- « JAN IA 1’ « K URAL ENTERPRISE. ^ //Íb a n y j'/y ire c to ry PAC.« i 'T h e Courtesy Shop — M illinery X and ready-to-wear novelties ' Exclusive but not expensive." MRS. HADLEY 117 Broadalbin. PABCOLIN and GOLD SEAL T h u is good advice: " If you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live ^ ^ b i t e ’s Shoe repair service. in some other to Dinnerware L M. T ay lo r, Prop. ■ Tin shop in connection 33b W. First St. Albany, Oregon 121 W, Second, A lbany. ‘A Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash OLDEN LOW THE p E N T K A L 1IK E SHOP charging. Tire Yulcamziug- Battery re­ 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. •iS « \ H ALSEY Home made fresh daily astb u ro Uros.— Two big grocery stores, 212 \V. First and 225 South Ice Cream, Soft. Drnks and E Main. Good merchandise at the right E H ite C afeteria atid confectionery Í F . W . R O S S , Albany. Mrs. Hadley, wife of Lyndley H. Hadley of Washington, is now presi- , dent of the Congressional club, an or­ ganization which plays the leading role in congressional society. Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ First street—Bikman Blag. ings. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . p O K D SA LES AND S E R V IC E M E T Z G E R ’S Tires and accessories Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor Co. "EVntmiller F u rn itu re Co., fum i- A ture, rugs, liaoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. P U L L E R G RO CERY , 2115 Lyon (Successor to Stenberg Bro9.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R olman & jackson Grocery—Bakery H Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice otel Barber Shop H A. Nagel Hotel Albany Albany, Oregon Roy Stenberg SHOE SERVICE M OVED Don’t forget the place Third & Broadalbin ALBANY IM P E R I A L C A F E , 209 W. Firs Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone ¿65 W k nkver close I ^ O D A K F IN IS H IN G News Notes From A ll Over Oregon A*- For expert work send your films to Haskin's film shop, 309 Lyon street, Albany, Oregon. G le a n e d ) b y TLJAGNETO E L E C T R IC CO. -t’-R official Stroniberg carburetor serv ice station. Conservative prices. A1 work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second th e W e s te r n N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r B u s y P e e p le lVVen and money are best when •I” , busy. -Make your dollars work in i Fire lostes In Dallas for 1925 were our savings department. A lbany S tatb small, not a single building being de­ B ank . Under government supervision stroyed. Establishment of a rock pile for the T V fA R lN K L L O PA RLO RS A’* (A beauty aid for every need) employmeo t of county prisoners was SI. Francis Hotel advocated at Salem by Brazier Small, Prop. Winifred Rose Justice of the peace. Appropriations aggregating $312,500 OSCOE AMES H A R D W A R E for the Cltemawa Indian school have been inch ded In the interior depart­ The Winchester Store , ment appropriation bill. C e c o n d hand Pianos from $185 Up Oregon and Idaho would be author­ ~ If you want a bargain in a piano now it your chance. They 're in A1 condition. ised to bull'd a bridge across the Snake Davenport Music House. -109 W. First river at B allard’s landing site under bill pas« ed by the senate. C ta p le and Fancy G roceries R. L. Stephens, 71, a native of Doug­ ~ Crockery and Glassware las contatp, ex-sheriff and for many Mrs. M. G. Stetter Phone 139*J 206 W. Second st. years on e' of Roseburg's leading shoe merchants died at Roseburg. G T IM S O N T H E SH O E DOCTOR Members of the tax Investigating Second street, opposite Hamilton’i store. committee -created under an act of the "Sudden Service.’ 1925 legislature have been summoned to meet in ‘Salem January 25. 'U b a ld o Andereon & Sou. d istrib Selection of a president of the Uni­ " utprs and dealers for Maxwell, Chai mers, Essex, Hudson & Himmobile cars. versity of Oregon at Eugene to suc­ Accessories, o polies. 1st & Broadalbin. ceed the ltite P. L. Campbell probably will be announced within tbe next few weeks. If you enjoy a good meal, •»nil know a good meal when you get it. Ground breaking for the paper mill You'll be back, tor yon'll not forget it of the St. H elens Pulp & Paper com­ Our aim is to please vou. pany was ce lebrated at St. Helens by a dedicatory program and a cessa­ tion of business. ... ALBANY For the second time in less than a G E O , M. G IL C H R IS T mdnth petition! i for the recall of Mayor Fox and Counrilmen Silvis, Schilling, Carlson, Well, llelswonger and Heckle are In circulate on at Bend. Write tor booklet describing our 20 The public at Trice commission dis­ year Rural Credit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re missed tbe application of the Bear tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No Creek Boom company for a franchise delay, B eam L and C o ., on the waters of Bear creek and its 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. tributaries In Coos county. Twenty-eight persons met violent death in 'Multnomah county in Decem­ ber, according to the monthly report preparerfl by Coroner Smith. Suicide at lowest rate of interest. , predominated, ten persons ending their Real Estate Insurance lives. I Prompt service. Courteous treatment. More than 50 colonies of bees in the W w B ain , Room .4, First Savings Bank apiary o f John Pashek at The Dalles bnilning. Albany assumed that rprlng was here and be­ came aittlve. Some of the bees swarm­ ed, which is unprecedented for Jan­ uary. Applicants desiring to renew their real estate dealers' licenses for 1926 You get who >Jo not remit the annual fee by January 10, will be penalized, Will Moor«, state real estate commissioner We hare ‘ has etated. I During It at year 20,635.586 feet of tinber war cat In the Cascade na tional Borer I. valued at $34,898 49. ac­ cording to a report Issued at the of­ FR ENC H & SO N fice In Eugwne of Nelson F. Macduff, Jeweler», Opticians, Albany supervisor. R HALSEY STATE BANK FARM LOANS T h e D IA M O N D - Onq,hund red .and three mill» report- A N D SU R PLU S 5 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Confectionery for the Affection-aiy New Machinery for Settling Labor Dis- putea Wanted. Washington, D. C. — Legislation creating new machinery to displace the railroad labor board as an agency for settling railroad labor disputes was introduced by Chairman Watson of the senate Interstate commerce committee Tbe main provision of the bill would establish a federal board of mediation to be composed of five mem­ bers appointed by tbe president with the approval of the senate. This board would be called In where efforts at direct negotiation between the car- riers and their employes had failed and where adjustment boards to be set up could not come to an agree­ If the way to a n u n '« h eart is th ro u g h his stom ach, as the old ra y in g gm-s, then surely the right road to a woman's good graces is th ro u g h a hex of chocolates and bon-bons. Of course only the daintie«t m orsels will accomplish th a t end, and “ b e s t” means ment. C la rk ’s. Send a box today to yonr beatest- " W h e r e th e re ’s a candy box, there the h e a rt u n ­ locks. FARM LOANS The G IR L BILL DISPLACES RAIL BOARD Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L J ed with valuable timber holdings Ac­ cording to the stamps that appear on the deed the land Is valued at $700- 000 Less than 65,000 out of an anticipat­ Files ed 240.000 motor vehicles In Oregon Ambassador Sheffield had'been licensed for 1925 last week. Objections to New Anti- Approximately 3000 licenses are now Alien Land Law being issued daily, and If this rate la maintained, virtually all of the appli­ cations now In the hands of the secre­ Washington, D. C. — The delicate tary of state will have been disposed status of relations between tbe United of by February 1. As soon as tbe States and Mexico became increasing­ congestion In the motor vehicle de­ ly plain with disclosure that Ambassa­ partment is relieved the police officers dor Sheffield had filed formal protest of the state will be notified. with the Mexican foreign office against State ownership and operation of retroactive provisions of the two new utilities Is proposed by an amendment Mexican laws known as the petroleum to the constitution sponsored by the and anti-alien land acts. Housewives' Council. Inc. Printed Estimates of the aggregate value of copies of the measure are now being American investments la Mexico Jeo­ distributed. It is planned to have the pardized by theae enactments, takon s^a*e 8° *nt0 the water and power bust at their face value, run as - high aa ness on a large scale, for the propos $500,000.000. ed amendment, If adopted by the peo State department officials refused pie, authorizes Issuing bonds up to 6 to make public tbe communication pre­ per cent of the assessed value of tbe sented by Ambassador Sheffield.' It state, a matter, roughly, of $50,000- Is known to have been strongly phras­ 000. ed. although there Is nothing to show The population of the several state It Indicated what course the Washing­ institutions Increased from 4483 on ton government would pursue if un­ January 1, 1925 to 4639 on January able to obtain for Its nationals the pro­ 1, 1926, according to a report prepar­ tection to whlcb they are held to be ed for consideration of the state board entitled. The right of protection Is regarded of control. The population of the sev eral Institutions, as set out In the re-1 here at* ln J. LIN D A H L , hardw are, A lbany Floral Co. Congoletim $ H ) • Printed Rugs cash • Clark’s Confectionery • • Any Girl in Trouble , i • • may c jiuraunicate with Ensign Lee <4 the Salvation Army at the J • • • White Shield Home. 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. • • The wisest girls keep out of trouble Mexico C ity—It Is reported unof­ ficially that Foreign Minister Saens will send a note on to United States Ambassador Sheffield in reply to the ambassador’s formal protest against the retroactive features of the new Mexican anti-alien land law. Thia law and the new petroleum act are held to violate pledges given the United States at the time that oountry accord­ ed recognition to Mexico. It la said here, however, that it le the purpose of the Mexican govern- t0 malDtaln «overeign right under the Mexican constitution to en­ act without foreign Interference any legislation It may desire. New Schedule of Rates on Lumber ------ I Washington, D. C.—A revision of rates on lumber moving from tha north Pacific coast to the southwest and gulf coast territory was ordered by tbe Interstate commerce commit slon. The changes are designed to equalize competitive rates for both the consuming and producing territories. l and would result In both Increases andl decreases I The commission prescribed four» groups in the destination territory. In each of which tbe rates from the north Pacific coast should be identical. The order modifies tbe commleeloa’l original lumber rate decision which became effectlre October 6, 1923. end affects eastern Colorado, southern Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Okla­ homa. Arkansas and Louisiana, in which lumber merchants found tbe commission's prescribed groupings unsatisfactory. The roads were Instructed to fix rates on cedar lumber and cedar shingles which zre not more than 12 cents above the rates on general lum I ' r- . J ARROW GARAGE, Gansle Bros. AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION R e fle c to rs a n d le n s e s f o r n e a r ly a ll m a k e s o f ca rs . E r e c o n d it io n a ll m a k e s o f C a r n j a n d |M o t o r s