RURAL ENTERPRISE BELTS OF GAY KID ARE POPULAR; SPRING WASH GOODS NOW ON VIEW O M OTHERS who feel th e urge of spring sew ing comes the message T of plaids, both lightw eight woolen and gingham, for Uttle girls’ dresses—and a third fabric is added, nam ely plald- ed taffeta. H ere is a fu rth e r word of advice: be sure to look Into the m atter of gay colored leath er belts, for little dau g h ter will be sure to Insist on having her p retty plaid frock belted Just to keep up with the vogue. It m a tte rs not if the dress be made In straig h tlin e one-piece effect, as the picture shows, or In Jum per and skirt, be sure not to om it the leath er belt' else little d aughter may ask the rea- Seems as If the advance displays of spring wash goods were never so I alluring. Such lovely cotton reps, broadcloths and Imported sateens! | W ashable crepes there are by thé j score, also cotton and rayon mixtures. I the newest among which Is tub-rayon alpaca. To the asp irin g home dress­ m aker they surely m ust w hisper in unm istakable accents, "Do it now." And why not? L ater the g reat outdoors will be calling to golf, tennis and springtim e strolls. The frock In th e picture is a true exponent of a sw eet sim plicity frock, such as can so successfully be made O K T A L E o/ KIDDIE KATYDID ® Arthur Scott Dailcvj S T O P C O U G H IN G ! G retna Garbo Sacramento, Calif — "Ever since I ■rai a girl at home I have taken Dr. Pierce's medicines, especially the ‘Gold­ en Medical Discov­ ery’ and the 'Pleas­ ant Pellets.' My first experience was when I was attend­ ing school. Thru I overwork and study I S°* nln down and V * weak, had no ¡V » ' r e n , t h. My THE WARNING th at prow led about P leasan t Valley after dark. .Mr. N ighthaw k was one T T MUST not be supposed th a t all of th at crew of nightly w anderers. of Kiddle K atydid's fam ily m ade And w henever th e word w as passed th e sam e never-ending din a t night. around th a t he had been seen in the A ctually It was only th e gentlem en neighborhood. Kiddie K atydid tried th a t so am used them selves. No doubt to lower his solemn chant, because he th e ladles, too. knew the secret about knew th at Mr. N ighthaw k w as usually th e m ysterious K aty—and w h at she in search of som ething to eat. did. Now, when Kiddle K atydid felt B ut for some reason they never, hungry he drove away his gnawing n ev er m entioned th e m atter. Even pangs by brow sing upon leaves and when they gossiped among them- tender twigs. B ut Mr. Nighthawk had no ta s te for such fodder. He had an appetite for insects. And j between dusk and dawn a good many of Kiddle K atydid's neighbors of one I kind or an o th er found th eir way into Mr. N ighthaw k's tummy. So you see it was no w onder th at I Kiddle w as not eager to a ttra c t the attention of thnt night rover. Some I of the m ore tim id of K iddle's com­ panions even begged him, a t times, to hush. They said he was making such n noise th a t Mr. N ighthaw k would be sure to hear It, even If he w ere a q u a rte r of a mile away. But Kiddie K atydid usually laughed j a t those faint-hearted o n e s ; and often he shrilled his K aty did, K aty did. more loudly than before. Just to show them th a t he w as not afraid "A person has to tak e a few chances,’’ he rem arked one day. ''If we w ere all afraid to m ake a sound it would p retty hard on K aty, for then she would have nobody to take Mr. N ighthaw k W as One of the N ight­ her part. And w hat would people ly W anderers. think of her?" Evidently K iddle's reason w as a selves, as they som etim es did, they good one. because a num ber of Ills never touched upon th a t subject. Furtherm ore, In th e daytim e K id­ cousins spoke up a t once and said dle and his fellows w ere as quiet as thnt they agreed with him perfectly. But th eir sisters nil exclaim ed th at they could be. H aving waked th e echoes all night long, they w ere con­ sooner or la te r .Mr. N ighthaw k would ten t, when m orning came, to rest h ear them ; nnd then there would cer­ silently nmong the trees and shrubs. tainly be trouble. S trangely enough, the w ords were And a very good reason did they have, too. for such a habit. D uring th e day scarcely out of th eir m ouths before th ere w ere alto g eth er too many birds they heard a loud call th n t struck ty in g about, to please th e K atydids. them cold w ith fear. Peent I P e e n t! The cry cam e nut And Kiddle often rem arked In a Jok­ ing way th at th e only birds hp cared of the a ir above them w ithout the And everybody—In­ about w ere those th a t didn’t care least w arning. cluding K iddle K atydid—knew that about h im ! Mr. N ighthaw k had come. O f course, th ere w ere a few birds ( © b y U r o a a e t & D u n la p ) - 1, mo,h* r « * ve ’ Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it was not long until I was well and strong. Then us later years I developed a severe cough that just seemed to hang on I took tho ‘Discovery’ again and it relieved me of the bronchial trouble and my cough dis­ appeared'*—Mrs. D. A Sanderson, 1528 D S l AU dealers. Tablets or liquid. AjouNeed*! I ^ T o n ic ' A 2 J. HOSTETTER’S CELEBRATED ST O M A C H B IT T E R S I Í ‘T s**** d ?0 ’ ■ t a g o o d co é d it io n I V Beautiful Gretna Garbo ia one of the latest a rriv als from abroad to join the ranks of “movie’’ stars. She is known as the “Swedish Beauty,” and comes to America to make her initial bow in a prom inent screen play. -------- O--------- " W h a t’s in a Nam e?" By M IL D R E D M ARSHALL Fact» about your name. Its history; meaning, whence it was derived sig* Rtftcance; your lucky day. lucky Jewel VERONICA tm i o g U aux) « « * 1 t o kv«i> t h « a 'r e w i o e * * • P o r° r r « o * n , u e , t . h T . e k A l AU O rw « « . n o m r i u oo.. rrm»ui»ua. rrrrMMuuuH FA fa . . uuaiiriU ■ lo jj u lld y o u u p Boschee’s Syrup B AS B E E N Relieving C oughs for 5 9 Years Carry a bottle in your car and always keep It In the house. 30c and 90c at all druggists. KEEP EYES WELL! BATHE TIRED EYES w ith Dr. T h om pson • ■ r e w e te r . V 1';1 IRONICA has full rights to her IN F L A M E D EYES talma as a holy name. It signi­ U s e Dr. T h o m p so n 's M yewater fies “tru e picture" nnd conies from RUB YOUR EYES ? the Latin "verua,” meaning true, and l . ' e Dr. Tbuoipauo'a I m u a i . the Greek word for image. The two BATHE YOUR EYES term s w ere strangely Jum bled to­ U s s Dr. T h o m p so n 's H yew ater. gether by ihe popular tongue In the SAVE YOUR EYES! name of the crucifix nt l.ucca, which Thom pson's EYEWATER " is i a ile d the Veronica and w as H ih I HELPFUL EYE WASH • Holy Face of l.ucca" h.v which oaths UM) U lrrr. Troy, N Y Booklet. D r-. I s a a c T h o m p s o n 's C y s w A ts r were taken. A nother \ eronica is Ihe sam e coun P la id F r o c k f o r S p rin g . tenance upon a piece of linen Ht St. Peter's. The origin being forgotten, son why, for most of her school com­ nt home, in choosing m aterials for ■ For quick, lasting relief from this is called St. Veronica's luindker panions are sure to sm ilingly display home dressm aking let thoughts of Itching and burning, doctors prescribe Thief, ami th e popular legend is that a cunning belt of some so rt th is sea­ pastel colorings guide you. P astel son. a woman who had lent her luindker blendings will especially find expres­ chief Io our Blessed Savior to wipe F ine woolen plaid w as the chosen sion, in such ways, for Instance, as His face during the passage of the medium for the fashionable frock here bordering or piping a lively tone with pictured. T his sam e model could be an o th er com plem entary shade. F o r the “Via Dolorosa" had found llie likeness effectively reproduced in French ging­ p retty dress h ere illu strated old rose Im printed oti It. In a poem on the Synthetic Gasoline ham. T h at Is such a p retty idea of cotton broadcloth is suggested, using “ N o V io len t E x trem e life of Pilate, we a re told th a t the S ynthetic gasoline is being Invented using a solid color for th e revers. the b uttons of lavender tin ted pearl, suffering em porer of Rome, learning In nearly every civilized country In (ha By H . I R V I N G K t N Q E n d u re»’’ ? vestee, cuffs and pocket finishings. th a t a woman nt Jerusalem named world. I he latest contribution Is a new m atching it with wee velvet ribbon. T his model could be exquisitely "V eronlkc" possessed this handker­ fuel Invented by a Norwegian civil en­ P retty pastel harm onies a re accom­ copied In plaid taffeta and a t this plished by using wide borderings of a qp H O M A S CARLYLE, au th o r of this chief which had the power to heal gineer, It is known as “Norsk K raft SYMPATHETIC MAGIC succinct axiom, w as th e son of a tim e of the y ear rem nan ts are picked different shade. T h ere is also every the sick, sent for her and was cured. Olle.” The process under which It la up a t enticing reductions. indication th a t we a re also to enjoy a mason and farm er. H e w as born In Y ° U In this way, Veronica became a ■nude has been patented will find in some districts E cd efech an , D um friesshire, Scotland, The little highland lassie In th e pic­ season of bordered p atterns. Initial saint, though there was a real Saint bear's grease and m uskrat oil tu re Is thrice blest, in th a t her frock showings of spring cottons stress fas­ D ecem ber 4, 1795, and although his ■v b o ’ ts a 'v « Q u ic k ly I t r l l r y c a Veronica who lived near Milan in the e a ls b u rn in g . It c h in g a n d t o r t u r in g Is plaid, boasts a sure-enough leath er cinating 54-inch bordered voiles. T here p aren ts Intended him for a m inisterial highly recom m ended ns sovereign F ifteenth century. The French love • • k m in l h diseases. I t in s t a n t ly stops th e p a in rem edies for bald heads. Also to be b elt w ith a big square buckle, and is economy in th e use of these wide enreer, his propensity to authorship the name and cull It Veroiilque. The or b u rn s . H e a ls w it h o u t scars. 30c a n d crow ning Joy of all, the socks are m aterials, and p a tte rn s are available a t an early age convinced the young used to prevent the h air from falling Scotch, who have an exquisite bine r n ’ r ’ I t y % ,r, d r u g g is t , o r send 30o to “ ' 127 ? Eucl,<1 A vo .. man a t least th a t he w as more fitted out. The explanation Is very sim ple; (lower known ns Veronica, have given j o U h i k k I P e a c r k k ' . I n I I ? . , l e f »C strip ed In accord w ith fashion's latest which call for the m anipulation of the o r a p a c k a g e .— A d v . It Is merely our old friend sym pa­ edict. fo r th e pu rsu it of literatu re. fab ric w ithout underarm seam s. the name national popularity. Although his first literary attem p ts th etic magic In one of his many medi­ F o r school w ear la te r on plaid glng- Cottons for th e Southland Include Ja d e Is V eronica's talisuianlc gem. ' “Know thyself,” says the philoso­ cal guises. T he hair which covers the w ere published In th e Edinburgh "E n­ It will bring her and long long pher. Yes, but who Is to Introduce body of the hear Is long, strong and w" ' l,rlnif " “ r good « health ”■»'»" and cyclopedia,” his career may be said us? th ic k ; the h a ir In the c a t of th e . . T h " rs 'll ,v Is her lucky day and to have begun in the “London Maga­ th ic k ; the h a ir In the coat of the her lucky number. zine" In 1823, when portions of Ills m uskrat Is fine, close set and plenti­ Hope of getting rich keeps down radlrallKm. “Life of Schiller" appeared. This ful. By Ihe magic of contact these hairy qualities a re com m unicated to work In la te r y ears w as treated sep­ arately , and appeured In special form th e grease nnd the oil und by the In 1825—C arlyle’s first success of note magic of tran sferen ce act upon the scanty locks of the man whose hair In th e literary field. falling o u t” or the scanty In- ] Few au th o rs have had th eir works is studied so m inutely as Carlyle, and visible fu r on the pate of the bald- his ease and fluency In w riting have headed man. It Is the phase of sym ­ been seized upon by many as exam­ p ath etic m agic which Sir Jam es ples of th e so rt o f lite ra tu re which F ra s e r calls hom eopathic m agic- like producing like. alw ays will endure. T he mind of prim itive man. blindly Much tim e w as spent on his “H is­ iililiiiillic e d tory of Friedrich th e II of Prussia," groping for solution of the proh'em m t T S a fine day A H ouse Itelec liv called “ Frederick the G reat,” and this of cause and effect, found nothing “ Yes. it's good w e a th e r,” re p lied the production of his pen also was the so satisfying as this hom eopathic largest the em inent au th o r turned out. ; th eo ry —which we call sym pathetic Hotel S tenographer “ I do not k n o w T he last two volum es appeared In magic, hut which to him was n dem­ wlmt we would (Jo w ithout the wea nth 25< and 754 PkjJxSold Lvsrywhere 1865, and although he continued to I on strable science. When It failed to e r mid making puns. T lo -s e arc rhe conversational stiiiiilliys of the stupid »hi.” some extent in his field, th is work In ; work It w as because som ething was reality m arked th e end of a successful i w rong In the formula employed or I “ H u ll? ” asked Ih e H o u s e I let «•five “ W hether it ia cold or w hether I» career. perhaps evil sp irits Interfered with W hile In Scotland C arlyle received w hat, to Mr. Cave-mnn, was a "law Is hot, we have to have w eather w hether or not.” punned tl iclrl word of th e death In London of his o f n atu re.” “T hat alw ays gives original | sm i»ple ( © by M c C lu r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic a t e .) wife, accounting for much o f his later som ething to talk about Like tl In ------------- O ---------- -- seclusion. In his la te r life he was come tux and the parking problem offered a governm ent pension and a U se fu l fo r H ousew ife we have It alw ays with ns EA SES SO R E baronetcy, both of which he declined. A Scandinavian claims to have de­ "It must be wonderful. Kelly, to tall- He died at Chelsea, F eb ru ary 5, 1881. THROAT signed a contrivance that will broad­ about som ething pleasant all the time —W ayne D. McMurray. cast refrigeration (according to the People who work for the oil Industry T a k e a little "V aseline” ( ® b y O e o r g - M a tt h e w A d a m s , Inventor) In exactly the sam e way ns or had factories during the war, can Jelly several times a day present (lay w ireless stations broad­ m ake th eir own w eather, nnd In con and at bedtim e. Taste­ cast music. All that the housewife of sequence can alw ays talk pleasantly less a n d o d o rle s s . th e fu tu re will have to do Is to keep They run down to Miami w h e n e v e r Soothes and heals. W ill her refrig eratio n receiver tim ed to a there Is a blizzard, or up to M ontreal n o t upset you. cen tral sending station.—Mason City when It Is h o t; they go to Arizona Banner-Times. CHESEBROUOH M FO. CO, when they have a wet spell, or out 111 Star« Street New Y o rk the country to get rained on. “Don't think I am critical, Kelly •m s s s s s e e iw » » * * * * » « « » » « » | 1 W eather was Invented a long tim e ago. and It Is one of our grandest In stitu ­ A L IN E O ’ C H E E R tions, hut when I have nothing else to ese w • fat err £ PFTWOt rt'M jFi.uY * J I I talk n bo lit but the w eather, I tune out * By John K endrick B angt J A S w e e t S im p lic ity F ro c k . j nud keep still for a while till a real | bright Idea about love or dressm ak- homelike ") ham Jum per frocks will be q uite th e 1 rayoa mixed crepes with borders * * ’ Ing, scandal or som ething new und In A V A L E N T I N E * thing. These are so easily m ade at J blocked in tap estry effect carried out 1 lerestlng comes to my mind. reasonable ] home, nnd the gingham s now on dis- j In light and deeper pastel tones. Hand- I used to know a John who never T F R E I N O l o v . r o f kind play a re so very attractive. Why not j blocked linpn showing colorful O ur expert doctors and surgeons, W i l l p u t m e If. I __ talked anything hut the w eather He m ake two blouses to the onp plaited 1 Chinese patterning is among the sea- excellent food, and quiet surroundings W h y — I f y ou fo u lly do n o t was so stupid the dentist w as afraid bring you real health. sk irt? Sleeves and collars soil so ens- ' son's novelties. m in d — to give him gas, hecauae he couldn't 1055 PINE ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. I ' l l be y o u r V a le n tin e ; Ily and economy suggests several , It Is said th at considerable Ince will tell when he becam e unconscious. A n d I f p e r c h s iK * In e o r ro w yo u w aists as a sim ple solving of the prob- , he used on simple daytim e wash 'T b a t's pretty hard on us both A r e g r o p in g on th is d a y , lem. dresses. T he ochre tinted lace Is most U r frie n d leg H plod In g r ip o f run a in 't It?” asked Kelly. Som e d a r k , u n lo v e ly , w a y , S tripes a re also greatly featured ] popular. G irlish collars and deep cuffs, “C ar W i t h a ll m y h e a r t 1 rn w i t h y ou. th is season. One can buy nowadays together with Jabots of ochre lace are “ Y eah," refilled K elly, "yon nln’t Quickly rated F r ie n d . such clever striped sateen or c o tto n 1 ■endered ~J ’ even a g reater * attraetlveneee “ S h a r i n g y o u r a o r ry lo t, heen doing nothing for the last fen __ with Multe- A n d w i ll be to th e v e ry end broadcloth. T he striped blouse with bv the nddltlon of tlnv ribbon bows rol». Ita oil of m inutes hut talk about the w eather.' E 'e n th o u g h y o u see me not. "••»•rJ een e- JULIA B O T T oM L K I sk irt In solid color bespeaks a favored and ties. “Gn your way,” cried the girl. ”1 • © by M e l'le r e N e w s p a p e r H p n d tcare ) trafM.gMfkMandl n o ' mode, t e e lg . A p p ly vtb am a busy woman.” by W eaters Mowapapor U aloa.) 't i a, by McClure Bowipapar S m llo a ia .i I •« •« < * * • , lim o SAID IRRITATING RASHES Resinol «THE W HYo/ SUPERSTITIONS Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Vaseline MORTON | I HOSPITAL Sore Throat! H öster OIE ( t o p y n a b i by i b a M a N a o a b t S y a d le a t a , I m i