R ural E nterpri A g r c u 11 u r e H o r t e u 11 u r e L iv e s to c k A W eekly C hronicle ot Local E vents and P ro g ress on Linn County Land Halsey Happenings and County Events tion week with relatives Oregon City. Alford Arrows Genesis of the Mrs. Florence Leeper of Eu (Enterprise Correspondent) (By an Enterprise Reporte?) ne ™ visiting her mother I Enterprise Correspondence) Doings oi O ur Populace Mrs. Fall of Fall May Miller. V irgil Warden spent Sunday C. B. Philpott is working for Mi. and Mrs. Manlee Spores C hronicled in Brief Mrs. Irma Shotwell return­ night at Chestei Curtis’. .Henry Seefeld. spent Sunday at C. S. Williams He B o a sted ; “ Wo Do ed from Salem to take up her P a ra g ra p h s School began again Monday* J- L. Falk called at A L Miss Ethel Allen of Halsey school duties Sunday’ evening. J u s t W h at W e __ after ten days' vacation. 'F alk ’s Tuesday. visited Doris Brock during the Milton Bmd is reported worse William La Mar, Frank Please ’’ Joe Cercovski ate new year's * L- L. Falk was a caller at week end. again, Bayne and son Lyle, and Dave A number from here have (William L. Sndgar ¡n Dearborn Hayes, all of Peoria, were in dinnei with the Comely lamily i Lalsey Thursday. I here are fifteen smallpox caeeg Halsey Wednesday. Independnt attended the revival meeting Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe I Albert West spent new in Albauy uml leu homes ouarar « in Halsey. spent Christmas at Buena year’s day at George Shaw’s. ( arl D. McGee bought hie newt- W illiam Corcoran spent Sun­ fined. 1SRa p R . , I Jaad Mrs. A. L. Falk pa par from Albert B. Fell of Three day with his parents, Mr. and Lev. H. R. Tate will preach Roscoe Ames h »9 consolidated k . r.. Brock and family soent spent Friday evening at G J here every Sunday morning i t Rivort N. M. Magee conld not his two Albany hardware stores Mrs. J. J. Corcoran, and re­ 11 o clock. “uy that paper without going Io turned to O. A. C. Monday. new year's at Charles Arnold’s Kike’s. into one in quarters formerly near Shedd i , r k “> F. W. Falk and family were into th e bank of th e W illam ette at tree, who has been assisting in week. borrow money from the hank« to Sunday visitors of Mr. and ?,rov® to Salem Friday to visit «wing the northern end of th e revetm ent the training of the junior choir the deal,” eaid Magee. Mr. Burns’ father, who is in work placed last sum m er during bridge at the Christian Velda Curtis spent the Mrs. R. E. Bierly. church, re­ Fall told me the ineide dopa the hospital at that place. construction at H arrisburg, an addi­ turned home Friday. Christmas holidays with her on the aituatioo in .Naw Maxieo and Mrs. J. H. VanNice tional 150 feet of rev etm en t is to be aunt, Mrs. Alvin Alien of Cot­ and Mr. daughter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ardry He told me that New Mexeco waa Edna were in Seventeen converts at the tage Grove. built. drove to McFarland church two-third« Spanith-epaaking ; that Brownsville Thursday. recent meetings of the Chris­ Sunday to attend revival serv­ the juries are made up uine iautha Scarlet fever is not yet ex­ tian church were baptised at Josephine, Anna and Frank Miss Mary Carey of Salem which are being conduct­ of Spanid).«peaking persona ; that tinct in Peoria. Beulah Wade, Junction City Sunday. Six Comely of Eugene spent the spent last week with her sis­ ices ed there by Rev. I. N. Hughes. in a trial all English-speaking wit. the eldest daughter of Mr. and others will be baptised later. Christmas holidays with their ter, Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu. aeitei m ini have an interpreter to A doctor was called Sunday get parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrs. Ralph Wade, is recover­ their testimony to th i jury ; W. G. Abraham and child­ Comely. ing slowly but recent news Mrs. Eva Templeton of to C. S. Williams’. The eldest most white men, ‘ even a white ren, Frank, Elaine and Wood- was iound found to states that the four younger 7'" Karl naJ ' was to be be suf- suf- editor’ if he get« into trouble, Mrs. Joe Cersovski and Brownsville was a week end son row, of near Peoria, were ir. guest at the J. P. Templeton u from > ntestinal flu. He have to be tried by a Spaniah jury. children have been taken down. Halsey Wednesday to get their daughter, Anna Theresa, are home. ' ias been confined to his bed Naw Mexico, he explained, bad visiting relatives in Portland . M. Applegate treated the radio batteries recharged. for two weeks. been pr ompted by Spanish don« a , i Ernest and Leo are visit- junior choir to a weenie roast Clarence Gillette and broth­ Mi G- W. H o c k f n s in i tb who had kept the peone and .°LB,o e s,tudy at tho Iing theil uncle in Hubbard. Saturday out at the home of er Wilson vi »»uauii were business call- c all- — ----- Indians in subjection lor year». Adolph Spurling. A large Harnsburg M. E. church end­ ers at Halsey Wednesday af- [ ::nd /laughter returned to Cor- There are certain water holes iii Guests at A. E. Whitbeck’s bonfire was built in the or­ ed Sunday night, Rev. Robert Thursday evening were Mr. ternoon. | vallis Friday r». after spend- New Mexico and the man who Parker conducting it, in con­ chard and weenies were roast­ n r i n P n im „ „ a a . , u lng the holidays at home. Miss controls these controls the votes, junction with the pastor, Theo­ and Mrs. Henry Hawkins of ters Mi-S Ruth ,nd v “" d d n Je“ le is a student at the Cor- lor the common people must have ed and games played. Miss dore Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitzner, L u dc V 17an„ ca’,.ed !vallia high school, water. Genevieve Wells, Miss Thprn- Ingram and daughter Thelma. S at the home of W. R. Kirk [ ton and Mr. Applegate acted And just as the dona control Mrs. Nora Coleman and Miss Leone Palmer is not the voters, so we control the dons ’ guests at the R. Monday afternoon. as chaperones. daughter Ernestine w e r e E. Christmas Brock home were Mr. and Miss Grace Kirk and small '¡¡gaining her health as rapidly Fall said- ' We have learned bear. In 1925 bootleggers paid guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Mrs. Layton and children of ioped Mi«« Lavelle We do ju»t wbat we ------please in brothers Francis and Raymond *s boP*d Isom Sunday. They also at­ $2490 in fines to the county Brownsville and C. E. Willsie spent Tuesday afternoon with spent her vacation with her this state.* and lost six stills and four tended the baptismal services of the Nehalem logging com­ L. R. 1 alk and family. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman ' I rraolyed that I would leek automobiles. Justice court at Junction City. pany. Palmer. tho truth about this iniquity and cases not included in the fore­ J. Mandley, in a Moun­ Harllie Rike and Lu- expose it to the world if it killed going. There were 62 arrests; tain W. States Mrs.. Kate Croft and daugh- ella Misses Rev. A. B. Jones and wife me—end it has nearly killed me.” Power car, and C. and Ardella Falk attend­ 47 pleaded guilty; five were H. Koontz in his own, collided lei Edith, Miss Temp.ie Brock ed a doll party given Alice and daughter of Portland ac­ *’ What do you mean,, that it tried and four found guilty the other day on the Albany- of Shedd and Mr. Walker and Harding Wednesday by of last companied .Rev. and Mrs. Tate has nearly killed you?” and five cases are pending. Lebanon road, but both of wife of California were guests week. here Sunday morning. Mr. He answered quickly: “I at R. E. Brock’s during the Most of the bootleggers are them “lived to tell the tale.” Jones expects to leave Oregon Christmas holidays. poorer than when they began. Mr. and M r--. Joe Elliot and soon, going to California for mean that I have been beaten Land of Cottage Grove sons, Eari and Milton, some time and then returning within an inch of death sever­ Guests at Lee Ingram's Sat­ two Drs. Gamj’obst and Howard and Earl Miss Callie Slover of Cres­ were the guests at an to thei old home in Georgia. al times. I have been shot at. urday night were Mr. and Mrs. oyster among are sueing the Nancy Palmer feast at the home of He is a near east relief worker. | 1 have been in prison—>and I Rev. C.ty Ed Inm-im and andTAna ¡oyster least Ld Ingram childr ’ " “W , '0' |o Robert were Parker married a t the bv Halsey . K. Alter,.™., estate for fees, some of them well am now under indictment for at the rate of $5 a visit and parsonage Friday, beginning C ity, Mrs. Cal Wooley and Miss Myrtle Tobey, who has the accidental death of a boy more at $30 a visit Mrs. Pal­ the New Year right. children* ^ ' 7 ¿U,d I Mra’ C’ L’ EaIk sr- and been a teacher in the West who was trying to defend kne mer objected to the $5 visits Clavton ? Ml- aad Mrs. grandson. Ernest Raster, re Linn high school for the past when 1 was attacked by an ex­ and Mrs. J. W. Clark as too high. The others were and Mr. family i1 vy°oley and children,,turned Wednesday D m P, ri- four years, returned to her judge whom I had defeated for are expecting to made later and bills were not move to Brownsville to reside all of Irish Bend. land, after spending Christmas work after having spent the re-election. It began with Fall. ”1 had hardly got the paper presented until she was dead. in the near future. We are vacation at the home of her with their relatives. w V atch tV ,w w ra b S l^ ,' li:iw is h iw th a t mother, Mrs. John Gormley. in mv own hands when 1 at­ Miss Lena Keen, who Miss Tobey and Mr. and Mrs. tacked the management of »he w natche know about at? j make them change their mind. Happenings in teaches school at Klamath Gormley were guests of G. W. land office because it was not Leila Gansle spent her vaca- (Continued on page 8) Public Schools Falls, spent her Christmas va­ Hocken«mith and family Wed- run honestly. The end and cation with her parents, Mr. nesday evening. aim of that land office was to (By an Enterpiise Reporter) and Mrs. F. J. Keen. help the political machine. ‘Fall will get vou ytet if Prof. Lyman Patton was a )‘ou don’t watch out!’ said Pine Grove Points delegate to the O. S. T. A. [Startling Discovery some friends. They had hard­ Wednesday. ly given me this warning wLen in Therapeutics (By Special Correspondent) Mrs. Inez Freeland and Fall himself roared into my granddaughter Inez went to Clarence Eagy visited L. E. office like a New Mexico cy­ Portland to attend the annual Portland, Or.—Invention of a n elec­ Eagy and family new year’s clone. He banged one of my convention of the State Teaeh- tric app aratu s th at appear« t i f have day. editorials down on my desk |crs’ association Wednesday. cured, a t leaat tem porarily, c a s e s of Miss Claire McConnell of and shouted ’You lay off this!’ The Alumni boys and girls [high blood pressure th a t e stab lish ed Shedd “I told him to mind his own visited the school Mon- played basketball against the I niw,lcal m ethods could not c u m . and : , , ... . F U R N IS H IN G S business; that the paper was P iirh s school e h n n l t teams, o - , m o - each . . „ k ot < u .. I Which r ln r ln le a »h oi n n ln t I , t h O d _ y . __ which involves n principles that point _ r t,,U . 1 U ____ iiigh the no longer his. L. FI. Eagy left Sunday for alumni teams beating by one Howard realization of the wi teles« '1 hat’s all right. But you score. The girls’ score was [telephone, the often rum ored • leath Portland to serve on the feder- lay off this land office or you’ll F O O T W E A R F O R M EN A N D 16 to 1 1. The boys’, 10 to 9. ray and destruction of various dis »ases al grand jury. be smashed to bits — just as Helen Williams and Ruth .Mc­ [of the hum an body by mecha aloal if a train had run over you!’ Miss Pearl Pehrsson left means, was announced In Portlan <3 by W OM EN Neil were unable to play, and I (he "I knew I was in for a real Inventor. Joseph H. Pos, a civil Sunday morning to return to this worked a hardship on the engineer and scientist. tight. Rut I did not know her school p.t Moro. high school girls’ team. Pos is a graduate pf Zurich 1 'oly- The community meeting new « hat a cut throat crown I was I didn’t know that [ technic school, In Zurich. Swltzerl )nd, year's night was well attended liattling. H U B B tR T R E A IY PROPOSED th e sam e school In which Elns. ein end the program and supper they would stop at nothing; that murder was a favorite taught, though he was not a stud ent much enjoyed. London Believes Settlem ent to b » l° f E instein s. It Is on modificati, ms weapon. GROCERIES Mrs. Mae Markham and ' One night I was driving in Easily Possible. lot the E instein th o rry of relatli Ity GROCERIES — London. Steps designed to take th i I ,hat ,:e !l '3 made th e com putations of Misses Clarabel Blood and my machine when a man with rub out of G reat B ritain’s rubbet energy which p erm it him to conti »1 Grace Pehrsson were Albany a rifle stepped up and stopped GROCERIES® visitors Wednesday. ¡me. I thought he was an of­ monopoly, which Is alarm ing the I’nl th e human body DRY GOODS ficer. Reputable physicians of the clt y, ted S tates, have been proposed In gov Misses Grace Pehrsson and DRY GOODS em m en tal circles. who quietly have b ie n testing the d e ­ Agnes Chandler returned ” ‘Come with me, you ------ to DRY GOODS Officials here believe the settlem ent vice Io th eir offices for sever si their school work at Mon­ skunk.’ of the difficult rum running problem bj m ooths, says th at as far as they ci in mouth after spending the holi­ I didn’t move but said: the 12 mile lim it tre a ty of 1923 m lg h tl1**' Dorn brief investigation, the m ‘Arc you an officer?’ days at their homes here. I be tak en as a precedent. chine does w hat li, claim ed for It. “ 'Come on or I’ll fill your Mesdames L. E. Eagy, Floyd — i Confidence is expressed th at, bj - hide full of holes.!’ N'ichols, Will McLari'n and F. w orking along sim ilar lines of concilia “ ‘It's more comfortable here IM. E. Church E. Hover attended the Christ­ in my own car,’ I saitf to him, lion and compromise, a solution soot mas meeting of the Women's and at that minute another could be reached which would be ta t r OONTZÇt Robert Parker pastor. Isfactory alike to th e British govern Kunday JO. Missionary a n e i e t y al Mr*. automobile came swinging Preaching. J), m ent, the far eastern rubber producer) around the curve. Alice Dunn's, Thursday after­ GO JD S and th e A m erican consum er. junior League, 3. “The fight was on all right noon. ____________ Epworth leogue, 6 30 and I was hounded- at every Miss Lulu Bass has been I Preaching, 7:#). Miss Mona Bond has return­ turn. I kept up my running helfJing Mrs. E. E. Gormley in P ra v e r -rn c e tin y , Thurw r th y , ;3T ed to her school work at I the latter’s illness. (G'jk’iiinsd oo page 8) Bible S tu ly 'i uesday J. Jerome, Ariz. S MEN’S CLOTHING • to order : DRY GOODS : DRY GOODS " 'I D S GROCERIES- GROCERIES: É -- F x A -------- a * I - * a* * — _ I a p r u u ie m D JI wc ---------- * /'L in x . ai Ä B _ k. Ä a x >