n tt 1 c is h tK J T J ie Navy department co-operates io àramatiuug Annapolis lile ley were in McMinnville Tues­ /AH , T h e F a ll o f E all day. 6, 1925 E n e c t iv e J a n , 1. is a good N o r th b o u n d S ta g e « (Continued from page 1) placo to Leave Halsey 9:15 a. m. and 5:30 p the city bit Thursday evening fire of editorials. One day I hav« youri •The took my little daughter who S o u th b o u n d S ta g e s car repair-1 Mr. and Mrs. English visited A ll i l my m v u rn w lr is is u n a ru i f I I i don’t l n n ’ t do a a good a job as ( ed. A work guaranteed. If as Leave Halsey 11:05 a. m, and 4:05 p a . many friends here during the was then eleven to see the cap- itol building in Santa Fe. As 1 promieu you 1 wili do it over without extra charge to you. vacation. The northbound stages both go directly we walked through the build­ Free towage within five miles of Halsey. If you need me just la to Portland. »itb Mrs. Pray has been caring ing a big husky fellow, em­ remember 16x5. I'll be there. , • The morning southbound stage goes jior Mrs. Al Waggener during H A R R IE T H AM M O N D Light A C E T Y L IN E W ELD IN G and fender brazing I straigtt through to Keeeburg and makes ployed in the building, without connections that day for all points south her illness. W ESLEY BARRY of Roseburg Mediord. Ashland, Grants warning, hit me on the jaw. Improvements every day. Piss. Klamath Falls, Marshfield and C R A W FO R D K E N T The bank posts up by electric I sailed in. Nobody tried to Coquille The aiternoou southbound stage makes stop us for everybody there W ILLIAM B O Y D motor power. connection for points tbit side of Rose­ knew what he was trying to do burg. With a night stopover ai Roseburg BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Mrs. Donna Cross and Al­ and who had told him to do it. COMINO for all points out of there. berta Koontz were in Albany That ber 20, In which he said that Jesui time 1 got the best of it President Coolidge has accepted the Next Sun,— Mon.—Tuee. Wednesday. —but not in the rest o f the was "a man, not a myth.” The ap resignation of C. C. McChord as a Jan. 10— 11— 12 peals committee rejected the resolu Mrs. Marie Lowery of Ore- fights. member of the interstate commerce tlon by a vote of 59 to 9 after a sessiot A lbany gon City and children visited G LO BE commission. “They tried to ‘get’ me lasting Halsey Railroad Time 12 hours. The committee af Major-General W illiam H. Hart, They firmed its Mrs. Lulu Brock one day last through the banks. faith In Dr. Wise's Judaism North South knew that I had borrowed rejecting the charges of the orthodox quartermaster-general of the army, Society W edding week. heavily. One notice came from rabbis that his stand on the questior died in a Washington hospital after a 32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. ui. Misses Ins McPherson and lb, 5:15 a. m. 15, 12;45 p. m. brief illness. The wedding of Frances Norton were Thursday the bank that a note I had for of Jesus’ authentftity as a man anc A total of 3130 men, women and 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 33, 8:12 p. m. flag $60,000 would not be renewed. a Jew would tend to lead the conver 34, 4:08 o. in. 31, 1:34 p. m. flag •allers at the home of Miss children visited the W hite House New I went to my subscribers, told sion of Jews to Christianity. Nov. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers Jennie Nicewood. Year's day to shake bands with Preti ** The wedding of Tom Thumb’ them that the gang was trying from south of Eugene dent and Mrs. Coolidge. No. 31, direct connnctiou for Marshfield is to be put on at tbs hull Jan. A Mr. Morris has bought the to shut me up and now had Colonel Forbes Penalty is Upheld. Collection of customs duties this points. at 8 p. m. The cant eoneilta of GG large farm near Nixon from got at me through the banks. Chicago.— The federal court of ap local childreu between the ages ol .he owner, S. G. Hogue of Se­ I took my troubles to the peo­ peals sustained the lower federal court year will amount to more than $1,000,- Passengers for siuth of Eugene should take train No. 17. an increase of nearly $500,- 12 and 2 years. attle. Price, $20,000. ple like this five different in its conviction and sentence imposed 000,000, Halsey-brownsville stage leaves H al­ 000,000 over last year, treasury de- Everyone come and bring your sey at 7 a. ni and 12:15 and 8:1» p. m. times, asked them to buy bonds on Colonel Charles It. Forbes and Johi j partment officials predict. Mrs. Lula Brock had her at friend. Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a. in. and $250 each, and every time W. Thompson. Forbes, former directoi Restoration of Fort McHenry, Bal 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. daugbter, Mrs. Karlos Kimmell, they saved me from the banks. of the veterans' bureau, and Thomp tlmore, to substantially the condition "Fall was back of this at­ son, a millonaire St. Louis contractor it which it resisted a British bom and hsuband and daughters Halsey Happenings from California as Chrsitmas tempt to foreclose. He had were found guilty of conspiracy to de -bardment In 1814 and inspired Francis Outgoing Mail guests. promised to smash me, but he fraud the government in connectlor Scott Key to write “The Star Spangled (Continued from page 1) A t the Halsey poitoffice m ailt didn’t succeed that time be­ with the construction of veterans' hos ' Banner," has begun. At a five hundred party at Mrs. J. S. Nicewood visited close going north nt 11:50 n. m. pitals. cause the people stood by me. Governor Miriam A. Ferguson issued and 5:20 p. in. friends near Salem Thursday C. P. Stafford’s new year’s eve a New Year proclamation designating were G. W. Laubner, Dr. They felt that at last they had and Friday. Going south, 11:10 a. m. and Rate Raise On Lumber Overruled. champion. Five editors had the month of January as "Laugh 5:20 p. m. beauties like Mr. Hoffman’s, Marks, J. W. Marks and D. F. a been Washington. D. C.— A general read­ crushed preceding me. month" and recommends to the people To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and with the motto: “God Bless Dean and their wives. justment of rates on lumber and lum­ that they start the new year with 12 tn. Morning stage to Browns­ (To be continued) Our Home.’’ ber products proposing to Increase The Mountain States Power happy laughter and good cheer. ville goes on to Crawfordsville, charges between certain points in announces that it Miss Mearle Straley enter­ company HoUey and Sweet Home. Arizona, California, Nevada, New will spend over half a million W lbt IttSIbNAIIUN KtJEUTtU tained a party of young peo­ dollars Mexico, Oregon and Utah to destina­ APPROPRIATION BILL SIGNED this year in adding to ple one night last week. Executive Committee Affirms Its Faith tions in Eastern Canada was overrul­ its facilities. A C o s t ly G a m e ed by the interstate commerce com­ Governor Hartley Approves Measure in Rabbi. Grant Taylor had a visit the Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Dean Providing State General Funds. Paul C. Dormitzer, alleged last of the week from his York.—The executive commit mission. returned home to Ban­ tee New Olympia, Wash.— Approving all ex­ attorney, of Portland, on his daughter, Mrs. Guy Bramwell have of the United Palestine appeal re don. Mr. Dean looks as if he Jected the proffered resignation of Dr Public Debt Below Twenty Bllllona cept one Item, Governor H artley has way to Eugene to attend to a of Salem. grew younger every year and Stephen S. Wise of the Free Syna Washington. D. C. — For the flrsl signed senate bill 218, the general ap­ suit he has started against Mrs. M. M. Ward had a vis­ his wife is holding her own gogue, as its chairman. time since the world war the Unitec propriations bill providing approxi­ Sheriff Taylor for false arrest, it the last of the week from well. The retention of Dr. Wise as chair States begins the new year with its mately $5,500,000 from the general was thrown in jail at Albany her daughter, Mrs. Froman of Such a little thing as an man was voted by the committee de net public debt below the $20,000,000, fund for the expenses of state govern­ Saturday, charged with being Albany, and the latter’s automobile running ipto C. J. spite the Intense opposition of ortho 000 mark. From a peak of $25,478,000, ment and institutions. drunk and possessing booze. daughter. Shedd does not amount to dox rabbis who denounced Dr. Wise at 000 in August, 1919, the debt has drop The portion vetoed was an item of He went to jail in default of $50,000 to be set aside from the high­ bail. Zora M. Lent of I^ongBeach, much. He is one of the per­ a heretic because of a sermon Decern ped to $19,920,000,000. way safety fund for parks and park Cal., proposes to raise fish and manent institutions of Shedd Dormitzer was convicted by a ways. The fund, which is raised from jury Monday, fined »200 and held wild animals on 63 acres which and goes right along just the motor vehicle operators’ licenses, is in default of $250 bonds on a p ­ he has purchased, three miles same. to provide for policing the highways peal. east of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. David­ and the governor held that It could '1 he justltce court baa threi not be used for entirely foreign pur­ charge» against him to be tried Mrs. Oliver Coldiron and son, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bram­ poses in no manner connected with when the county gets through with daughter Nora and Karl and well, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bond the police power. Helen Williams are vacating and Mrs. George Laubner were him. the Brock house and moving at the Eastern Star meeting at Tuesday If all the taxes that are now to the residence belonging to Shedd last week The Halsey State Bank puts Mrs. E. A. P. LaFollette in when officers were installed, collected in the United States out the largest calendar we including Mrs. Dr. Marks as south Halsey. were apportioned equally have seen yet. It has a repro­ conductress. among all the people — men, duction of a “Covered Wagon" C hester Rice, in his automo­ The Dearborn Independent bile, met a ear on the curve in women and children — each painting and you can read the figures from afar off. T. J. Main street, Brownsville, of Jan. 2 devotes three illus­ individual would have to pay Skirvin- issued one of those of this list of leading- Ihursday near Kirk avenue, trated pages to Second street, 70.97 a year. Last year we swerved to avoid a collision Halsey, which extends from paid almost five times as John and Mary LaRue gave and went- over a high bank Canada to Mexico. It heads much in taxes per person as a new year’s dinner. into the millrace, rolling over its story: "The Longest Paved in the World.’’ That the way, without breaking Street we did in 1890. The tax bill N O T IC E street is the route to take to j the r< hr window, the wind­ per person thirty-five years of Appointment of Administrator W ith visit some of the national parks shield -or himself. W ill Anaexed ago was $13.88. In 1913 it described on page 7 of this Notice ia hereby given that the under­ had jumped to $22.73;; in On*.of the nastiest ink s of issue. by an order of the County Court 1919 it had gone to $76.51, signed of Linn County, Oregon, hat been ap­ the dSy by which dupes are and in 1921 it reached the pointed administrator with the will an­ In their efforts for the es­ swindled is the “glan extract” high mark of $76.55. Yet nexed of the astata of George F. Schroll. Why Pay M o re l tablishment of a powdered fake. The Enterprise is in re­ All persona having claims with this great increase, if the deceased. milk plant in this county and against s«id estate are required to prn- ceipt of an offer of some ad­ burden was distributed justly *ent them within six months from the vertising if it will induce the in their work for greater acre­ it would not be much of a date of this n dice, with the proper G et Y ou r local drug store to invest $18 age of strawberries for the vouchers, to the undersigned at hia resi­ burden. Agriculture today dence, in such an extract. We could startling new industry of sup­ at Halsey, in Linn county, Ore­ M AGAZINES pays far more than its just plying fresh fruit the year gon. make good use of the price proportion. This statement is Dated and first published this 31at day of the advertising if convinced around the Stenbergs of Al­ NOW B. M Bond, undisputed. The farmer can­ of December, 1925. that the advertised article bany have been performing Administrator aforesaid. AT C O ST ! not hide his property. constructive labor, even if it Tossing & Tutting, Attya. for Admr would benefit buyeis. We are was fruitless in the milk field. not convinced. Charter No. 49 R„ trye No Mr. Stenberg did his part in O. W . From and Beri Minck- t h a t R sport of condition of the enterprise, securing 7alfe pledges of enough cows to the h als e y s ta t e b a n k inilk powder industry. at Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business uec. 31, 1925 R A M O N N O V A R R O io ¡Halsey Garage Don’t forget Tom Thumb at M idshipman” p_ PAPMAN. ' Oregon Stages Inc. A TOM THUMB RURAL ENTERPRISE and Any 5 MAGAZINES $ j7 5 h Your PICK Countett Karolyl Suet Kellogg Washington. D. C —Countess Kath­ erine Karolyl of Hungary Hied suit ngalnat Secretary of State Kellogg In District of Columbia supreme court, asking a mandamus to compel Kellogg to Instruct the United States consul at 1‘arla to vtaa her paaaport to allow her to enter thia country. Cuta fu e l C osts o n e -h a lf The L A N O W O O O (for woo.) only! •• guaranteed to keep fire twice as long with onehatf the wood nsed bv toy other range. Heat carried entirely around large JS Inch oven, alluring even heat log Vour old range taken in exchanxe. BARTCHER P U R N IT U R B C O M P A N Y ALBANY CUT FLOWERS • SHEET MUSIC Floral and HALLS Music Shop Albany to Select From Never before and probably never again will you have .uch an r r t o » di"ary money-saving opportunity. Note carefully the "arc« choice read,ng-all at a pnee to fit your pocketbook R e n e « £ extended one year from date of expiration. No need to wait. ** CLIP ANO USE THIS COUPON “ W » “ d U” FIVE M w u S I h . Ä K S « £ Ï Ï x î æ , " N, Red Cedar Posts Town----- ------- Made from old.growth cedar, 7 ft. ' Ion«, good xixo, 15c each, dclieJ ared where truck can go. See | Mr. laubner, Heiser, or write! N. O. Iiaacion, Goldeon. Ore. Ä •.................—S M t - or R .F D. .______ 0 American Needlewoman Americai Poultry Advocate Home Friend Blade A Ledger □ Household Gaeet ) Capper's Farmer □ Household Magaxine Farm 4k Fireside , fliustreted Mechanics The Farm Journal □ Mother's Home Life ' Farm Life 0 Pathfinder ( weekly) 26 issues Gentlewoman Maeaxine 0 Today's Housewife Good Stories 0 Tractor A Gas Engine Renew Home Circle 0 Woman's World RESOURCES “• 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if uny • • • • —— . Ci (c s’ V / c r* iu ,ecur*d and unsecured......................... ....................... *116 57 3 U S. government securities owned, including those shown" in . items 30 and 35, if a n y . . . . __ ____________________ , ,1,0 00 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign govern- corporation, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35, if a n v .............................................. 0,< 6. Banking house,$2.606 ; furuiture and fixtures, $3,53s". ” ............ 6 144 00 9. (ab) Lash on hand in vault and due from banks, banktrs this bank coulpan‘es