MOT» JAN. M tttS RPRAt RNTWPRISÄ RLKAL ENTERPRISE lowing bis effort to oust iiansy for following his own judgment instead of tbe president’s, probably s»v *■>. a. epells defeat for tb t Davey bill to] cut out a waste of half a billion f l a year in advance .ollare, A man unfitted for Arrearage! 12XC » raontq crooked politic« by both nature aud Advertising, 20c an inch ; no discoun Sur lime or space ; no charge for corn lifelong habit ought to have the position or c jauges. judgment to keep out of the dirty *■ "Pale-foi Paragraphe." te a lias. mesa. * • advertising disguised as l e e s The Great Outdoors ln dapondent—Nut nou trtl—n paper published evety Wedueoday, W h ere Bread, Meat, Clothing, H ealth and Vigorous H u m an ity a re P ro d u c e d Look Before You i i Sops Proposed r?i Leap Into Max I r i I Wool Situation Another s.n cessful I- for the Farmer Linn f a r m Co-op. w, rmnlly referr,d t0 tfc9 co. , Is not so Bad Tuere are any number of cir- operating woolgrowers’ organiza- uumttaaces nnder which it is not T r v a n A P r(, f t r T w o , unly lawful hut desirable for man-1 ~ Federal Control Of Products tion which started five year, ago A u s tralian W o o l Clip il tn tbie oounty,, es tba most sue- r • « . rr _ P 11 A D O W 1 OUT f e o i l i f B i g _ . . _ ... . Jack Dempsey’« nose, his docto sind to war upon wild areatures 01 I Î4 k r • n .1 zta* tka AAR I I L Z I ig (J“ I h 1 I t... I H 1 i~ om k TY"1 4 e M Flocks t* 1 / "k/*> I r ra ceseful of its kind on tba con Proposed in Bills Introduced ,.W. .U. ...» .u-1. I Dem and Comes Pr0DQSed in Bills li to take tbs last of tbeir land, •*/•» ii *iz time« as strong as tinent N o t Y et N o rm al was belare it was rebuilt. If iu and waters from th»m. But, or in House and Senate.^ The Albany co-operative cream J 'narily “ Oh cirenm-l T b . Enterprise is not advising smelling power has been inoreaaei & -------- ery, another Linn couuty institu­ stances se these se'dom are disco-.»1/ , • There may ba impending 1 h. I farmer® ,n L l" n counly r“ ’ h as much as that we advise him t< «red, and are plainly , l o m br I “ “ “ ' *** *r"‘ u vuu,lly ,o ru’ " | Washington, D. C.-Dlreet govem- tion, the oldest of its kind in the decline in price« of sheep «□* keep away from rotten politician reooguized when they arise. Upoi |*nl® ^he growing of flax for fiber ment control of grain and other pro- ■ tate, held its annuai meeting predatory animals, for example , I 00 * large scale, but believes it ducts was proposed In a bill Introduc- Thursday and tbe most prosperous wool, but there are no indication! aud other skuoke ._ . its . . ------- , ............ r -------- .o l anything that ean be likenedTt bistory was reported. >ve have fixed a prjca for theii I would be wise policy to grow s m all' ed ln th® ®«n“te bT Senator Frazier, year . in republican, *■“ — “ North — Dakota, and one pre It did »380,000 worth of business a landslide and well-poeted sheet The atate teaahere are criticizso head«— and logically enough, einct ' test tracts and sea what the soil in ----- The ex. these threaten not only our imme sen ted In the house by Representative last year, an increase of $10,0001 rnsn are not alarmed. for indorsing the income tax Late welfare hut the existence of I, fiere nt localities will do. There Llui.,~ d^mòcr^K«".»»“ V^ùgh' di.” over 1924. I t sold 35 carloads of Lected increase in the Australian They are not politioiane or the oensfioial speciee. We disrimin may come a time when the new similar, the measures are Intended to butter and 12 carloads of eggs. crop didn’t materialize at ehearios J. J. Barrett, P. H . Freerkseu, last fall (which was spring »out? would not he earning an honest ate in our killing --------„ ___ . __ __ m ills in Oregon and W ashington relieve the farmer of violent price and _____ tecogniz living. Than what right havt hat it must never be done indis-1 w ill offer to contract for a crop at fluc,uatloDB and to insure sale of sur- W . S. Foster and J. D . Isom wers of the equator), for the fleecei r lm in .l.l,, - ---- elected directire. I averaged a pound apiece less than criminsteiy, for --------£ profit or th I i attractive prices, and then * one p l u s C r o p « . they to dabble in political loubtful zest of slaughter.— Port Senator Frazier’s bill would appro­ was expeoted. Other exportirg will be glad to know approximately oountriee have not enough surplui Hs remember scopes, but wha’ aud Oregon iun how much per acre be will likely priate »200,000,000 to create a federal THE MARKETS agricultural marketing board to handle to seriously affect tb« market. Please point out the diivding ¡raise. was the name of that town when Portland I . F - J* Hagenbartb, president ol When the flax meeting was held corn, wheat and cotton. Representa­ eucb a hullabaloo wse made be line between “ tho doubtful zeet ol tive Little’s proposal seeks to set aside W h e a t- Big Bend Mueetem. hard heN at,on * 1 Woolgrowers’ a.aocia. eauee he taught that man bad made laughter” and the noble spirit in Albany we believe an expert »100,000,000 for a revolving fund to white, soft white and western white l0 n ’ sa?8 • 8hortly after the talked about an average price ol progress sines our forefathers lived inimating tbe sportsmen lor whose be used by the government to estab­ »l.M; hard white, northern spring ‘? , n y ,, ?p . were com- »45 a ton aud figur.d that farmers iu oaves and dressed in skius? lish bonded elevators, store wheat In imusemeut we preeerye birds and pelled to eel) their eheep to meet | io this couuty could do well raising them, and sell It at home and abroad, and western red, >1.87. , . - •— » ------- ------- * "-** . . “ i iiuiuc ouu auroau animals through pur game Jaw u u Hay—Alfalfa, »tt»»M 4Aonj v *H m - / fi2 * nclal obl'R»tions. Even nux for th a t. N ow the state is at prices calculated to bring the grow All the law« a hundred men cat ik o tb y . »lS C lfc W j eastvn fliw tin !«“ !’ V 16 p r e ,,n t ,nore«»e8 ‘ be and game commission ffering contracts for the next crop era fair returns. make in a year cannot improve a timothy, »22®2».8O. nocke have not yet reached tha at 110 for fiber 36 inches long or The house agricultural committee Buttertat—42c 'Mwers* track. point where th'J Tw ,r« , when cuts crop of applet or potatoes as much George W o rk in g « - is c a r r y - 1 / ^ A 3 8 t h ,ai 30 to »«• approved the Haugeu bill to establish Eggs— Ranch ,2«®29c. wer0. D®c*«»ry. I t will require a as one «an by devoting a few days ng ” on the H a rr y Commons ito 30,*'“1.^ 2 fo ra li under a division of co-operative marketing ln Cheete— Prices f. o. b. Tillamook- co n ,’ d e r» b l* re te n tio n of ewe 1*4 inches, if pulled. For cut flax the department of agriculture. to spraying, fertilliing and culti­ place. Triplets, 81c; loaf. 82c per lb. ’ !a “ ba, t0. flocks. There 'of any length tbe offer is »20 a ton vating. Better products bring The measure would appropriate Cattle— Steers, good $8.B0@8.75. 18 »'ttle justification for fearing an straight. »225,000 to carry on the work of tbe better incomes. Hogs— Medium to choice, »11.75® p * ® r Pro d “ ®tlQn.” This is far below an average of C o m in g to A lb an y new division. Its duties would Include ~ 1 The Commercial Bulletin of »45, or even »10, a ton, The state aiding co-operative marketing associa­ 13.00. Tbe farmer who devotes hi» Boston said, Jan. 9 : A broad­ is the only buyer of the Oregon Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice a itrgiss t0 getting more and batte tions In disposing of crops and spread­ ening interest in wool is apparent farmer's flax. It bss the only ing agricultural Information among the $13®H. vegetables gUd animals per aert on the part of the manufacturers, machinery for preparing it for tbe farmers — i"* will become prosperous sooner th who evidently have still some Specialist ----------- w. 1Mai textile aud twine maker. Such Seattle. The department would employ ex t e oue whoso principal effort is to I • * . . „ . . y . is . uu. machinery not vomempiaiea contemplated in perts on grain, livestock, fruits, vege­ Wheat—Soft white, »1*3; westerr orders «gainst whiah they must obtain from legislation th« benefl s | * n , n _ 5 " a * ’ * g itin e for the | ^‘»_new mill going up at Salem, tables, cotton, tobacco and other staple white. Big Bend bluestem, 31.82; hard eover and who also very patently It must purchase its stock from the crops. winter, 31.58; western red, northerz think well of wool ou its present politicians so glibly promise. past twelve years l®vel. W hile there ie no general sluts, which, if it gets el] the flax spring, »1.57. advance in wool values in the local it can handle, cannot, it is feared, Hay—Alfalfa. »26; D. C., »28; tim Pensions have been granted to the Opponents of an income tax D o e s N u t O p e r a te m arket, there ia some improve­ turn out enough to keep the new following Oregonians; othy, »20; mixed hay, »24. Arthur E •dm it the justioe of tbe principle ment in the price situation, and in null runniag to capacity. Butter— Creamery, 43 ® 46c. Smith, Portland, »15 a month; Fred but declare that If Or. , „ n does tbe foreign markets there is a very About Aumsville centers much W. Munthe. Portland; $12; Thomas J Eggs— Ranch, 33®35c. W ill be at this right thing other states will evident hardeniug tendency in lisxgrowiiig. The Star of that Hudson, Portland, »12; Etta Bloom Hogs— Prime, »12.90@13.15. values, despite tbe «ffoite ol man. hurg says "Growers say that Portland, »20; W illiam W. Harder prefit at her expence. This Cattle— Prime steers. »8.00@8.60. ll«x cannot be grown profitably Portland- »12; Valpur Baron, Port Cheese— Oregon fancy. 28c; Oregot nfacturere to depress them, or at doubt. In any event, we object for less than $50 a ton. A short laBjl, »20; Carl H. Luhmann, Port standards 26c; Washington triplet! le«»t to prevent them from rising. Wednesday, Jan. 27 to doing evil that good «nay come. ‘ ‘ lh s New Zealand sales re­ lima ago a representative from tbe land, »12; John E. Johnson, Portland, 28c. Office hours 10«. m. to 4 p. ui. sumed on Wednesday with prices vtate flsx plant said at a meeting »24; Fannie Lettenmaler. Oregon City. If Pierce runs for re-eiectlon, a. , up about a penny in the grease here that the grower would get »50 $20; Joel C. Booth, Lebanon, »18; 8 «token«. a ton and maybe more. Unless Simon T Wlnnlngham, Salem, »18; Hogs- -Prim e mixed, »12.50@12 60. (about 5 per cent) over the dos­ be probablp will, Milton A. Mille. ing in December Australia has me price is raised the acreage will Chgrles Spinner, Columbia City, »50; will probably seek a democratic I _____ Cattle —Prime sters. »7.75@8.25 shown a hardening tendency, be leas than it was last year.” George E. Rolfe. Brownsville. »24. nomination for the federal senate. \ t ~ c i . « n .. while the Cape also ie firmer and A report ol Market Agent M iller is sound on prohibition and N ° ( foF C o n «u KatlOU The Oregon state tax commission League to Get II. S. Treaties. tbe Rio Platte is fully firm ’• Spence quotes a farmer of Polk has filed original mandamus proceed­ ou the league ol nation, as , Dr M h iu . . . regular gradate Geneva. Switzerland, — The United county who has for tan years ings ln the state supreme court to States government has notified the uieaiiB (u peaup ou earth aud good ,n ’»«dicin« and surgery and is licensed experimented wth tluxgrowing and IN T H B C IR C U IT COURt of theStat will among men ®Ja,e of Oregon. He does not who is well informed on all phases compel Harley J. Slusher, sheriff of League of Nations that It Is willing to • I operate for chronic appendicitis, gall of Oregon, io and for tbe Clatsop county, to serve delinquent transmit to the league all treaties and of the industry as saying : T. ,.. . , , stones ulcers of stomach, tonsils or County of Linn warrants and collect state Income other International agreements con­ " I t appears to me that the «here 11 be a lot of people who'll »denoids. taxes aggTtgatlng »2000 from tbe As­ tracted by the United States and that In the matter of tbe applies-) vote for neither Pierce nor Patter U,r h*’ ,o *>is credit wonderful results success of fiaxgrowing depends toria North Beach Ferry company, tion of very largely on the m ill at tbt Union Fishermen’s Co-Operative Pack It has no oblectlon to their inclusion Seth S Haves, Daniel J. Hayes, In the league s treaty series. designation of farmers.—Oregi n bladder, bedwetting, catarrh, weak lungs stale prison and the eulargemen Frank Hayes and Gertrude ing company and Frank C. Hesse The t Pentland to register the title ’ 0 ,e r- rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers ami rec of that plant.” to the following described land, m - -- I**1 ailments, Oue of the atockholdeia of the suit was filed for the purpose of de­ Pendleton Bank Buys Competitor. to w i t ; U f oourse. What right has a Below are the names of a few of his Miles linen mill at Salem, ju st termining the validity of eollectlng da Pendleton. O r —One of the biggest rhe east half of the south­ llnqM nf state Income taxes under war­ mart farmer or schoolteacher to 'njny s»<»»fi«d patients in Oregon financial deals ever recorded In Pen- east quarter of section twelve Notice completed, says surveys show that meddle with polities except to vote troub!J.J ApH"' Car*°n’ W,,h” B,rro'” 200,000 acres iu the’ Willamette rant* issued by the slate tax commit Jleton or Umatilla county was consum­ (12) in township fourteen (14) slon and to protect the sheriff against after the politician« have told him Mr*- ° “ ® Will, Jefferson, varicose valley are adapted to fiaxgrowing , mated when the First National bank south of range four (4) west of how ? '•« that 4,000 acres was grown in personal liability m connection with 3t Pendleton purchased the American the Willamette meridian, con­ taining 80 acres, more or lee», ------------ M, Christianson, Albany. bladder 1925, and that the stats contracted the leisure of property to satlefy the National bank of this city. situated ia Linn county, state tax obligations. • f Oregon, ,e.Mr»hC7 1>d,e i U,t « mo A M. Kwan, Coquille, stomach for about 2500 acres. Asked what Against Otis F. Neal and alt he thought of farmers going io for near the league of nations as be lr*’ ,ble- whom it may concern, increased produstion, he replied: cau without aiienating a clique ,,O“ “ h * nd Defendants. | Whether the prison plant will whla has power to neutralize most i J°lln K®**». Albany, adenoids and To Otis F Neal aud all whom it ma be enlarged to meet increas d uf his efforts. If the greatest mau concern, defendants: Mrs, M. L. Olsen, Fortlaad, appendi production, or whether others will Take uotice that on the 4th day c io recent history bad uot, unforu cilia put in like plants, I do Dot know, A ttractive prices are given on half-ton December, 1925, an application was file Remember above date, that con* but certainly this part will have to by said Seth g. Haves, Daniel J. Hayei uatsly, worn a democratic Jab ] Frank Ha yet and Gertrude Kentland ii lots or more of ours would have been the leading sultation on this trip will be free he taken care of if we are to make the circuit eourt of the state ef Oregon ii and that his treatment is different. flsx a leading industry of th» and for Linn county, for initial registra nation id the laagne Irom it, start. Married women must be aocoiniwnied valley, for mills must have the raw tiou of the title to ihe land above de by their husbands. material worked into shape for scribed. Now. unless you appear et KERR’ S OR F IS H E R ’ S EGG PRODUCER Caeearlaaa, whether iu Itarly in Address; 211 Bradbury bldg., Los hem.” or before the 6th day of February 19J« the old times or today, in France Angeles, Cal, and , how cause why such epph'catio« shall not be granted, the same will be at the times of the Napoleons or ainn Still Leads taken as confessed and a decree will be Molasses in barrel lots. •lecwhsre, has amouuted, aud will, entered according to the prayer of the in Club W ork application and you will be forever ia the laal analysis, to no more (Democrat-Herald) Burred from disputing the tame. than a sudden rise to a high emi­ Witness my hand and tbe teal of Linn county is among the lead- rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnest said circuit court this 2nd day of I anu. nence and a fail to the depths caused by Catarrh. •rs of the state in club work, even nary. 1928 R M Russell. Attempted Cacsarism has bean »hough the couuty has no club *r a-»«rww |W mr sc w -i £?t' n2 5, Clerk and ««-officio I Seal | Clerk of tbe Circuit Court ef Imputed to eur presidents from F- J. CHENE1 fit CO., Toledo, Ohio leader. The pvreentage of club —• the State of Oregon for Linn members who complete 1 projects time Io time, but no Caesars have County. started was 91.4, The average fir H ill Maiks A McMahan, developed here. the state is 80.1; which is on a par P. O address Albany Oregon D ELBERT STARR Attorneys for Applicant with Minnesota, putting Oregon J. S, Donovan of Boston when a I urterai Directar and Licensed and Minnesota at the head of the NO TICR poor boy vowed that he would quit DaLOQe Embalmer of Hearing of Final Account work if he ever accumulated a Notice is hereby given that the gnat 1 f ere were 70 ebildreu engaged Brownsville, Oregon account of Alw.lda Wilson as adinistra- million dollars. He made his 10 club work during the year and tn x of tbe estate of Bert M. Wilson million iu automobiles and on new «» of them completed th«ir deceased, has been filed in the County 1 project« Of the ten olubs fir« court of Conity. State of Oregon rear’s day ratiied, aged 45. Now, Wire 100 per cent perfect and o ie ,he -, ,h d ,’r ®f February, 1926, unless be finds something to keep WRIGHT & CO. at the hour of It o'clock a. m., bat been |or two others would have been had him busy we predict that ha will duly appointed by said Court for the they made report« of their work Funeral Directors hearing of objections to said final never be M . An active lift cannot Material used cost »8,927 13 s account and the settlement thereof, at H ay ¡3 w orth ju s t as m uch in sto ra ce as H . L. U r»gh(, Harrisburg the value of the completed w< be changed to one of leisure with­ which time any person interested in Mrs. J. C. Bramwell, Halsey Mid estate may appear and file ohjec- was »5,494.94, a profit of »,156 flre. T h - out shotleuing it. Loot thereto in writing and contest the “ 1. SCATTBROUN SHOTS a Dr. Mellenthin HOTEL ALBANY ONE DAY O NLY '" ' H a ll’s C a ta r r h Medicine ’• O. w . F R U M A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. The dieclosure of an attempt of Mr. Coolid*« to exact a written blank reeigtation, available at any time, at a condition to an eppoi„l. ment to a presumably independent board established by congress, f0|. you might get for it io o a s e o f Umenoan Isglo Fire Insuranee eonmanr Modern Barber Shop A laundry sent Tuesdays tgency Hub Cleaning Works ABES PLACE The public service comraleelon has ordered sn Investigatio« of llvesteck rate« charges and regulations in the state The Investigation is deoesserv tt was laid, because of to order Issued 1 recently by the interstate commerce I commission affecting Interstate rate« on livestock a . . . . ' . . . be k l pay you 85% Of th e cash value in easy of loss by flre. same D,ted Brat published January 6, 1H6- Alwilda Wilson. T . Adminietratrix of the Estate. TuesiaS ATeseing, Attva for Admrx, C. P. STAFFORD, Agent TUSSING & TU8SING lawyers H Vf 4 Halsey and Brownsville Oregon 4* 4