Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, February 03, 1926, Image 3

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IS a m atter for rejoicing that a n ­
I T other
season o f plaits is scheduled
for the com ing m ouths. As to plaited
sk irts, they are a certain ty. In end­
less variety are they appearing, e x ­
pressing both new and old lin es o f
To the blouse, however. Is given the
honor o f presenting a m ost unusual
Intepretation o f plaits. In that they
are arranged In the form o f Inset
panels at each sid e trout, as this plc-
C hildren C ry FOR
old. on with the new" Is the m essage
th ese huts for Im m ediate wear convey
to the world o f fashion.
A favorite m edium for th ese early
m illinery harbingers of spring is taf­
feta In such refreshing colors as love­
bird green, pale nlle and palm etto, for
green leads the procession o f tones
and tints for the com ing season. There
Is ulso a vast show ing of rose pink
tones. Silvery gray, too, is being fea­
tured. In fact, the whole trend is to-
M O T H E R :- F le tc h e r’s
Castoria is especially pre­
pared to relieve Infants in
amis and Children all ages
of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there­
from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the
assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
T o avoid im itations, always look fo r the signature o f
Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates,
Physicians everywhere recommend it.
T h e T r ip p in g T o n g u e
A l l f o r Science
He— Why dou't you w ear your long
T eacher— Here, you young scoun­
drel! Why did you put th is pin In earrings?
( P r e p a r e d by ( h e U n i t e d S ta te s D e p a r t m e n t
She— Oh, I feel such a fool with
possible after soaking them, and dry my chair?
o t A g r i c u lt u r e . I
lietween tow els.
Hitsheen chips are
Bright Pupil— I w as Just showln' the them on.
Potato chips arc not difficult to pre dried in the sam e way before frying. cla ss how nerve Im pulses are sent to
He— They're very becom ing to yon.
pure at home with ordinary household The fat should have a tem perature of the human brain.— National News.
An accurate vegetable 400 degrees F. when the chips are put
Autom obiles w ere Rhown at recent
sh eer Is needed, as It Is alm ost Impos­ In tt and after each hutch Is cooked
P oets have been known to m ake dol­ South African agricultural show s and
sible to slice the potatoes thinly nud it should tie reheated to tlds point be­ lar« out of lines that ordinary mnrtuls now motor trade w ith the farm ers Is
evenly enough h.v hand. A deep fr y ­ fore a fresh lot of chips are put In. couldn't m ake sen se out of.
ing kettle is best, especially If It has If a large quantity o f chips is being
an Inner perforated pan or basket to made the fat should he strained front
tit it for lowering and ruislng the po­ tim e to tim e; otherw ise any small
tatoes In the fat.
A therm om eter Healing particles of potato can he
which will register more than 44*1 de skimmed out.
grees F. Is also advisable for uniform
Cottonseed Oil Is Best.
results. Use m ature potatoes, high In
High grade cottonseed oil Is the
starch, for m aking chips.
Large or
best fat to use for frying chips. Vege­
m edium-sized, sm ooth, round potatoes
table oils or com pounds give better
with shallow eyes are best.
results than animal fats. No fat with
Tim e fo r Cooking
a sm oking point of less titan 428 de
D asheens, which are well known in grees F. Is satisfactory. Care should
the South, and Jerusalem artichokes he taken not to cook too many chips
The fat should he deep
also muke delicious chips. Jerusalem at once.
artichokes, however, only
require enough to cover the slice s com pletely
and allow them to lie flat and he
soaking for thirty m inutes, mid dash
een s from one to tw o hours, tint the crusted over quickly 111 from three tn
potato slices are soaked from three five m inutes. They should be gently
to four hours In cold running water I stirred w hile In the fat.
When the chips htp d elicately
before Iteiltg fried
The longer pe-
riod of soaking or w ashing iu com par­ browned, the basket is raised, the e x ­
ison with d a s le - e t is a n d artichokes Is cess f»t Is drained off, utitl the chips
Showing Panel Plaited Blouse.
necessary in order to rem ove the free are em ptied on brown paper to tlry
and ligh tly sprinkle with salt. Chips
ture so sm artly defines.
In this wnrd lovely pastel solid colorings and start'll grains on the cut surfaces, cooked In high grade oil keep sw eet
charm ing model we have cut-in pock­ blendings.
several w eek s In cold weather. Ap­
There are tw o distin ct tendencies one slice to the other, and to chill amt
ets, sle ev e s and sem i-yoke In one
proxim ately h alf a pound of oil will
piece, the en tire posed over u sim ple registered In these lints for Immediate firm them, tints m aking them easier
lie required for every pound o f chips,
wear. One Is that of extrem e sim plici­ to handle, i f running w ater Is not ¡sa y s the United S tates Departm ent i f
across the-front plaited skirt.
In these tailored tw o-piece frocks ty, tlie other bespeaks the highly or­
Agriculture. T ills Is not nil absorbed
which are destined to occupy the cen ­ nate. Included in the form er are little every hour.
! In the chips, but Includes fat spat-
l ie made Into chip«
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
ter of the fashion stage there Is also sh apes of th e pull-on, close-fitting va­
1 tered In cooking and taken tip h.v
considerable use o f p!n-tucka and riety which rely solely on color effect are first peeled, either by hand or Ity i crumbs skimmed out from lim e to
scallop s as well as plnlts. The sim ­ and clever m anipulation of the fabric. a s|>eetal peeling m achine. If a large time.
Even when chips are made
plest application o f scallop s is that I For these sm art Interseason modes, quantity of chips Is to he made, and
' com m ercially the oil Is not used more
which ou tlin es the hem edges o f the 1 belting ribbon is esp ecially In use. all ey es Mre carefully removed. They
than two or three days, and In the
blouse ns w ell ns the bottom o f the [ Many of the Imports allow a rem ark­ are then sliced very thin, and given
i home. If chips are m ade at Intervals,
fiare skirt.
M atching scurf collars able com bination of ribbons cut in sec­
I tt Is best to start each tim e with good,
tied In choker fashion about the tions o f contrasting color, working out helps to rem ove free surface starch
fresh oil, finding som e other way to
throat are very num erous. They be­ futu ristic cubes, diam onds and squares. grains. They are next soaked In clear
use the oil that bus liutl chips fried
speak the extrem e o f the present mode. | Com peting for honors with these coltl w ater tlie required length of time.
Shake off as much o f the water as In it.
M aterials add to the glory of these huts o f tailored sim plicity are the a d o r
new tw o-piece sports and street c o s­ ably cunning taffeta m odels which
“ Bayer” package
tum es.
F lat crepe, radium crepe revel in elaborate handwork o f riotous
which contains proven directions.
fa ille and crepe de chine are the most coloring. Som etim es tiny ombre rib­
Ilandy “ Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
popular fabrics, particularly In ul- bons ere worked in flowers on a pastel-
One Task of Homemaker
Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists.
One of the tusks which confront the
v.D irlo is the trade m ark of B a re r Manufacture of M u o o e c .tlr.c ld M t.r of R allcjllcacltl
homenuiker when the house is helnff
Select With Care to Avoid cleaned and put In order for winter Is j
D e c id e d A d v a n ta g e
Those G irls
the proper «’leaning of the pilhiws. The
H ow ell- I have been reading o f ■
“M adge believes kissing goes by
Too Rich Combination.
U nited States I»epartnient of Agricul­ favor.”
m achine which does the work o f 82
ture considers that the most sa tisfa c­
“Oh, y e s; any man who k isses Is men.
( P r e p a r e d b y t h e U n it e d S ta te « D e p a r t m e n t
tory m ethod is to transfer the feathers In favor with Madge."— Boston Tran­
P ow ell—And It won't ask for a ralss
o f A g r i c u lt u r e . )
to a muslin hag two or three tim es the script.
In pay every week, or go on a strike.
In suggesting a number of w ays In
size of the ticking. T his iiih \ he done
which nuts may appear on the table,
easily by sew ing the edges o f the open
the United S ta les Departm ent of A g­
Ings of the tlckln r and hug together
riculture rem inds Ihe housekeeper
and shaking the feathers from one to
that nuts are rich In fat and that the
the other.
other Ingredients o f a meal at which
The feathers and the ticking nee
nuts are used should he selected with
washed separately. To wash the feath­
care to avoid too rich a com bination
ers. after sewing them in the muslin
o f finals. The term "kernel" Is pre­
hag. scrub them In a weak solution of
ferred to "nut meuts" In «(leaking o f
w ashing soda, using a good sud*. If
the shelled nuts. N uts bought a l­
nei-essary this Is repeated In a second
ready shelled should he looked over
suds. R inse in tw o or three lukewarm
carefully for sm all pieces of shell,
then washed and dried in the oven rinses. If an extractor type of w ash­
ing m achine Is available, extin ct as
before being used.
much m oisture as possible, ami then
N uts are good in alm ost any kind dry the fea th ers on a sheet In the sun
o f a sandw ich, and when the school If i»ne has, no machine o f tills type,
lunch Is a problem, a filling o f squeeze out as much o f the excess wa­
chopped nut
kernels with
raisins, ter as possible and dry In the sam e
d ales, figs or prunes, will prove it so ­
way* F eat from tim e to tim e during
lution. N uts and olives go well to­
the process.
gether In sandw iches, nuts with cot­
A fter wHshlng the ticking, starch It
tage or cream cheese, and lints with
on the inside with a very stiff starch
m aple or plain brown sugar
It Is u
mixture, applied with a sponge This
good plan to keep a Jar of shelled
d o s e s the pores of the material and
nuts on the em ergency sh elf for these
"When I saw you a couple of If I look any younger, Nujol
prevents the feathers from w o r k in g 1
and other uses. Peanut butter as a
months ago, I made up my gets the credit.”
their way through.
The ticking Is
sandw ich filling Is fam iliar l<> every­
then dried and refilled.
mind you were getting old.
one. It can be m ade at home by put­
luring pastel tones, which bespeak
Nujol helps Nature
The pillow s them selves may he
At least you looked it.”
ting the roasted shelled nuts through
the very qu intessence o f refinem ent.
washed without rem oving the feath­
Nature’s own way
the meat grinder, and then stirring tn
In this range o f more than ordinarily
er«, In much the sam e wny a* the
Interesting spring dress colorings are
enough cream or melted butter to
age bring, on a decrease in
feath ers are washed when transferred
m ake a sm ooth paste.
lieautiful silvery grays
No appetite, couldn’t sleep the naturallubricating accretions in
to the muslin hag ns des« rlhe<l above
the intestine. Then you need Nujol.
tones, bois de rose, apricot, salm on
A cream ch eese lodl can be rolled A slip cover betw een the ticking and
nights — one day just like It supplies the deficiency of the nat­
pink, sea sh ell, artistic blues such us
in chopped nuts and served its an a c ­ the pillow case will prevent the tick ­
another, and none o f them ural lubricant. Medical authorities
l>eriwinkle. parm e violet and a re­
cessory to alm ost any kind of salad. ing from becom ing soiled easily and 1
approve Nujol because it is gentle,
any good. I knew constipa­ safe
m arkable range of green s including ,
Celery sta lk s stuffed with nuts and do aw ay with unnecessary washing of
and natural in its action.
palm etto.
ch eese are often used In a sim ilar the pillow. Slip covers may he made
Constipation is dangerous for any­
Black, w hite, navy and sand also re­
Group of P re tty Hats.
way. A few nuts In a fruit, aspic, of a lightw eight muslin. They are
it, but it seemed the more body. Nujol is safe for everybody.
tain a practical sty le value.
or vegetab le salad are a distinct im ­ then taken off and w nulled from thne
laxatives 1 took the worse I Nujol simply softens the waate mat­
O ut-of-the-ordinary color com bina­
ter and thus permit, thorough and
provem ent. Even in a potato salad to tim e and tacked hack In place.
got. Then one day I saw regular
elimination without overtax­
tions are also achieved In a tailored
they add an unusual touch. Boiled
Nell giving Nujol to my little ing the intestinal muscles. It is not
way, In that a periw inkle blue silk haps the designer chooses to use m etal chestnut kernels m ake an excellent
H o n e y a n d S u g a r S iru p
grandson. The doctor had a medicine.
crepe blouse and skirt are each apt to ; soutache, tubular m ulticolored braid salad. When P ersian walnut kernels
and silk floss in m any shades, us the
be banded with pink-m auve border- i
are used In salad or for other pur ! Honey or a hom em ade m ixture of
it for the baby, You can take N ujol for any length
o f time without ill effects. Itth o u ld
A citron-colored frock may model to the right so prettily e x ­ poses. In the raw condition, the little I honey and sugar sirup can he sa tisfa c­
but I found out it’« just the be taken regularly in accordance with
have Its scallop s piped with w hite, presses. Even the larger hats Indulge dark spot at the center o f the kernel torily used for sw eeten in g lemonade
thing for old fellows like me, the directions on each bottle. Unlike
and so the effects will be continued In color and applique as show n third should be rem oved as It lias a bitter and other fruit drinka. Sirup of any
laialtves. it does not form a habit
ad Infinitum throughout the season.
an dcanbediK ontinuedat any time.
colored taffeta carry out the thought of
Nnt breads o f various kinds never
Though w inter has not yet bid Its
Aak your druggist for N ujol today
much handiwork and spring tones. The
lose their popularity. The cakes and when charged w ater Is to be added It
adieu, fash ion la flirting with spring,
and begin to enjoy the
hat Illustrated last carries out this
feeling fine all the
_ _
cookies with nuts m ixed Into them hne a further advantage since It has
coaxing it to com e In advance of sched­ idea.
perfect health that it
ule time. In th e m eantim e, the m illi­
pomi hie only when elim­
A moat (mpulsr item In the new hats
too num erous to describe. Nuts m sy i
ner, alw ays moat forward In challeng­
, tite’s back and I V M S IM T C M M A L L U M I C A H T ination is normal and
Is the all-over shirred taffeta model la
be used In many substantial dishes i keep a homemade sirup for this pur
ing the calendar. Is sending forth le­ gay spring coloring.
sleep like a child.
For (.om ttftation
and desserts and In confections of pose, and variety can tie obtained by
gions of charm ing m idseason chapeaus
J U L IA B O T T O M L K Y .
occasionally using honey.
Is spring lik e colorings. “Off with t h e '
all aorta.
U sing a Deep F ry in g K e ttle to M a ke
P o ta to Chips.
W hy, UncleJim!
You look ten years younger!"
Mvvsaaaer U s u a l