DBG U , 1 9 » KURAL ENTERPRISE ^/í^bany -directory PA«» i Shop — M illinery wear Xmas novelties eapensive. " AMBASSADOR B ERENG ER 117 Broadalbin SENATOR LA FO LLETTE rice T h u is good advice: " I f you live in Albany, trade m Albany ; if you live „ Station in some other town, trade in that town.' we serve all makes But in these automobile days many re­ and sell W illa r d s siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the Under new management larger town. Those who go to Albany m i n r „ ** T »ylor, Prop, to transact business will find the firms l - l W, Second, Albany named below ready to fill their require­ m ents with courtesy and fairness. W illardSe" u Tin shop in connection 330 W. F irst St. Albany, Oregon c OLDEN VJ] LOW A Ibany Plural Co. C ut dowers Home made fresh daily THE A.J LINDAHL, hardware, Dinnerware * * and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. ________ Flow er phone 458-J. ’FN TK A L T IR E SHOP Tire Vulcanizing- Battery re- E d Falk, Prop, Reduced Fares Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and L ig h t L u n c h e s F. W . R O S S . Albany. First street —Bikman Blug. Also for N e w Years L ^astburn Bros.— lw o big grocery Ask agent for sale stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Mam. Good merchandise at the right prices. dates, limit*. M E T Z G E R 'S K B ite Cafeteriu and confectionery ■“ Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ Courteous, efficient serviee. W e make our own candies. W. s. D uncan . ings. PO K D SALES AND SERV ICE Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P o l ia k M otor Co. SHOE SERVICE M OVED Ip o rtm ille r F u rn itu re Co., furni- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. t U L L E R GRO CERY , 235 Lyon (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries F ruits Produce Phone 263R Don’t forget the place Third & Broadalbin ALBANY T1O L M A N & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery E v e ry th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice IM P E R IA L C A FE , 209 'V. F ira: I Harold G. M urphy Prop. Phone 665 WK nkveh closs IT O D A K F IN IS H IN G For expert work send your films to H askm ’s film shop, 309 Lyon street, Albany, Oregon, ]Y | A(• N E lti ELECT RIC CO. » ■t’ A Official Strömberg carburetor serv ice station. Conservative prices. A1 work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second and money are best when A’A busy. Make your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S tate B an k . Under governm ent supervision. A f A R1N ELLO PA RLO RS (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop. W inifred Rose R OSCOE AMES H A RD W A RE News Notes From A ll Over Oregon Gleaned by th e W estern N ew sapor U nion for B usy P eeple Coos county will recrutso Its tim ber areas tn 1926. C. R. W ade of Bandon was chosen to head th e cham ber of com m erce of th a t city for the ensuing year. Bale of th e old federal building in P ortland Is proposed In a bill Intro­ duced in congress by S en ato r S tan ­ field. A home and school fo r boys and a home for th e aged will be estab lish ­ ed by the Eugene Bible u n iversity at Eugene. The W inchester Store ’ The F irst N ational bank of W heeler has been sold by Its d irecto rs and of­ Q eco n d band Pianos from $185 up ficers to th e F irst N ational bank of If you want a bargain in a piano now Tillamook. * is your chance. T hey're in A1 condition C itizens of McM innville a t a mass D avenport Music House, 409 W. First meeting, unanim ously approved Imme­ taple and Fancy Groceries diate adherence to th e world court by Crockery and Glassware th e U nited S tates. Mrs, M. G. Stetter Phone 139“J 206 W. Secend st. More boles. In a line w ith th e se­ ries of cra te rs w hich recen tly came TIM SON T H E SH O E DOCTOR Second street, opposite H am ilton's into existence, have m ade th e ir ap­ pearance In th e Tum alo reservoir store. basin. "Sudden Service.’ Two cases of sleeping sickness, one Y V ’aldo Anderson & S o n . distrib- * ’ utors and dealers tor Maxwell, Chal­ of them fatal, w ere rep o rted to the mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars. P ortland city h ealth office, th e first Accessories, a pDliee. 1st & Broadalbin cases the city has had in several weeks. S S If you enjoy a good meal, .,n d know a good meal when you get it, Y ou’ll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it O ur aim is to please vou. PARAGON CAFE ALBANY G E O . M- G IL C H R IS T FARM LOANS W rite lor booklet describing our 20- year Rural Gredit Amortized I.oans The Ioan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tirin g the principal. Cheap rates. No B eam L and C o ., delay. 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest. Real Estate Insurance Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. W m B a in , Boom 5, First Savings Bank bnilning, Albany You get The G IR L We have T he D IA M O N D ! F R E N C H & SO N Jewelers, Optician», Albany S tate h unting and fishing licenses for 1926 are now on sale throughout Oregon by sp o rtin g goods dealers, the state game and fish com m ission a n ­ nounces. Dean Stanley, 24, n ig h t yard fore­ man for the Algoma L um ber company at K lam ath Falls, died from injuries sustained when th e band saw In the lum ber mill broke. * K lam ath county ch am b er of com- n erce has vigorously p rotested against withdrawal of th e division offices of ‘.he state highw ay A p a rtm e n t In Klam­ ath Falls Jan u a ry 1. Members of the sttae board of for­ estry to g eth er witti federal forestry officials sp en t F rid ay and S atu rd ay In Coos county in an efftwt to reach some agreem ent relativ e to slash disposal. Since construction was resum ed In August, follow ing tb e annual sum m er rise, nine new dfites have been built by the g o vernm ent engineers on the Columbia riv er aiM two old stru ctu res extended. A special com n llttee has been named by the E xchange club of Pendleton to s tttiy condttlonnHamong Indians on the U m atilla re serv atio n with th e Idea of suggesting a p ro g ra m ith a t may prove of aid to th e. In A an s T here a re /m o re .c h ild re n of school age in Bend .than in any o th er town In Oregon es.tt of (fce C ascades Bend's school population is 3040. Tbe gain In the num ber of sebool children Is 10 per cent over th a t of la s t year. Opening of th e new section of tbe G rants P a se C re s c e a t City highway wllL be postpone^ tnffeflnltely by a slide of m ore th a n 2,60« cubic feet of rock and e a rth . > w hlclf^bccurred be- Eugene For example: return . . “ ’• Salem A lbany “ " Portland and •• •’ Sale date* December 13-25; limit January 4» , Proportionate reduction* to many other point*. Young Bob La Follette, recently Ask Agent elected to succeed his fath er in the senate, as he appeared in his office In the senate building for the first Henri Berenger, noted French finan­ time. Clav P Moody A gent Phone 226 cial authority, who has been named French am bassador to the United departm ent. F our of the fatalities States. were In Portland. T hirty million feet of tim ber from tw een Elk creek and P atrick creek. 1000 acres of land were sold to nine and 800,000,000 feet, on the lower Siu B. C. Seydel of Portland, who has bidders in a public sale conducted by slaw river by T. C. S ta rre tt and H. N. th e contract to build tho 3,000,000- the land office a t Roseburg. The sale Hovey of Detroit, Mich., to the Stout gallon reservoir on Skinner's butte for of tim ber netted tho governm ent $60,- Lum ber company of N orth Bend, is th e city of Eugene, has som e of his 280.33. All of the tim ber Is In Coos announced. The consideration was said to be more than a million dollars. Americans Prepare Tree For equipm ent on the ground and expects and Lane counties. m e soutuern t'aeitle company plans A prem ature C hristm as vacation to sta rt excavating in a short time. Pilgrims Who Fill Jeru­ to rem ove a large quantity of rock The state gam e comm ission has was forced on the teacher and 23 and earth from the hillside on the Eu­ pupils of the Independence rural salem. th ree pet d eer th at are available to gene-Klam ath Falla line on both sides anyone who desires them for some schoolhouse several miles from Med­ of the village of Jasper, w here the game park. These anim als are a t Po- ford when th a t structure with Its slopes have been caving In at Inter­ Je ru sa le m —C hristm as Reason th is cohontas, nine miles from Baker, and organ, library and other contents was vals for several years, and to use the re a r finds the Bible land* once more destroyed by fire. consist of a buck, doe and buck fawn. m aterial to widen the county road at disturbed by fighting and with little Recomm endations to the state game J. J. Aldred, linen m anufacturer, the edge of the right of wav. at that atm osphere of "peace on earth commission th at the headw aters of ull with headquarters a t Lockport, N. Y , m ninaii senooi of theology, operat­ and good will tow ard m en.” which la main stream s in the county be closed probably will be m anager of th e pro­ to fishing and that the season be open­ ed at Salem by the Methodist Epls the conventional greeting on this posed new $650,000 linen mill which ed for hunting elk were made by the copal church, may be moved to Seattle, greatest of C hristian feast days. will be erected a t Salem next year, it In Jerusalem , which stands on a U m atilla Counly Flah and Game Con­ If a decision unanim ously reached by was announced by the board of direc­ nearly 100 representatives of laymen lofty plateau as If holding Itself aloof servation association. tors. Investm ents of all Insurance com­ and clergy from Oregon. W ashington. front the quarreling Mohammedan At a cost in excess of $1,000,000, panies in Oregon on December 3 1 ,1 Iduho and Montana In unofficial con­ Druaes and C hristians In the valley a paper mill Is to be erected on prop­ 1924. aggregated $76,759,300.04, as ference at S eattle la accepted by other below, the m issionaries and American near east organization are providing erty ad jacen t to th e Mlpkle m ills on against $59,964,580 on December 31, district groups of tbe Portland area North Portland harbor early next year 1922. according to a report completed Astoria, through its attorney, has hospitality for pilgrims, tourlata and by the George T. Mickle Lum ber com­ by William A. Mullen, deputy state In­ field m andam us proceeding! In tho refugees in tbe spirit of the Reason. W eary pilgrim s from far countries state suprem e court to compel Sam A. pany and th e Mickle mills, It is an surance comm issioner. are climbing the roads to th e city 8500 nounced. Over the objection of Senator John­ Kozer, as secretary of atata. and Earl feet above sea level, to rest tn hotels, Damage estim ated a t $100,000, in­ son, republican of California, a senate Fisher, aa state tax commlaaloner, to ju ry to one firem an and narrow es­ judiciary sub-committee agreed to re ­ refund to the m unicipality all taxes hospices and convents before filing out th e single road to Bethlehem to capes on the p art of sevornl students port favorably the nomination of W al­ levied on property within the city un­ worship at tbe m arble m anger which der the A storia fire relief law enact­ and faculty m em bers resulted from a lace McCamant of Oregon to be cir­ m arks the traditional spot of tbe fire which destroyed the central por­ cuit Judge of the Ninth United S tates ed by the 1923 legislature The refunds birthplace of Chrlet. previously were made on tb s theory circuit court of appeals. tion of Science hall of Oregon Agricul­ T here will be a distinctly American th at the law applied only to taxaa on tu ral college. A proclamation was Issued by Gov­ real and personal property. The city, touch to th is year's celebration with Sales by m ills of th e W est Coast ern o r Pierce calling a special election in Its suit, contends th a t tho law pro funds sent from the United S tates. L um berm en’s association in the week in the proposed Umpqua im provem ent vldes for the refund of ull taxes, in The American Y. M C. A. Is providing ending D ecem ber 12 aggregated 122,- district. The election, the first to eluding those levied on gaaellne sales. for the first time In history a com­ 881,017 feet, the hig h est to tal for many be held In the sta te under tho law Inheritance, corporation aud lasur- m unity C hristm as tree which le to be m onths and jv .-tslbly a high record for passed by the recent legislature, I b for all denominations. Jewa. C hristiana gnea. any week of th is year. This amount to take place on January 25. and Mohammedans. The tree will be of sales was m ade by 102 mills which One man was seriously Injured, four Nomination of Andrews la Confirmed. se t up In the field of Boat, w here the forwarded rep o rts for tb e week. These m ore were severly burned about the ( W ashington, D. C.—Despite threats shepherds watched th eir flocks by mills m anufactured 9T,093,267 feet and arm s and face and damage of $9000 of opposition, teh senate confirmed night and it will be lighted by electri­ shipped 105,876,538 feet of lumber. was caused by a fire in the rock crush­ the nomination of Lincoln C. Andrews city and decorated like the comm unity Five persons w ere killed and £¿1 e r of the Marsh Construction company, of New York to be assistan t secretary trees In the United States. w ere injured In traffic accidents in 60 m iles north of K lam ath Falls, on Thousands of pilgrim s and tourists of the treasury. Andrews la In charge Oregon during November, according to The Dalles-California highway. of opposition, tbe senate confirmed will see the tree at they come over a report by T. A. R affety, chief In­ the road from Jerusalem on foot and The sale of 14,000 acres of fir tim ­ spector for th e state m otor vehicle b er land, cruising between 700.000,000 Soviet Is Ready to Join in Conference. by donkey, horse or automobile. Southern Pacific Lines Turmoil in Zion This Christmas, Moscow.—The soviet governm ent Is z iirc a a tle , Wyo.—John P. (J, ready to participate In the prepara­ Rusk, prosecuting atto rn ey of W< tions for the disarm am ent conference of the league of nations, Izvetla, county and form erly speaker of house of tbe Oregon legislature a governm ent organ, said. prom inent attorney of W allowa < ty and La Grande, Or., la In a pr< Dawes Nominated Reserve Brig. Cen. loua condition from the effects o W ashington, D. C.—Vice President Juries sustained In a flatic encov C harles O. Dawes was nom inated by with Jam es A. Greenwood, whon President Coolidge to be brigadier defeated at the laet election for pi general in the officers' reserve corps. l uting attorney of this countv H A LSEY STA TE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S S 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited SWEETS TO THE SWEET T h e age of the girl doesn't count when it conies to candy. Big nnd little, they all love it. The candies th at we sell are made of pure unadulterated sugar and flnvoring, ! and consequently no m atter howl much is eaten there can he noj harm ful effect. T ak s home a box, | knowing th a t if is the purest candy made. Clark’s Confectionery THAT Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $18 cash F IT ” A • Any Girl in I rouble I « » i W hite Shield Home, 56.5 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. a* g (< •< < € « « £ - » • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • may communicate with Enaign Lee of the Salvation Army at the The wisest girls keep out of trouble I I ! We have som o a ttractiv e p a tte rn s in Linoleum J and felt-base y ard goods i H ALSEY Grown», bridge work and filling' u w ill’ pay you to get my prices on sour dental work Cusick bank buibl rg, A lbany : ABCOLIN HILL & Co. Dr. C. T ICQ, Dentist “ PLATES Congoleum $ j (} and Printed GOLD SEAL Rugs cash I I • • | • 0 • A R R O W G A R A G E , Gamie Bros. AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION Heflectorii and lenses for nearly all m akes car». i- recondition all make« of ▼ ▼ t a r n a n d M o to r « of !