R U R A L ENTERPRISE MODISH LINGERIE FOR SERVICE; SCALLOPS RIVAL THE FLARE In the after-holiday lull Is the ’ tim e to tak e lnveutory of one's lingerie supply. W hether one does It through th e buying or home-sewing m ethod new com binations, step-ins and costum e slips must be acquired. If one w ould keep up w ith fashion’s pace. In underthlngs as well as frocks and o u ter w raps styles chunge. T his season m ore than ever th ere Is a notable difference In many of the undergarm ents. T his Is greatly due I collection are com binations of geor- ; g ette decorated with ribbon applique. P aris says, "L et scallops reign su- ] prem e In costum e designing," and j they do. Judging from the m ultltudl- I j nous num ber of gowns and w raps and i two-piece dresses w hich a re greatly bescalloped th is season. It Is a ques­ tion w hether scallops or flares are re­ ceiving most atten tio n from noted co uturiers a t present. According to late models em anating from varions 59 75 TERM S 9 6 . 5 0 p e r M o n th . I. R o c k e r 2 C h s ir J. S e tte e 4. L i b r a r y T a b l e 1 1 t sJfiafit Inches > 5 W n f i n / OaaA (HaJOstS inches) 6 D e s k C hsur 7. F e c n o ry ' Prvee ether fin­ ishes and sr¿arete pieces gaoled ea request. J u s t t h e t h m i fo r L iv in g R o o m M o u n ta in C a b in B e a c h C a b in S u n P a r lo r C lo s e d • in P o rc h O ffic e o r D e n Cold Box Built in the Side of a Houee— 1. Situation of a Cold Storage Box in the Kitchen W all—2. Interior View of Ventilated Cold Storage Box— 3. A Ventilated Closet Like This Is Good for Storing Food in Winter. plies can he lowered and raised soon pays for Itself In time Hnd strength D uring the w inter season som etim es I saved. Since the bottom of the cellar the housekee|»er’s vigilance In the care Is the coolest part, foods often keep of food supplies becomes relaxed. She i best If set on the floor, provided It is places th e sam e reliance on .lack rlean nnd dry. If the floor Is damp ami Frost th at w as formerly accorded to earthy, a layer of clean bricks may he the Iceman, and does not alw ays do a arranged under the food. If there Is fa ir share of the work necessary to a furnace In the main part of the cel­ keep foods in good condition. lar. It Is generally too warm ami dry Successful care of food in the home for the w inter storage of fruits and depends very largely on w hether there vegetables, hut a storeroom cun often­ Is a good storeroom , suitable contain tim es he partitioned off and so ven­ era, and an Icebox or some o th er means tilated th a t the tem peruture Is kept of keeping foods cool, th e United constantly cool. S tates D epartm ent of A griculture In a cold, dry clim ate food may he points out. Merely keeping perishable successfully kept In an air-shaft ex­ foods cool, however, does not elim inate ; tending from the cellar or the lower th e need for frequent Inspection and floor of the house to the naif, and picking over, discarding w ilted leaves equipped with a door opening Into the on vegetables and salad m aterials, for kitchen or pantry and wire or per­ example, selecting for first use those forated shelves of convenient height. pieces of fru it most likely to become Both ends of this shaft should he over ripe, and otherwise exercising the screened. It will be usable for the sam e cart* th at one would In sum m er greater p art of th e year. or any oth er season, to provide san i­ Best Cold Box. tary conditions w here food Is stored. One of the best cold boxes for stor­ Set Box Outdoors. When II seem s no longer necessary ing food In w inter Is the type pro­ to buy ice, foods can he kept cool In jecting out of n kitchen window or built various o th er ways. If the refrig erato r in the side of the house, with a door Is used as u w inter cold box w ithout opening Into the kitchen. Such n cold Ice. It should he set out of doors, p refer­ box should he closed entirely when ably on a screened porch, and ven­ food Is In It. except for screened open­ tilated by propping open one of the | ings allowing a current of air to pass doors at all times. It should be through It a t all times. These open­ cleaned and cared for regularly, as ings should be placed so th a t dust will usual. In freezing w eather food can­ not blow upon foods In the cold box. All foods and food m aterials th at not he kept out of doors, however, and some unheated, protected place must a re to be used w ithout washing, such as butter, cheese, or sugar, should he be found for It. If the cellar m ust be used ns th e w rapped or kept In covered receptacles, chief storage place for food In cold w hether stored In the refrigerator or in w eather, a dum b-w aiter on which sup­ the pantry, cellar or any other place. (P rep a red M oduli S p rin g to the Introduction of fullness about | th e hem line w hich tak es the place of th e heretofore slim silhouette. To meet this new condition th e de­ sig n er of p retty undergarm ents must, through subtle adjustm ent, m ake nec­ essary concessions. F or instance, the la te st Idea Is to Introduce godets of lace Into the s k irt portions of com­ bination costum e slip and gown. Youthful slips not only em phasize s k irt brevity but they also su b stitu te a fitted bandeau top for the low-wulst- ed effects w hich once prevailed. In models for more developed figures the slender line Is retained, wide flouncing o r lace form ing the flare. As to trim m ing th ere Is a decided tren d tow ard using net and footing. L in g e r ie . renow ned F rench ateliers, th e honors are divided. The Illustration p resen ts a very a t­ tractiv e exjHinent of th e sculloped frock, also th e uew est Interp retatio n of the flare. A rranging scallops In tie rs Is an outcome of th e tren d of th e vogue for scallops and then m ore scallops. This lovely model Is of flat crepe In a fashionable old rose shade. It bears out the fact th a t all soft and unusual colorings will be called Into play for spring ami sum m er frocks. The decorative scallop has made Its appeurnnce on the two-piece frock. In Interesting ways. T h at Is, th e blouse carries a scalloped hem line m atched to th a t of the sk irt. Sometim es only S h o w in g th e S c a llo p a n d th e F la re . Even the hem about the ankles shows th e Jum per Is scnlloped, th e sk irt a dainty finish of ruffled footing, often adopting a circu lar flare. It Is re­ m atching the net insertion which m arked hat In most Instances when Joins the seam s. Net or vnlenclennes th e silh o u ette conform s to stralg h tlln e Insertion would be equally effective models, then scallops a re brought Into fo r a com bination such as the p icture play as a trim ming. shows. As to the flare Its In terp retatio n s A w him sical touch to colored voile ' are too v ersatile to enum erate, but underg arm en ts Is the edging of black i one Instance Is of unusual o u tstanding footing. Peach, maize, rose, blue or In terest—nam ely seinl-fltted princess orchid filmy step-ins or com binations j lines which ripple Into a flare at the can be made of sheer silk o r voile hem line a fte r th e m anner of th e sm art w ith black footing finishings a t little stre e t dress pictured to th e left. Thia expense, and th is home sew ing Is a rattier extrem e style la characteristte m ost delightful pastim e when mldsea- I of the coming mode. son snows have not yet molted and In­ JULIA ROTTOMI ET doors seem s so enticing and "comfy." | <£. ISM. V s l . i l N m H » r USI»o.) Very charming also In the lingerie by t h e U n it e d S t a te * D e p a r t m e a t . o f A g r ic u lt u r e .) Seven pieces of beautiful, rich, brow n reed furni­ tu re__ju st now so m uch in vogue—at little m ore than half w hat you w ould pay for equal quality at a furniture store. Thousands of Satisfied Custom ers Only by selling direct to you can we make this sensational offer I For a limited time only I Thousands have bought this remarkable value end everyone has been thoroughly satisfied. Each piece is as near perfection as the finest of reed end the work of skilled artisans can make it. Compare this sat with any other you may have seen. You cannot buy this high grade value in furniture any­ where, at such an attractive price, or so conveniently. Order It now; fill out end mail the coupon at ones. Begin enjoy­ ing this modish and attractive set. THE R A T T A N WORKS, Na. U S n rC n r B ld g .. S a n t a B a r b a r a . C a lif a r n l «ir. II r».r S.l, / .m--.. tT . T S a t t m fra in a a n d t f a r t h e r a j r e e tu p rv m p ttp r e m a fe. ,'t) g e e k »»«»«if.* o n th e u n p a id b, iu le le re m o ta e t t k p e u n a tite li the d e f a r red p ap a s e a le h a v e been asede. -State . T h ey C atch Them F irst No H u rry B etty—H urry up, or we ll be late to j C harles S tuart, clerk In Superior court, room 5, took his young son to Sunday school. Bobby—Well, God Is eternal.—Life. the country for a visit with relatives, tin Ids retu rn the boy was overheard relating some of the wonders of ru ral Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp. On retirin g gently rub spots of dan ­ life tuid among other observations druff and Itching w ith C uticura O int­ was this o ne: "O ut In the country ment. N ex t, morning shampoo with they don’t sw at the flies like we do C uticura Soup and hut w ater. Make In the city. They Just catch them them your everyday toilet preparations and put them ou paper.”—ludlunup- and have a clear skin and soft, white olls New». hands.—A dvertisem ent. S lo p Prudence is the knowledge of things tn he sought and those to be shunned. —Cicero. th e P a in . T h * h u r t o f a b u rn or a c u t « to p s w h e n C o le 's C a r b o lis a lv e Is a p p lie d . I t h e a ls q u ic k ly w ith o u t s c a r a 30c a n d •Oc by a ll d r u g g is t s , or s e n d 30c to T h e J. W . ( ’o le C o . 127 H. E u c lid A v e.. O ak P a r k , 111.— A d v e r tis e m e n t. T he first principle of business Is Kind words never die—and thnt you cannot spend the sume dollar o th er kind live forever. bill twice. tha 1 Bologna-Style Sausage OLD FOWL SERVED Is Easily Made at Home AS FAMILY TREAT It hardly pays to make up a quan- I tlty of boloena-style sausage sm aller Chicken and Vegetables : than 25 pounds, hut when considerable beef Is on hand, this product enn well Form Delicious Blend. he m ade for the sake of variety. The United S tates D epartm ent of Agricul­ (P rep a red by «be U n ited S ta te e D ep a rtm en t tu re tells how to make It: o f A g ric u ltu r e.) In m aking bologna, for ench 20 When pome of the older birds nre he- pounds of beef, 5 pounds of fresh pork lug culleil from the poultry flock, plan may he added (one hall’ beef and half to treat the fnmily to fowl en casserole pork m akes a richer product). Grind with vegetables. The chances are th at ! th e meat coarse, then add the sea- th e oldest rooster will not be recog­ ! sonlng and grind through the flue nized in this combination. The long, plate. The sausage will keep long If slow, moist cooking In th e covered dish ! th e beef nnd salt are ground together m akes even drum sticks tender, while and allowed to cure for 2-4 to 4S hours. the flavors of chicken and vegetables ; For seasoning 25 pounds of ment. H form a delicious blend. T h is Is also j pound of salt, and 2% ounces of pep- th e kind of ‘‘dinner In one dish" that Is j per are usually satisfactory. G arlic or easy for th e homem aker to prepare coriander may he added If desired. long In advance of the meal hour. I From three to four pounds of w ater The U nited S tates D epartm ent of ’ may be milled to the above mentioned A griculture gives the following direc­ quantity of meat. Mix with the hands tio n s for preparing fowl en casserole until the w afer Is entirely absorbed with vegetables: by the m eat and the whole mass be­ comes quite sticky. When thoroughly (-p o u n d fo w l i s t a l k s c e le r y mixed, stuff It Into soaked beef cas­ 8 c a r r o t» 1 g r e e n p e p p er ings or "rounds" and smoke th e 1 o n io n bologna from two to three hours at a Cut the fowl Into convenient plfcea tem perature of from 00 degrees to TO for serving. Slice or chop th e vege­ degrees F ahrenheit or until the eu» tab les Into very small pieces. This i Ings are a rich mahogany brown. A ller «•an lie «lone quickly on a tin vegetable I smoking, cook the bologna In w ater sllcer. Dust the pieces of chicken ( about 165 degrees Fahrenheit, until with flour and brown them delicately j It floats; 45 m inutes to one hour Is In a sm all qu an tity of fat. As Ihe I usually sufficient. A fter cooking plunge chicken Is removed from th e frying i the bologna Into cold ««Hier to chill pan, place It In the casserole. Then , nnd then hang to drip nm| dry. The pour the chopped vegetables Into the | sausage should he kept" in a dry place frying pun anil let them absorb all th e | for Im mediate use. or It may tie browned fat from the chicken, before i canned by packing In cans, covering placing them In th e casserole. Add I to w ithin one-half Inch of top with enough hot w ater to keep the m ixture 't h e liquid In which the bologna was from sticking to the dish, place the I conked. It should then he heated to cover In position, and cook for three a tem perature of 250 degrees Faliren- to four hours, or until the fowl Is ten ­ | belt for 45 minutes, or a 15 pounds der. Ju s t before serving, remove the I steam pressure. pieces of fowl, add a cupful of milk which has been blended w ith one and nne-half tablespoonfuls of flour, and Food Value of Corn Equal cook for ten minutes. P our th is sauce to That of Other Cereals over th e chicken o r replace th e chick­ Corn Is one of the most Im portant I en In It and serve from th e casserole cereal foods In the United States. It Flaky boiled rice, baked o r plain boiled p otatoes a re a good background Is In more general use In the southern to serve with this tasty chicken dish. than In the northern states. Its food > value Is very sim ilar to that of other ' cereals. When used In a diet th at also I M en ding R ubber supplies dairy products, flesh foods, ■ T hin spots In rubbers can be mpnd- and vegetables or fruits, the choice be­ j ed at home by applying s cement tween the various cereals depends j m ade from five cen ts’ w orth of rubber m ore on personal preference arid dissolved In benzine. F irst apply ben­ price than on the nourishm ent sup­ zine an Inch or more round the hole plied. If isim Is abundant ami cheap, anil scrape until clean. Then apply or If w heat, rice, or other cereals are the rubber w ith a brush, as qnlckty scarce nnd dear, coni may he safely as possible, BO th a t It will not harden. substituted for them. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Lumbago Headache Colds Pain Neuritis Toothache Neuralgia Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only ‘'Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bsyer” {sixes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists. la p lrln Is ths trade mark of Razor Weaufecturo o f ll.nioarotlvai-ldratar o f RallczlleaelS N ot of C rim inal Bent The C o m p lete Course F irst M an—Ever been m arried? Strange us It may seem, some of the Second Man Yes. Been through It "Yep, got a good ocer.” A ustralia ure proud to claim descent all, from courtship to courthouse. from the convicts who were the first YMir 999B MNftM o r ff»-, Raman settlers In that land. In explanation, I i K ) Tf • B a la a m . a p p lk d on ('» in « tv bed, w ill It Is to he borne In mini) that a large I re lla v a th e m by m o rn ln « Adv. proportion of the convicts transported C rackers and biscuits, so common to to A ustralia In the early days were not w hat we should now call crim inals. most homes, are so Im portant that Many w ere convicted of quite petty nine countries are vicing for the m ar­ offenses, and some w ere m ere children. kets of the world. for M O T H E R :- F l e t c h e r ’s Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipa­ tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. T o avoid imitations, alwtqrs look for the signature o f ^hs.ilutr-ly JJarmk«« - No I’hyticuni every whet e recommend it.