wer r , ■ It's here ! “THE DARK ANGEL” w ith | RONALD COLMAN V1LMA BANKY S eotatioozl pout-war dram a of b lin d Jove, from the spectacular •tags success. Another b it by I the producer of ‘ A Tbief in Paradiae. ” C O M IN G ~ N ext Sun.— M o n .—Tueg. Dec. 27— 28— 29 Mr. LaRue pronounced a good 'one. Mrs. H. W. Steinke and Mrs. L. A. Pray visited Albany in company Monday. Worth and John Bass were at home from the rock quarry at Natron for the week end Dr. Charles Price, healer, d ed meetings at me i l l Big Carmavl Dance Odean N e w Y e a rs Eve J- H. Vannice and family lad a visit the last of the week from G. A. Webb of Walla Walla, who was on his way to Oklahoma. w WW w • Halsey Garage ....,u, Leave Haleey , . 15 . . m a. d j j * bave T IV1BLE INN r *uk, A lb a n y, ending Sunday. - - —--- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q divine w ell.a tte nd ­ the H • t e • ä . ? 1? , ? s s “ : : 01 ’ » • WELß INß 4 j i ^ r ^ “'"« . a c c t y u n e D on’ t take a chance ; follow the J I orowd to » tr .,g n ° rhnro"g h mUk o « “ "?e ¡¡'.T r Psss, Klamath Fall« v, Ceqnille. The afternoon southbound «,. Boys, I would give everyld o lla r connrction for p o i.t. , b„ I possess i f I could feel the h a .p i. barg, wnh a n.ght for all points out o f vv Ho is Rich ? TUMBLE INN S o u th b o u n d Leeve Haleey 11:0« a. (Ccr, N a s h v ille Banner) bi * ness th a t man feels at this moment In fro u t of the little store at When he gets home he w ill find Albany Thompson's station the richest more affection and rejoicing than T a x Reductions Mrs. S. J. Chenoweth, moth­ tuan in W illia m s county chatted I have experienced in ten years.” er of Mrs. L. H. Armstrong, w ¡Up to* Senate ith a group o f friends, when they Hal My Happenings returned to her home at Oak­ were approached by a neighboring North In thousands of hum ble homes South farm er bearing three sm all pack­ land, Ore., Sunday, after six H 3:24 a. m. flag throughout the land such scenes as (Continued from page 1) 17, 12:09 p. m 16, 5.15 a. m. ages in his hands, aad he said : weeks with her daughter dur­ Washington, D. C.— The *325.000.000 th a t wlnoh m arked the Tennessee 1«, 8:16 a. m. flau 15. U;4S p “ W ell, I have sold ten bushels 33, 8:12 p. m i reduction bill has entered upon Its un­ fa rm e r’s return are being enacted 34, 4:08 Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cros3 ing the latter’s illness. n. in. o f wheat and I am ta king a few 3l- 1-34 a. £ certain journey in the senate, assured were in Eugene Saturday daily. These are the homes of the ^ ’ f r o m w u ’th ^ E n g i n e 0® * * ' * ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leeper things home to M o lly and tin tr u ly rich. only of prompt consideration. and son Francis and George H o ld in g the packages Miss Beulah Miller was a W'lth the measure effecting far- c h ild re n ." " I t is more blessed to give than guest of Ruby Schroll Sunday. Diinkard s son Joseph from reaching slashes in Income tax pay­ up one by one, he continued : to receive." eastern Oregon are visiting able next March 15, Präsident Coolidge Here is a calico dress fo r M o llv ï ; * ï » 't - « '- * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elliott here. has asked the senate to act In time some apples for Lizzie and a d im e’s . A larger body of Norwe­ were county seat visitors Fri­ worth of caudy for little W illia m . i Ä T S Ä a George Maxwell has gone for it to become law before that date. • hey w ill be w a itin g for me down gians and their descendants day. 1 , for a couple of weeks with his Chairman Smoot of the senate fi­ at the gate. M ollie is n ot expect­ met at the Norse Centennial at Î S S Â 3 7 Ï « « nance committee, to which the meas­ Lloyd Hughes and brother stepdaughters, Mrs. Chialvo ing this dress and the children St. laiil than has ever been of Peoria were in Halsey Sat­ and Mrs. Sawyer, at Tacoma ure goes first for atudy and approval, w ill be tic k le d to get the apples gathered together in Norway. has called the committee to meet Janu­ urday. and O lym pia. C liffo rd Carey and and candy.” J wenty tons of w ater is a Outgoing Mail wife occupy h it house while he is ary 4. immediately after the holiday burden that hundreds of thou­ As he drove away the rich man recess. At the Halsey poetoffice m, Sheridan Smith and son gone. turned to his oompanions and sands of American farm wom- Though passed by the House by a Frank of Peoria were in Hal­ • aid : “ 1150 • "¿USt carry from the well to Mrs. L. II. Armstrong came vote of 390 to 25. and indorsed "in eey Monday, ine house every j year. vai . principle" by President Coolidge as G LO BE p. ''“ ;™ ÍS” 1 home Saturday from Boswell Miss Undine Dannen, teach­ mineral springs, where she er at Pine Grove, was in Hal­ was cured of her rheumatism. sey Saturday. His physician thinks Arthur Wesley Mesdames Karl Bramwell, stomach. has an abscess in his May Miller and M. M. Ward were in Albany Wednesday. Albert Miner, in remitting a Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Frum y ears subscription to the En­ arrived home from their trip terprise as a Christmas pres­ to Brooten Springs Thursday. ent to the Miner family, men­ tions that he is filling a steady Misses Elsie and Lillian Rey- job in Raymond, Wash., and nolds attended the dance at that Mr. Martin and his son Harrisburg Saturday evening. are employed in a veneer fac­ tory there. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chance spent Sunday with the form­ Senate Fighting e rs parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Chance. A b o u t Peace . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Corcoran visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cur­ tis, if near Peoria, Tuesday. Ihey started home with a load of seven nice Christmas trees, but when they reached home found they had lost all but two. Washington, D. C .- A f t e r a delay of nearly three years, the senate heeded the repeated urginga of the White House and began debate on a resolu­ tion proposing American membership in the World Court. P 5 : 5 7 » . ’°"“'' " :10 *• “ • ’ well as the leaders of both parties in the house, the attitude of the senate on the measure Is a question mark The bill repeals the provision for publicity of income tax returns, vot- ed Into the last revenue act by the senate, and the gift tax. a provision forced Into the last law by the house. However, the principal fight in the senate now appears to center on the measure’s Income tax changes, which relieves 2,500,000 taxpayers by increas­ ing personal exemptions from *1000 « Kn i5° ° . fOr "ingle Per8ons and »2600 to *3500 for married persons. RURAL ENTERPRISE and Any 5 MAGAZINES $ j7 5 Ogden H. Hammond of New York was nominated to be ambassador to I Spain. 1 President Coolidge will renominate ' Thomas L. Woodlock, New York to be a member of the interstate com­ merce commission. News of award by league of nations council of Mosul to British mandate state of Irak was received with con sternation in Turkey. The Italian chamber of deputies ap- n X I ” 6 d6bt 8ett,ement ’ Uh the Why Pay More Î Get Your magazines NOW AT COST! 7aÄe Your PICK ¿n/in&d an , adopt new lumber grades a Three Year,. C bartcher f u r n it u r e com pa n y ALBANY to Select From choice reading— all at a Drice CLSP . i yOUT, Maga2ine Offer to your paper and the FIVE M a g a z m e e T h a V t ^ k ^ % % Name----------- Town —.............. ...... . S/a(t____ St orR.F.D. ....................................................... ...... D American Needlewoman U Amencar Poultry Advocate M Hom . P • □ Blade Ledger ’ Fr', "<* □ Household Guest [ 1 Capper’s Farmer Ej Household Magazine D I arm A Fireside L . Illustrated Mechanics O The Farm Journal O Mother’s Home Life □ Farm Life □ Pathfinder (weekly) 28 i . . u. , □ Gentlewoman Magazine LJ Today*® Housewife Q Good Stories □ Tractor * G a. Engine R .v i.w □ Home Circle □ LJ Woman’s vv omans World World »“ • coupon now ,„ d bring or mail U to ou, Buainc». Office r -i. j A • « - l . t . o n here. Pr. aldent £ to the Volstead law. Introduce^in"1^ i e r . ?ba aMOC“ ‘ <°° ■»«", house by Representative Vare. repub. "«rs that since the last meeting ta • c n of Penneytvanl. would permfl » o r . of the leading northwest manu the manufacture and sale of beverage, id o p fth ’ ha” P" dg' d to containing 1.76 per cent alcohoi The current number of the T h u h , neW ” and»rd« by January 1. ---------------- ------ ------------------ - Southeru Pacific B u lle tin contains ole i f DK* ,h * “ umber of those to ttn n *ed ‘ ° Per Cent 01 the **»ocia- portraits of 9-year-old Evelyn U>n membership and these m ill, bale Castle and Engineer Harvey f * n n fW - O D CHOOSE Mad« Item old-grow th cedar 7 ft long, good size, 16c each, d e liv i ered where truck can go. See M r. Laubner, Halsey, or w rite ^ ; . T:w n í 8i8ad by ‘ »••■’• « • - o - »own l*-~ H a k ln g captives of the N. C. Ieaacaoo, Ooldeon, O r* cie lT e '7 °f P”r Ce“‘ ot elation output. L « »h ■» e x tr^r. 6 car«fu{ly the large selection of USE THIS COUPON M m S i n g T h ^ X t V a 'm o u ’ n? in** Red veaar Cednr P neL neu rOSlS lE fe d l o ^ , fln for Ch W en t. N .v y to Nip Rurn SmuBolere. lag Rules End. Washington. D. C . - t ’se of the na, y 1. ? COm,‘ - W “ 8h - The n«*’ -tandard- ru>" '«“ uggling was de l , d and size, for Pac(f(c Coa“t raanded by the board of temperance 1 Ideal for Halsey Home Owner* lumber will Ko into effect January l M e °th ÏÏl0,n pa,îd PUbllC m° ral3 of ’ h" thus ending a three year f l , h t ^ „ n Lian county horn., will appreciate Methodist Episcopal church in a 16- Hoov.7?„,ah7 Oi Herbert mén(k Plati° rm ior Proh*bltlon enforce- W w o ’: : ? ’ , q,’al,,y Oi ,h* WOOD *n,l n , marvelous fuel savin. «cover In hlz campaign to bring ahnut Guaranteed to cat fuel costs one half •tandardUaHon In the lumber Industry “ «ray. blue or white enamel. Your The announcement was made a t th » •Id rang, tekenj n ..change, of the W est C o a ^ L u m b e r WaaMnr oT' V 'c .- l n ' r‘ in d ,h T **l«phone operator •nd the railroad operator end eeverlng " wire communication with other veded thî*Î * d° 8en bank robber« eded tb l. village, wrecked the e . f , ed wúh b* nk at D0Wa and •*»«► •» *» a ^ L ? 8aaJJd h ^ d s amounting to Carpenter of Portland who adopted her after her parents had been killed in a railroad accident at Harrisburg not inHKMK0,r nd says: Engineer and Mrs Carpenter have won the confidence and affection w E?ie,yu and the ,ittle ffirl was the happiest person in the Firsl-class W o rk court room when,it was decid- home cou d remain in her new BARBER SHOP J. W STEPHENSON. Miles City, Dec. 12._Wil helm von de Weinstein, 5 months-old German police pup passed through Miles City en. fmite to Broadus, Mont., this week, to enter his new home at the BroadusPublishing com- Pany, as a prize for Editor John K. Standish, winner of the essay contest. The subject ol the essay was "Man's Best i i7 und’. the D°8L” Mr. Stan- oish submitted one of his edi­ torials which he had written several months ago for an '^ h o Paper, and was the win­ ner of the first prize, the pup, which is a descendant f Strongheart, the wonderdog of a i e$To°O.,eS- T h e PUP iS V a ' Ued IN T H B C IR C U IT COURT far the U Oregon, in and far the County of Linn In the matter of the applies-) tion of SethS. Haves, Daniel J. H a y ... Frank Hayes ,n d Gertrude , '.I1 to the title te the following described lend to w it . The west half of the south­ west quarter of section twelve ¡.Not (12) in township fourteen (14) south Of range four (4) west of Wi.lamette meridian,{contain­ ing 80 acres, more or less, sit­ uated in Linn county, state ef Oregon, Against Otis F. Neal and all I whom it may concern, Defendants. ) To Otia F. Nasi and ail whom it concern, defendants: Take notice that on the 4th da Ilecembtr, !925, an appl.c.tmn was by said Seth S. Hayes. Daniel J, Hi Frank Haves and Gertrude reatlan, the circmt court of the state of Oregc , h.'"“ t' republ,ca“ . Wisconsin department of agriculture. It declared or to N orth w e .t Regional Head. lMh wh ° ’ en’ tOr UDdertook to estab.' the policy upon which grazing fee. K n 1 3 , H,,ock KXC” “ * ’ L * relation the world court « o í 0“ 1 ,D d ’ J - J ’ are baaed should be settled by con­ «•rs to the political Institution gress and that a fair settlement of the known as the league of nations ” differences existing between the stock- men and the forest service would not be difficult. 12T™ B r“ wnsTl11«, 6 :2 0 a. ra, „ v illT ' „nMornlQ8 t0 Browt Hn ? 8 . o " 10 C ra ’’ -, ordsvill H olley and Sweet Home. "XTT i hg«1 I R M r J *,, S-,UBt7 Clerk and ea-off Clerk of the Circuit Cour the State of Oregon for L Coualy. H ill, Marks A McMahan, F. U. address Albany. Oregon. Attorneys for Applicant for sale Cedar Fence Posts Delivered in H .le s y or 1 vicinity IOC Roy L in c o ln , Goldeon, Oregon. FOR S A L I Full Blood Duroc Boar 1* J«»r» old, cheap R. 2. H « l» y .B G ib ' ° n * 8 ° n ’ A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S NOTICB of bearing of final account Notice is hereby given that the acc mnt of J. C. Bramwell . . .dmi trator of the estate of Nancy Pali deceaaed, hat been filed in the ol Lourt of Linn County, State of Orei APd that the ?8th day of December 1 rw the hour of 10 o'clock a. m ’ bean daly appointed by said court the hearing of objections to said fi account and the settlement thereof, which time any person interested said estate may appear and file obi tions thereto in writing and contest samn. ,oH ‘ ted and fir,t Pubiiahad Nov. 25, w 5 i r »raw* 1>. Administrator aforeai Tnaaing & Tuseiog. Attye. for Admr, C