B U B A L M l tvRAt’ i î m a M i » Uk 4 E N T E R PULSE An Ia 2 v p « e d « n l—Not e s u l i s i —s e w * paper. published sv eiy W eduesday, bufi tu and Hi» Reindeer in Portland 11*2« The Great Outdoors The Portland Journal mam I tains an organization of young people — the Journal Juniors fi i» year in addante W here Bread. Meat Clothing. Health and Vigorous Humanity are Produced I — and pulls off stunts and en-1 A u s a r a g ri. IZ /^ c a lituoI<1 et I iiiin ie n in te r - - — A d v e rtis in g , 2l-< an m eli ; no diacoun these future citizens. Like the for lim e u t space . no cb argc io r coni Can Save Our boy Scout this lead upw ard. J C a n O a C lS nuaitiou or caaugys instead of dow nw ard, tow ards aa " P a ia -(u t P a ra s i apha.” 6c a Una W heat C ro p of 1925 S how s Own Nitrogen « • a d v e rtis in g dlsguued sa s a n a good citizenship and aw ay of Strawberries irom profligacy and crime. L o w est A v e ra g e S ince 1904 The p ap er run- for the Young! R j( W , | | C a r r y linn farms o . k . A Problem of the Ages is people a Journal Junior de- L, , 4 ,, v Yielding te Modern Fresh Flavor All Year A t I.o Angela», where people live p artm ent.’’ Research Its* most spectacular stroke to Esternerà 1925 WHEAT PRICES AMD RECEIPTS on the glorious climate, they must this w inter w^s th e introduc­ PRICE. PER¡VEEMY TREMO OF CASH WHEAT PRICES ANO RECEfRTt TOTAL have milk with it. Henry Ford’:, tion and m aintenance for sev­ Nitrogen bas always been the (P o rtla n d Oregonian.) 0USHEL J*# TriBHARApS MÎT ¿M*:J0t ; AUG ¡WpCTtMÔVIBtE} synthetic fluid has not yet gome m l) eral weeks before C hristina moet expensive ingredient in One of the largest ice cream the market, ao they keep cow ;. The . of a Santa Claus, with sleigh Artificial fertilisers. Though it companies in the country, with don’t raise calves, because paalurag; draw n by four reindeer, Ttieau constitutes four-fifths of the paraded the streets of P o rt­ headquarters on the A tla n tic coast, is too scarce. To keep up the »loci', atmosphere in which we live, we land, visited the parks an.d has placed a contract for 12, nervous svsleiu m in t stabile, and he responds to treat meiit more prom ptly. Any sort ( drug addiction cannot lie to- strongly condemned, “ n oderat- udulgi-uce in any aeducltvi lung is so imponslble H a ll's C a ta r r h Medicine In olid and w ooly” days' lid your wpem ot Catarrh or D rain« caussd by CacArrh. tu a n t town was kept '’ wide A» A*» —v- SC > mv > opan ” in the interest of su.<«l|ed F. J. C H h N IY «1 CO.. Toiedc, Oh». financial prosperity. Now ye pr- waked to pledge fifteen years of wide openness to tiie class of tax Funeral Oirectar and Lkenaed ahirking crooks that has caused Embnlmar such a stench in Florida that that L A D Y A S S IS T A N T •ta le is attempting a clean-up Blownsville, Oregon -D E L B E R T S T A R R T h e ir are more candidates for siominatiou as state school stipef- intendent than aver before. One of the latest is M 's Emma tirykpt of Hdiahoro, for over four te a r- county superintendent, president of the alats aaaociatiun of county school superintendents and maut years a teacher. W hy not s womsu as state superintendent when moet of the teecheis are women? M '». H rrg u t is 42 and has a husband and four children thiee to collage and oue io high school. W R IG H T & C O Funeral Dàrectvra M I W r-gbt, Harrisburg Mrs.' J. f R-am welf, Halsey A Modern Barber Shop Laandnr sent 1 wasda. - \g e u. j llabCtean-H* Work- ABE S PLACE flavor and odor of the strawberry Im m ediately after the barreling the berries w ill be placed in cold storage at a temperature just below freezing. Ibis purchase of slrawberrh s i- an evidence of a large in d n itn that bus developed in Oregon and Washington in the last livo years The production of barreled straw berries in the two stales duiiog tin coming year w ill probably exceed 80,000 barrels. Alm ost as gieat a q uantity of red aud black raspberries will L- barreled for the same trade. A ‘ -< several thousand Larrels of lig m btrt-ie-, black beniey, sour chen es md other fruits used in maiiufar - l u r i n g . ______ it in the form of ammonia liquor derived from by pruduats. A ll enterprises are now likely to put out of business by an improved method of capturing the nitrogen of the air. The following w from an Associated Press letter from Indianapolis winch we find _ . 1 . ■>.. 1» ° » * ugene egis ei . A “ uou“ c,,,“ u4’t h> the Gltixenx “f Wurth ui ttDiDiunia.uis- tillin g apparatus and its replace. meat w ith a 0250,(NX) am m onia sulphate p la n t brought from Clar- {en ce K irk , p resid en t, the story : "‘ F ifteen y ars ago German -dentists perfected tne Hatter process of fixing nitrogen. M a n ’s supply of nitrogen before that was confined to n atu ral bads of sodium and potassium n itrate found almost exclusively in Chile. “ The war torued Gurmany and other nations to speed up their work of fixing nitrogen.' Tuun camo the problem of a paacs-Ume use fur the product of costly equipment and it was discovered that it could not only he mads into a purer soim onia than the steel and gas companies were m aking as a by-product, but could be made much moie cheaply.” cause-1 a large ahaudoonteDt of winler sHstat arreage due u the wtater Mllllng o f ne a rly ten million acre «r „ 22b» per cen: w, „ are» ewwc t® wbea! . the a» tue > < M only — rMT.Mti baskets w> n a m r ~ l te exeepnoi thw ia tke heaviest abamh m a m aw r-rw c Tlse bua harvest averax«V .*b b tbe loweet aveswae etuev 1MM Spring romietag at ftrst. nAao taer beavUy thrattgfc tnjnry per .-re wn. « r «own «0 ouxtww which t. fcS bushel» below rhe W24 aver^x»- fro® IStH s»na nssderate Fro® ■MOtkOQO to 660,000.001* busiiels a n foe de®®tic «a®m®ptia& Experts up to the en Apel. a world shortage wheat prices early In 1925 reached •’ v - ,e r I: o—-am-- evident that toe apparent tn- marxe: declined rapidly anil went igricultu - from" annuel certaio de- • Ta*‘a*>ie tor hand work that laborers in this country refuse to do. A >.)'K*.-***4,44-i "American stabilising Portland structioo.” W )ieat"B lg Bend bluestem. bar Hearings. Ijegur. nominally on a bill commission" would be created to pur white, soft white and western whit. by Representative Box democrat. chase all farmers' surplus crops at a 01-68; Hard winter, northern spring Texas to bring the nations of this price fixed "before the planting sea 01.6»; weaieru red. >1.57. hemisphere under quota restrictions | son" under terms of a bill lntrodue May—A lia»*. »¡¡0fei»V 60 ton; valley brought oui not only opposition to this ed in the senate by Senator Norbeck. tlinothy, >l#eil9.60; eastern Oregon and other similar proposed measures ! republican of South Dakota The sec timothy. >22fr22.50 lust request*- from farmers for removal r,,tane» of agriculture, commerce and ->f many restrictions now in effect I kthor would organise the proposed cor- Hutlertat -42c shippers’ track Eggs -Ranch. 28629c. The beet sugar industry in parti- Purotiep Cheese -Prices f. o b. Tillamook cular faces extinction, witnesses said, ■ - 1 1 ■ « Triplets. 31c; loaf. 32c per lb. unless cheat) -miraci labor is made “ N- w F ru it keeper’ ’ next Week. Cattle- -Steers, good >8.5409.00 Hogs -JStedluw to choice. >12 jnfc 013.54?. Hheep—Lambs, medium to choice 013014 THE MARKETS Seattle Wheat -Soft white. >1.85; wester* Mie. >).64Vs; hard winter, nortberi spring, >l.S0; western red. >1.59; Bi* Bead bluestem. >1.83^ Hay—Alfalfa. >26; D. C., 088; tlm othy. >20; mixed hay. >28. Butter -Creamery, 43@48r Rggs -Ranch. 33<,'35- Hogs -Prime >13.60014.00 tattler Prime steers, tt-.sup Cheeeo -Uregon fancy. 38c; Drego:> standards 26c; Washington triple-, 23c. gpokans Hogs Prim. Mixed. 813.160D 26 Cattfr ->7.7608.26 f f j! Buy SHEEP S. Crippen, Hulsey In q u ire at Bnterprige oft ce Attractive prices are given on half-ton lots or more of IN T H B CIRCUIT COUR l of theSt«,. of Oregon in and for the County o' Linn j' KERRS OR FISHER'S EGG PRODUCER J i»s Molasses in barrel lots. X X s O. w . FR U M | Thrashing the Sam e O ld Straw Washington I* C A bill was in-,, duced In the house by Representative Heck.-ropMtUe.ti, Wisconsin tn provld. for iii.<«rp.»rut*tg a l olled States ugr. uultural cooperative marketing asso elation Ube Organisation would be without capital stock and would be controlled by the producers of crops The Ureas key Would odvaace the association tM'.OdC.ooo to be repaid within ten years The aaauclatioc would dispose X crops and otherwise aid the (arm ere .^eprooMUstlew of formers in Moe mid-woetern and western suttee ap peas-ng before the booae ininngtata.c coinniitiee, urged g lessening of ro- strtctiitM upoa the Importation of la bor Puu. M o M oo and Canada to aave WANTED A m erican E ag le Fire Insurance Co. 'I-1.\ 1.- worth just as much in storage as H f t tig h f gnt for it m ease of fire. Tbs rnpan. J !' ' ’ the c;t«h valu- asp| •1 *¡1, C. P. STAFFORD, Agent , In the matter of the applies "I tion of ) Seth S. Hsves Dante! J. Raves I-rank Haves and fiertnido Pentland to rogteier the title to the followmg described land to wit . The east half of the south­ east quarter of section twelve 1 \ otlre (12) in township fourteen '14) south of range four (4) west of the V 1. in met te meridian cen taming AO acres, more or let« situated is Linn county, stair of Oregon | Against Otis F NeaJ and all | whom it may concern. Defendants To Otis f Neal and all whom it mar concern, defendants Take notice that on the 8U, dar of liecemher !R2S Bn application was filed Frank Hsves and Gertrude Pentland in the cirenit eourt of the state ef Oregnn te aeo for ^ma county, for laitse! registre ti°L of the utle to the land above de- ■^«hed Now n n leii jrmj appea* •« or be fort the btfc dar of Peb-ua-? 1^2a •h‘T c»“* why such application ■ha. not be granted the tame will he taken a. confeeaed and a decree will he entered according te th , n, thf • PPl.cat.en and yec will he forever narked iron disputing the sam> ^ itn eM mr hand and the teal of nary. ~ Seel 'T K M RnMell Uouaty Clerk and es-elficio Clerk of the Circuit Coer! ef rlh* S u u 01 Oregon for Llsn Coouty H ill Marks A McMahan. F. O »ddre® A!hawt Oregon Atternevs for Apn'.uaat