JAN H lMé RURAL EMT R PRISE ^ /^ b a n y ^ /^ ire c to ry This is good advice; " If you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other lo>vn. trade in that town." But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness. PA «» 1 rp t‘c Courtesy Shop — Miilinery * a“d ready-to-wear novelties Exclusive but not expensive." 117 Broadalbin. R. V. TAYLOR C ut T ra v el C ost S. H. THOMPSON ^ J h ite ’s Shoe repair service. Albany, Oregou —yet go more often, travel farther, than ever before. Go by train. Save in many important ways by doing so. Low roundtrip fares secure surprising value for your travel funds. Figure your expense in driving your own car against the cost by train. The saving in train travel will amaze you. So save the car (or pleasure purposes. Save nervous energy, too. Your travel re- sponsibility ends when you hoard the train. Thus ride in entire comfort, with a chance to relax and rest and plan your activity at your destination. N o matter where you plan to go. Southern Pacific and its connections can take you, com­ fortably and economically. Any Southern Pa­ cific agent will gladly aid in planning your trip. Rely upon them for complete, accurate travel inform ation. Opposite Hotel Albany Automobil« and Truck Insurance Rower rates Attractive contracts Special attention to truckmen operating nnder public service commission J. LINDAHL, hardware, J. L. STEVENS, the inturacce man • Dinnerware Tin shop in connection Cusick building (npstairs) room 146 53b \V. First St. Albany, Oregon Albauy, Oregon A Albany Floral Co. Cut flowers Willard Service and plants. Floral art for every S ta tio n and all occasions. We serve all tuakes Flower phone 458-J. pE N T K A L TIRE SHOP charging. Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. W illa r d s and sell Under new management L M. Taylor, Prop. 121 W, Second, Albany. r. Hess’ Poultry Panacea keeps healthy and makes hens lay D poultry Burkhart & Lee, druggists For 1926 Oddfellows' Temple, Albany, Oregon W’e extend greetings to our pat­ astburn Bros.—Two big grocery rons and thank them for their stores, 212 W. First and 225 South patronage. Main. Good merchandise at the right We shall be pleated to welcome prices. them in our new Store and Optical lite Cafeteria and confectionery Parlors at 811 West First street Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ (next door to Western Union) on ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. ?eb, 1, 1926. We make our own candies. E E W. S. D uncan . F ORD SALES AND SERVICE Tires and accessories Repairs K ikk -P ollak M otor C o . Furnituie Co., furni­ ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges F ortiniller Funeral directors. 427-433 west Firat street, Albany, Oregon. ^CLLER GROCERY, 285 Lyon (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R o lm a n M ead e & A lb ro & jackson Grocery—Bakery H Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice Optometrists and Manufacturing Opticians ALBANY_______________ OREGON otel Barber Shop H A. Nagel Hotel Albany Albany, Oregon Roy Stenberg CAFE. 209 ’V. Firsi Harold G. Murphy Prop. I MPERIAL Phone 565 W e News Notes From A ll Over Oregon never close G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r For expert work send your films B u s y P e e p le to Haskin's film shop, 309 Lyon street, - ODAK FINISH INO K Albany, Oregon. agneto e le c tr ic co . » Salem teachers have protested against the proposal to open the school buildings to dances by a vote of 37 work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second to 3. Approximately 30,000.000 feet of pine en and money are best when busy. Make your dollars work in timber in Klamath county will be sold our savings department. A lbany S tate by the state land board at an auction B ank . Under government supervision. to be held In Salem. January 20. a r in e l l o parlors Taxes of all kinds collected In Baker (A beauty aid for every need) county in 1926 will total $748,245.02, St. Francis Hotel Prop. Winifred Rose an increase of $59,051.13 over last year, when the amount was $689,193.89. It has been found that the Stayton OSCOK AMES HARDWARE city water is unfit for drinking, fol­ The Winchester Store ] lowing analysts at Oregon Agricultural college and the state bureau of health. econd hand Pianos from $185 up Portland ranked tHIrd among the It you want a bargain in a piano now is your chance. They're in Al condition leading cities of the United States in Davenport Music House, 409 W. First point of gain In building activity dur­ ing the year Just closed compared with CJtaple and Fancy Groceries 3 Crockery and Glassware the year 1924. Mrs, M G. Stetter Smallpox prevails at present in al­ Phone 139JJ 206 W. Second st. most every part of Oregon, according DTIMBON THE SHOE DOCTOR to a weekly health report issued by Dr. Second street, opposite Hamilton's Frederick D. Stricker, secretary of the ■tore. state board of health. e "Sudden Service." Six persons gave skin at Marshfield aldo Anderson & Son, distrib­ to save the life of Dennis Cunlff of utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ Gold Beach, an aged pioneer of that mers, Essex, Hudson 4 Hupmobile cars. city, who, In December was burned as Accessories, S pplies. 1st & Broadalbin. he sat by hts fireplace. Through the work of local American If you enjoy a good meal, .a il know a good meal when you get it, Legion post, Klamath Falls has re­ You'll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it. ceived a pulmotor which will be kept Our atm is to please you. at the fire station and used In all em ergency drowning cases. Harwood Hall, for the last ten years ALBANY superintendent of the government In G EO , M- G IL C H R IST dlan school at Chemawa. has sent his resignation to Washington and will re­ tire from the Institution. B. J. Kelly, San Francisco business Write tor booklet describing our 20- man, waa probably fatally Injured year Rural Credit Amortised Loana when his automobile overturned on the The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No Ashland-Klamath Falls highway, 18 miles from Klamath Fall». delay. B eam L and C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. Bend will become headquarters foi the state highway department for 11 counties in central and eastern Ore gon. The division office will be per at lowest rate of interest manently Installed by February 1. Real Estate Insurance The district meeting of the Wiliam Fro upt service. Courteous treatment. ette Valley Typographical conference W m B ain . Room 5, First Savings Rank waa held In Eugene 8unday. Members hnilning, Albanv of typographical unions from Astoria Portland. Salem, Corvallis and Eugene were present. Apparently obsessed with the Idea You get that his wife waa untrue to him. John Butcbek. 46 year-old foundryman kill ed her with a hatchet In a fit ol Jealous rage following a quarrel at hit We have home In Portland. One hundred and threa mills, report log to the West Caaat Lumbermen'» association for the week ending Jan F R E N C H 8t S O N nary 9 nsaaufeotarad 6U M 430 feat ol l Jewelers, Opticians, Albany lumber; aeld (B.tTi.TM (ML and ship Md »0 ” L»*1 feet «.SSM l H F» M Official Stromberg carburetor serv ice station. Conservative prices. Al M M R S W S. H. Thompson of Quincy, III, Richard V. Taylor of Mobile, Ala, president of the Illinois Agricultural a southern democrat, who has been j association, who was elected president named a member of the Interstate of the Farm Bureau federation, Commerce commission to succeed Chas. L. McChord, resigned. 2068 licenses. _______________ 1 The following Oregon postmasters Mayor Baker, Chief of Police Jen have been recommended for appoint­ kins and five city policemen of Port ment by Willis C. Hawley, representa­ land were made defendants in a $40, tive from the first district: C. W. 000 damage suit filed in circuit court Halderman, Astoria; Harry E. Jones, by Lydia Bishop, who charged falsi Jefferson; William G. Smith, Mill arrest and imprisonment. City; Reber G. Allen. Silverton; Mrs Raymond Miller. Dallas youth con Ollie Gillespie, Willamina; Lyman H. vlcted of manslaughter for having rur Shorey, Woodburn. down and killed J. C. Hayter with ar Ellis Williams of Cottage Grove, who automobile December 16, was sen on October 23 was shot in the groin tenced to five years in the penitentiary by a deputy sheriff when he resisted and fined $100 by Judge W. M. Ram arrest on a charge of transporting sey. '•«iC-WMW liquor, began suit in circuit court at A total of 2134 miles of trails was Eugene against Sheriff Taylor, Mel­ built in the Siuslaw national forest vin Turnbull and T. H. Maxwell, dep­ during the year 1925, according to e uty sheriff, for $25,963.33 damages on report Issued at the office in Eug'ent account of the injury. of R. S. Shelley, supervisor. The A million eastern brook trout eggs total cost of building the trails was to replenish the game commission's $5205. stock of these fish used for egg taking Two hundred citizens of Lincoln purposes was received by the game Yamhill and Polk counties attended e commission from the northern part of booster meeting at Taft to urge imme Washington and sent to the Tumalo diate construction of a cutoff road hatchery. The young fish will be from Otis to a point on the west side planted in East lake and Elk lake coast highway, either at Midway ot In eastern Oregon, where egg-taking New Grand Ronde. stations for this species ot fish are The Coos County Association of Law now maintained. Enforcement which met at Coquille The Pacific Power & Light company re-elected Sam Malehorn, deputy of Portland has purchased the W. C. sheriff, president of the organization Slvyer and Southern company electric The body Is composed of Justices ol light and power Interests in eastern the peace, constables, police and mem and central Oregon and western Idaho bers of several fire departments. for $1,850,000. Three companies are Authorization of an exhaustive sur Included In the deal, the Deschutes vey of all coast streams of Oregon nol Power company and the Enterprise now open for commercial fishing with Electric company of Oregon, and the a view to determine those suitable foi Grangeville Electric Light & ■ Power sllverslde salmon egg-taking station» company of Idaho. was made at the monthly meeting Is The interstate commerce commis­ Portland of the state fish commlssloa sion upheld the differential I d favor Judge McCaniant ot Portland will b« of Portland on freight rates applied to asked to reply in person to the charge» grain and grain products from the Senator Johnson ot California hai Columbia basin to the ocean ports of made against him before the senat« the Pacific northwost, refusing to dis­ judiciary committee. The commute« turb the rulings which It had laid will await his arrival before again con down in the Inland Empire Shippers' sidering his nomination by President league case of 1921. The ruling is the Coolidge to be federal judge of th< outcome of a complaint brought by circuit court of appeals for the ninth the Walla Walla county farm bureau, Circuit. supported by a number of other organ­ Lx)ss from sheep-killing dogs to izations. sheep owners in Linn county during Letters were sent to the United 1925 was $3105.61, claimants of dam­ States army aircraft chief in Washing ages alleged. Because dog licenses ton, D. C., by George E. Love, legisla­ did not total this amount, the county tive committeeman ot the American court apportioned money to pay the Legion and chairman of the state^ero- claims. The total amount taken In on nauttcal committee, regarding pro dog licenses in 1925 was $1925.10 on Phone 226 ••••••••••••• •••€••••••••• • P A B C O L IN C o n g o leu m • and • GOLD S E A L P rin ted R ugs $ f()S cash • • Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash • • • W e h a v e s o m e a t tr a c t iv e p a tte r n s in L in o le u m a n d fe lt-b a s e y a r d g o o d s J H I L L & Co. J HALSEY • posais for suitable landing fields it* Oregon. As soon as a reply to these letters has been received Mr. Love will communicate with all posts ot the state, asking for the appointment of aircraft committees to locate fields for csmmerclal and emergency landing places, ^.xia,^ • • • • • • • • • • • • BRIEF GENERAL NEWS William Clifton Cutler, 68, national­ ly known Inventor, who perfected the first radio transmitter, died at Olen dale. Cal He left a fortune of clots to $600,000. The senate refused, 64 to 16, to order an Investigation Into propaganda In favor of approval of the world court adherence resolution and the Italian and other foreign debt settlements. With only one abstaining vote, tbs finance committee of the Belgian chamber of deputies approved the (600,000,000 Is Involved in Washington agreement for the settle­ ment of the Belgium debt ta the Uni- Agreements Now Up to ted States • «*. th« Senate. - The "photo electric cell," a delicate device to deteot fire In Inaccessible Washington, D. C. — The war debt places; light house lenses with a range igreements with Belgium. Rumania, ot 17 miles and a ground microphone Untvia, Esthonla and Czecho Slovakia, for use In mine disasters to locate en­ nvolvlng approximately $600,000,000, tombed men, formed the center of at­ traction at the exposition of new dis­ vere approved by the house In adopting resolutions to authorize coveries which opened at- Carnegie icceptance ot terms recommended by Museum, Pittsburg. The senate confirmed the nomina­ :he American debt commission, the louse disposed of the last of the settle- tion of Phillip 8. Teller of California nents negotiated during the summer. as a member of the United States ship- As sent to the senate, all of the Ing board. A $10.000.000 corporation to combat igreements provide for a funding of .he respective obligations over a 62- the British rubber monopoly has been formed by leading tire manufacturers rear period. of the country. Including the Italian debt, the Vot­ America's foreign trade for 1925 to­ ed States will receive approximately (3,000,000.000 from the six war loans. talled the fabulous sum of $1,132,968,- Of the 19 war loans to foreign Ba­ 000, establishing a new record for nor­ tons, settlements with Great Britain, mal years, the department of com­ rtnland, Hungary, Lithuania. Poland merce announced. Immediate entrance of the United ind Nicaragua have been ratified by States into the world court waa advo­ ■ongress, while the action by the mute brings half a dozen more loans cated In a resolution adopted by the o the last step in their congressional national executive committee of the American Legion. ourney. For the third consecutive time. Of the seven other loana, Austria President Coolidge designated Thomas las been granted a 20-year morator- SU R PLU S um, while France, Greece, Liberia and C Marvin of Massachusetts as chair­ tugo-Slavla have yet to agree finally man of the United States Tariff com Savings accounts Solicited mission The appointment Is for one m their respective settlemente The »resent Russian government has re- year. More than 600 British families will ludiated an American loan of $192,000,- leave England In the spring for Can­ »00. and Armenia, with an obligation W H O W O U L D N ’T if $12,000,000 has ceased to exist as ada, having been accepted by Cana- 4tan director of Immigration as suit S M IL E H A P P IL Y in independent nation. ihle settlers under the plan to estab­ upon opening n box of these lish 3000 families in the dominion Debt Settlement Approved by House Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AN D Commercial and FARM LOANS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 delicious caudies? The wt ndwrful assortment, various flavors snd templing appearance of these •• lumps of delight ’’ win to us all lovers of good sweets and judges «if con’feclioaery excellence. Try them once end see if we exaggerate the perfection of these goods. FARM LOANS Mr.s M. M. Ward has gone Mrs. Josie Smith and Mary to visit with her daughter, went to the funeral of their Mrs. W. J. Moore of Browns­ rrother and uncle, Mr. Ken- ville, and her son, George dall, at Oakville Friday. Ward of Crawfordsville. Clark’s Confectionery • • T he G IR L ' F, Clav P Moody Agent H A LSEY STA TE BA N K PA R A G O N CAFE T h e D IA M O N D Southern Pacific Lines : Any Girl in Trouble : • White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Fottland, Oregon. : •••••••••••»••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••• : may communicate witli Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the • • A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. • AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION • R e fle c to rs a n d le n s e s l o r n e a r ly a ll m a k e s o f • c a rs . • w E r e c o n d it io n a ll m a k e « o f T he wisest girls keep out of trouble « * • -* t a r n a n d M o to r »