*AGM I KU KAL « N T S R M lS b JA N . FREE TRACTOR SCHOOL ” ——4 • Halsey Garage AND w ith Pow er I-arm ing Entertainment NORMA TA LM ADGE Eugene O’Brien The »cteen’s greatest lovers in the greatfMt love story of all time Next Sun.—-M on.—Tue». Jan. 31— Feb, 1— 2 G LO B E Albany ® at BARRETT BROS.’ * 2 ™ ^ ’ S C H O O L S T A R T S A T 1 0 o ’clock EVERYBODY FREE LUNCH 27, 1926 IN V IT E D FREE MOVING PICTURE SHOW Two reels of entertaining and educational pictures. Here is an opp ortu nity to learn more about engines, tractor», their construction, th e ir care and th eir operation. You cannot afford to miss it. We w ill have trained men who w ill illu strate , demonstrate and ta lk on questions every farmer is v ita lly interested in . The moving pictures w ill be entertaining and iustructive. There w ill be fun and excitement a-plenty. B ring your questions and make your pis is now to attend our big power farm ing entertainm ent, F R ID A Y , J A N . 2 9 • good placo to iv s your I I an * II car , . — car 1 rtpair-t , A ll my work is guaranteed. I f I don’t do aa as good a job as eu. I promise you I w ili d o it over w itho ut extra charge to you. Free towage w ith in five milee of Halsey. I f you need me iu s t^ remember 16x5. I ’l l be there. < L ig h t A C E T Y L I N E W E L D I N G and fender brazing ( J":” h,re ä P. PAPMAN. G ra te fu l T h a n k s To the O d d fe llo w , Rebekahs and many other friends and neigh- bors who so generously came to SUM MONS In the C ircu it C ourt o f the 3tJ State o f Oregon fo r Linn Coun- t y . D e p t. 2." S ta g e s Leave Halsey 9:15 a. m. a„d 8:30 p. m. S o u th b o u n d S ta g e s Leave Halsey 11:05 a m . and 4:05 p. m The northbound stages both AY, F E B . 1, beginning at 10 o’clock i le d ; M arg aret E. W aggoner There will be a free tracto r L egislature all dogs of Linn AHeng e ivr' W aggoner, Jessie County m ust be licensed. The unm arried; George R oberts; R PuV i n “ « L’ Li,ly’ L aura show, pow er farm ing e n te r­ law reads in p a rt: Farm Implements Hogs the unknow n heirs if any of B. G atchell, H a rry B. W aggon­ tainm ent and moving picture "Every person owning or said George Roberts if he be er and W alter R. W aggoner exhibition a t B a rre tt Bros ’ Worses Chiekens keeping any dog over th e age deceased; Uis R oberts; the store A lbany, Friday, s ta rtin g a re. each the ow ner of an un- of eight m onths w ithin the a t 10 o clock. ‘ - f ° in ' - said d fpp n f ,aiA HL n lx.' ,, ,........ * .. 5 » «« any Household . ? J n state of O regon shall, not la t­ Hi8 Roberts if he be d e c e a se d ; fee of said re a lty ; th a t the Mrs. H ans Koch of P o tter er th an M arch 1 of each y ear ^ h eeP Goods H attie Thom pson; the uu- d efendants O rval C. W aggon­ «Pent the week in Portland or within th irty days a fte r he HatHe ThCirS if &ny of said er, Ailsa L. Thom son, X n i d with h e r daughter, Mrs. H er­ becomes ow ner or keeper of H attie Thompson if she be de­ b. W aggoner and M arg aret E m an D ettm an of Hood River, meh dog, procure from the c e a se d ; C harley R oberta; th« W aggoner a re each the ow ner who is recovering a fte r a su r­ county clerk of the county in BEN T. SU D TELL, A uctioneer unknow n heirs if any of said gical operation. an undivided one- which said person resides a h irs t N atio n al B ank of H a rrisb u rg , Clerk C harley Roberts if he be de­ of ty fo u rth Undred and tw ei“ AhU? d? y Mrs- C- R. Staf- license for such dog, by paying ceased; th e unknow n heirs if ty-fourth p a rt in f e^ to the county clerk a license , had ? visit from Mrs. hrtd ° f a Susan Roberts Trow ­ of said r e a k y ; and th a t they Blaine C. Gibson ol M edtoirt I bridge d e c ea se d ; and gen eral­ iom m Said nnd a3 ten an t« in U’l j L’ and tw o little lee of one d o lla r ($1) for male TUSSING & TU8SING ly all persons unknown havintr children, who were on th e ir or spayed bitch dogs and two and Cleone L aM ar of Shedd way home to Oregon City from dollars (<|2) lor fem ale dogs. got a m arriage license S atur­ lawyers or claim ing an interest o r es- Of dSw erSUanHCt v° the rig h t The county clerk shall issue to day. fb«; and of curtesy of « visit a t Bandon. Halsey end Brownsville D e fe n d a n t^ PertJ’ “ ,h i’ th eir respective spouses • Sec such person a license and a »nd. th .t all d ,fpu ‘ ” ' J V 0- The Southern Pacific is rais­ m etal tag, stam ped with the Oregon Io Agnes S tnithers, Veda ing its track four inches in this y ear of issue, th e nam e of the section A crew h a . been on county in which it is issued, N O T IC E w eek°b At . Halw,y about a with a num ber thereon corre­ of Appointm ent of Administrator . ♦ « . 1 the sam e tim e the sponding to th e num ber on the Notice is hereby given that the under­ in terstate com m erce re p o rt­ license. Said ta g shall be a t­ d in ing room and kitchen fo r rent . signed by an order of the County Court W aggoner, M argaret’ W aggon- cree to the e f f e c t ’ t í ^ See G rant Rey nolds, owner , for of Linn vounty. Oregon, has been ap­ ing: "In a period w hen more tached to a collar to be worn H e m W lifeTi'„il“ L' fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n ._______ pointed adm inistrater of the estate of than a million loaded cars are by the dog. Said license shall realty is so situated th at p ar­ Amanda Schroll, deceased All persons being moved w eekly and pre­ oe for a period of one year tion cannot be m ade w ithout having claims against said estate are band, Daniel vious volume of tra ffic records Irom J a n u a ry 1. Any person required to present them w ithin six t r e a t prejudice to the o w n e n months from the date of this notice, be,t" * broken '« probabl • who shall fail to procure such «nd appointing a d isin te re s t with the proper vouchers, to the u n d e / in a t all comm issions a re rc- license within the tim e as h ere­ the signed, at his residence,>t Halsey, I inn h e J bef Haid G A°rge Roberts if tai Pef»on aa Referee for cciving less com plaint than at in provided shall be required »ale thereof, th a t said realty County, Oregon t h » 6 ^ c e a s e d ; Ilis Roberts Dated and first published this 27th any time in the p a st.” sold and a fta r !! re a ,ty Floral and upon procuring such license to th ® unknown heirs if any of be day of January, 1926. B. M Bond. from U . p r o c e e d / o / ’K Music Shop „ M’s. Minnie M cC rrd of pay as a penalty an additional Adm inistrator Aforesaid said Ihs Roberts if he be de­ A Ilian y plain tiffs’ costs a n d Ai k f Tussmg A Tussing. Attys. fo rA d m r sum of $1 for each m ale or Portland visited Mra. ceased; H attie Thom pson; the m en u iu d u d iig í l ó o ^ ' ’“ ™ - spayed bitch dog, or $2 for N O T IC E H aU ie*ThhCirS *f any ° f aa'd reasonable a.toV eyY ?ee “ a t of Hearing of Final Account each fem ale dog. It shall be H attie Thom pson if she be de­ Notice ia hereby given that the final ceased; C harley Roberts- the the rem ainder be by sirid A f the duty of the county assessor account of A lw ilda Wilson as adiniatra- cree distributed am ong 5 » and his deputies to issue on Made from old-grow tb cedar, 7 ft. trix of the estate of Bert M. Wilson unknown heirs if any of said owners according to th iir ro long, good size, 15c each, deliv. deceased, beh alf of the county clerk dog C harley Roberts if he be X has been filed in the County ered where truck can go, S.e Court of Linn County. State of Oregon ceased; the unknown heirs if f ir th » C "l!erest»- a °d for such licenses as herein provided. M r. Laubner, Halsey, or w rite and that the 8th day of February 19’ 6 I he county assessor and his able er,Th 16 «aS sbaR be eQuit- at the hour of 1# o'clock a in., has been ? ny of Susan Roberts Trow- S e d i ? l>ThS,UmK N. O. Isaacson, Joldeon, Ore. deputies shall forth w ith report duly appointed by said Court for the K n CJ l CeaSed i and g(,n era l- IdMl lor HalMy Horne Ownurs to the sheriff and th e county hearing of objections to said final ly all persons unknown having account and the settlement thereof, at ta teC an intere8t or e * Prise once a week for «i» 1 Lion county home* w ill «opreeiíte clerk all dogs th a t th ey shall which time any person ieterested in HoCnUtÍB M ek'Pby ° rd e r Of find th at arc not licensed as said estate may appear and file objec­ si t Pr°PertX in this •fudg eBofMLi„„P T o e„'„lyCX y WOOD xad its marvelous («vi .svine herein provided, to g eth e r with tions thereto in w riting and contest the G u s r.n t.v d to r . t fuel cost. o n . halt same. IN TH F 4 a v v b° \ e nam ed- the ow ner or k eep er thereof. ■ ‘ a II Pa ^1 A NT E OE T* l f Td"* January 6 4-. ■ First-class W ork '676. Hated and first published state of OREGON: ™ n v"" I he county clerk shall keep a Alw ilda W ilton, record of such dog licenses in A d m in istratrix of the Estate are hereby required to a p p e a r D a ! S ’ Gregon, on th e 6th J- w S T E P H E N S O N TusSiaS ATessing, Attva for Admrx bartcher a special book fo r such p u r­ and answ er the com plaint of the d í e J 2fn Uary’, 1926. and f u r n i t u r e COM pany poses.’’ he above nam ed plaintiffs in f nn k 1 r . the flr»t publica- ’' Any ow ner or k eep er of the above entitled court, in the 5 a n " u i Ä ,h ' 1 3 , h ^ ALBANY any dog who shall fail to pro ­ above entitled cause now on " « » Ä Y d re la S ^ O r. cure a license, as provided in court" , the • Clerk of »«id section 9367, shall be guilty coiirt within six weeks from of a m isdem eanor and . upon the date of the first publica- £gon- A ttorneys for Plaintiffs. conviction thereof, si,»., shall ue be ar°en h°f Summon». and you n o t ic e “ subject to a fine of ten dollar» fan f n r y not,fied th a t K you AppomtmvD, of A Jm im .tr.tor Win, ( 1 10) for each offense, to ­ ail to ap p e ar and answ er said W ill Aoasxsd g e th e r with costs of the pro­ ’* h ,r * b7 « > » *’i tfcat th« uailar- com plaint as hereby required •i«o»d bv aa «rdcr of th« C o o n t. i" . ceedings.” Plaintiffs will apply of L . . . C « i , t , . O v to o h„ Inasmuch as no deputy a s ­ ■ . who court for the relief dem anded pomt«d td m io ittra to r with th« w i l l sessors will be in th e field until in »aid com plaint, tow it; Firs’ “X e d . ,hÁ " u¿ * r n n e jlis t r e tu r n e d fro m a s u c c e s s fu l to u r o f a lte r March 1 the ow ner or for a decree of this court S : • P i a « «xid e . t . u « rt ' « , * , 7 ^ * .o'“ ” * th e s o u th , fe a tu rin g B e n n ie J o h n s o n a n d keeper of any dog. not licens­ judging th a t the plaintiff A s s ä “. - - ’ »'ddie O H a ra , f h e v a r e c o n s id e re d th e ed, so reported by any deputy G. H a g g e n e r and the defend! assessor is liable to the above h o tte s t b a n d in th e v alley . «nt« Agnes Struthers. J ' f d’X ' i ' i s . x . y T r - d » penalty. H aggene;. M. E. lU ridson E ton coM ty. Ore- R. M. Russell, County Clerk Come L’re A T thr >Od Vfd* Ro“’ h’ and Clerk of Lmn Co, Court. 5 J U h 0,6 OWnrr ° f an un­ divided one-eighth p a n in fee 4 i ■ ■ . «• •• Halsey Happenings at BARRETT BROS.’ Wb#D ’ M o r th b o u n d pr no liras and in distress 1 wish to extend my heartelt thanks and appreciation. I can uever repay you, but Jesus has said : ” Inas­ much as ye have done it unto one of these, m y brethren, ye have done it "n to m e.” Again I thank vou. M ay God add his blessing. May Cod be w ith you t i l l we meet again. Ed M. Jewett, Public Sale ftt.. BROCK FARM MRS. LULU BROCK, Owner The Good Eats Restaurant CUT FLOWERS - SHEET MUSIC HALL’S Red Cedar Posts BARBER SHOP BIG ___ CARNIVAL T r i » u . i. .» .a DANCE -I NIMBLE INN SATURDAY. JAN. 30 ' The Nite Hawk?