Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 20, 1926, Image 7

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ç r fie T A LE o Æ
Mae Busch
W IT H “ TO Y” GUh
o/ •
Bullet End* Parent’* Life ai
He Praite* Child at
/¿P A rth u r 5 c o tt B a ile y
through Johnnie's open window. From
nearby came Chirpy Cricket's cheerful
And In the distant swamp
rH O E V E B K a ty was, and w h at­ piping.
w ever she m ight have done, n o ­ the musical Frog fam ily held a sing­
body In Pleasant V a lle y knew any­ ing party every evening. Johnnie
thing about her except K iddie K a ty ­ Green liked to hear them. But he ob­
did and his numerous and noisy jected strongly to the weird hooting
and horrid laughter of Solomon Owl,
To be sure, many o f the w ild fo lk — who left the hemlock woods a fte r
and the people In the farmhouse, too dark to hunt for held mice.
As for Kiddie Katydid, he paid lit ­
remembered hearing her name men­
tle attention to any other o f the night
tioned the year before.
But they had q uite forgotten about cries. No m atter what anybody else
ter. until August came and Kiddie said, he solemnly hurled back at him
that never-ending refrain. K aty did.
K a ty d id ; she did, she d id !
You would have thought. If yon had
heard Kiddle, that somebody had dis-
puted his statement. But such was
not the case at all. Since no one ex-
cept the Katydids knew anything
Here is the popular "movie" star
w ith « Buster Brown bob. In her latest
picture. Miss Busch was born in Mel-
bourne, Australia. A fter attending S t
Elizabeth's convent. Madison, N J ,
I «he »tarred In vaudeville before enter,
j ' nS pictures. She has black h air and
about the mysterious Katy, nobody gray eyes.
was able to say tru th fu lly that she —
didn't do I t In fact, the whole affair
nie Green’s mind and made him feel
was a great secret, so fa r as outsiders
better, anyhow.
were concerned. And one night John­
Kiddle told his own people about
nie Green even thrust his bead out
of the window and cried im p atien tly: Johnnie's outburst And they all
•‘A ll r ig h t!
All rig h t!!
I admit agreed th a t It was a rude thing to
that K aty did IL And now do please do.
•'Doesn't he know," they asked,
keep s t ill!"
O f course, h’s plea failed to silence '•that the night belongs to ns?"
I® by Grosset A Dunlap)
Kiddle Katydid. But It relieved John-
New York.— All evening long three
year-old Dazuros M an ,« r,>de through
the bouse on a broomstick horse
bravely clicking two rap pistols end |
snuffing out the lives of numberless
Imaginary Ind iana lie cried delight­
edly :
“ 1'apa, I'm a cowboy!"
“Isn't that nice?"
“Papa, loo k!— you're en Indian. Fm
going to shoot y o u !”
A second later the father, Ano-
M an at.
wounded w ith a bullet In his heart.
The child had discarded a toy pis­
tol and picked up his fath er’s 32-cal-
iber revolver.
Mother la Shocked.
T he
screamed. The three-year-old child,
shocked, dropped the smoking gun and
started to cry.
"Mamm a, I'm hurted."
T h e mother rushed la and carried
her husband to the bed.
Patrolman I ’onnaght n of the West
T h irtie th street police station, hearing
the shot, rushed to the house.
W ithin
M anna forty-three, a chestnut ped
dler. had died at Bellevue hospital.
Physicians telephoned the news to
the Tenth avenue home. T he strlek-
A colored convict had received a
Bible from the chaplain, but the very
next day waa haled Into the prison's
own court, charged w ith petty thiev­
“How does thia happen?“ asked the
chaplain sternly.
“1 Just sent you
a book In which there la a command­
ment. T h o u shalt not steal-' D idn't
you receive It?”
“ Yaasuh, yaasuh." replied the negro.
“B ut Ah a in 't had tim e to git dat fur
Best T im e When
the Most Noise.
and his relations brought her to their
found that hia “touching" consisted
minds once more.
In rubbing the w arts with hia fingers
Each night the K atydids’ rasping
from right to le ft— or sunwise. which
N A B IG bank. In a big eastern city,
chant was repeated again and a g a in :
action clearly Indicates a survival of
there Is a porter who has a reputa­ sun-worship. T he chief value o f a
K a ty did. K a ty d id ; she did. she d id !
But since in any crowd there are a l­
study of modern superstition is !n
ways a few th a t w ant to be different of being able to cure w arts by “touch­ patching out our iraperfe-t knowledge
from the rest, now and then some ing" them.
of the past, says Maspero, and as In
Now and then Is found a man who the touching of the bank porter for
member o f Kiddie's clan Insisted that
Katy didn't— somewhat in this fash­ Is thought to possess the same cura­ warts there Is clearly a lingering rem­
ion: K a ty did. K a ty d id ; she did. she tive powers of touch which are ac­ nant of sun-worship; the facts point
credited to the bank porter of the big to a sim ilar origin for the royal toucb-
d id n 't!
How ever, there w ere always to city. It appears as if to certain hum­ to a sim ilar origin fo r the royal
r any others to drown any such puz- ble Individuals bad df-scended the mi­ “touching for the king’s evil. ’
(© by M c C Is rv N s w b p ap sr S i r-dleats. >
ziing statem ent w ith th e ir shrill clamor raculous powers which form erly, and
that K a ty really did do It (w hateyer for many centuries, were supposed to
It w a s !) that nobody paid much a t­ be possessed by the kings o f I rance
tention to those who didn't agree. and England—especially o f England—
N '
On warm, dry, midsummer nights when they “touched for the king’s
the K atydids a ll made a terrific evil," otherwise scrofula. T he custom
H ut there wasn’t one o f of “touching fo r the king's evil" In
England can be traced back to Ed­
them th a t outdid Kiddle. H e always
ward the Confessor definitely, and Is
had the best tim e when he was m ak­
probably o f a much older date. It
ing the most noise And since he liked
was continued by the British mon­
to station him self In a tree near
archs up to and during the reign of I
F arm e r Green's house, his uproar Queen Anne and the ritu al for the I
often rose plainly above th a t o f the
H A T do the Earthwom en talk
-touching” was retained In the Eng- «
other Katydids.
about?” wondered Jaxxbo. the
llsh P rayer Book until well toward
L ying In bed in his little room un­
“I t would be Im­
the middle o f the Nineteenth century. man from Mara.
der the eaves, Johnnie Green some­
T h e “touching" o f the bank porter possible for me tru th fu lly to reflect
times wished th a t K id dle would keep
the life on thia plane: In my forth­
quiet long enough to let him go to and hie congeners la apparently an coming book unless I gain an accur­
echo of this old-time royal practice;
sleep In peace.
upon investigating the methoda of the ate impression of the dlat-nctlon In
T o be sure, the balm y breezes r
the conversations of its various classes
M /re «w m ”
a a
In effecting K his
“cure" ! It ♦ w was
w afted many other night Bounds
of Women. I w ill start at the bottom '
And he betook him self to the poo-
est section of the great city and he
hearkened eagerly as M rs H ardfi«'
conversed w ith Mrs. F erm jaw across
their m utual hack fence,
/ I l
— 5 , M IL D R E D M A R S H A L L ------------------ " f
" I d e n t know arhat w e re com!»
Fscn »bout your name; Its history, mesnina; whence It £
to a-tall, w hh servants gettln' so Im­
— « derived; »gnihcsnce; your lucky day and lucky jewel
pudent and Independent.” M r* H ard­
est was saying. "W ould you b lieve
prefers Holda. Often she is confused i t Mrs. Ferm jaw . the little bussv
I w ith H ilda. Though the la tte r name says to me only thia morning, she s a y *
M rs Hardflst.' she sayn 'I know M r
has great vogue In England and also
iH O L 'G H s m e etymologlsta claim In this country. Huldah Is equally Hardfist gets *4-50 fo r every » bricks
A that H uldah the p r phetess of p revalen t Its Scandinavian ancestry be lays now. and I w«M't coa>e in and
the Old Testam ent, should not be Is almost lost sight o f here, though help you w ith the dishe» any m -re
Identified w ith the Swedish H u ldr, : It Is noticeably more prevalent In for less'n a dollar an evenin'.“ she
the evidence seems almost c m d u s lv e Swedish communities, and for some
In favor of the assertion th a t they i reason has quite s bit of popularity
• Most interesting." reflected Jaxx'-
are one and the same name In differ­
And he hied him self to M rs. Ysa
in the Sonth.
IVxwter's sumptuous draw ing r v »
ent forma.
Amber la Huldah'» tallsm anlc gem
T he old m ythical Ho!da. or H u ld r I t w ill protect her from disease and where an Inform al tea party w»» ta
(tb e faith fu l or tbe muffled) was a give her great physical strength. F r i­ progress. Just In time to
w hite spinning lady, who makes her day la her lucky day and six her Peyster-Luggs rem arking, “Rul y. •
feather bed when It snows. According lucky number
dies, what the end of It all w ill be
I rully don't know. My maid Celesre
b r W IiM le r S yn d ic ate >
to the legend, she brings presents at
demanded another Increase o f 110 a
the year’s e n d ; rew ards good spin­
week yeaferday. rully."
ners. and punishes M ie ones. She Is
M a te ria littic M od ern M a n
"Odd, very." thought J s ix bo sad
supposed to have a long nose, w ear a
Bishop W a lle r T ay lo r Sumner of o r e - j ■ • M
b;n,«-lf to a meeting e f the
blue g-'WB and w h ite veil and drive
through the fields In a car w ith gold­ goo. defending the modem g irl— Bishop ; (Adies' Browning and 8hakevq>»»-»
Sumner belleven that the modem man. | club, where Mrs. Highbrow Wpecg.
en wheel*.
and not the modem girl. Is reponsible tbe president, was saying. T h e • ’
where she la very popular, they call for the petting party, the hared knee, nation la one not to he lightly dis­
cosmetics, and so on—said at a New missed. you know. M y cook gave no-
her H u idr. the propitious Germany
Orleans luncheon:
t|ce today because I refunad to gtve
"Modern woman, for all her free­ her * ”, more a week and the use rf
dom and frankne«», Is more spiritual the sntonioblle"
than woman ever was before. Modern
" I think I I I om it th a t chapter ’ as t
Jszzoo apologetically to himself, ar J
man la more m alerlulisllc.
'T e ll the modern husband that hia went to take a lesson to change f <
By John Kendrick Bangs
love la growing cold, and tie won t »0 subject.
, ® sy O sorgs M a t'b s w ACaossr
m o d i as lift hia eyre from the ««.rule
< 0 0 0 0 - 0 0-0 GO O-OOOOOOOOOO
'■ But l»H him Ida dinner is growing
Fits hand —
pocket and purse
A dvance In fo rm a tio n
Narcissa— Looky beah. black man.
what's you all gwlne gimme for my
birthday present?
Black l l a n — Close yo' eyes, honey
She did and be said. “Now wbut you
Narcissa— Nothin’ 1
Black M an — W ell, dat's wbut yo* *11
gwlne g e t
M o re fo r y o u r m oney
a n d th e b e s t P e p p e r m ia l
Chewing S w vH fo r any money
Look fur Wrigley'» P. K. Handy
A good Intention clothes Itself w ith
sudden [ o s v r — Emerson
R e tp e rtfu lly D eclined
OMB 0« Blaeh Cars' I shall
10t pat yo» off
Corns os »sd ao year worst
to ms— I'm bars,
AU fearless of yoar herb sod
sneering scoff
As loca ss I* vs for allies F e ll*
and Cbvvr
a o Come os: I s ready for you
w ith so miad
To pat yos by a s til
a a
I 11 take yoo as yoa estes what-
e sr yoar hied.
Mor lot yoo was tbo s im m e r
for d eity.
a O
weapons ora bat lawgh'sr
and belief
The- 1 sir. Master of toy Sou's
Not yoo. and os Ito novorslas
Lord and Chief
Hold all usorple« Woes bal
rebels sola
iff! by M -
a re H ew yyw ysr S y e S I-e 'S I
:o o o o o o o o o « a » » o o o o o o o o t" c <
cold, and zip:
" n tnr
room like a aimak of lightning '
R e lu rb ith m g f lo o r *
Varnished floors that have sustained
a tra b h re and »'her martin of rough
usage may he m a,I- 1» I«"» <l"'” " " "
by merely lum hlng 'he »pole w ill, a
tittle linseed »11. • '
'" " * * •
vatnlah which la Is be removed from
the surface with a rag
flan,Ipapey la
sometimes h e ,.— « O . »'••’ •
•" "
dons apply a ....... • * « * " ’ • " * * W "
A fter a h a r d * ...... • '« " ’••«
" rrn
uvaled and 'm i.h e .l o f f '" « f"w
It w ill requite a m.ue tbtimngh ever
haaimg. by cleaning
remover and steel weed «•
bruel, end d o ll,
,„ e bars w .-d ............ .. "»•
by M«< la re ■ s w a y s » " '
You esn't a u u s t the
"Ben. I ’ll give you 110 to have your
picture made In the cage w ith that
"No, anh. boas, not me."
"H e W 'c t h urt yoo
He hasn't any
“Mebbe ao; but I ain't going to be
gummed to death by an old Hon."
fLxw of FUnicis! N*.
ether Sot uses have K.
Beeauve no other hot
cake Sour u Ucndad
the Fapjatk way I
R ain on the Diam ond»
*ASbo> as-— fas esoev B-esi 's a Z
Madge— Do you think M r. I ’han
loves you more than be does baseball?
Maude— I really doo't know
night he told me th a t my eye« were
like diamonds.
Madge— T h a t Is a sign of affect! m
Maude— Then a little later be said
that when I cried It made him feel
like a postponed game.
G a rfie ld T e a
Way Your
G randm other’» Remedy
The Gun Exploded.
en w ife fainted. The child, unahle te
realize w hat bad happened. Laughed.
Held Great Fun.
H e thought it had been great fun.
A ll evening he had been proudly ex
hlbltlng b it two cap plstoLa. They
clicked and looked like regular r e v i ­
H e romped ’ hrough the boswe. “M ay­
ing all who crossed hia path.“
T irin g finally, he wandered around
looking fo r new experience.
H ia fa th e rs 32-caiiiw r revolver lay
on a box nearby, b looke-1 fam
T hia made three guna he had n w
Attem tkiBg to im ita te hts f-<rraer
play, he looked ire n a d fo r the enemy.
H e saw bis father.
"Oh. pap*, loo k!"
H» puiied :he trigger. T h e gun ex
T h a t was alL Except that poiice
are In a quandary They do 0 « know
w hat 4hqwie«io« to make of tbe chi d.
who answers a ll question« and d *
rasar 1 In detail w hat happened.
Stork Leave* Triplett;
Electrician I* Shocked
"W hy would yo«
than a t tbe tesai, re ?'
“D U how fooushl Why. simply
reuse yon are out at the seaahura.'
K ee p on S w attin g
the fly where sr has at.
And i a t forsat to swat the rat
A s l Wh .a yon rs la Iks swstt r.g bis
Hand iks blooasla e « o o s i i tie.
Sw at
F o r every stomach
and Intestinal liL
T h ia good oid-faab-
|.>ned herb h «n o
remedy for constl-
patloo. stomach Ills
and other derange­
ments of the sys­
tem ao prevalent ’ bes» days Is In even
p-eater favo r as a fa m ily medicina
In your grandm other’s day.
Prep ared n e*»
tak a th a t touring car. and
w ant you to send Bp another 004 la
about two w eeks"
' I d tw o wceka?"
"Tea. my w ife has made np 1
mind that «1.» la
drive."— American Leg; n W eekly.
A B it C o n fu tin g
•Judge Flubdub doeaat seem to
know h a lf l i e timo a bather bes go'mg
T h a t 's probably because h e t been
reversed ao mnch by the higher
• o n r t* "
New Y o rk.— Louis Brwi«ky. m ast-r
electrician, was opsri when he » u
ebliged to work, khowtag that M s w ife
had Just given birth to a baby boy
Bn-dvxv was expected to buy tbe '« b y
a p a ir o f shoes and ws»e ««ber things,
and It was n e -ta s iry te w tw t without
taking tim e ouk
N e -i.« -** to nay. his mind was mN on
Ida work at ail. T h e Br-Mskys s irre d )
had two children, and Louis ootgrata-
lated bimneif on t i e birth of :be third.
T i e sam e bad teep» «ed him at tbe
Broadway theater la Long Island O t y ;
“l c u-s.” cried the narae la glen, " it a
a h oy!"
-Yes. of c-urae. and I am very
happy." rep* .ed the electrician.
"T h ia
»7» a swallow rea
-N o . yon doa't kaow ." ewntrsdWed
miles witb<i«'
the aarse. “It's anovter le y — It's :w;aa.
a i-p p ia g "
L cu ik
A in 't that grand?"
-H e d have te travel fu rth e r th a t
Louis avowed that It was. but be
dropped the receive» an the book a that aowadaya."
trifle dased.
B at tbo teiepheae was
T a lk I t N o t C heap agala.
T know all about H." said the eiec
I em»a tas n ss who belters
-« ressa on. r »d<si
trieleu. "Another boy "
i t cost ms Sfty ds. ars
-T o n d e n t k n o w ' said 'b * »*dee
T s a sy. -O sad aso ra la a. J-idgsf
T t'a a girt.
I t s trip le t*. Louts, gtre
hoys and a girt "
A K ic k
Brodaay ra n e d hoaM la a cab.
T h e chalrsaan e f the
tee Mghed.
"W haCa the snottev t o w r aaaed
Thought D ead
P M adelpnaa.—O lv re ap as dead by
hia fam ily, a fte r he had maspprered
w kl-e an a trip to Coney IMand four
months ag- B e m a l Tust,bon. th irry- j
F ie yrere addi a BrtwAiyn
waa -c-ated » fhe priante a
T h ete J a*.* T t
t f D r H l . Kaada, at O r e t n u t M O
tzewAe— Gceh* aia t ’ hat
He waa Id re - Bed at ’ he eaaatoriam woeideyfnl w ith Ma trepe?
bp M e baci lun a, a f.
T hat's na<
thaka the i ’ oey hnOenn en my spaia
Freak W W h
M re in l, The
edal wostwd
i« p H ?
The aicWCW MawSh
1 Tt f »*f
«4« w S> M »M
A tm
W « M
la I» Tta
tie Water
rfilK ’ M WWW ar»4 w l» 4 -t ’jrrx<4
i t W rt.
Bos. 2 U st at) d ra g ris t* or by
D IC K E T D KCO CO. BrietnL ▼* T«aa.
R a re ly Served
[Huer— How d-d you nappre to bring
me snch a dalici*Aas tender steak,
w aiter?
W a ite r— W hy, sir It was a rare
ateas J ou ordevsd. waao t It?
Aap rin M arked W ith “ Bayer Croes"
Has Boor Proved bafs by M ,1
W im ln g l Catana yon tee the name
“Bayer“ on p a rta g e o r on tableta yon
are not get’ ing tbe gene. ta Bayer
Aspirin proved safe by millions sad
prescribed by pbysiriaas for 2» years.
Say "B ayer" when yon buy Aspirin.
Im i ta tiens may prove dangerous. — Adv.
iitnr » dangerous tem ptation come«
to Q* In fine, gay colors th a t are bat
akin d e e p — Henry
Sure Relief
B ellan »
Hot water
Sure Relief
ella ns
2E <
*ra7Sgf- f k J O d
U , bar, F -a o cs c «
i e u 'z s f f * '»
V » ,<