­
was presented to the grand Jury by deposit is near Gold Hill, not far from ican participation In the parliamentary
District Attorney Conrad at the special the state lime plant.
disarmament discussion at Geneva
request of Governor Pierce.
Reclamation is as deserving nf state crystallized Into a definite project
when the senate adopted without de­
bate the resolution providing $50,000
to pay the expenses of an American
The house already had approved It,
and the next step will he communlca
tlon to the council of the league of
nations of an official acceptance of the
Invitation to take part and announce­
ment by President Coolidge of the
personnel of the delegation.
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
Minister Hugh Gibson, at Rerne,
Switzerland, will head the American
delegation, and Rear Admiral Hilary
P. Jonea and Brigadier General H. A
Smith, who have been In collaboration
K IN D S O F S W E E T S with atate department officials In prep
aratlon nf instructions, now are slated
the kind you can be sure contains for appointment aa chief technical ad
the fine t quality of ingredients riser«. They will have the assistance
end the doubtful kind Cast doubt of other officer« of both the war and
eside and deal at Clark's. If any navy departments, and will be author­
one ever triad to use anything but ised to draft military or naval attaches
pure, fresh fruit» and flavors in now abroad for services
Tillamook will have free delivery of
mall beginning May 1.
Hop contracts are beginning to be
AV For expert work send your films made at Salem tor the 1926 crop.
to Haskin's film shop, 3(19 Lyon street,
Fire starting from an overheated
Albany, Oregon.
atove destroyed the Oakridge hotel at
agneto electric co .
Official Stroinberg carburetor serv
Plans are being drawn for construc­
ice station. Couservative prices. Al
work guaranteed.
119-121 W. Second tion of a $20,000 new school house In
the Pine Grove district of Hood River.
en and money are befit when
February 1 marked the starting date
busy. Make your dollars work in
of lambing operations among many
our savings department. A lbany S tate
B ank . Under government supervision. big sheep outfits that produce early
arinello parlors
A aeries of one-day farmers' Insti­
(A beauty aid for every need)
tutes or extension schools has been
St. Francis Hotel
Prop. Winifred Rese arranged by O. S. Fletcher, Lane coun­
ty agent.
Whether teachers employed in the
Salem schools shall receive salary In
The Winchester Store * -
creases probably will be decided at the
econd hand Pianos from $185 up polls at the May election.
If you want a bargain in a piano now
Fourteen rurak .telephone lines run­
is your chance. They’re in Al condition. ning out of Woodburn have been trans­
Davenport Music House. 409 W. First
ferred by the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company to an Incorporated
C ta p le aud Fancy Groceries
Crockery and Glassware company.
Mrs. M G. Stetter
Reports from the mountains east of
Phone 139_ J
206 W. Second at.
Albany give the information that snow,
C TIM 8O N TH E SHOE DOCTOR fall Is deficient by about four or five
Second street, opposite Hamilton's feet this year, as compared with nor­
mal years.
"Sudden Service.’’
Thomas K. Campbell, Incumbent,
has filed his candidacy for the repub­
If you enjoy a good meal,
.»ml know' a good nieal when you get it, lican nomination for the office of pub­
You'll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. lic service commissioner from the
Our aim is to please voti.
state at large.
The Pacific Newsprint Mills, with
i ' headquarters In Portland, has.been in­
corporated by Joseph H. Rowan, V. A.
G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T
Johnson and T. B. Handley. The capi­
tal stock la $100,000.
Work has been started on clearing
Write lor booklet describing our 20- tor grading of the 6.88 mile stretch of
yegr Rural Credit Amortized Loans Redwood highway between Kerby and
The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ Selma, by McNutt Bros, of Eugene.
tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No A force of 60 men Is clearing the right
B eam L and C o .,
of way.
133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore.
The voters of Salem at the election
next May will be asked to vote a
special tax levy of $5000 annually for
a period of three years to finance the
at lowest rate of interest
activities of the Salem zoning com­
Real Estate
Insurance mission
Prompt service. Courteous treatment.
The Yamhill County Game Protec­
WM' B ain , Room .4, First Savings Bank tive association met Tuesday night at
builning, Albany
I McMinnville for the purpose of dls-
'cussing the advisability of closing
I coast streams to commercial aalmon
You get
Cullison and associates of Portland
were successful bidders for the con­
tract of cruising 190,000 acres of tim
We have
her land In Coos county for $26,000
The concern has until February 1,
1927, to complete the work. The cruise
will start within the next two weeks
A huge tusk, thought to be of come
F R E N C H & SON ,
pfe-hlatorlc animal, waa found by work
Jeweler», Opticians, A lban/
linen engaged In digging a sewer In
Salem The tusk treasured ggvaa l««t
T h e D IA M O N D
American Machines
Preferred to Gems
Money T alk s; or
Talk Costs Money
Halsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
oi r spotless candy kitchen tber’ed
he such a commotion you'd hear
it all over town.
Clark’s Confectionery
T he G IR L
Battery re­
stores, 212 \V. First and 225 South
E Main.
Good merchandise at the right
H ILL & Co.
For 1926
1 1 )•
^ ^ b it e ’aShoe repair service.
Albany, Oregon
Congoleum $
Any Girl in Trouble
may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the
White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue. Port lami, Oregon.
3 ...
The wisest girls keep out of trouble
"We want to turn the glitter of our
25,000 diamonds Into the glitter of
American steel," said one high official
to the correspondent of the Associated
"These magnificent Jewels
were bought by Russia's former ty­
rants with the sweat, toll and trial of
our peasants; wo desire now lo glvo
them hack to the peasants In the form
of Implementa with which to till Ibo
ground or machinery for Industries.
We have already turned millions of
military bayonets into ploughshares;
we wish now to turn the imperial
Jewels, which are a dead asset, tuto
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Safley and
children and Miss Josephine Durst,
who teaches at Oak Plains, attend­
ed the basket social Friday evening.
to trade oak or flr
4-foot Wood for a
W. C. Rogers. R. 2
Farm m e a t Ksportsa Lower.
Washington. D. C.—With the excep­
F O R D T o u r in g . 1923
tion of hay and potatoes, the fsrm
prices of all crops were lower on Jan
F O R D T o u r in g , 1920
uary 16 than on the same date last 1920 J E W E T T T o u r in g
year, the agriculture department an­
gport Modal
F O R D S e d a n , 1924
S T A R T o u r in g , 1922
Coast Guard Men Go to Prison.
Atlantic City, N J. — Eight coast O V E R L A N D S e d a n . 1922
guards convicted by a eourtmartlal of
charges ranging from disobedience to
smuggling were sentenced to one year
each In the naval prison at Ports­ First and Baker
mouth, N. H.
Highway Garage
Albany, Ort,