I fU Ï J , i ’ H PAO B S RURAL ENTRER ISE Pbe Courtesy Shop — Millinery i ,y^íbany-£7)irectory ^and ready-to-wear novelties “ Exclusive but not expensive.’’ 117 Broadalbin, J. B. EASTMAN C ut T r a v e l C o st D. F. HOLTMAN —yet go more often, travel farther, than ever before. Go by train. Save in many important ways by doing so. Low roundtrip fares secure surprising value for your travel funds. Figure your expense in driving your own car against tne cost by train. The saving in train travel will amaxe you. So save the car for pleasure purposes. Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re­ sponsibility ends when you board the train. Thus ride in entire comfort, with a chance to relax and rest and plan your activity at your destination. N o matter where you plan to go, Southern Pacific and its connections can take you, com­ fortably and economically. Any Southern Pa­ cific agent will gladly aid in planning your trip. Rely upon them for complete, accurate travel inform ation. U baldo Anderson 4 Son. dislrib- Tbu is goo2.50 each for not obtaining their 1926 lovers of good sweets and judges dians. The appropriation would be re­ licenses before January 10 It was an at lowest rate of interest Mrs. Brock h*« rented ber farm. of confectioaery excellence. Tr y imbursed out of tribal funds nounced by Will Moore, state real es- POKD SALKS AND SERVICE • Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash : h il l & c o . Meade & Albro a • J • S Ask Better Speed in Shipping Lambs All Over Oregon I I H A LSEY S T A T E BA N K Halsey, Oregon »ARAGON C A FE $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 F A R M LOANS FARM LOANS eal Estate Inaurane« rompi service. Courteous treatment. The annual convention of the Ore- M B ain , Boom 5, First Savings Bank igon Beekeepers’ association was held bui I n i ng, Albany | la The Dalles Lloyd T. Reynolds of Salem was I elected president of the Marlon Coun | ty Community Federation. L ’ You get Mrs Elisabeth Lyons of Springfield ¡celebrated her 99th birthday at her | home In th it city Monday. 1 We have David W. James. 14. committed sul 1 ride at Roseburg by shooting himself 1 through the head with a rifle The State HoUtaln-Frleslan associa F R E N C H 8 c SO N tlon will hold Its annual meeting at 1 Oregon City Saturday. January 30 Jeweleri, Optician«, Albany .Mrs WlUlaa BeU sold her 109 sers I »J (| », • .. ) The GIRL [T he DIAM OND' them once end M if we eXa ggerate the perfection of these goods. A R R O W G A R A G E, Gansle Bros. Clark’s Confectionery authorized ught - testing station ••»••a Any Càiri in Trouble may communicate with Ensign Lee of .he Salvation Army st the : White Shield Home, MS Mayfair avenue. Portland, Oregon. R e f le c to rs a n d le n s e s lo r n e a r ly a ll in a c a rs . E r e c o n d itio n all m a k e s of J I I $•••••••«••••*— •«••••••••••••••••••••• il >•••••••• 9 The wisest girls keep out of trouble 6 « » « W el b C a r s a n d M o to r »