r RURAL ENTERPRI g r c u 11 u r e H o rte u ltu r e L iv e s to c k A A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land D a iry P o u ltry HALSEY, OREGOiM Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs scription, paying 1928. A county forum scheduled for Fsb. Grove. JAN 13 192<. ahead to . . meeting is 5 at Pine . Happenings in Public Schools’ Kirk Kinks Pine Grove Points (E nterprise Correspondent) R. E. Bierly called at L R. (By an K nterpiise Reporter) I Falk's Thursday. Virginia Moore of Astoria is | Herman Steinke called at G. a new pupil in Mrs. Minnie j Rike.s Tuesday. Cross room. I Nellie Falk and Curran Mill-1 Albert West attended a par- er were absent from among (ty at George Shaw’s Tuesday high school students on ae- .evening. count of illness Tuesday and , A. L. Falk was a business Carl \\ illiams has been ill at caller at Albany Tuesday of home loi some time. A letter ¡last week. “shower” was given him by J. H. VanNice and M. B. fellow students last week. Mrs. Bradford Moss visited Harding motored to Scio and the fourth, fifth and sixth Albany Friday. H. J., Andy and Bob II. Falk grades Wednesday. One of Mrs. Coleman’s phy- chopped grain for C. L. Falk siology students says that “the sr. Wednesday, liver, the largest organ in the I Mr. and Mrs j p Tempie. body, is situated just below the (on spept Friday evening at diagram.” Clarence Gillette’s. Gilbert Hayes has been ab­ W. A. Falk assisted C. L. sent from school for some time and he is thought to have ty ­ Falk jr. butcher a beef for G. J. Rike Wednesday. phoid fever. Mr. nd Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu The Wedding of Tom Thnmb motored to Salem last Sunday, Quite a large crowd was taking Mrs. Bileyu’s sister «.------- present Thursday ---------- „ — evening .....„ to Mary home. h ° m ThUI? b W1d‘ ' MrS- William PenCe Of ROW- f p at , PUt? n land and sons, Lyman and ” ; ? h ™ eyfi i mpou X dr» w ' dn' sd a , at (B y Special Correspondent) T •W o o l Genesis of the Fall of Fall Earl Albertson was home He Boasted: “ We D o from O. A.C. for the week end. Ju st W hat We — Silas Keen of Albany visited Please ” at the W. G. McNeil home . Idr. and Mrs. C. T. Cook and Sunday. son Claude were guests of Mrs. (W illiam L. Stidgar in Dearborn C. P. Moody has a radio. Miss Dannen is quite ill with In d e p e n d n t Eliza Brandon Saturday. Mrs. Ringo visited Cottage grip and her brother Carl is (C u U m M I Mrs. M. M. Ward had as Grove Sunday. teaching in her place. Sunday guests her son, W. J. "I didn’t state things in a Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pugh Moore of Brownsville and wife. Bert Haynes and family vis- general way; I made them spe­ were at Junction City Satur­ ited W. E. Hover and family cific. I said: ‘M r.--------- -—— Mrs. Samuel Brock is ill at day. near Harrisburg Sunday. the Lake Creek home of her (naming him by name) has Earl Albertson was home daughter, Mrs. Thomas Ardry. Elmer Cadwallader was : embezzled three thousand dol­ from O. A. C. for the week quite sick Wednesday night. lars of the state’s money and Miss Iris McPherson spent end. A doctor from Harrisburg was 1 can prove i t !’ That gave the Wednesday night visiting her called. Tuesday of last week Mr. lriend, Miss Jennie Nicewood. people confidence in me. and Mrs. R. W. Shepherd vis­ L. E. Eagy got home from "This fellow Fall had al­ Mrs. Clara Esson, state sup- ited in Benton county. Portland Saturday, after a ready talked to me in a child­ enintendent of Sunday schools, week’s service on the federal like way about everything. He Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McWil­ will speak at the Christian grand jury. told me about the political liams came from Albany to the church next Sunday morning. ring and how they managed it. Wesley funeral. An all-day meeting of the The Standard Bearers, with Then he proceeded to tell me Linn County Holiness associa­ C. P. Moody and wife were Mrs. Shotwell, their teacher, tion was held at the Pine that he was broke; that he called to Harrisburg Sunday enjoyed a pleasant evening Grove church Wednesday. was glad to sell the paper and when Mrs. C. N. Moody, the with Ruth Sturtevant Monday. Rev. Mr. Lindley of the Evan­ get his share. That was when form er’s mother, had a stroke W. P. Wahl is unlucky. gelical church at Sweet Home I bought the paper. Again in of paralysis. Added to the trouble with his preached at the morning ser­ 1920 he told me that he was A medal to be given to the eyes, he has a couple of brok­ vice, Rev. Ml. Grisham of Mon­ broke. He told me that he member of the Halsey high en ribs, the result of a fall roe in the afternoon and Ted had unpaid taxes on his ranch school who writes the best es­ Wednesday. Mitzner in the evening. A which were in arrears some say on “Abraham Lincoln” basket dinner was served at years. He even went so far M ilton Bond’* thrae nephews esn be seen in the Koontz win­ the Cummingses, are taking turn« parents. Little noon and there was a good as to tell me that he must get Miss Rossie ! ’ dow. Kirk school wishes to thank attendance at all the services. out of the senate; that it was in caring for him, H>* condition Moss as “ Miss Lillie Midget” , too expensive for him. Two men calling themselves is not improving. A brother from acted as bride while Albert the Halsey State bank for the “Then late in 1922 jt was Chastain was “Tom Thumb." lovely calendars; also Balf J. J. Jones and Leo Callahan Curry count* arrived yesterday. known that Sinclair had come Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirk Bond for delivering them. Kenneth W orkinger was the of California are in jail at Al­ to Three Rivers in his special and son Jim went to Albany A letter of thanks was read officiating clergyman. Rober­ bany in default of $500 each A. L. Falk and family were for having 288 quarts of gin at the Christian church Sun­ ta Bramwell was maid of hon- among the guests who helped Thursday, Mrs. Kirk to see car. “Early in 19.23. Fall paid her sister, Iva Galbraith, who Junior col- or and Billy Moore best man, . _ the girls’ . ift their car. The liquor is a , day from celebrate the wedding anni­ had the misfortune to break off his arrears in taxes, got lege at Eugene for a generous ¡wh¡]e JimmieSmith, the bride’s total loss to them. versary of Mr. and Mrs. By­ two ribs. two high-priced automobiles, donation of eatables and pro- father> gave the bride a Mrs. L. A. Pray had as visions given by the church on q ke excitement was too much ron Gage. and put about $90,000 into im­ Mrs. W. A. Carey and son guests Thursday her daughter- rally day. provements on his ranch. I Mr. and Mrs. John Nem- for (he rejected suitor, Well- Gilbert, formerly of this vicin­ had in-law, Mrs. Viola Lawwill, the idea that something chick. and son Roy, of Harris­ ity but now of Salem, spent The Christian Endeavor ington Bond, and the two burg, Alex Snodgrass and fam­ and brother James and sister had been off at Three the week end visiting Mrs. Rivers as a pulled Bertha Becker of Montesano, held a meeting at the church ¡ bachelor friends, Buddy Holt ily and Mamie Falk were Sun­ Carey’s result of the visit daughters, Mrs. Cecil and a couple from Hoquiam, Saturday afternoon and elect- and Lowell Straley, and they day visitors at H. J. Falk’s. that private car. i Bilyeu and Mrs. Clarence Gil of "Something who were returning from Ash­ -d . * Officer, for the coming remained only a short time at was also being ----- ¡lette. x,, , «,1.1. , the wedding. At last ice land, where their father suf­ year Gladys pulled off in Washington as Willbanks presi- cream was served and aR the fers from paralysis. ♦ well as at Three Rivers. My Alford Arrows dej t’,A 1 Savage vice-presiden pueats d¡d am ple justice to it. A r t h u r W e s le y G o n e suspicions deepened when sud­ Bierly secretaiy The proceeds> ?55 55> were dl. Richard R. Anderson, once of and Hiram Arthur Wesley died Thurs­ denly Fall went into the cabi­ Albany and with parents residing and treasurer: . 11 w’as vided between the lady in (Bj- an E nterprise R eporter) there now, and Stanley Lapp and to hold a social meeting one«. charge and the Parent-Teach- d a y evening .at his home in net. , assoc;a t¡on their wires told the Seattle police, a month, A junior Endeavor Teapot Dome Steal Visioned Halsey, aged 52. His funeral when Anderson was arrested last was organized with Mrs. Nora ¡ Little Qrpha w illis> injured in Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brock at the M. E. church Sunday “Everybody knows now, jt week on a charge of disturbing the Coleman as leader. a faR so badly that when a went to Shedd Monday. afternooil was largely attend­ is a matter ot record, that Fall peace, that the tuen bad traded B. E. Cogswell of Portland ed, among those present being took up the matter ol the lepse The state highway commis- doctor saw her he ordered her ■ wives for the night and quarreled is spending some time on his Rev. C. T. Cook, his former ,of the Teapot Dome naval re­ sion is still out of jail. The to stay in bed, insisted on tak- wrer the trade. There must haye farm. contempt proceedings in the ing her part and did it suc- pastor here, and Mrs. Cook, serve as soon as he got into been booze there or Anderson would not have thought any party Barrett case were dropped on cessfully. . ....... Mrs. Charles Tandy and sou from Willamina, Rev. Robert office and I kept hammering Charle; Charley Willis^ was master , ijihici Elmer visited at Chester Cur- I. Parker preached the sermon at this thing long before it to a trade like that worth fighting an agreement to await the de- cisión on the appeal to the of ceremonies and as dignified tis’ Sunday, about. and Mr. Cook eulogized the broke in Washington.' I had supreme court in the damage as a deacon. heard rumors about a satchel Dr. H . Michener, whom old­ Mrs. Lee Ingram and Thel­ memory of the departed. The Oddfellows were out in suit. Mr. Devers made the Parent-Teachers' Meeting with money in it. I kept talk­ ma were afternoon callers at er residents will remember as astonishing plea th at a tern- ¡ , . force and presided at the bur­ ing about that satchel. I kept having practiced here years porary obstruction was not a . e «»rent-Teachers meet Chester Curtis’ Sunday. ial in the Alford cemetery. hinting at Teapot Dome and ago, still retains an interest in S > of a court injunction I!"« » » • helen on the sick list for some "I looked at the warrant works of William Moody, au­ Hillsboro spent the week end tir ie, is improving. and saw that I was accused of because I had written of thor of “ The Great Divide.” with their daughter, Mrs. Min- , Mrs. G. Mitzner and grand- la libel certain judge who lived in Mrs. Carter zkllingham of Port-'nie Cross. dai ighter, Marie Gourlev, were j land told of club work at the I — r -------------- gue sts at A. W. Foote’s Sun­ San Miguel, 120 miles away. metropolis. Mi-. Dr. M a r ’. M. E. Church I wrote that he had grown too day . assisted the hostess in serving accustomed to old methods to Robert Parker partor. M. *s. O. W. Frum and daugh­ see anything wrong in what punch. Next meeting Jan. 21 Sunday »cbool, 10. good ter I ‘.uth attended an afternoon had happened. Preaching, 11. with M r*. W A. M nller, M r*. GOODS* meet ing of ladies at the “ I was referring to the Fall Junior League, 3. Cummings giving the lesson. Brow nsville tabernacle Wed­ case. I knew that this time Epworth league, 6 30 nesday. Carnet rags were they meant to do tpe worst Preaching, 7:80. Miss Grace Kirk and broth­ a Praeer-mcetinz, Thuredsy, 7'.3O. tacke d and other work done er Francis were visitors at O. (Contlnned on p»ge 8) Bible S tu ly Toeaday, 2. durin ? the afternoon. W. Frum’s Saturday. Miss Jennie Nicewood spent Thursday night with her friend. Miss Iris McPherson. < M E N ’S C LO TH IN G to order FURNISHINGS FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN : DRY GOODS • DRY GOODS DRY GOODS GROCERIES groceries : GROCERIES: oontzq R » -