cm sfcs^RfSD r;rri CECIL B. DeMILLE preaehta “ The Road to Yesterday” a back number in fa-m pro­ |M an in America gress. Bill Kirk was home Christ Long Before Adam mas day. Mrs. Frank Gansle and Leila H e L e ft R eco rd s I n O h io were in Oregon City Monday Floyd Shieler and wife of O v e r E ig h t T h o u s a n d Y e a rs A go b k t. is a good placo to ’ have your I car repair-1 ed. A ll my work ie guaranteed. If I don’t do ae good a job as , 1 promise you I will do it over without extra charge to you. Free tewage within five miles of Halsey. I f you ueed me just remember 10x5. I ’ll be there. ’ Light A C E T Y L I N E W E L D I N G and fender brazing I don. here. M, IMS Effective Jan, 1. N o r th b o u n d S ta g e s : Halsey Garage Leave Halsey 9:15 a. m. aad 5:30 p. ai. S o u th b o u n d S ta g e s Leave Hateey 11:05 a. m, and 4.o5 p. m. The northbound stages both go directly into Portland. The morning southbound stage goes straigtt through to Roeebnrg aad makei connections that day for all points south ol Roseburg: Medford Aahland, Grants Past, Klamath Palls, Marahfield and Cequille The afternoou southbound stage makes connection for points this side of Ron. borg, with a night stoporer ai Roseburg for all points out of there. Harrisburg were in town Sun day. Though it is claimed that man been on earth 500,000 year«, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. English has bi» knowledge and control of were here from Myrtle Creek half nature bail come within th» last Sunday. hundred year». — Dearborn lode other peoples T. J. Skirvin and wife spent pendent. i£ GIANT OIL CONCERNS UNITE The photoplay you’ve waited traded the products Christmas with T. J.’s brother year* iu vain to see. Don’t miss Biihop Usher gave to na beyoDd the aeas.’’ at Silverton. it. Standard and Pacific Oil Compañías A system of chronology. It may be argued with sincerity Oregon Stages Inc. to Marge Interests. The Mitzner family enjoy Delvera make of it a muss, G LO BE Albany that at leaat some of these paral­ New York, N. Y.— Formation of a ed Christmas day with Mr. ani W ith never an apology. Next Sun.— M on .—Tues. lels can be sufficiently explained new giant among the oil companies of Halsey Railroad Time Mrs. Ernest Gourley. Jan. 3— 4— 5 They used to ask : " How old is by the probability that any people the Pacific coast, with total assets of rising in the scale of creation North Mrs. Irma Shotwell is spend South Ann?” approximately *460,000,000 la forecast would have been forced, in self- 12, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m. ing vacation days at the home Now they inquire : ” How old is In the announcement that the merger Halioy Happenings 16, 5:15 a. m. defense, to organize, and that un­ of her parents in Salem. man? ” of the Standard Oil company of Cali­ 18, 8:16 a. m. flag 15, 12,45 p. m. 33, 8:12 p. m. flag equal individual abilitiee would In Egypt they disturb T u t’» bonea, fornia with the Pacific Oil company 34, 4:08 p. in. (Continued from page 1) 31, 1:34 p. m. flag Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross In Meaopolamia read from stones explain why there have been only formal ratification by the Noe. 14 and 16 stop to let off passengers W. M. Burbank was in Sal spent Christmas with Mrs. The lines engraved by ancient leaders and followers aver aince awaits stockholders. from south of Eugene. Cross’ parents at Hillsboro. man rose above the plane of the em last week. aeribea Henry W . De Forest, chairman of No^ 31, direct connnctien for Marshfield brute. _______________ Ellen Vannice took in the To tell the story of the tribes. points. the board of directora of the Pacific Harry Mason and Steve anc program Passengers far south of Eugene should at Harrisburg Christ­ In Toltec lands, in Yucatan, Oil company, announced that an agree­ HALSEY 'I ed Smith drove to Eugene mas eve at the M. E. church. take train No. 17. They dig to learu “ How old ia ment had been reached to issue one Halsey-Brownsville stage leavea Hal­ Christmas. (Continued from column 2) man? ’• share of the stock in the consolidated sey at 7 a. ni and 12:15 and 8:11 p. oi. Misses Grace, Nora and Misses Pearl Pehrsson and Pearl company for each share of stock of Leavea Brownsville at 7:40 a m. and Twas long before old Adam’a day, Pehrsson spent the holi Last Thursday 500 lambs each 3.35 and 8:45 p. in. Anna Heinrich are gueata i f days with their parents the merging companies. at Theae soientifio prober» say, were shipped by Southern Pa­ The of consolidated company will be Mearle Straley. That humans liyed and loved and cific to Allen & Pyle at San Pine Grove. directed by the management of the Outgoing M a il died Francisco. Ted Smith is home from Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foote In thia “ new world ” where we present Standard Oil company of Cali­ Ryderwood, Wash., to spend and Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gilkey’s 5-year-old fornia. The Pacific Oil is purely a A t the Halsey postoffice mails reside, the holidays with his folks. David Foote spent Sunday at Built homee or offered sacrifice daughter broke away from her producing company, with the largest close going north at 11:50 a. m. Ruby Schroll’s. mother, ran in front of an auto undeveloped land holdings in Cali­ and 5:20 p. m. In temples carved with quaint de­ W. L. Wells and son Lawr­ and was knocked down and fornia, and the Standard, with limited Going south, 11:10 a. in. and vice ence celebrated Christmas by David Partch and wife of severely bruised in Albany holdings, has an extensive distributing 5:20 p. m. And speculated on the plan having severe cases of grip. Eugene were among those at To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and system. Wednesday. Of nature and "How old ia man?” C. P. Stafford’s Saturday, Mrs. 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ Anaa Heinrich of Corvallis Stafford's birthday. At a dance at Crawfordsville STEPHEN S. WISE RESIGNS ville goes on to Crawfordsville, In Maxico, it now appears, is visiting her parents, Mr. and HoOey and Sweet Home. Man lived for seven thousand Wednesday night Cecil Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Preston New­ Mrs. Fred Heinrich and family carved J. Banty considerably Flood of Telegrams Show Interest years. ton came up from Portland to Pearl Pehrsson of Moro is ¡pend Christmas with the lat­ At San Diego ancient bonea with a knife and skipped out Aroused Over View on 8avior. visiting her parents, Mr. and ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Are found embedded in the atones, A rather lively dance that New York.— From every corner ol Paid-for Paragraphs Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson, and fam­ J. Forster. And in Ohio, if you please, with a little hootch reported. the nation came evidence that the (5c a line) Are signs that antedate all these. of controversy provoked by the ily. Lucas H. Wheeler of Eu storm Eight thousand years ago a clan resignation of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller A coyote hunt was staged Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle as now, "H o w old is gene, brother of the editor, noted Zionist, from the chairmanship at Twin Buttes Saturday. A ■^ent a fine turkey of their own Inquired, and Mrs. Wheeler and Bryan at the Enterprise office. man? ’’ Palestine fund $5,000,000 pack of hounds were secured raising to Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Wheeler were visitors here of the United would be a burning topic In for the hunt. Brandon in Washington as a wo thousand years, or so, they Sunday and took the editoria drive American Jewry for some time to Card of Thanks lived, Christmas gift. family to see the Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. John Bressler come. We wish to thank all those who Before the time of Adam. bridge. and daughter Agnes took their Rabbi Wise resigned because the assisted, and those who triad to Mrs. Earl Patton and son They left for us no census lists, Christmas dinner with Harry Clifford, from Seattle, were Jess Walton, who works in New York Union of Rabbis, a body ol assist, in rescuing the people from But numberi, sure they had ’em. Bressler and wife. tome at T. P. Patton’s Christ­ the Arrow garage and goes to ultra-orthodox Jews, characterized him the Irish Bend ferrvboat when it themselves quite civ­ school, went to spend his a heretic and demanded he quit on broke loose on Christmas day. A group of young people mas. So were O. B. Stalnaker They thought ilized Christmas with his parents the grounds that he had said Jews M r. and Mrs. Chancy Sickels. gathered at the home of and wife from Corvallis. And dressed in woven clothing. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Walton must accept the fact that Jesus as a Mearle Straley Tuesday even­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray They would have deemed sewed man actually existed. Sooner than at Crawfordsville. The first four lines of the follow, ing for a social time. "nd Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gorm­ cause the fund any possible embar­ fig leaves crude ing paragraph were lost when ley and children of Springfield The Standard Oil company rassment, he asked the executive body And looked on them with loath­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor were being made to is marking the air route be­ to meet at once to consider his reslg preparations ing. of Portland spent Christmas were entertained at E. E. put the paper of Dec. 28 on the Gormley’s Thursday. nation. tween San Francisco and Seat­ with the lady’s parents, Mr. press. They turned up among th* Adam came he found no sign tle by painting the names of and Mrs. J. C. Standish. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hender­ When “ K irk K in ks ,” aud here they are, That these old men’s successors towns on the roofs of many of French Envoy to Discuss Debt. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hillegas son of South Bend, Wash., vis­ ’ ¿ere living here beyond the sea, its stations. Albany is to be Washington, D. C. — Victor Henri with the other three : America’s possessors. of Boise, Ida., old friends of ited Mrs. Henderson’s uncle, With lots of new concrete so marked in this county. An Berenger, newly appointed French the Veatch family, visited C. P. Stafford, and family, ov­ Old Adam had no telegraph. ambassador to the United Statas, will pavement and the bridge the arrow pointing due north with er the week end. them from Tuesday to Thursday. each sign, so airmen can tell come prepared to enter immediately whole state has been hoping He could not call those race* Kenneth VanNice and sis­ Over the phone and ask the news where they are and which way upon negotiations for the settlement for for years — and a grand Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote ters, Roberta and Edna rom antipodean places or his country’s *4,000,000,000 debt to good bridge it is — Harris­ they are going were afternoon guests at the drove Ellen, the American treasury as an Integral burg has made a big Dufur Monday for a jump Under the heading: "Among Foote home in Halsey Sunday. visit of to several He could not tell them of the fruit of the program of rehabilitating forward. days with their the Afflicted,” in the last issue part They drove up from Cresswell brother, William VanNice, and That he found so delicious. French government finances, accord­ of the Scio Tribune one item ing in a new Ford coupe. He could not warn them that their to authoritative Information ob­ family. n o t ic e reads: “Dec. 19, 1925, tained here. lives Mr. and Mrs. George Starr of Appointment of Administrator With daughter was born to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker Were absolutely vicious. and daughter Louise drove to and children and Mrs. Nora W ill Annexed Mrs. A. A. Bender, who live Chicago Nawa in New Hands. Newport to spend Christmas Coleman and Ernestine enjoy­ No missionaries could he send Notice ia hereby given that the under­ near Jordan; fourth child Chicago, 111.— The Chicago Dally signed by an order of the Circuit Court with Mrs. Fanny Starr, who is ed the hospitality of the A. W. To make the natives better. Don’t know whether we are to New», owned for 50 years by the late of Linn County, Oregon, haa been ap­ spending the winter there. pointed administrator with the will an­ nd David Foote families There was no mail nor any way sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Lawson, has passed Into new nexed of the estate of Georg: P. Schroll, To reach them with a letter. Mrs. Eliza Brandon and Thursday. Bender because she was born, hands. W alter A. Strong, for several deceaaed. Alt persons having claims Misses Beulah Miller and Ruby because she was a daughter or said estate are required to pre­ Talk about a "white Christ­ The Chinese came and lived a because she was the fourth years business manager of the News against Schroll enjoyed a fine turkey mas!” representing a group of business and sent them within six months from the while is there in it to of this n dice, with the proper dinner at the home of Mr. and compare What child, or for all three reasons. professional men as associates, ac­ date Along the blue Pacific, with the green Christ­ vouchers, to the undersigned at h it resi­ Mrs. B. M. Miller Thursday. quired ownership for a consideration dence, at Halsey, in Linn coanty, Ore­ be Norsemen landed iu the east The county jail had seven mas we have just enjoyed, 'Gainst odds that were terrific. inmates on Christmas, all held approximating *15.000,000 Bald to be a gon. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Groth of with stock fat in the pastures, Dated and first published this 31st day record price for an American news­ Independence called on their birds in the bushes and the All these are gone, and now we find for violating prohibitory laws. paper. of December, 1925, B. M. Bond, aunt, Mrs. W. M. Burbank, last thermometer about 60? Administrator aforesaid. Tools, jsweli, glyph» and rigging Granville and Everett Nye, Tussing & Tussing, Attya. for Admr. Sunday. Mr. Groth has the father and son, the father a P e c u lia r P ic k in g s Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chance Where they have lain 8000 years gray Willard battery station at were haired farmer of the over from Corvallis and waiting modern digging. Following are a few para­ IK T H B C IR C U IT COURT fortheStats Independence. Sweet Home country; Bill ate Christmas dinner with L. of Oregon, in and for the graphs from one issue of the Swyter, who took to bootleg­ (Portland Oregonian) We believe farmers will find V. Chance and wife and Mr. County of Lina ging for easy money; John Dearborn Independent, which the "great outdoors” depart­ and Mrs. H. W. Chance at the Scientists have been able to trace In the matter of the applica­ Duncan, caught with some aptly calls itself "chronicler of ment unusually interesting Chance home in town. tion of the race in Amenoa at least as far wine in his possession at Leba thi» week. Linn county is not the neglected truth"; Seth S. Hayes, Daniel J. Hayes, R. A. Templeton and family back, in point of time, as they non; Bill Smith of Harrisburg, Prank Hayes and Gertrnde Ao Atlanta (Georgia) man went Pentlami to register the title of Oakridge were guests at have done in Mesopotamia and who sold liquor, Ray Prince the valley of the Nile, and as and Francis Denny, both up to sleep io a mortar box in a bed to the following described land, I. P. Templeton’s Monday. of fresh conorate. He awoke en­ to w i t . Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Marks vis­ archeology now stands there is less for bootlegging. The west half of the south­ cased in atone and it waa necessary west quarter of section twelve reason than aver before for dog­ ited Roland and other rela­ Notice for bim to go to a hospital and (12) in township fourteen (14) tives at Portland from Christ­ matic assumption that there could During the last three years have it removed under the dirsc south of range four (4, west of not have bean a nearly synchro, mas to Sunday. Willamette meridian,(contain­ nous, if not closely parallel, de­ therfc have been sixty-three tion of surgeons. ing 80 acres, more or less, sit­ electric railway abandonments The little son of Mr, and velopment of mankind on opposite LANGW OOD The United States bureau of uated in Linn county, -tate of in the United States. Mrs. Alex Hayes died Thurs­ aides of the globe. fisheries baa discovered that bar­ Oregon, Against Otis F. Neal and all G uaranteed to c u t fu e l day, aged 2 months and seven Skeletal remains and artifacts nacles on ship bottoms collect only whom it may concern, da.vs. Rev. Robert Parker from Mexican excavations are on plates paiatsd blue and black Defendants. costs 2 onducted services at the estimated to be some 7000 years and that other oolers are prac­ To Otis F. Neal aud ail whom it may ouse and burial was at Pine old. But tbs mounds of the Ohio tically free from them. concern, defendants : valley, if the dieclosuree of the BARTCHER Drove Friday, in oharge of Take notice that on the 4th dav of Big Carnival Dance The rapid recession of a December, F U R N I T U R E C O M P A N Y Wright A Co., the funeral direct­ past few months shall he con­ an application waa filed giant glacier has created a new by said Seth 1925, firmed, are likely to date back S. Hayes, Daniel J, Hayes, St or». ALBANY tidewater inlet, cutting the 8000 years or mors. Either — Prank Haves and Gertrnde Peatland, ia the circuit eourt of the state of Oregon is (Continued in column 4) always assuming that conclusions ’anhandle of Alasica In two, and Linn county, for initial registra­ are based on sound premises— are and giving British Columbia a tion for of the title to the land above de­ UMBLE INN more than a thousand yeara older new outlet to the sea. scribed. Now unless you appear an Red Cedar with Joseph Schildkraut Jetta Goodall Vera Reynolds William Boyd P. PAPMAN. Posts Made from old-growth cedar, 7 ft. long, good sito, 15c tach, deliv­ ered where truok can go. Sea Mr. Laubnar. Halsey, or write N. C. Isaacson, Goldsoo, Ore. First-class J. W T than tbs oldest of the great pyra­ mids. Both would run back to a time more than twice as long ago as the burial of King Tutankha- Don’t take a chance men. Says Professor C u m m i n g s : crowd to " Their (the Americans') diasimi- 'aritiaa to Asiatics, both east and west, to African» and to Europeans are far more pronounced than their similarities. That the pre­ historic Ohioans traveled extens­ ively is evident; that they re­ ceived either directly or through New Year’s Eve frllow the TUMBLE INN BARBER SHOP W o rk STEPHENSON. < UT FLOWERS • SHEET MUSIC HALL’S Floral and Mnsic Shop Albany 4» or before the 8th day of January, 192*. and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the tame will be taken at confessed aad a decree will be entered according to tba prayer of tbs application aad you w 'll be forever barred lrotn disputing the asms. Witness my hand and the aenl °f tka said circuit court thia 4th day •< De­ cember, 1925. R M. Russell. , County Clerk and ea-omcia | Seal | Clerk of the Circoit Court af the State of Oregon for Lina County. H ill. Marks A McMahan, P. O. address Albany. Oregon. Attorneys for Applioaat.