/( V, Halsey Happenings and County Events horn? 111 chiIdren at Happenings in Kirk Kinks Alford Arrows Hil1 received a Runaway Ferryboat Public Schools fine new radio for Christmas. (Enterprise Correspondent) Doings of Our Populace (By an Eotorprise R eporter) Wayne Veatch and Clarence Mars Christmas I Henry Falk went to Albany (By an Enterpiise Reporter) Chronicled in Brief Were Alba"y visit­ Monday and took his father • R,l,1*®.R‘ckard >« spend­ ors Thursday. Paragraphs A Christmas program given along. ’ ing the holidays at home. ¡Halsey People Narrowly xwenn Mrs. Inez Freeland anr at the city hall Wednesday af- Escape Drowning...H. _ Lee Ingram and daughter Nellie and Pearl Falk were H ugh Leeper is seriously ill. granddaughter spent Christ ternoon by the high school and Sunday afternoon callers at ihelma went to Eugene Sat­ Rasmussen H urt the grades drew a large crowd Kike’s Miss M oua Bond ¡« home frora mas at Shedd. urday. and was much enjoyed. Them I „ „ her Arizona school for the holiday J- H. Rickard and family Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sick­ vacation. 7 y< M*ss Ruth McMahan visited were recitations and musia.il L . . ’ir-v Seefeld’s family had ° 'h e Schick Tuesday numbers. Gifts were e x c h a n g - ^ ^ a s d«nner with Carl »pent Christmas at Jesse Jenks’ , els started for Benton county w . A. A llen 's brother, B. F. night and Wednesday. ed by the students and teach- ,Seefeld- near Tangent. to spend Christmas with Mrs. Allen of New Era, was w’ith 'him You used not go to France for a ers after the entertainment I C i c i on Christmas. and the pupils received g e n e t - L 5 L L Rlke w. a s 1 ,1 Albany Sickels’ relatives. They drove Aioanv and Mrs- Kobert McKee divorce Sonora, Mexico, w ill do ¡Monday consulting a uu doctor h ^ n e spent Christmas at their car upon the Irish Bend t 1,Pa®1 E. M ueller, 2-1, and M a ry See the firs t a rtie le on page 6 ous treats from their teachers. about his broken shoulder Michael Rickard’s. W ood,‘,19, both of ta ngent, ware ferry. Another car contain­ Janitor Forster probably re­ Read, io column 1, page 7, how yesterday licensed to marry, E. D. Isom and family ate in g a Mr. Harvey and two sons Wednesday night Mr. and Horace Greeley got in to G irard ceived the biggest gift of all— a five-pound box of candy__ -"» •F red Fa,k and their three Christmas dinner at the A. F drove on with them. A rth u r Wealev w .n t under the college. \Ve d o n 't adviee you to from the school. As the ferryboat was leav­ children called on G. J. Rike. Robnett home in Eugene. go and do likewise. X ray at Salem and was told Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Cur­ ing the east bank one or the W eddiii/oi'Tom T l S b . ” w m , i “ !k ,*"d. P“ ' 1 Bil- th a t his liver and spleen were so Mi. and Mrs. John Diegman t i s , from Canada, visited at hand holds on the rudder g re a tly enlarged that tbev pressed and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry be held at the d lv hall Jan. 7. d „ 7 S X b 'e r t B,"i Chester C u rtis ’ Wednesday , f . wheel broke and the wheel upon the heart and interfered with were Christmas guests of Mr. flew back, another hand hold instead of the 8th, as stated temoon. its action. and Mrs. Seymour Bowman. 21 ■ the compliment at x. 1 be Christmas programs at Nemchick’s, at Harrisburg in. ins of I ortland were the over- leapsdjsshore w ith th« stake r»pa. 000 and In addition the assessed value return tlon is low er this year by >216,316 than Charity grange on the 16th. ?e R' and Christian ,eluded Henry Falk, wife and ° i M r/and Mrs- thinking to tie it to a tree, but A. E. Whitbeck Saturday on it broke loose and started it was in 1925. churches were well attended .children from here A Christmas program was and (heir way to Roseburg to visit down stream, leaving Mr. much enjoyed. Christmas One of the larg est co ntracts for given at the Brandon school Kirk school, like many oth­ relatives. trees and fir boughs were used Sickels on the bank. He went b erries ever let in th e sta te was an ­ Wednesday afternoon. There as decorations ers. gave a program Wednes­ for help and the telephone nounced a t Albany by R. I. McLaugh­ was a Christmas tree and in profusion A Christmas program, con­ the young people who d a y afternoon, Santa left sisting of dialogs, recitations took up the cry. . lin of Baker, Kelly & McLaughlin, who treats for the pupils. Miss and many things, but onlv two Roy Ingram and two sons of placed contracts for 11,500 barrels Emma Kotan is teacher there. worked so faithfully at !jhis and songs, was given by the task deserve much praise. All oolls — one for Kenneth Van- pupils of the Alford school Calvin Ooley, on the Benton w ith his local m anager. C. W. Sten- Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. the kiddies were made happy mce and one for his tiniest . hursday afternoon, followed county side, went ever, brought the scares to an end In George Hockensmith, with a clothing and $5.56 in cash, I (Continued on page 8) fE n tr r p r la . OorrMpondamce) 1907. a fte r which until th e bolshevik number of the latter’s neigh­ revolution in 1917, the bogey of a Rus­ Mr. and Mrs. Levi Oleman bors, went Tn "back of Newt B ltlE F GENERAL NEWS sian m enace to A fghanistan and India of Monmouth were visiting Cummings’, on the east bank, S eattle a m ayoralty cam paign open­ had not reared Its head. relatives at Lake Creek from with skiffs, prepared to rescue ed when Edwin J. Brown. John E. I hursday until Monday. those they supposed to be still Carroll and C. H. Clark filed as candi­ RECALL MOVE AT SPOKANE dates. Misses Maria and Mary on the ferryboat when it The population of California has Petition Alleges Hedger Failed to En­ Evans of Lake Creek had as ■should arrive. Next J. S. Nicewood took their dinner guests on Christ­ passed the 5.000,000 m ark, according force Liquor Laws. to tabulations based on increased prop­ mas day Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mr. Sickels to Peoria in his to order: erty values made public by s ta te Con the recall of C harles W Hedger, city car. There they got a motor tro ller Ray L Riley. boat and towed the runaway Laura Woodward and Mr. and com m issioner of public safely, on the to Peoria, where the autos Howard Sutherland, form er senator ground of m alfeasance In office and Mrs. C. R Evans. from W est V irginia, wag appointed were taken off. violation of his oath of office, in fall F U R N IS H IN G S alien property custodian Mr S uther­ Mr. Rasmussen was taken to Ing to enforce law s against liquor sell land, who is a republican, succeeds F. Pine Grove Points a hospital at Corvallis. ing and gambling, was filed with the f in n Ir S ' A ‘ i . MEN’S CLOTHING F O O T W E A R F O R M EN W OM EN C. Hicks of New York, who died re­ city clerk. AND : DRY GOODS „ : K oG o°u9DS GROCERIES* • • D R Y GOODS DRY GOODS GROCERIES: oontzq K n GOOD GOODS - Mr. Harvev is the mao in chsr|« cently. lot Frank Porter's farm. Ih<- petition sets forth a num ber of (B y Special Correspondent) The federal trad e commission sta rt­ soft drink establishm ents, rlg a r « to rts ed an Investigation of farm coopera Miss Lillian Sneed, a former Mr. and Mrs. Art Haynes of and room ing houses w here It Is alleged tlve m arketing en terp rises In the I Halsey girl and daughter of ( orvallis called. at Bert liquor gelling and gambling are being United S tates, with a view to advising Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sneed, and conducted. Many of the alleged boot­ Haynes’ Christmas day. and helping developm ent of successful Frank McCaslin of Portland logging establishm ents a re among farm products m arketing by farm ers Mr. and Mrs. Will Eagy and were married at 2:30 this af- those raided last week by federal pro­ Frank A Munsey, who rose from Eagy of Oakville i ternoon in the parlors of the hibition agents, who arrested some 30 ( larence farm er boy to one of the leading news spent Christmas at L. E. Eagy's Fir«l Presbyterian c h o rh at men for liquor law violations. paper and magazine publishers of th» Portland and left immediately country, died In New York a fter a School began again Mon- after the ceremony for a hon­ New Code Benefits Turkish Women stubborn fight to recover from peri­ day, the 28th, after a two eymoon trip to Seattle. Lil­ Constantinople. — A clause In the tonitis which followed an operation for day, the 28th, a fte r a two- lian has been employed as a new Turkish civil code puts an end to appendicitis one of the bitterest phases of women’s The fail planting of w inter wheat In The regular meeting of the stenographer in Portland for W ashington is estim ated to be 955,000 subjection, the right of a man to Community club will be held several years and has many his wife a t will and with no acres, or 23 per cent less than the acre­ • divorce Friday evening, Jan. I. The Halsey friends to wish her — 4» t age sown a y ear ago. The planting a watch party planned for New happiness. Milton Bond is ill. lie con­ Year’s eve will not be held. year ago wag 1,240,000 acres of which D. F. Dean arrived from due to extensive w interkilling, only sulted a Harrisburg doctor 1 ut the ladies are requested Bandon Tuesday and joined 372,000 acres were harvested. Monday and was encouraged. to bring cake or sandwiches Mrs. Dean at the home of their The 29th annual convention of the Friday evening. daughter, Mrs. C. P. Stafford. Oregon Wool G rowers association will iThev went to Oregon City be held in Pendleton, Jan u ry 2123, M. E. Church Wednesday to spend Christ­ according to an announcem ent made Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hayes Robert Parker pastor, by Mac Hoke, secretary. The m eet­ received a fine tu rk er from mas, returning to Halsey Tues­ flundav school, 10. ing will follow th e national associa Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stand, sh of day to spend a few days before Preaching, 11. tion’a convention in Bolae. Jan u ary Montana for Christmas. Mr. returning to their home at Junior League, 3, 13-20. Hoover Denies Desire to Run Radio. W ashington, D. C. — S ecretary of Commerce Hoover Indignantly a ss e rt­ ed th » t he was not Becking radio broadcasting dictato rsh ip of the Uni- Epw orth league, 6:30 Preaching. 7:30. Praver-m ceting. T hursday, 7:30 Bible Stn ly Inesday, 2. ___ _______ and Mrs. J. C. Standish' and "Bandon._____ Mi . and Mrs. Fred Taylo r of Mrs. Frances E. Gray of Portland were invited iti to Salem was here Monday. help them eat it. ■