HURAL JAX b, 1*25 ^^lbanyj^/yirectory E N T E K H K IS E PA«B J , " r— he Courtesy Shop — Miilinery and ready-to-wear ‘ Exclusive but not espensive. “ 117 Broadalbin. COLONEL THAYER SENATOR NYE • P A B C O L IN This is good advice: “ If you live y^Zhite'e Shoe repair service. in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you liv in some other town. trade in that town. Opposite Hotel Albany But in these automobile days many re­ Albany, Oregon siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require W 0 80r V© 2 1 i UlftkcS wwr««« 1 ments with courtesy an I fairness. • • and all occasions. TH E Flower phone 458-J. ENTRAL TIR E SHOP Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re C charging. 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. 'ORD SALES AND SERVICE Tires and accessories Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor Co. tN irtm iller Furniture Co., furoi- ■A ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. grocery . 235 Lyc (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) F uller Groceries Fruits Produce olman & jackson Grocery—Bakery H Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice Hotel Albany Albany, Oregon Roy Stenberg CAFE, 209 'V. First Harold G. Murphy Prop. I M PERIAL Phone 665 W e n E ver CUOSE 1TODAK FIN ISH IN G I * For expert work send your films to Haskin's film shop, 309 Lyon street, Albany, Oregon. TUIAGNETO ELECTRIC CO. T” Official Stromberg carburetor serv ice station. Couservative prices. At work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second m oney are best when M I en busy. and Make your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S tate B ank . Under government supervision. arinello parlors (A beauty aid- for every need) M St. Francis Hotel Prop. Winifred Rcse R O S C O E AMES HARDW ARE The Winchester Store , C econd baud Pianoa from $185 up If you want a bargain in a piano now is your chance. They 're in A1 condition. Davenport Music House, 409 W. First Fancy Groceries Crockery and Glassware S taple and Mrs. M. G. Stetter Phone 139;J 206 W. Second st. TIM8ON T H E SHOE DOCTOR Second street, opposite Hamilton's S store. X Gerald P. Nye, appointed by the gov­ Col. E. D. Thayer, who was electee ernor of North Dakota to succeed the secretary of the United States senate late Senator Ladd. when the new congress met. ton sawmill in the Lake creek valley, annual summary of the condition of over the summit of the Coast moun­ the city's milk supply. tains to Junction City, has been fin­ Recovery of Harry Aiken, about 35. ished. a rancher of the Prospect district, near The public service commission has Medford, is doubtful, following an ac­ ordered the Skamania Light & Power cidental shooting when a .38-caliber company to repair leaks in its lines pistol fell from his hip pocket and was which have been interfering with radio 1 discharged ns it struck the running reception in the vicinity of Cascade board of his automobile. Locks. Whether prohibition has proved a There was turned over to the sta te' success in the state of Oregon is the treasurer by the clerk of the state land i question that has been referred to Gov­ board during December an aggregate ernor Pierce by members of the house of 8108,743.35, according to a state­ of parliament of Australia. A letter ment prepared by the land board of­ requesting the information was receiv­ ficials. ed at the executive department at Strata containing coal have been Salem. found In the lower Crooked river coun- J The valuation of the properties of try, it was announced at Bend by a ' the Eastern Oregon Light & Power contractor working on the highway company at Baker was 82.186,000 as ALBANY bridge which is to span the Crooked of June 30. 1925, according to a re­ river gorge. port filed in the offices of the pub­ A gain ot 52 in the school popula­ lic service commission at Salpm. Tho tion in Union county is shown for the company operates extensively In east­ past year by the recently completed ern Oregon. census. In 1924 the school population i That the holiday season has curtail­ for Union county was 5333 compared ed lumber activities Is shown by the with 6385 this year. weekly report that 99 mills reporting Steel for the highway bridge which to West Coast Lumbermen's associa­ G le a n e d b y th e W e s te r n Is to span the Crooked river canyon tion for the week ending December 26, on the route of The Dalles-California manufactured 55.797,466 feet of lum­ N e w s a p o r U n io n lo r highway is now arriving at Bend and ber; sold 69,590,487 feet and shipped B u s y P e e p le It Is expected that the construction of 74,644,970 feet. the bridge will start in the next few The personal support of Major-Gen­ days. eral Taylor, chief of army engineers, There were seven deaths in Marlon Medford has completed the most was assured for the proposed deepen­ county due to traffic accidents in 1925. successful business year in Its his­ ing and widening of the Columbia Huckleberries la the Coast moun­ tory. approximately 85,000,000 having river channel from Portland to the tains around Gardiner are still ripe. been received in exchange for pro­ sea in the course of a conference In The school population of the Med­ ducts shipped to eastern markets. Washington, I). C., between General ford district has Increased 138 over Fruit and lumber revenues formed the Taylor and Senator McNary. last year's total of 2600. major portion. Charles Harlon McClane, eight- Building la Bend during the past Eight miles of pavement, 250 miles pound boy, born at Salem Friday year reached a total of 462 structures, of rock surfacing, 300 miles of grad­ morning to Mr. end Mrs. Harlon Mc­ with estimated value of 8415,435. ing to state standards and 30 bridges Clane. has made claim to a complete A total of 71,338.420 feet of timber, of more than 30-foot span, comprised wardrobe offered by Salem merchants valued at 8254,395.30, was cut In the j the important improvements complet­ in conjunction with the Capital Jour­ ed by the state highway department nal for the first baby born in Marion Crater national forest during 1925. and Polk counties in the year 1926. Receipts at Albany from fines were during the year 1925. Ninety-six of the 183 dairies that Twice as many students were drop­ less in 1925 than in 1924, although more cases were handled In the police supply Portland with milk scored be­ ped from the University of Oregon at tween 95 and 100, Dr. D. W. Mack, Eugene for poor scholarship In the fall court. Building expenditure« In Salem for chief of the city milk division, an­ term as ever before, according to an the year 1925 exceeded all previous nounced as the result of the semi­ M E T Z G E R ’S SHOE SERVICE Don’t forget the place Third & Broadalbin News Notes From All Over Oregon records. Permits for L925 aggregated 81,794,935. “ Sudden Service.* Eugene's fire loss In £925 was light, according to a report sutanltted by W. aldo Anderson A Son. distrib­ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ E. Nusbaum, fire chief.. ' The loss la estimated nt 816,216. mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars. Accessories, a poliea. 1st & Broadalbin Bank clearings In Evgene broke a record In 1925, the total being 827,548,- If you enjoy a good meal, 443.05. This la an lnci ease of more .and know a good meal when you get it, than 85,000,000 ovar the' clearings in You’ll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it. 1924. Our aim is to please vou. L. L. Dougan of Portland has been employed to prepare phir.s for a ten- story office building to he erected at ALBANY Salem this year by the First National G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T bank. Five counties in the state have re­ ported 100 per cent collections ot de­ linquent Income tax tlirtmgh warrants Wrjte tor booklet describing our 20- sent out recently by the» state tax com­ year Rural Credit Amortized Loans mission. The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal. Cheap-rates. No The body of Barthob imew Isenhoof, delay. B eam L and Co., 92, was found hanging from the raft­ 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. ers of a building n ear the home of John Coy, eight mile t from Bandon, apparently a suicide. The Kruse & Baidcs shipyard of North Bend has obtained the contract at lowest rate of interest for construction of a cruiser for the Real Estate Insurance Alaska fish commis dan and will start Prompt service. Courteous treatment. work probably in Jam lary. W m B ain , Boom 5, First Savings Bank Salem's population Increased ap­ bnilning, Albany proximately 7 per cent during 1925, ac­ cording to estimates b ased upon net*, water taps, telephor« 1 astallatlons and patrons of the locr»l p< stofflce. Postal receipts in P, «rtland for De You get cember were plr