Pie« i My Resolution« for J92*> The peer of “ R a l l y , w i t h Colleen more wonderful thin • ter before. ‘WE MODERNS’ | ( Read at the last meeting of tte Ladies’ Study Club) A new year'» resolution I am to make To answer to rollcall Or my life is at stake. The Fall o f Eall (Continued from page 1) they could do to me. Wife Siy«: “ Face Mu»ic” EjUttuuvtJ j an. is a good placo to have your 1 car repair-1 A ed. •d. A ll my work ia is guaranteed. - If . . I don’t „„„ . do as | good a job aa , I promise you I wili do it over without extra charge to you. Free towage within five miles of Halsey. If " you need me ju s t1 remember 16x5. I'll be there. Light A C E T Y L I N E W E L D I N G and fender hraxing : Halsey Garage M o rth b o u n d S ta g e « Leave H a lte r * 1 5 a. m. end 5:30 p m. S o u th b o u n d S ta g e s p. m. “I could have used influence The northbound «tag»« both go directly and got out of going to Las Now, let me aee. into Fortlaad. 7 The m orning southbound stage goea What »ball I »ay? Vegas. I asked my wife what straigtt through to Roseburg and makes Resolved—To attend club to do, and she said something connection» that day lor all point« south Every meeting d»y. of Roseburg Medford Ashland, Grants that heartened my soul. Pa»», Klam ath Pall». Marshfield and Aa to going ou a diet It would be easier to see Cequille. I'll not mention, The afternoou seuthbouad stage make» you go to jail than to see you CO M INO connection for points Ibis side of Roee- But just the earn» would carry the gun any more. run.’ ” bnrg, with a night »toporer at Roseburg T h at’» my intention. insisted upon going back SUMMONS Next Sun.— M on.—Tues. for all points out of there. Magee was warned that he She into the house for it. I called Jan. 17— 18— 19 And to «et »aide was not to write anything for her to get the little gun, State o f Oregon for Linn Coun- An afternoon each week — Albany GLO BE about the trial. for there were two in my dres­ ty. D ep t. 2. I -------------------------------- Not work at a ll— ser. The big one, I said, was But every day Magee wrote Juet my own pleasure seek. J Halsey Railroad Tjme A: G. Waggener and E. A. an article calling the proceed too heavy to carry. We were Waggener his wife, Halsey Happenings stopping at the Meadow hotel. That day I ’d try North South ings unjuse and illegal. Plaintiffs, 1 felt so safe in that hotel that Home letters to write. 3:24 a. m. flag 1?, i 2:O9 p . (Continued from page 1) VS. The Spnaish-speaking jury, when I came in I would always 5:15 a. m. 15, 13 45 p m Mend broken toys Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller lollowing Agnes Struthers, unmarried; 8:16 a m flag 33, 8:12 p. u,. flat ----- ---- ft the J judge’s orders, : throw my gun on the table And to make a kite b r o u ir h t in in a a v o *v ii» f of nt “guilty before going downstairs to eat. J. E. Waggener, unmarried; and Cardie were guests at 4:08 p. m. 31, 1:34 p. m. fl.g brought veMict Beulah Miller’s Sunday. within a few minutes and the But on this particular day I M. E. Davidson and Theo. Dav­ Nos 14 and 16 stop »0 let off passenger» In my loose-leaf cook book from south of $ngene judge imposed a sentence of kept it in my pocket. idson, her husband; E. I. Wag­ X o. 31, Some day I'll file away Mr. and Mis. Frank Gibson direct connjictien for Marshfield Ail good recipes eighteen months in the peni­ gener and Lydia Waggener, i.nd son were Corvallis visitors palate. f • ’ J had eaten my supper and tentiary and a fine. Immed­ was being interviewed by a his wife; Veda Roush and Passenger« for . x i f c of Eugene should That come this way. Monday. take train No. 17. iately following this Mntence rePor^er °f a local paper George Roush, her husband; Albany is to have a new O ut u day I ’ll read .j 1 11 reau .nagee was put on tn a r before We were Magee triaf George H. Waggener and S i r , Hi - sitting on a big sofa tb,. same judge «..J_r for contempt bakery, run by an incorporat­ ."®‘.1,er °oo»e ” and the like the Pauline Waggener, his wife; in the middle of the lobby, ed company. Il Kiddie Sftt’f Irk/ U n til eayt • . of court. •-uddenly Leahy walked in. Oscar P. Waggener and Mar­ “ That’s enough,’ ’ with delight I was put on the witness The reporter said to me garet Waggener, his wife; El­ Earle Stanard picked rose­ stand. The lawyer asked me There’s your friend!’ There vira W. Hall and Geo. R. Hall, Outgoing Mail buds on his Brownsville One day I ’ll spend if I still said that the judge were several women in the her husband; Irwin G. Wag­ grounds a week ago today. Visiting the achool who was trying me was cor­ lobby and I never dreamed gener and Mabel* Waggener Watching tho youngsters A t the Halsey po»toffice mail« The C. H. Koontz who was Obey every rule. rupt and I said, ‘He is!’ going north at 11:50 «. Hl. that he would attack me. But his wife; Virgil E. Waggener close in an automobile collision was and 5:20 p. m. ’ “ When the second trial was and Lois Waggener, his wife; suddenly he started walking A Lebanon man, not the Hal- One day hubby and I Going south, 11:10 a. m. over he sentenced me to an­ George E. Waggoner and toward me. ' seyite of that name. and W ill roam and roam 5:20 p. m. other year in jail and a fine Katherine Waggoner, his wife; All over the firm "Even then I didn’t think he Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cadwal- To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. , nd of $1,050.” That we eall home. would attack me. However I Jessie Allen, unmarried; Min­ lader came from Eugene Wed­ "The governor immediately kept my eyes open. I had that nie L. Lilly and Frank Lilly, U n . Morning stag« to Brown»- nesday to visit Elmer Cadwal- We’ll look at the crops pardoned me and made a httle gun in my left pocket. I her husband; Laura B. Gatch- H n g°Z o" Crawfordsville, lader, who is on the sick list. Of winter oats and wheat statement that the proceedings didn t even shift it. Suddenly ell and L. W. Gatchell (here- Holley and Sweet Horae. Also the barley at Las Vegas were a blot on he turned and hit me on the a J. A. Stevenson and wife ° *e j,mPleaded by name of ^ r- and Mrs. T. P. Patton And field of cheat the state and a disgrace to all mlef°iu my„ head and knocked A. A. Gatchell) her husband; are in Eugene for a visit of a good people. were in Brownaville Thursday. lew weeks with their son Stan­ W e’ll look at the horses t°hi r i° ° r - The gun fell Harry B. Waggoner and Mar- “I have nothing against to ley, druggist there, and family. And calve« and cows. ^ a^ oner. his wife; io the floor. Then Lenhv 14 s - °f R- 3 W of Judge Dan Leahy in private started to kick me. He kick! Walter R. Waggoner and Amy t2h* And chickens and pigs Charles Wright has been life. But I criticized his pub­ ed me in the face and all over Waggoner, his wife; Orville the Willamette Meridian n in And great, big sow». carrying his arm in a sling lic acts and I started a move­ my body. I instinctively lift- v. Waggoner, unmarried ; Linn C°unty, Oregon, contain­ because an auto crank (not W e’ll look the trees ment to defeat him at the elec­ h L UP, m/ J eg t0 P o te e t my ° n aJ C- WaK&oner and Mar­ ing 40 acres; that the defend­ the two-legged kind) hit him And abrube all o’er tions and we licked him good. body but he pulled my leg garet Waggoner, his wife; ants George H. Waggener And etudy the catalog Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ailing- A'lsa L. Thomson and Henry 2 S^ r ,P‘ WaFgener, Elvira W\ down so that he could kick Gouging Out the Eyes To order more. V ir J i/i^ ’w 0 ’ Wag*ener and my stomach. J Was seX o n - n • i ham and W. D. Allingham of her husband; Virgil E. Waggener are each "During the trial they put scious only, but was awake i?aH,e x.rS' WaSS°n«r> There are many thin»» I ortland called at Bert unmar­ me in jail. My friends, the I plan to do Haynes Saturday, inspecting ried; Margaret E. Waggoner r ^°M ner of an undivided one- see 1 that Fun ¿ lying cowboys, were afraid for me. 1 andthe/ ° 0Ir" One day of each week the new barn, etc. reacnea r "t unmarried; George Roberts; fortieth part in fee of said One little stunt the politicians 1 d shot Leahy through the the unknown heirs if any of realty; that the defendants The whole year through A nine-month-old daughter had was to throw a man in jail h K v"e ° f the 8tray buI- FAid George Roberts if he be AHen^lvr' Waggoner, Jessie of F. Burzik and wife of Mill And if any of these overnight among a lot of Mexi­ S fets a young man who had deceased; Ilia Roberts; the B C»f ?*nn o L" Lil,y- Laura I fail to keep City pulled a pan of hot water cans. Then they arranged it been hit ry.ng B. Gatchell, Harry B. Waggon­ to save me from i r k D°un heirs if anV °f said er I ’m sure III not off a bench new year’s day and and W alter R. Waggoner so that a fight would come Leahy s assault. He had twkS Hath Sit down and weep. died from the effect T h if he be deceased; are each the owner of I n un­ about and the victim would Hattie Thompson; the un- have his eyes gouged out, and Jumped on Leahy, who is a big one-fiftysixth part in Ob, no ! I ’ll brace up Fred Robins slid off the roof six-tooter, and had been shak Ha°tLn Tbe,rS if any of said divided the politicians would tell the X t 0" ' Th” '“d Aud again I ’ll try “ toe of said realty; that the Wlilet .shingling on the Bert Hattie Thompson if she be de­ newspapers that nobody was Haynes barn Saturday. Luck­ To do the thing» ceased; Charley Roberts; the defendants Orval C. Waggon- I let paee by. to blame; it was just a fight ily he landed on his feet and unknown heirs if any of said s ’Wfla3 L‘ Thomson’ Daniel It went in through his neck in the jail.” no serious injuries resulted. Charley Roberts if he be de­ b. Waggoner and Margaret E iTd cnitra ’ght throu»h the spin- Deviating from our ruie 1 * Five o u n u ic u cuwuuys hundred cowboys ac- ac- ceased ; the unknown heirs if o f “gl n n e ra ure„d?v?dVdh ,O ™Lr J. K. Fronk. on«» of Albany, ia “ killed hi" to charge 6 cent» a line for companied Magee to jail and any- of Susan Roberts t ” w L wanted in Lo» Angel»« f«r caehimr publishing local attempt« at poetic | told the sheriff that if any- bndge deceased; ahd general­ K o Urti “" dX a few thousand dollar»' worth of verse, wa priut the — ------ „, thing happened to Magee, if «hove u« an Wise and Courageous Girl ly all persons unknown having had cheeks. He has been seen and example t l , H iule m l * I he H A OVA11 Vnn*-» 1 « m a — l_ rxatuple of the reuse cause for the even received a scratch, of said realty;,and that they well identified in Portland ; aim Poetry tray be properly expreestd Gertrude was upstairs in ia'to T V i,g an interest or they would tear the jail to hold said land as tenants in reported in Mexico. Alaska and ill prose or good verse, and good lhiS When she heard the s u i ¿ e f:iL „ Pu P,ir,i pieces and the sheriff would common subject to the right Madagascar have not bean beard verse has good measure and answer to them. They brought »hot, and ran down. She saw To Agnes Struthers, Ved t of dower and of curtesy of from. rhythm, neither of whioh it to be me lying on the lobby floor him his meals to avoid any mis­ f n ? ’ r e0’’ge Roush hei hus­ their respective spouses- Sec. .. M r’ Dor«nil«er posted hie found above, which eontaine tome They posted guards and saw the dead body. She b band, George E. Waggoner titto o fhat>ia11 disPutes as to Hood rhyme« and tome abortive at­ chance. around the jail all night to be ■ictpd X. b Xteen but that ch*ld SA-StoV ¿TaggOner h?s *n county couit tempt«. atod inSath u rea ty be adJudi- acted like a grown woman, 1 hursday and was turned over Perhaps the Study club would sure that nothing happened to ohe took charge of everything- u n n je V. Waggoner, Orval C catea in this cause, and th a t to the justice court and plead­ >enefit some of its numbers if it him and every hour Magee whispered into my half-coi’ Waggoner, Margaret W’aggon- none of the other parties to ed, not guilty to three mor" would tome day take up the would call out, this suit have any interest in B ThAi,S" L- ^cious brain, ’Don’t talk. Dad liquor charges. He was put »object« of rhythm and poetic said realty. Thtod. f o r T d e “I’m all right boys!” i? I y TV- Thomson her hus­ Albany city jail in de­ (or mueioal) measure: His prison doors were left ay. Don t say a word!’ cree to the effect that said I am out on bail for mur­ band, Daniel S. Waggoner tito fault of $200 more bail, which He thinks that proba­ Modern eo-called *' free verse ” open. lT e . 80/ i.tu ated that par­ rgaret R WagK°ner, GeOrge his wife, with her small child, does not belong in thia diecussion, bly this was to tempt him to dering a man who was trying R aH tition be to made Roberts, the unknown heirs if to save my life. Up to that started out to raise. jre a t cannot prejudice the w o ith S o u t but in the insane atylutu. try to escape; that would give heJ bef Ha,d Ge. o r*e Roberts if “ The beaventdeolare the glory his enemies a chance to shoot mght the fight was a merry and appointing a diainterest- Mrs Gansle and Leila are of God one and I rather liked it. But B „ b deceased ; Ilia Roberts end the firmament ehowetb him as a fugitive. home from a visit with their •lie handiwotk. the unknown heirs if any of sal P th ° n V Referee for the that hour it has been 8a‘d Day unto dev Magee was pardoned by the irom Roberts if he beXdef he i i ere° i’ that sa’d realty ternble. If I get one man ™ >?nd grandpairn*s, utiereth spteih and night unto governor. Then the governor be sold and after payment M r and Mrs. Staab, at Oiegim night sboweib knowledge ’’ wanted Magee to serve on the the jury who can speak and oaaed, Hattie Thompson; the from the proceeds of sale o f said Plaintiffs’ costs and d S u ra ? 1 he paragraph here quoted la board of directors of the in­ understand English J will be Ilartie Tnh heirS if any doing well. The district judgt Hattie Thompson if she be de­ merits including $150 00 a? a «uch perfect prose,poetry that this sane asylum. writer once knew an educated n Spanish, the prosecut- ceased; Charley Roberts- the reasonable attorneys’ fee th at "If he goes on that board I’ll «•liior to publish it and eredtl it to be SPanish and the unknown heirs if any of said he remainder be by said ref­ stamp his life out!” Leahy was £ h a rI y R°berts >f he be de­ the poet Addison. | Wl11 be s P»nish.” reported to have said. ceased; the unknown heirs if eree distributed among the V V hat happened to Leahy ’ ” “ I’ll Stamp Hi« Life Out! " an.y °f Susan Roberts Trow­ ownei-s according to their re! Ribelin it back at Prine I asked him. “Nothing! Nothing will bridge deceased; and general­ spective interests, and for such "That put me in a place ly all persons unknown having ab k rTheliefo as sha” be «Oulu Latest reports from Peoria where I had to go on,” said ever happen to him by the act or claiming an in'.erest or ea- , This Summons is nub- of man, unless the state attor­ Magee. “It meant that I had are that Mrs. Ralph Wade, tshed in The Rural Enter­ Pr°Perty ‘n this prise once a week for six con- whose children have been ill to visit Las Vegas every time ney-general goes in and forces before the grand in m v l v p boVe named- with scarlet fever, has taken there was a meeting. Judge J an > indictment Mek‘pby order of the» a | I he name of THF Hon B W the disease. Leahy lived there. The gov­ !t seems to me that this is STATE OF OREGON: You ¿ » V o r MLi„„p T . u ? x : ernor knew there was danger but he said, ‘I’ve got to have a the most remarkable fight for are hereby required to appear made in Albany in Linn man wjth courage to straight­ decency and honor in politics- and answer the complaint of gon, County, Oregon. o n \ h e 6th he above named plaintiffs in for freedom of the press; and en out the affairs of that asy- Day date of January, entitled court, in the the of the ’f i 1926 « ’p X and " '! I t0“’ " / “ in Public think- ± the V above UT ’ the man.’ » 7 lntitlu e d cause no* on . If I go to Las Vegas with n* The H f it 'g Best Range uhauve ever Hatened file with the Clerk of said tion hereof is the 13th Day of Floral aud Judge Leahy’s threat hanging to. I think the nation should court within six weeks f?om January, 1926. " U * « ' N T « K O l e e r (net c o .,. y 01 Music Shea h»lf. Paret»ba4 in white blur er g ra r over me. I’ll have to have per­ know the story. It is the ex­ Albany e n .« .' „ tn m •l l M * ; rr < 7 ; the date of the first publica­ & TUSSING, mission to carry a gun for self­ planation of much that is ob­ tion of this Summons, and you Postoffice address Halsey, Or- scure in the Teapot Dome protection.’ I told the gover­ wood A thee removed every three are hereby notified that if you egon Attorney, for Plaintiff. -o e m . Y ear old r . . , . „ » . J „ * * • £ nor. 'scandal. fail to appear and answer said “ I had never carried a gun N O T IC B Made (rem old-growtb cedar, 7 ft. before, during all my trouble Paid-for Paragraphs oom plaint as hereby required, - 'A. BARTCHER long, good , i X0( ¡¿ q , ach plaintiffs will apply to the I went to four board meetings F U R N IT U R E C O M P A N Y •red where truck can go. See and nothing happened. (5c a line) court for the relief demanded But Mr. Leubner, Halsey, or write ALBANY in said complaint, towit; First UI Lloo Couatjr, Oregon. h „ k , , . 1 one night when I started out N. O. Isaacaon, Goldson, Or*. Me buy clean washeJ rugs 5c e for a decree of this court ad­ pointed adm iaietrator with the •»>n *** my daughter Gertrude wanted judging that the plaintiff A. ■ « . d o / the . . t . , . of Halsey Carage. to go with me. I was climb­ po»">d. G. Waggener and the defend­ ing into the automobile when ants Agnes Struthers, J E Gertrude said. ’Daddy, do you W aggener. M. E. Davidson, E.' have your gun with you ?’ - Card of Thanks W aggener and Veda Roush her that I did not We eine.rely thin k all those H r s t - c la * s W o r k . h « '? it; that U ahy had had who helped in the eickoeee and are each the owner of an un- time to get over his hard feel­ death of our husband tod father divided one-eighth part in fee of J- w STEPHENSO N. 1 v-e „,Southeast quarter of ings and that I didn’t think I The Wesley Family. the Northeast quarter of Sec. I n i t i a i A Taeeigg. A t t y a * f Z A d ï î “ 4, with COLLEEN MOORE Leave H a le e r 11:05 a. u . and 4:05 P. PA PM AN. ¡Oregon Stages Inc. u iu v i CUT FLOWERS • SHEET MUSIC HALL’S Red Cedar P o s ts BARBER SHOP .