H g « i lüRAL BS’flRPKÎSa ’ ’ Avast, m atey ” — Set you •ourse to •••> L e o n E r r o l and D o ro th y G ish in “ CLOTHES MAKE THE PIRATE ” were visitors at A lbany Wed- '/ ^ T1 I ! L TT nesday. Gas 1 ax U pheld J. J. Corcoran does the ce- J by W olverton ir.ent work a t the new Alling- ’ ham barn. Portland. Or.—Federal Judge Wol- Mesdamea Will P o rter and ’erton upheld the validity of the Nick Kennedy of Shedd visited net«’« gasoline u i for auto users Mrs. T. I. M arks Thursday. , * hen he dismissed the suit of the ,, ■ “ kT _ , ’ , Portland-Seattle Auto Freight Co. and JAN. 2», IK i E ff e c t iv e J a n , 1. M o rth b o u n d S ta g e » Leave Halsey 9:13 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. S o u th b o u n d S ta g e s Leave Halsey 11 Oi a u . and 4:03 9. m t r e e towage w ith in hve miles of H alsey, rem em b er 16x5. I ’ll be there. L ig h t A C E T Y L I N E W E L D IN G I f you tieed me ju s t The northbound stages both go direct!. into Portland. 1 7 The morning southbound stage roes straigtt through to Kosebnrg and make, connections that day for all points south of Roseburg Medford. Aahlknd g /»,,. Past, Klamath Falls. Marshfield * Bd Coquille. The afternoon southbound stage make, connection for points tbis side of Rose- bnrg, with a night stopover si Ro,eburr _________ _____ for all points out of there. ‘ i? ra . °^eman a n d '» long Hat of other truck firme which and fender brazing d au g h ter Ernestine spent Sun- [,«, t>e«n brought against Secretary of io ye goode syile s p littin g come­ done here. R R A PMAN. day a t L. H. A rm strong's. die of ye bold buccaneer State Koier. alleging that the J cent Ain». A dda Ringo an a ila rry ' ax la illegal and In violation of the ( ’Tie rum ored this story gave the ocean its ro ar) -uaooit drove to vo ltag e u to v c aderal constitution. alnce It apparent- ouuuay to atieu u a u n til day y Interferes with interstate shipments A lfo rd A rro w s COMING SUMMONS ceieut auon lo r A in. itingo s if goods. In the salt, the track operators asi- N e x t S a n .— M o n .— Tues. .a bier. Ml the return of » 4 oee.oeo which they Ja n . 34— 25 — 26 (By an Enterprise Reporter) A t F riday's m eeting of the «Id had been collected Illegally Orego W. r . m . a. oi uie t . Albany hrwugh the gas tax. G LO BE Miss Lillie R ickard s p e n t' ¡»y. D e p t . 2 . nurcn, Aivsuames s. J. ¿until, The truck men maintained that the week end at.hom e. A. G. W aggener and E. A. j Halsey Railroad Time •*. Ai, Aimer, B. ai . B ouu and W aggener his wife, ___ rhea the state levied a gas ta x ap- Halsey Happenings North W arren Isom and fam ily 8outh »V. P. VV ahi reviewed ttle ¡»lying the proceeds to the constrnc- P laintiffs, 12, 3:24 a. m. were Sunday guests a t E. D. (Continued from page 1) 17-, 12:09 p. m. loa and repair of rural poet highways, vs. year s work. Owing to grip 5:15 a. m. 16. 15, 12;45 p. m. Isom ’s. Agnes S truthers, unm arried; 18, 8:16 a. m. and colds the attendance was , dong with the reducing of bonded in- George M axwell is home. 33, 8:12 p. m. flag lebtednese on such roads, then the , — 4.O0 p. m. 3», Lee Ingram and fam ily spent J. E. W aggener, unm arried; 31, 1:34 p. m. flag Little Paul P arker is among light. Next m eeting with Mrs. itate violated the federal laws which Sunday evening at ----- _ _John Lyman W. Patton. the grip patients. irohiblt the taking of tolls on such Rolfe’s. ~ idson, h er husband ; E. I. W ag- « «outh of Eugene, gener and Lydia W aggener, I ' d,rect conBDCtl*n ior Marshfield W e presum e that, no m atter weds. R oberta Vannice has been Mr. and Mrs. Levi H ostettler to P°in t«- how many copies of last Sat­ "The state could jnst as well have on the sick list. and a j I Passengers for siuth of Eugene should visited a t . « F - ran k K ro p f’s Sun- his w ife; Veda Roush an luw tvw m at tuc m uuej »UOUIG go 10 --- — — lirected that the money should go to urday’s Albany D em ocrat-H er­ • -A • I take train No. 17. G eorge Roush, h e r h u s b a n d ; Rev. Robert P ark er and wife ald may have been left over, he state treasury for use for general day afternoon. atage G eorge H. W aggener a n d , Halsey-hrownSville ., ----- leaves Hal- both have the flu. none are for sale. Mr. Alex­ •urposes.” said Judge Wolverton. “If Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peterson P auline W aggener. his w ife ; sey at 7 a. m a n d 12:15 and 8:1» p. m. been done, there could not m. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell is doing a n d e r’s scholarly editorial for his had , . oyvnt in hursday u ia u d ) eve ill II if of last O scar P. W ag g en er and M ar- 3 35 and 8:45 P. m. spent T evening been the remotest Inference that week a t C hester C urtis’ some work in Portland. th a t p ap er was linotyped by a lave g a re t W aggener, his w ife ; El- he U x was a toll upon the privilege v n e ste r VUrtlS . L. E. Gormley of Springfield traveling printer whom the if using the highways for automo- Ruth and Elsie K ropf were ' ira " • H al] and Ge0- R - H all, Qu,00:nn ditors would like to interview absent from school w ith severe h er hu sb an d ; Irw in G. W ag- 90109 Mai1 visited relatives a t Halsey over lUes." . I £_ , , O'nriot' nnd \ f n k „ l lit.- ____ __ I A A t a a the w w s with a club, for he inserted be­ the week end. H a ls ey FU„ postoffice OU1C( m ails colds fo r several d a y » this &ener and M abel W aggener, . .........- tween the lines of wisdom a [his w ife; Virgil E. W aggener close going north at 11:50 a Œ. week and last. the obstruction of B arrett couple of his own which the M cCam ant is and Lois W aggener, his w ife; »nd 5:20p. m. Bros.’ property by the south pap er apologetically explains Mrs. W allace H aw k and G eorge E. W aggoner and I Going south, 11:10 a. m. and approach to the Albany bridge were published unw ittingly, tO DC Heard -^rs- Clover of Springfield K atherine W aggoner, his w ife; p. m. ____ spent W ednesday and Thurs- Jessie Allen, u n m arrie d ; Min- “ decidedly unprint­ Mrs ,O. W. Frum and though T o " B row n sville, 6:20 a. m. and r - Consideration day of ,ast L fie week w ith th e ir nie L. Lilly and F ran k Liiiy, 1 M o r n i n g stag# to Browns- daughter Ruth and Mrs. E. E. able.” Obviously, we cannot Washington. D. C J n g ra m „ - ____ m s- Gormley and m other, Mrs. reproduce them . er h hu u ra n ----- - raw by the senate judiciary committee of h h er u s s b b a a n n d d • ; L L a aura B. G atch- I v ilj» goes »” • on 10 to v C ra w fo rd s v ille , Frank Gray, drove to Albany the nomination of Wallace McCamant j Mrs. A rth u r Leighton and eH and L. W. G atchell (here-1 Holley »“J Sweet Home, Friday. to the ninth federal circuit court bench two children of Brownsville tofore im pleaded by nam e of W a n n ed Over awaits the return to the senate of afe spending some tim e with A. A. G atchell) h e r h uusuattu; Mr. Eldon Cross u sb an d ; Mrs. Clara Esson spoke at . 7 and “ Mrs. ^ iuuu vross These niae p aragraphs, re ad y A lbany S aturday, the Christian church Sunday- (or the press, were o m itted lusl Chairman Cummins, who has a slight Mis. L eighton’s m other, Mrs. H arry B. W aggoner and M a r-Im otored attack of bronchitis. R. E. Brock, while h er husband g a re t W aggoner, his w ife ; morning and afternoon. She •seek lor lack of room. Senator McNary, republican, Ore­ has gone to C alifornia, hoping W alter R. W aggoner and Am y 3 W . of was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W aggoner, his w ife; O rville r- W illam ette M eridian in H. L. Straley and fam ily gon, said he had telegraphed the judge to get relief from asthm a. Will Robertson. to hold himself In readiness to come •vere in A lbany S aturday. V. W aggoner, . unm O re regon, eontain- u n m arried arrie d ; • U nn G°u nty. y’ yu &on. contain- Jan. 22 is the date set for here for a hearing before the commit- — m o v v a m was w as c a n - Orval C. W aggoner Mrs. Joe v Cersovski call- and Mar-1 1 — 4° a c re -- s; ’ kh.a t the defend- ___ ¿tilli a A “ I - - — w aav. Mrs. Irm a Shotw ell spent tee, the hearing in the suprem e and that the hearing win be ar- ed to iv P ortland Sunday to be g a re t W aggoner, his w ife; --- --- ----v-v. iu a u u ounuay iu ue Gn ° i? ,e H - W aggener, Ihe week end in Salem. court of th e appeal from the ranged as soon as Senator Cummins a t th ? bedside of h er m other, Alisa L. Thomson and H enry u ^ r TPl W aggener, E lvira W. perm anent injunction Judge Mrs. Lewis H eitzm an, who is B. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey is well Thomson, W a g g en e er r find t>. tnom son, h e r husband ; | vg .1’ i 7 vvayi?en and McMahan issued to restrain spent th e week end a t W. L. The nomination was sent back to seriously ill Little ? nna Daniel S. W aggoner, unm ar- X,lrgH K W aggener a re each Ihe committee by the senate after Theresa accom panied h er rie ow ner Paul Dorm itzer of Portland W ells’. ried d ; ; M artraret arg aret E E. W aggoner, I tne ZÍÍ-Oy,n er ot of an 1. undivided one- Senator Johnson, republican, Califor­ m other, so is absent from u un m arried ; G eorge Roberts ; I p ? rt 1 *“ 11 fee 01 of saia said is out of two Albany jails on n m arried ; u e o rg e R o b e rts• K ”' nia. had led a determined fight against Miss Julia Severs of Albany three appeal bonds on booze spent the week with h er friend the nominee on the ground that In school. th e unknow n heirs if any of | d efen d an ts ? said a id G pn rora P n k n v in if he be I vn°r ^ e o r f g f e e . T E. W c z iz n n p r Tnooi-» charges. He pleaded guilty of Miss Ruth Frum . George Roberts W a aggoner, Jessie 1920 he violated his pledge to the vot­ profanity and paid $10 for deceased; Ilis R oberts; the "Ilonie L - W , L aura ers of Oregon to vote for the candidate Inheritance T ax that. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore (or the presidential nomination who unknow n heirs if any of said G a7:hw ’ H a rry B. W aggon Repeal Advised Ilis Roberts if he be deceased ; er and W a lte r R. W aggoner The illness of Hugh Leeper uid children of A storia ar? won out In the Oregon primary. visiting the la tte r's sister, Miss are each the ow ner 01 of an an un’ un- H attie Thom in o m p pson so n ; ; the the un- S called his daughter, Mis. L. Washington. D. C.— Senate republi­ known heirs if any of said 7 , ° r« -f,ftysixth p a rt in W. Byerley of W aterville, and Fleet» Livick. HUGE PROJECT IS PLANNED lin attie t - t in Thom pson if she 1 . be de­ . 1 IPG ld r re nn .» e fee n of f «O said a lk lty ., ; . al th a - t A th cans and democrats on the finance H husband, and Mrs. Alvin Leep­ Mrs. R. B. K enoyer is back Washington Grant* Water Rights for committee compromised their differ­ c e --— a s e d , ; C harley iv R u oberts; u e rts ; the defen A d an ts ; Orvai 4,, * C. W aggon- er of Monroe to Halsey W ed­ 10m a visit in Corvallis with ences on tax reduction and ordered by unknow n heirs if any of said c ’, , , 1 sa L' T h°m son, Daniel 100,000-Horeepower Plant. nesday. I h ü f ln t r . I O. ŸV 5Ì (Zornrt O»« ___ . — d a tiv e s and is again a t the Olympia, Wash.— W ater power and unanimous vote a report of the bouse C harley Roberts if he be de­ i»- W aggoner and M argaret E Phyllis and Buddy Holt have mnie of her brother, George pulp and paper mill development, ex revenue bill to the eenate with con­ ceased ; the unknow n heirs if W aggoner are each the ow ner siderable modifications. been seriously ill with bron­ Starr. an undivided one- any of Susan Roberts T row ­ of pected to cost »18.000.000, was fore­ The committee voted to change the bridge deceased; and gen eral­ two chial pneumonia at the home hundred and tw en­ cast when R. K. Tiffany, state super­ The all-day m eeting of the of their g randparents, Mr. and p a rt in fee visor of hydraulics, granted temporary surtax schedules on incomes between ly all persons unknow n having ty-fourth W. F. M. S. at Mrs. L. C. M er­ »24.000 and »65,000, but did not ac­ Mrs. A. J. Hill. Mis. Hill was ria m s F riday was postponed water rights on the Cowlitz river In cept as great reductions on those sums c r claim ing an in terest or es­ k i a a,d ^ Ity: and th »t they also ill for several days. southwest Washington to the Barbus ta te in the p ro p erty in this hold said land as ten an ts in m account of th e death of Mr. as advocated In the democratic plan. Brooks company of Minneapolis. suit, D efendants. common subject to the rig h t A compromise schedule was adopted ¿Miss F leets Livick’s niece, Wealey. The Backus-Brooks company pro­ of dow er and of curtesy of To A gnes S truthers, Veda between the democratic proposal and Virginia Moore, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Will A braham poses to develop approximately 100,- the their respective spouses; Sec­ Roush, George Roush h er hus­ house bill. living with her aunt, was ope and son Carl were in Halsey 000 horsepower of electricity, to be disputes as as t< to band, George E. W aggoner ond, th a t all utspuies Inheritance provisions of the pres­ v lu’ • w affgoner, , rated upon for appendicitis at Saturday. They brought th eir used in connection with a projected K a th e n n e W aggoner his wife, I " , ,of said. realty be ad ju d i- Albany last week Tuesday. little son to the doctor, as h,> pulp and paper mill and Insulite fac ent bill were stricken out by the com­ « r 'L e V< W aggoner, Orval C. | ta te d this cause, and th a t mittee by a vote of 15 to 1, Senator tory. Reports of her condition are uad been ill. . ----- iu One °.{ ° th e r parties to favorable. O. R. Blrkland. personal represents King, democrat, Utah, dissenting. SUI*, ^ ave any interest in Besides voting to repeal future lev­ er his wife, Ailsa L. Thomson, Mrs. Inez Freeland had re ­ tlve of E W. Backus, president of the Miss M ildred Brock su ffe r­ cent news of the arrival of a Minneapolis firm, announced tha- en ies on Inheritances, the committee de­ H enry B. Thomson her hus- Said re a lty - Third, fo r a de- and P lo n in l c . . I | ctpp Daniel S. n W r aggoner’ cref fn to. the effect 't a. h a t * said ed the severe injury of a leg new grandson a t the home of glneertng on the site of the o wer creased the maximum tax from 40 per h band. M argaret E .W aggoner, George realty is so situated th a t par- 25 per cent on outstanding In in an autom obile accident near Mr. and Mrs. M erritt, n ear project would be completed w :hin siz ' cent to *° ” P* r CPDt ° ° ou'« '» ndl^ '» or elaht m onth. atw,,» two . year. ...___ «“ ¡"‘ » “ " ents the Lake Creek church. H er Prineville. Roberts, the unknow heirs if i , tltlon ; cannot be m ade w itnout ithout M .iiv iiu w n ii n e ir s n or eight month. About “ T“ ': on Inheritance taxes levied fln co id George ___ rt Roberts . . “ if Itfrpat sister, Mrs, M arie Lowery of any v n of f said g n \a t Prejudice A. to a* the ow ners dll be required for the conetru tlon ) Oregon City, with her child- he be deceased; in Ilis s Roberts, Roberts, P " T «PPotnting disinterest- of the project, he said tk , n p -F F v tu u n j t a a ------- aisinterest- Langley Enters Prison. ' r' l° tb' G0Od,n‘ bUL tc '’ M C harley Roberts if he be de- the r ^ « i n d e r be by said th ref- ’he co-m - t l e T l n “ d ,bOrt h,aJ Pr° Ttllon am ong the the committee that he wonld r- tire commerce net w „ »«preened to censed; the unknow n heirs if cree distributed brid ° f / usan Koberta T ^ J Î H ' æ - according to th e ir £ 'rom public ¡tfe at the esd of bis ; re» T h e Good E a ts , j 1 Oregon Stages Inc. R e s ta u ra n t I-A N G W O O I) SAVES FUEL LASTS LONGER LOOKS BETTER PRICES RIGHT BARTCHER F U R N IT U R E C O M PA N Y ALBANY lin in g room and kitchen fo r rent S«“ p ro prietor for fu rth e r m fo r CUT FLOWERS S HFPT A M l I l T ¡M c i r l SHE! Flonl «od Mn»K Shop Albany Rod C e d a r kffrvewHwre B c.-d Budget Denoyrc« l. r k:c«OO. banker farmer nf Quincy, HL P o sts Pey OeWe Piro». Oree«. iwVeemee Waehiurtoa. D. C— Crewe, wa, *4. by the A m e ric a (o verameat Mr I i’ " V u c k ° * ° K». .See kat ao »xtoaeioa of • I II bee »r« M r . L a u b n .r, h .I mv . Or w „ t e «redit will be made and that tk.e goe- •mtaeat experta O re » « t» fojn w N . O. Itaec .cn ,. O o ld ^ n O r» M ade from o ld .g ro w tb c e .j.r im d ,5 ° * M h - 7 ft •«•uni debt of »Heeaee« _ barber SHOP eke eenate commerce committee by John J. Each, member of the commis­ ly «11 p i r , „ „ s u n k n X T X b s r " ’ -'- r e l i e f ' X ’. H be e X sion. He read a statement which he said to, “ a L* m ierest or P8- r C , .,,u s sum m ons is Dub- J ed ln The Rural Enter- represented the view , of all members i t n p f hed property •» this ’ 1 S " r,K i W « " a “ ---- ’ ' for six con- IN D T efendants H F “v Ä \4 v abovr uvy W anied• week of the commission excapt four who had suit. vllE f e » " - by <>rd'!r o i the (tven him Individual statements to s t a t e H o f N o r k : o ! Í U f' OREGON: Y o u J',10"' B- M. P a 'y n e 7 " c ? u n t7 Preeeot It is said the majority could E see ao necessity for passa ■ Irir,,,, i « , . “ *sey, u r loog om The Gooding proposal. Commission com plaint as hereby reauire I L a NOTIC b er Each eaid. would prohibit the Inter­ Plaintiffs w i l l applj; . » . n . r<‘ t ,’ ^ U of will 'T lrp h (l. e H APpoi»ti.ient w a r AÎ.’.n;,^ ,r,‘*r Wilh state commerce commission from per i n S d n the. reI,e f' d‘^ a n d , i mltttng carriers to make low rates to b»',»¡ e u / *7*2,ht* ,h* in »aid com plaint, tow it- Firat •igaed' mark»! potato which are served from .-.an r u“ .r rd" r^ ‘ ¿"■“2 Court for a decree of thus court ad.' « h e r producing points by water traae- pointeil seiniini«. ,**""• h«« be«n »P- •erme «PProxtmatoly ,boee at the Britfeb ■” * 1 pocatloe iemeat. The Qreek d.m e— «farmed the Am en-aa *' It had ao amhorcy to e«ter iato la 'Le ootl to prepar. s r -w>| t fuadia« agreemeat oa the l l t eee^ the A m e e v .. , f - alfalfa a M emough motet are te . • »«rame-t « . • . tbe to sprawl promptly Aarwrf aeedlag at thle crop Is as reaariu os epr.t.« see<-,re Judging th at the plaintiff -e.ecof -i» «-• G- M aggener and the defend! liertteed All ’* ' • of George F «kbr.II, . i*"* h,t,n« claim* . n u Agnes Struthers. J J •ga,n,t .«<1 " a g g e n e r . M. E. Dav.dson, E .......... • H - V e - :,7htb;h; - - I- " aggener and Veda Roush »— 'ir ,. proper , r. w"h th* pi rtti- a»" >■ at H* . la Linn eeanty, “ h'« Of»- are each the owner of »n “ • ’ « •»r. ofVthed Oi e7i,ghth Part in th» a; > * ^ utheast Quarter of k it M. BOSdp he N o rth east q u a rte r of Sec. T— «« A T ...