NTERPRI A g ro u ltu re 11 o r t c u l t u r e L i v e s to c k Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief - Paragraphs Kirk Kinks George Maxwell went to Friday. Drain B. M. Miller and family are now riding in a Chevrolet sedan car. One Death Per 1000 Autos in a Year Is Record of U. S. ( E n terp rise O r r e e p c n d e o e e ) Henry Seefelii was an Albany call er Saturday. M. B. Harding was Halsey Thursday. Miss Beulah Miller was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Veatch Sunday. a caller at Happenings in Public Schools Mary Smith came back to school Wednesday after a ten-day absence with a severe spell of flu. The high school gave a basket social and short program Friday ev­ ening at the city hail. Twenty-three baskets were sold and r»e Tie pro­ ceeds amounted to $46. Mesdames Shotwell, Coldiron and Coleman pre­ sided over a lunch counter also and $7.00 was taken in additionally her«, naking in all $62. Prof. Patton made an efficient auctioneer in Bell­ ing baskets. The first number on the musical program waa an instru­ mental duet by Miaaes Roberta and Edna Vannice. A vocal solo by Harry Mason followed, and an in­ strumental number by Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cross, Miss Julia Hulse and Harry Mason. The girls outdid themselvee in bas­ ket making and there were many beautiful and unique specimens. Cart Sparling was absent Thura- iay and Thomas Palmer Wednesday rom among high school students. This week start* the second se­ mester of school. Exams were the irder of the day last week. Currin Miller was absent from chool Wednesday long enough to go to Brownsville and have an offend- ng tooth extracted. All basketball playing has been liacontinued until smallpox, scarlet ever, etc., have suaided. Thia ia by >rder of the school board. Mias Agnes Haye«, who has been Xscnt from school about four weeks, s said to bo improving. In a 6th .grade teat In Oregon the­ ory last week Rotta Armstrong re- •eived a grails of .93 which waa the ligheat in the county. C. H. Falk is building a play shed W. Hi Clark of Eugene has bought Mrs. Arthur Foote has been teach­ tor Brandon school. the Brownsvillo hoteL ing the Junior league during the ill­ The H. J. Falks were Sunday vis ness of Mrs. Parker. John EaRue and W. P. Wahl visit itors at F. W. Falk’s. Mrs. Mary Taylor of Portland ed Eugene early last week. Ellen Vannice was home from Sal­ spent the week end here with her L. L. Graham of Eugene was look em over the week end. father, J. C. Standish. ing after Southern Pacific interests Clifford Carey of Eugene called at here Friday. The degree team of the Rebekahs Cecil Bilyeu’s Saturday. met Monday evening for practice Harold Stevenson, the Brownsville Louise Seefeld spent Wednesday work. Elbert Isom is captain. druggist, has bought the Barger evening with Nellie Falk. A meeting was held Monday after­ hruse on north Main street. ' ’ The G. J. Rikes were Saturday af noon by the M. E. church board and The $350 moonshining fine of Mrs temoon callers at Halsey. new Sunday school officers elected Greathouse of Crawfordsville has for the year. C. L. Falk jr, and family visited been paid and she is out of jail. The illness of Btiddy Holt has ter­ Q N E out of a thousand la the relationship between tbe annual automobile at A. I. Falk's Sunday afternoon. Flu became so prevalent at Browns­ minated with a rising in his head fatalities ainl the number of motor vehicles In this country, according Herman Stienke and w ife^ sp en t ville that the picture show took a and both ears breaking and running, to the Stewart-Warner Safety Council for the prevention of automot e vacation of two weeks. Monday afternoon at G. J. Rike’s. accidents, which lias undertaken a strenuous campaign of automobile sufety but he is getting relief. and accident prevention. Mrs. R. E Bierly and son Ken­ J. K. Fronk, check kiter from Los Gilbert Carey, who is attending And for every fatality there are at least 28 accidents serious enongh to neth visited at H. J. Falk’s Thursday Angeles, has been arrested in Chica­ W. U., spent the week end with rela­ get on record. Ib is does not take into consideration minor sprains and bruises go and confesses to $100,000 worth Clarence Gillette and family were tives here, and made a good talk at or people suffering from nervous shock as the result of being In an automobile of the frauds charged. accident. at Cottage Grove over the week end the M. E. church Su 'ay evening. To appreciate what a vast army of killed and Injured Is annually con- An Ash Swale citizen has connect Mr. and Mrs. A-. L. Falk were a* 'Miss Ellen Vannice was home scripted by the reckless motorist and careless pedestrian, a comparison may ed with the electric light line from from school work at W. U. for the be made with American casualties In the great war. Over a third as many Dean Bilyeu’s at Pine Grove Tues Shedd and the Times predicts that people are killed annually by the automobile as there were American aoldlers day. week end. After this semester is the habit will grow in his neighbor finished Miss Vannice expects to go killed on the field of battle during the entire war, while the number Injured Cecil Bilyau, Wilson Gillette and hood. to Monmouth to continue her studies. each year Is nearly three times as great as the number of our boys who were J P. Templeton went to Brownsvilli wounded throughout the war. J. E. Connor, from near Seattle, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts of has bought the S. G. Hogue farm Dr inken drivers are to blame for more th a n h a lf these a ici- Eugene made a Sunday visit to Mrs J. H. Vannice and family weri south of Halsey, lately occupied by de is. D o you w ant to double and treble the aw ful to ll by m «k- Sunday dinner guests at Sidney Clarence Peterson. The family con­ Roberts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. ng I be Volstead act less s tric t? The Herman Steinke Smith’s. sists of Mr. and Mrs. Connor and J. Forster. family were also present at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Templeton at two sons. Ernestine Coleman was a dinner tended the funeral of William Tern Barrett Bros.’ tractor school has guest of Dorothy Corcoran Sunday, pleton at Albany Tuesday. (Enterprise Correspondent) become a regular annual event t being Dorothy’s twelfth birthday. (By an Enterprise Reporter) Theodore Falk and family of Sal The ferryboat was brought back More than 200 farmers last Frida) Mrs Hattie Mitchell, returned mis Miss Lillie Rickard spent the week Wsh Bend from peoria the nrst em and Paul Bierly and family wer< beard talks by experts on tractors sionary from Africa and co-worker end at her home. Sunday visitors at R. E. Bierly’s. of tho week by two motor boats. and farm machines, saw the moving Glenn Davis, son of Sheriff Davit I*eo Ingram and family spent Sat­ picture show and filled up on the James Kenneth Kirk m-.Aored to Misses Mary and Maria Evans, free inffeh. of D ella, Col., who was mur­ urday evening at J, II. Rickard’s. Albany Friday afternoon to see hi who have been sick with flu, are im­ * dered in October, 1924, by a criminal There are 64 hoys and 49 girla Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe have mov­ proving now. Mrs. Belmont of Har­ new cousin, Iva Maxine McLoughin. The Brownsville Times says that whom he had arrested on a warrant ed into tho E. A. Starnes house. >f school age (a the Halsey school risburg is staying with them. Mrs. M. A. Hassett is a great-great­ Mr. Gillette, who stayo with hit arrived in Halsey Saturday night anil liatnct, besides residents of other grandmother and that the descent son Clarence, spent last week at In Lee Ingram and family were Sun­ is stopping with his aunt, Mrs. Wil­ Mr3. Lenna Bass entertained the iiatricts who corn« here to school. has been all along the line in eldest day evening callers at A. E. Whit- L. C. and B. club at her home on the gram Island, helping conduct revive liam Wheeler. Laat year there were 8899 boys daughters who were bom 20 years services. beck’s. > nd 87l7 girla of sehnol age In the Harrisburg road Thursday afternoon. apart, in 1846, 1866, 1886, 1006 and Sunday school superintendent Wil­ On account of illness at the home onniy. Now the numbers are Mrs. Joe Cersovski and daughter Fifteen ladies were present and en­ 192$. iam Robertson at the Christian Anna Theresa returned home from joyed the hospitality »of the hostess. of Mr. Parker, Misses Robert* anc 1864 and 3703 reepectiv**ly. Lurch challenged the school to a Lunch was served, valentine« living Edna Vannice went to school from Portland Saturday. Harvey Savage of Brownsville, Bible verse contest Sunday. He said used as favors. The exchanging of home last week. who left his wife five years ago be­ Rev. Mr. ----- ---- Showalter of Colorado I , he would quote a verse for every one cause of the interference of William held a meeting at the Mennonite » P’ rt The W. R. Kirks were In Alban) given by the Sunday school and he 1 noon’s entertainment. Darllhg and afterwards allowed her several days last week on account church Tuesday night. did i t (By Special Correspondent) to get a divorce and support money C. R. Evans motored to Oregon of the death of Mrs. Kirk's brothei for the children, now sues for cus­ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Curtis and The Linn County Holiness asso­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hover were City Saturday to attend the annual and other illness in that home. tody of the latter, alleging that ciation will hold its all-day monthly children visited at Jack Curtis’, near Harrisburg callers Friday afternoon. meeting of the Oregon Holstein Mrs, J. P. Templeton spent Fri their mother is not a fit person to meeting at Sweet Home next Fri­ Peoria, Friday afternoon. Bert Haynes and Bert Minckley Breeders’ oanociatfon.! Frem thero day evening at Cecil Bilyeu’s while havo charge of them. day, at the Evangelical church. he went to Portland for a short visit Mr. Templeton attended a telephone were Salem visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Yoder and chil­ The number of subscribers of the There will be morning, afternoon and dren and Mr. and Mrs. Kropf were with his brother Ed and family. meeting held at Brandon schoolhouse A. F. Albertson and W. G. McNeil Enterprise has increased more since evening services and a basket din­ Sunday visitors at Frank Kropf’s. Charley Wright assisted his brother and their families attcaded the all- ner at noon. Everyone invited to Gilbert Carey of Salem came down Jan. 1, 1926, than ever before in a on the farm in Mr. Evans’ absence. to Cecil Bilyeu’s Thnraday and, ac­ lay meeting at Ingram Island Sun- like space of time in the four and bring lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Landis Philpott and companied by his brothers Everett« lay. baby son of Harrisburg were Sunday a half years it has been under the (Continued on page 8) S iortly before the primaries at and Marion, motored to Eugene the Fred Heinrich jr. and Earl Albert- afternoon callers at Chester Curtis'. October a columnist ¡of the Erie same day. «on, who are attending O. A, C., Four out of five of the sixth grade (P a.) Times announced in his While on his way to his farm in ¿pent the week end at their home« students who took the recent Oregon daily column that he was goiug to this district, Saturday, Arthur Foote her 4. history examination in the Alford run for sheri V because ha '* need­ ed the money.” Ha meant the called at L. R. Falk’s to look at the There will be a community meet­ school Were successful. statement as a joke, but bis friends barn recently built. Mr. Foote ex­ ing at the schoolhouse Friday even­ Rev. Mr. Pierce and wife, from took it otherwise and would nos pects to build a barn on his farm ing, Feb. 6. N. O. Jamieson of O. A. Corvallis, and their »on, George not let him withdraw and be was soon. C. is expected to speak on "Dairy­ Pierce, and wife from Alpine, were elected. ing." Mrs. Paulina Seefeld, who lives Sunday visitors at J. H. Rickard’s. west of town, spent Saturday and A telephone meeting waa held at Seymour Curtis spent Tuesday of W IL L P R E S S TAX M EASURE Sunday at her home, east of town, ‘he schoolhouse Tuesday evening. P. helping care for her daughter Es A. Pehrsson waa sleeted president last week with his brother Chester, before returning to his home in Can­ 8enator Smoot Predicts Final Vote by ther, who is ill with the flu. Esther Floyd Nichols secretary, George Saturday Night. is slowly recovering. ada the next day. Mrs. Curtis and ’’ handler director, and Frank Gibson Washington, D. C.— The tax reduc­ her mother, Mrs. Miller, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harding of director to fill the place vacated by tion fight In the senate, centering on Eva Miller, spent the day with Mrs. L. Knighten. motored down to M. B proposed repeal of the inheritance tax Eugene August Sperling. and discontinuance of the publicity of Harding's Friday, returning the name income tax payments will reach a evenirjg, taking Mrs. M. B. Hard­ A Gera of Art show dow n th is week. ing and children, Alice, Margaret B R IE F G EN ER A L N E W S Expressing confidence that the sen­ and Frank, with them to remain at The most perfect reproduction Barbara ba Marr, wolrdfamou« ate would approve the compromise be­ that place for several days. we have seen of an oil painting, screen vampire, died at her bungalow- tween republican and democratic regu­ Iona on a printing press, has been la Altadena, near Pasadena. Cal executed by the Shelton-Turnbull- lars, as embodied In the finance com­ I have discovered no desire J K. Fronk, sought throughout tho m ittee’s report on the bill and Includ­ Fuller company of Eugene. I t ia among farmers for political GROCERIES country on a charge of embezzlement, ing repeal of tbeae two provisions, " T h e Top of the W o rld ” aid, although many politicians celled GROCERIES of $400,000 from Los Angeles banks, Chairman Smoot of the committee pre­ and ia a view taken from tbe are trying to stir up such a was arrested In Chicago. dicted a final vote would be reached summit of the Caaeada mountains desire. — Samuel Crowther in in Oregon, looking towerda the The prince of Wales suffered a frac­ by Saturday night. tured collar bone when he was thrown If action la not obtained by Saturday Dearborn Independent. Three Riatere. C. J. Fallon of DRY GOODS from his horse while hunting with the night. Senator Smoot said he would ingene painted it. hounds. DRY GOODS preaa next week to speed up the work. We obtained half a dozen copies A bid of $.3,000,000 for the Admiral- Under thia program, leaders expect to I ha annual mealing of tbs stock- end will give one, ea long ee they Oriental line, running out of Seattle* assure final enactment of the bill by holders of the Linn County Fair [eat, to each new subecriber paying to the Far East, was received by the* March 16. when first Income tax In­ eeaociatioa will be held in the *1 in advance for tbe Eaterpriae shipping board from R. Stanley Dol­ stallm ent! are due C irc u it court room at Albany Sat­ one year at this oftiee or the Ringo lar. urday, Fab. 13, 1926, at 1 o'clock drugstore. By direction of President Coolidge, M . E. Church m. J. E. Connor has been awarded the resignation of Colonel W illiam Thia meeting ia for the purpose the Aral one end it'ewaita him at Robert Parker pastor, Mitchell from the army waa accepted, of electing directors lor the ensu- the Hoterpriae office. _______ Sunday school, 10. effective Monday. The court martial i g year and transacting a eh other Preaching, 11. Mrs. Harry Davis ia recovering sentence, which carried a five-year sus­ bnainaea aa may properly tome Junior league, 3. pension with reduced compensation from a severe scalding which result­ before »ha meeting. Epworth league, 8:30, for the air officer critic, thus ex­ All stockholders of lha associa­ ed from her foot slipping when she Preaching, 7:80. pired In Just one week from the time tion are earnestly urged to ba had a kettle of hot water in her Praver-mcetina, Thotnday, 7:30. It was approved and made effective by present, J. J. Barrett, President. hand. Bible 8 tu |y Tuesday, i. the president. . . . i * t ’ Í W • e» • • *' I P e rs o n is Killed a n d 2 6 injured annually for every 1000 Auto­ m obiles in this C o u n tr y Alford Arrows Lake Creek Locals Pine Grove Points MEN’S CLOTHING to order: • F U R N IS H IN G S • F O O T W E A R F O R M EN • W OM EN AND1 i DRY GOODS ; DRY GOODS DRY GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES* Fair Stockholders' Meet GROCERIES: K oontzo GOOD i> K nm w J 1 .