Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 27, 1926, Image 1

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A g rc u ltu re
H o rtc u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County I^and
JAN. 37.
Halsey Happenings
and County Events
Doings of Our Populace
Chronicled in Briet
Ed Jew ett ba* gone to the
fellows’ home in P ortland.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross
were Eugene visitors Monday.
Mr. C fippen, who it stocking up
with sheep, has bought 40 tine
Shropshire» from W- R- K irk.
Mr»- Jennie G reath o u eso f Craw ,
fordsville pleaded guiltv of moon-
shining and is In jail a t Albany in
default of $850 fine.
S m allpox is increasing in the
county. In A lbany 120 cases were
reported M ondav, agninst 20 the
week before.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark
are detained from moving to
Brownsville by the serious ill­
ness of their daughter Betty.
To avoid a collision with the
car of B. M. Miller Sunday,
Mrs. May Smith ran her car
into the ditch in front of the
council room. No one was
hurt and no damage done. Mr.
Gansle came with the neces­
sary equipment and pulled the
car back to the highway.
T. Shulle, arrested at Crab­
tree for being drunk Saturday
night, pleaded guilty and paid
$50 fine. J. W. Kinzer, ar­
rested at the same time, is out
on $800 bonds on charge of
having liquor in possession.
Linn Bartley was arrested with
them but got away.
Esther S. Preyor Porter was
boro jn Illinois, November 20,
1841, and died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Harry
Park, near Brownsville, on
January 14, 1926. Deceased
was married on May 2, 1861,
to Nathaniel Porter. She is
survived by her daughter, Mrs.
Addie Park of Brownsville,
and two grandchildren and
one great grandchild at Para­
dise, Kans. The remains were
shipped to Beloft, Kans., Mon­
day, accompanied by Mrs.
Park. Funeral services were
held at the Park home on Sun­
day afternoon at 2:30, conduc­
ted by her old pastor, Rev. Mr.
Myers, of Eugene. — Browns­
ville Times.
Mrs. Bradford Moss was an
applicant for membership at
the M. E. church Sunday morn­
A. A. Barber is working out
at Mrs. Will Brock’s.
Miss Ruth Frum was a
Brownsville visitor Sunday.
William Corcoran of O. A.
C. spent the week end at home.
Prof. Lyman Patton has in­
stalled a new radio at his
- .
Mrs. Irma Shotwell spent
the week end at her home in
Ida Mitzner spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Mitzner.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardner
and Mrs. Arthur Wesley were
in Harrisburg Thursday.
Mrs. Inez Freeland spent
Sunday in Shedd with her
friend, Mrs. Ellsworth Shedd.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller
and daughter Gardie spent
Sunday with Miss Beulah Mill­
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McClure
of Sweet Home visited their
aunt, Mrs. Nora Coleman, Sat­
Mrs. Lillie Nixon came over
from Peoria Friday to attend
the funeral of her uncle, Milt­
on Bond.
Miss Cecil Mayberry of Eu­
gene spent the week end with
her friends, Misses Elsie and
Lillian Reynolds.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland
and H. C. Davis and sisters,
Mesdames Shedd and Turner,
were Albany visitors Thurs­
Mrs. Ella Crewes of Peoria
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Crewes is Mr. Clingman’s
Saturday was Mrs. David
Foote’s sixty-seventh birthday
and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote
of Creswell came down to help
her celebrate.
Eldon Cross and wife took
George back to high school at
Corvallis and visited the moth­
er of the Crosses, Mrs. E. A.
P. La Follette.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross.
Mrs. Edward Kizer and Mrs.
Nora Coleman were entertain­
ed at a six-o’clock dinner by
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Patton
Sunday evening.
< E n te rp ris e Correspondence)
Esther Seefeld was on
sick list last week.
Lloyd Steioke «pent Saturday
12 OOO
---------------- " "
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„ 0 5 5 .—
w a s n ìs
auto «
* » ’» * » a ^ utv co
1KLE railroad tragedies and stre e t car accidents in the I nited States
have gradually been dim inishing In the last ten years, the annual toll
exacted by autom obile casualties Is steadily mounting, says the Stew art-
W arner Safety Council for th e prevention of autom obile accldeuts. Kail road
accidents have been cut more th an one-third, or from 12,520 In 1013 to 8,078
In 1923 the latest governm ent figures nvallab'e. S treet car fatalities alao
have been cut down one-third or from 3,080 In 1913 to 2.00« ten years later.
Automobile deaths, on th e o th er hand, have increased over five-fold.
Against the 3,822 d eath s In 1913 we have 16,452 In 1923, and the score Is
growing ench year.
Care, more care nnd still m ore care, is the solution of this national
problem. The pedestrian m ust be alw ays on th e ale rt and as spry as a kan­
garoo, If he is to keep out of harm ’s way, and th e driver for Ills purt must
never relax his vigilance for a moment when hum an lives ure at his mercy.
with Charlie Bierly.
Chris Falk spent Saturday
at C. L. Falk jr.’s.
Mrs. Edith Gillette called at
Cecil Bilyeu’s Friday after­
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Temple­
ton were ill with la grip last
Carl Seefeld and family
spent Sunday at Henry See-
Mrs. E. E. Carey and child­
ren spent Tuesday with Mrs.
Alice Jones.
Rawleigh Falk was absent
from school last week on ac­
count of illness.
Mrs. Mary Bierly and son
Hiram called at
Pence’s Saturday.
to o rd e r,
groceries !
A triangle debate was held
Friday evening between Hal­
sey, Albany and Corvallis. The
debate here was at the M. E.
church with Prof. Patton as
Thomas Palmer
and Currin Miller were on the
negative side of the question—
’Resolved that the child labor
amendment should be adopt­
Robert Dubriest and
Lawrence Francis of Corvallis
were on the affirmative. The
judges were A. A. 'fussing,
Prof. A. 11. Weber of Harris­
burg and Prof. Burkdolt of
Corvallis. The decision was
in favor of Corvallis. Dr.
Francis and D. H. Sturtevant
were timekeepers.
Misses Georgina Clark and
Elsie Remolds i took the affiutr-
itiVe side of the question in
.he debate at Albany. Mr.
Jaker of Albany college was
chairman while Rev. Rex. Dal*
as, Rev. Mr. Tucker and Mr.
Sox acted as judges«
Preceding the debate Miss
Helen Thompson played a
piano solo and Miss Jean Engle
jlayed a saxaphojie solo after
t with Miss Braden at the
On the Albany debating
cam were Paul Breneman and
John Buchanan. '
Inez Merritt had a little
>arty in the playrqom Friday
tfter school in honbr of her
jirthday. Games were played
tnd there was popcorn for all.
The Halsey basketball team
leleated the Harrisburg team
18 to 13 Saturday night. The
Halsey boys ot the seventh
uid eighth grades played Har­
risburg’s second team also and
were defeated 20 to 6.
A. C. Heyman, formerly
ounty agricultural
fave thrift talks to the Tan-
;ent and Shedd schools Thurs-
iay lorenoon and to the H al­
ley schools in the afternoon,
fen rules for thrift were giv-'
.•n by him: Work and earn;
make a budget; record expen­
ditures; have a bank account;
arry life insurance; own your
home; invest in safe securities;
pay bills promptly; make a
will, and share with others.
Charles Munger was absent
from school Monday.
Janitor Forster invited the
pupils of Mrs. Kizor’s room to
i popcorn feed in the base­
ment Tuesday as a re.ward for
leaning their room so nidply
last week.
Lula and Ida McNeil and
Irene Parker have all been ab-
lent from school on account
of illness.
Kenneth Van Nice attended
a party given at the Methodist
ichurch Wednesday evening.
A. L. Falk i and Albert
¡West called at Byron Gage’s
D runken drivers are to blam e fo ' more th a n half these acci- Sunday evening. Mrs. Gage is
de if. D o vou w aut to double and treble the awful toll by m ak ­ quite ill.
ing th e Volsteud act less stric t?
Clarence Gillette*and fam­
ily visited Mrs. Gillette’s par­
V i s i t T illam ook D airies j At tt Rive Old Ago
ents, W. A. Careys, at Salem
M. B. H arding, H. L. S traley,
C urtis V eatch an d J. H. V annice Thursday Milton Bond closed
Grace Kirk, who teaches
inspected T illam ook county cheese his eyes for the last time at school near Albany, spent the
factories and dairies last week and tne home of his sister, Mrs. week end at the home of her
came home p re tty well satisfied Hannah Cummings, where he Barents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R
with Linn c o u n ty as a d a iry had resided for a decade and | Kirk.
region. Mr. H arding bought two a half.
Sunday dinner guests at R.
Bierly’s were Mr. and Mrs.
calves in the T illam ook co u ntry
Mr. Bond spent his youth
last year and is so well pleased cn a farm near Corvallis. Ar­ D. F. Burge of Albany and Ar­
with them th a t he may get more. riving at. manhood he crossed thur Waggener and family.
Presumably there was a big
M uch of onr soil huge is so the Cascades and for about
chicken dinner.
clayey and heavy th a t pasturing it forty years followed the trade
when wet would ru in it. In T il­
Halsey before harness and sad­
lamook county there is m uch lig h t
Alford Arrows
and porous soil w hich is p a stu re d dle shops were superseded by
the year around. They im p o rt garages and followed his trade
(By an Euterpriaa Reporter)
bay and grain for th e ir herds and here.
For the past few years he
E. D. Isom attended a church
hold good p a stu te land at about
11000 an acre. L inn county s e lls ' had been feeble, yet it is not meeting in Lebanon Monday
much hay and g ra in —too m uch. very long since he could be night.
In some places stock feeding is seen down town occasionally,
Frank Williams spent Sun­
thought good policy th o ught the cn foot or driving a horse with
at the home of his nephew
receipts barely pay expenses. The
profit is in the m ru u re which ' at his death.
and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck
Mr. Bond never married. O.
builds np the soil.
R. Bond of Halsey was his were Sunday evening callers at
brother, as was Silas Bond of Ingram’s.
J. I) Rode has sold his 124-acre
Port Orford, who recently
Mr. and Mrs. John Kropf
farm to C. 3 tc h a ta s and wife t f spent a week with him.
and children were Sunday vis
(Continned on page 8)
Rev. Robert Parker officiat­ itors at Frank Kropf’s.
C arl, son of A. F. A lbertson of ed at the funeral, Friday, at
Mrs. Michael Rickard is
Halsey, is a t O. A. C- The first the Pine Grove church, and
two years he will receive instruction interment w’as in the cemetery visiting her daughter, Mrs.
in arop production, livestock m a n ­ there. Delbert Starr of Browns­ Guy Roberts, at Toledo.
agem ent, soil fe rtility and th e like. ville was the funeral director.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Cur­
His last two years w ill be spent io
tis and son Morvis called at
spcializing in some phase such as
J. H. Sawyer of Los Angeles Brian Perry’s one day last
dairying, crop production, soils,
two carloads of Linn week.
Lake Creek Locals
vegetable gardening or landscape
cows to the
Alton Rice, age 21, a rest
(Enterprise Correapondent)
southern city Monday. He dent of Harrisburg, was bur­
Those who attended M orning says 2000 cows a month are
Albert Heinrich was a Cor­
Star grange from C h a rrty grange needed at Los Angeles because
vallis \isitor Thursday.
S aturday were Mr, and M rs.
Lulu McNeil has been quite
Chancy Sickels, Mr. and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs.' J. A. Comely
H erm an Steinke, Mr. and Mrs.
went to Eugene Saturday, ill with a bilious attack.
F rancis Kizer, M rs. G race Kizer
bringing»their daughters Jose­
L. E. Eagy and family were
and daughter
V irginia,
phine and Anna home for a Corvallis visitors Thursday.
Ella Long and V ad u ra Kizer.
week end visit. \
The Farmers' Union met at
Mr. Sickels installed the officers,
Airs. Ethel Poole and son the school house Thursday ev­
Mesdames G race and M aud and
Miss V adura Kizer assisting.
Curtis, Mrs. Alicel Allen and ening.
Ethel and Seymour,
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. CMand-
Seeing is believing. Many tots
William Curtis of ler were Corvallis callers Fri­
in P o rtlan d feel c o n firm ’d in their
Lebanon visited a t Chester day afternoon.
belief in S anta C laus since they
Curtis’ Sunday.
saw th e re in d te r team on the
Mrs. J. A. Johnson and
GROCERIES • streets. Do you believe iu a red
Of more than 20 90 dogs sub­ daughters were Albany callers
GROCERIES® hot deyii? An im pression of a
ject to license in this county Friday afternoon.
bare left foot in front of the post-
only anout 300 license fees
S unday School, 10.
Miss Iona Albertson and
looks as if 'h e had hot-footed
Morning worship, 11.
have been paid »•> this y~ar. Ruth
McNeil spent the week
alter Ins m ail. B ut it w as not a
Senior and Ju nior C b riatiau E n ­ Dogs kill a good r nany sheep,
cloven hoof.
Ingrama Island.
deavor, 6;30.
and •he.,n ate val liable these
It got out last week. There­ Preaching, 7:30.
Misses Grace Pehrsson and
days. The county needs the
P raayer-m eeting and choir prac­ license money for t he payment Agnes Chandler were
fore the Rebekahs gave Ruth
Frum a shower of up-to-date tice F rid a y , 7 :80.
of damages.
E very
man from Monmouth for the week
Clifford L. C arey, pastor.
kitchenware, which they be­
thinks hia dog is i nnocent, but end.
lieve she will soon need. The gif s
somebody’s dog is guilty. Any
A. F. Albertson and family
were presented in a clothes basket M. E. Church
way, the man w ho does not attended the revival services
under the guise of a fam ily
R obert P arker p asto r.
get a license for a dog he at Ingram island Saturday ev­
wasihg brought home.
Sunday acbool, 10-
keeps is guilty. Pay up and
Preaching, 11.
save cost and, perhaps, your ening.
S. Crippen and family have
Junior League, 3.
W. D. Allingham of Port­
goods '^
moved into the Chance house,
land was in thia v idnitjrfiat-
I next the telephone office. He E pw orth league, 6:30.
J. W. Hartm .an, stage driv­ urday. The barn on his farm
Preaching. 7 :30,
has not got as many sheep as
P ravef-m cetina, T h u rsd a y , 7:30. er, was fined f ,20 for speeding was completed Wednesday. „
he wants and is advertising
in Albany la st, week.
Bible S tu ly Tuesday, 2.
for more.
I Happenings in
Public Schools
Kirk Kinks
Auto Tragedies Increase as
Other Travel Is Made Safer
D a ir y
P o u ltry
‘W o o l
• *