Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, January 13, 1926, Image 3

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The Valley of Voices
A u t h o r o f “ T o ilers o f th e T r a il." “ T h e W h e lp s o f th e W o l f ”
Teilt a Story*
' \1
(C o p y rig h t by th e P *nn Pub!l»».ln< t o . )
S Y N O P S IS .— W ith D a v id , h a l f -
b r e e d KU lde, B r e n t S te e le , o f th e
A m e r ic a n
M u seu m
o f N a tu ra l
H i s t o r y , la t r a v e l i n g In n o r t h e r n
C anada.
By a s tre a m he h e a rs
D e n is e , d a u g h t e r o f C ol. H i l a i r e
S t. O n g e , f a c t o r a t W a l lin g K iv e r.
p la y t h e v io lin s u p e r b l y . H e I n ­
tr o d u c e s h i m s e l f a n d a c c e p t s a n
I n v i t a t i o n to m a k e t h e p o s t h is
h o m e d u r i n g h is s t a y .
H e fin d s
t h e f a c t o r w o r r i e d a n d m y s tie d .
T h e " l o g c h a t e a u " is a r e a l h o m e .
F r o m S t. O n g e h e l e a r n s o f th e
m y s t e r i o u s c r e a t u r e o f e v il, th e
W in d lg o , a n d th e d i s a p p e a r a n c e
o f a c a n o e a n d I ts c r e w , w ith th e
s e a s o n 's t a k e o f f u r s .
T hen at
n i g h t t h e W in d lg o g iv e s a w e ir d
p e r f o r m a n c e . E v e n S te e le Is m y s ­
tifie d . D a v id , S t e e l e 's I n d ia n , a n d
M ic h e l,
S t.
O n g e 's
h e a d - n ia n ,
le a v e f o r th e s c e n e o f th e c a n o e 's
d i s a p p e a r a n c e In a n a t t e m p t to
s o lv e t h e m y s t e r y
S t. O n g e t e l l s
S te e le t h a t L a a c e lle s , th e c o m ­
p a n y 's m a n a g e r a t F o r t A lb a n y ,
s e e k s h is r u i n in o r d e r to c o m p e l
D e n is e to m a r r y h im to s a v e h e r
f a t h e r . S te e le a n d D e n is e f a l l In
lo v e . S te e le fin d s th e t r a c k o f
th e
W in d lg o — h u g e a n d m u c h
l i k e a b e a r 's .
D a v id fin d s th e
s a m e th in g .
T e te - B o u le , I n d ia n
In S t. O n g e 's e m p lo y , is c a u g h t
l i s t e n i n g to S t e e l e s t a l k w ith
D a v id a n d M ic h e l, a n d r o u g h l y
h a n d le d . L o u i s L a fla m m e , f a c t o r
a t O g o k e, m a k e s a p p lic a tio n fo r
t h e h a n d o f D e n is e .
P ie rre , I n ­
d ia n
fro m
O goke,
v is its
th e
W a i l i n g K iv e r p o s t.
CHAPTER V— Continued
“B ut why should ho come so fo r to
m ake trouble here, ns you say? W hat
Is behind It all?”
F or an Instant, Michel seemed on
th e point of m aking n revelation. Then,
evidently changing his mind, with a
shrug of his bony shoulders, he a n ­
sw ered: “We see some day.”
Steele and David exchanged puzzled
looks. W hat could Michel have in the
back of his head?
The grave face of th e Indian had
suddenly aaaumed an expression so
sinister as to arouse th e w hite m an’s
"By g a r! M e are de fool I"
“ What d'you mean?"
For answ er, Michel leaped Info the
canoe and poled rapidly upstream for
a few hundred yards, while the puz­
zled Steele looked on. Then the In ­
dian swung the nose of the boat down
river and puddled past them In mid­
stream .
"W hat In thunder Is he driving nt,
"W e are de fool for sure.” w as the
laconic answ er ns Michel swept by
with his eyes on his friend*, then
threw the how of th e canoe to the
shore and landed.
"He nevaire pass here widout seeln’
dis camp."
Michel's m aneuver was explained.
“P a t I'lerre pass here two sleeps
hack,” said Michel. Joining Steele.
"Dees man bin dead fre e , four day an'
de track s on de shore a re old one. Dp
riviere rise a fte r de rain two sleeps
hack. De W indlgo mak' dem tracks
her—"before de rain.” and Michel point­
ed to some footprints which were bare­
ly covered by water.
"Suppose he did not notice tills
camp, w hat then?”
"H e was hongree an' hunt for gam e;
he sees dees camp for sure."
David nodded in agreem ent.
"Then why did he not tell us?”
"D at ees w'at I ask lieeiu tonight at
W ailin' Riviere.”
bing it into th e skeptical Lascelles
“You have a bona-fide Windigo In this
valley, monsieur— a— most interesting
situation to a scientist, 1 assure you.
The Indians are In a panic and you
will have difficulty In keeping them on
th eir trap-lines tills w inter.”
“You, a scientist, believe In Indian
sorcery and superstition?” dem anded ,
tlie Frenchm an, sarcastically.
“Well, now, th a t Is som ew hat diffi­
cult to answ er, m onsieur," badgered
Steele, to the delight of th e two sw art-
faced men with whom he had entered.
"I liave heart) the Windlgo wail In the
n ig h t; I have seen his tra c k s ; and I
have Just returned to report to Mon­
sieur St. Onge th a t we have found up
near the mouth of Stooping river tile
rem ains of an Indian torn to pieces,
evidently by tills sam e Windlgo."
"W hat do you say?" St. tinge was
on his feet.
“This morning wp found th e camp
an'l body of a stran g e Indian—the
track s were Identical with those you
saw n ear here on the trail." Then
Steele suddenly changed thp subject.
"W here is th at i’lerre who come here
from th e F eath er lakes the day we
left? Michel wishes to ask him some
"H e left this morning. D idn't you
pass him on thp river?"
A m uttered curse from Michel met
S teele's backw ard glance.
“Too b a d !” exclaimed th e Amerl- ¡
“I suppose, monsieur, you a ttrib u te
Hie Joss of our furs to tlds sam e
Windlgo?” broke In l.ascelles.
"till, undoubtedly, inspector," re­
plied Steele, with a suspicious curl of
flip lip. Ills blood slowly rising at the
tone used hy tlie man *frotn Albany.
However, above all things, he had to
consider St. finge ami Denise, he told
him self, nml not to allow th is fellow
Io lure him Into a hostile attitu d e.
Is Winter Time Your Backache Time?
Does Your Back Foretell Every Change of the Weather? Do You Feel
Old and Stiff and Suffer Sharp, Rheumatic Pains?
Then Look to Y our K idneys!
OES every cold, chill or attack of grip
leave you lame, stiff and achy? Are you
nervous and depressed; feel tired, worn
out and miserable? Does your hack throb and
ache until it seems you just can’t keep going?
Then look to your kidneys! Colds and
chills throw a heavy strain on the kidneys.
They overload the blood with impurities that
the kidneys have to filter off. The kidneys
are apt to weaken under this rush of new
work, become congested and inflameH.
It’s little wonder, then, that every cold finds
so many folks suffering with torturing back­
ache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness
and annoying kidney irregularities.
If this is the case with you, don’t risk neg­
lect! Help your weakened kidneys with a stim­
ulant diuretic. Begin using D oan’j Pills.
Doan’s have helped thousands. Local users
testify to their worth. Ask your neighbor!
“ Use D o a n 's /9 S ay These G ood People:
Thp tw enty miles of hard running
river down to th e fort was covered by
th e three skilled canocmen In a few
hours, (in arriving, they hastened to
th e trad e house. Steele opened the
ponderous slab door and entered, fol­
“ I see you are Jo' In g ," re jo in e d th e
lowed by the tw o half-breeds, to learn
F rom lim an, (lushing.
th a t W ailing River had a visitor.
“On the contrary. 1 pm very far
A l all dealers, 60c a
from Jo' 'n t when I t'dl you th a t th ere
With thp com Inc of th e cn nop with
a re m ysterious things afoot In this
new s from F en th er lakes. W alling
valley—which n either my experience
R iver w as again throw n Into a panic
nor scientific knowledge are able to
o f fear of th e night prow ler. A fter a
B lu e S k y A v e ra g e
hurried talk with St. Onge. Steele
Yon hud b etter go up river
C harles W. S utro of Slitro A Co.,
tomorrow anil see for yourself. You
sta rte d up the river, bound for Big
seem skeptical regarding th e whole San Francisco financial house, tells a
F e a th e r lake. H e had little hope of
story about President M ortim er Flelsh-
m atter.”
discovering anything which would
“Have you n ever seen a dead man hncker of the Anglo-Cullforiiiu T ru st
throw light on th e mystery. But one
before, m onsieur?” derided Lascelles.
thing piqued th e curiosity o f th e th ree
It seem s th a t Mr. F lelslihacker
"I fear It has gone to your head—thia
men. They w ere keenly Interested in
asked a Pullm an po rter the am ount of
finding track s sim ilar to those n ear
his average tip. The negro replied
St. Onge excitedly h alf rose from
th e post, for they carried the exact
th a t the average am ount was one dol­
his chair, as tlie cool gray eyes of his
m easurem ents of th e latter, and In
lar. Mr. F lelslihacker handed him a
guest slowly surveyed th e man from
case they tallied with those nt the
dollar. The p o rter caressed the silver
Albany, from moccasins to h a ir; and
F e a th e r lakes, forty miles away. they
coin affectionately and said : “Yas-
then fell Imck relieved, when the
would have discovered a new nml most
suh, boss, hut you Is de fust puhson
American. flushed, hut In control of
peculiar tra it In anim al habits, nam e­
w hat has come up to tlie average."—
ly. a beast with feet strangely Ilk-
Tlie C oast Banker.
bear's. which had ranged forty miles
"M onsieur, you w ere form erly a
w ithin n few days.
man of war, a soldier, while 1 am
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
only a peaceful man of science. To
On the m orning of th e second day
W hen red, rough and itching, hy hot
you It Is hut n atu ral th at violent death
th e canoe was traveling In the easier
natlis of C uticura Soap and touches of
should be a fam iliar sight, while to
w ater Inshore, when Michel, poling in
C uticura O intm ent.
Also m ake use
me It Is most terrifying. Why, I find
the how, suddenly exclaim ed:
now and then of th a t exquisitely scent­
ft most repulsive e^en to clean a fish.” ,
“K eqaa.v! Look I"
ed dusting powder, C uticura Talcum ,
So Innocuous w as Steele's smile, and
On the shore, ahead, w ere the re
one of th e Indispensable C uticura
so guileless his manner, th at Lascelles, I
m ains of a fire and n ear it w hat re
T oilet T rio.—Advertisem ent.
conscious of te ln g played with hy the .
sem bled the body of a man. With a
nigged American, found no words to
few strong th ru sts o f ttie poles, the
A n In ju s tic e
reply, hut sat In Impotent rage. Then
canoe w as driven to the bench. The
“America is now cnlled In E urope
Extended His th e retreatin g backs of Michel and
men leaped ashore. Before them, With
David, whose shaking shoulders he- ' the W orld Shylock,” said O scar Wells,
stretched beside the dead tire, lay an
tray ed th eir suppressed m irth, spurred • th e new p resident of the American
Indian, hideously m utilated.
Seated with St. Onge behind th e trad e the Revlllon man to answ er:
B linkers’ association, during the con­
“H e has been literally torn to pieces,
“If you are so afraid of Hood." he | vention nt A tlantic City. "E urope Is
m uttered Steele. “A h ear alone could counter was a short, thick-set stra n ­
have done this, and yet I never heard ger. w earing a cup with an insignia sputtered, “why are you hunting thia i a s u njust to A m erica as Nngg w as un­
ju s t to m atrim ony.”
in gold braid.
m an-eating Windlgo?”
o f such a thing.”
"'G eo rg e.' said Mrs. Nngg, 'have you
“M'sleu Lascelles.” w hispered Mi­
David was on his knees searching
Steele smiled down good nnturedly at
fo r track s in th e dry leaves, when a chel over the shoulder of the Ameri­ the man he would have blithely hat- ' rend this book, "How to Be Iluppy
Though M arried"?’
cry from Michel drew th e atten tio n of can.
tered with his fists, and leaving the
"'N o p e ,' said Nngg. T don't need
th e others.
two men at the trade-house, sought
to. I know how already.’
“Ixiok I T rack on de sh o re!” and dently in the midst of a healed con­ out Denise St. Onge.
“ 'W ell. how. tlien?' said—
the Iroquois pointed to a patch o f mud versation In French, for they ignored
hack 1 Monsieur ! '" G e t a divorce,' said lie."
clearly m arked by th e p rin ts of huge Steele's entrance.
Steele." she said, forcing a smile, “I
'You are as superstitious as you have Just heard th at you have made
“T hey're ringers for th e track s near
a terrildp discovery,”
th e post.” said Steele, and he took terested in this Windigo stuff." L as­
"Please, wp will not talk of t h a t "
from his pocket strips of raw hide of celles said Irritatedly, when St. Onge, he Insisted. "I have som ething to say j T ak e Tablets W itho ut F ear I f You
See the 8a fe ty “ Bayer Croes.”
the dim ensions of the footprints which glancing tow ard the door, saw Steele. to you before I go, tom orrow. Tonight i
‘You ure hock so soon, monsieur? th ere will he no opportunity." He won- I
had frightened C harlotte. In breadth,
W arning! U nless you see the nam e
length and character, the track s In the And you have news?" The factor ap­ dereil If Lascelles had seen her p ri­
mud were Identical with those near peared relieved at the appearance of vately since his arrival th at afternoon, "B ayer" on packnge or on tablets you
W alling River. The th ree friends the man lie thought far upriver.
hut If did not m atter.
"W e a re to ' a re not getting th e genuine Bayer
Brent Steele's hack stiffened as he make a wide circle of the country." j A spirin proved safe by millions and
looked hlnnkl.v at each other.
advanced to meet the man who had he went on. "and will he a » a y unt.l prescribed by physicians for 25 years
“It's the sam e bird," said Steele.
Say “B ayer” when you buy Aspirin.
David removed his felt hat and the power in his hands to crush the I leave for Nepigon.”
scratched his hroad forehead. “No girl over In the facto r’s quarters,
H er sensitive face quickened with Im itations may prove dangerous.—Adv.
h ear travel forty mile and back tw enty w hose rare quality he would never emotion as she listened.
S ta r t A lik e , A n y w a y
onless som et'ing drive heem,” he In­ sense, whose soul he would never
“M ailetnoltelle St. tinge,” he begun, !
know. As he walked around behind "I have no right to ask this from you' I A teacher In tlie Junior high school
“But hears don't m utilate bodies like the trade-counter, th ere was a set to but In Justice to yourself I m ust."
of Anderson was giving a lesson re ­
his heavy shoulders, a glint In the
this.” added Steele.
She started to speak, as If In pro i cently In the study of the Constltu-
“Wnl,” m uttered th e Ojihway. “dees gray ayes, which did not pass unno­ test, then her troubled eyes squarely ( ,*"n ••H*’ tJe d a m tlo n of Independence
one m ak' de mess ov dees poor feller ticed hv the men he approached.
met his.
’ ' In the course of th e lesson she called
"M onsieur Steele, this is Inspector
all de same. W 'at you goin' do?”
j for an explanation of th e statem ent
As the fentnres were obliterated.
j th a t all men are created equal. A
With a smile Steele extended a
Michel was busy exam ining the kit of
j sm all lad, overflowing with the ginger
I* Laacelles in the plot, too?
H e dead man In an attem p t to Iden­ hand, hard as a spruce knot, and ,
. of youth, answ ered:
O r are these suitor* pressing
tify him as an Indian' trad in g at the grasped th e fingers of the puzzled and
“ Well, they all weigh about the
th eir suit each in h i* own way?
curious Lascelles.
•am e when they a re born.”—Indianap-
“I missed meeting you at Albany,
I oil* New*.
"De gun ees French company gun.
hut de k ettle snd knife I nevalr aw Inspector. In August. You were ov^r
( t o r b coN T necao.)
OranutatM •Vvlldw.
before. I t ’ink eet ees not W alling at Moose when I called.”
rallavefi r e v e r n r lr
h t by « ..m a n Ey» H alfam .
C o m b in e s F a n a n d F o u n ta i n
The black eyebrows of Lascelles
R iviere hunter.”
O n« tr ia l oonvln»»« I T I P »arl Ut , N. Y. A d r.
“Who could he be. then traveling rose as he now identified the stran g er
d n e of the most rem arkable palm
whose presence at Walling River he trees In the world Is to be found In
on this river so late In the year?"
W om an H as “ M ad e G ood”
West Africa. Its branches grow In the
“E et ees ver' strange," m uttered the found most annoying for his plans.
A m ong women who have made good
"Oh, yes. Monsieur Steele, the Amer­ shape of a fan, and alw ays east to
headm an.
In local politics may be mentioned
“E ef dat h ear ees de Windlgo.” D a­ ican sc ie n tist: I thought you left Al­ west, and are filled with a cool, pleas
Miss G race Hchiska of Eugene, Ore.
ant tastin g liquid, which often eaves Mis* Schlska made her political delmt
vid's wide face contracted In a net­
the lives of trav elers whose w ater a* a candidate for city recorder and
work o f w rinkles, as he grinned at igon," he suggested potntedly.
"I did, monsieur, but I stumbled on supply has run short.—Lo* Angeles w as elected. L ater she became a po-
Steele, “w 'at we do den?"
"W indlgo or no Windlgo. David, he's a most Interesting situation here— Times
lice Judge and now she has been ap­
#ur m eat If he steps In front of my right In my line, you know. I found
pointed to th e office of county treaa
T h e eternal stars shine otit a*
klannlicher—or youra. Why, w hat's
year*.” Steal* was losing no tim e rub a* It la »ark enough -Carlyle.
the m atter. Michel?"
Doan’s Pills
Stim ulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y.
D e s p o t's H a irle s s D e c re e
S ir H urt! Singh Buhadur, new ma­
h arajah of K ashm ir, began Ills rule
witli an order that all his male *ul>-
Jects shave forthw ith beards, m us­
Our expert doctors and surgeon*,
taches and ttie h air ou th eir heads. excellent food, and quiet surrounding*
Tills curious comm and w as made as
bring you real health.
a m ark of honor to his u nde, the late 1 0 5 5 PINE ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.
ruler, so th a t tlie whole country might
assum e a sort of h airless m ourning In
fils memory. D ispatches from K ash­
m ir do not tell how well tlie people
obey th e edict, but every dispatch
points out the well-known fact that the
Relieving Coughs
new inaharajah Is known to the w est­
fo r 5 9 Years
ern world hy an o th er name, "M ister
Carry a bottle in
your car and always keep it in the
T w o D is c o v e rie s
house. 30c and 90c at all druggists.
"A n am rallst lias found Unit there
a re about ilfi.OtMl an ts In an ant hill
tw o feet high.” solemnly stilted Pro
P a in f u l S u rp ris e
lessor Pate.
Doro surprised Mrs. A hram nvlts a t
"And I have found.” snarled .1. F ul­ her home. 2t's5 E ast Fifty-seventh
ler Gloom, tlie human hyena, "w hat street, and fired a shot a t her nlhrdl
tlie average natu ralist Is good for— pal ainfwyoaii.—-From a crime rep o rt
to count a n ts ." - K ansas City Star.
In the Cleveland News.
Boschee’s Syrup
T k o v ia r J i of p r o fit
» k o a rt sufferers from
to m It pal wn do not be•
tom e aware of it unlti
ikry seek oat Ike ta m e
• / tkeir f r e i uenl k tad-
"Those bilious headaches
can be prevented f t
“ I know how agonizing they are. For years I was a chronic
“And the headaches were not the worst part of it. The strong
drugs I used to take to relieve the pain upset my stomach
and slowly hut surely undermined my general health.
Finally I found out that my headaches were due to con­
stipation. My doctor advised Nujol. After taking it regularly
a lew weeks the trouble disappeared.
“Since then I have never had another headache. There is no
reason why I should, for the cause has been corrected.”
Nujol Corrects Constipation in Nature’s W ay
Constipation is dangerous for fects. T o insure internal
anybody. Nujol is safe for cleanliness, it should be
everybody, Nujol simplysoft-
ens the waste matter and thus taken regularly. Unlike laxa­
permits regular and thorough tives, it does not form a halyt
elimination without overtax­ and can be discontinued at
ing the intestinal muscles. any time.
Medical authorities approve Ask your druggist for Nujol
Nujol because it is gentle, today and begin to enjoy the
sale and natural in
perfect health that
it* action.
is p o ssib le only
You can take Nujol
for any length of
time without ill ef-
N ujol
when elim ination
INTIRNAL LUBIIICAMT is n o r m a l a n d
“ Comtipation